Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 69

Chapter 66 : A decadent heart that draws vitality

The lion has three eyes. This is the only thing Zhuo Ge knows about. Anyone will be surprised if they change it!

But the wizard who melted into the shadows behind him was joking, and there was no surprise at all. It was obvious that Haia Puri hadn’t noticed the abnormality of the snowball.

Cao kept calm, moved his tall body, and divided the Moon Retreat into the eight characters of the previous life, trying to hide the white lion’s special character, while also leaving it with the enemy’s line of sight.

After doing all this, he slowly inserted the Longgang scimitar into the waist skin sheath, then took off the bone bow of his body, raised his hand and took out a wooden arrow from the back of his head to put it on the string, and slammed it at. Ahead.


Launched with a force far beyond ordinary people, the arrow is as fast as thunder, and the arrow shaft is submerged in the high hills and red rocks, only the feathers of the arrow are visible.

Haia Boli thought that was the way for the barbarian king to vent his depression, and couldn’t help laughing and teasing: “Hahaha…the headless flies that can’t smell the rotten air, their sharp mouths can only pierce the crowded ignorant crowd. .”

As soon as he closed his voice, the great wizard shifted instantly, and would never give him a chance to distinguish his position according to his voice.

The wizard read and practiced the decaying scrolls of forbidden arts. He was afraid of the bright sunrise. He sipped the water of the night shadow until his lips turned blue. He hinted that he had terrible power. Zhuo Ge felt that he was so pretending that he was just trying to show his relationship with him. Different from ordinary people, they take certain dominance and let people build certain beliefs.

He heard the ridicule, and the corners of Zhuo Ge’s mouth, who locked him in the snowball eyes, wrinkled slightly, sketching a sneer of contempt, and then bent his bow and shot arrows again.

After going back and forth, the wizard thought Zhuo Ge had lost his composure, so he embraced his hands and watched the low-energy performance with great interest.

And just as he let go of his guard, Zhuo Ge followed the enlightenment of Snowball’s vertical eyes, raised land, turned around, and shot him by surprise.


The wizard howled in sorrowful pain, the blue blood dripped down the red soil, and the wizard completely exposed his whereabouts.

The wizard sips the water of night shadow to extract magic power, and Kao has learned about it in the city of withered bones at the transit station in the red wasteland.

After Haia Puli hit the arrow in his right leg, the essence of the magic drink absorbed by him was lost with the gushing blood, affecting his magical power operation, and taught him to quickly reveal his true body, even if he is still in the shadows. in.

Zhuo Ge once again drew an arrow and aimed at him. This time the wizard did not use witchcraft, but screamed with his legs and grinned, and moved in panic towards what he thought was safe.

With only one arrow away from death, the wizard chose to dodge in an ordinary way. Kao suddenly knew that his technique of changing shape and shadow had failed.

He needs his guidance to go to the Palace of Immortality. Zhuo Ge didn’t want to kill him for the time being, so he put away his bow and arrows, drew out the scimitar and walked towards him slowly.

With the loss of magic power, the wizard consciously couldn’t escape the opponent’s line of sight, so he stopped cleverly.

Zhuo Ge pointed Long Gang at the spiteful Haia Puri. The witch Mili Maz Duer made him hate the people who practiced witchcraft. He frowned and asked, “Your witchcraft scares me. If you can’t find me, you can just tell me what you are looking for?”

The wizard cautiously said: “The Immortal has answered my request and agreed to let you come to the audience and follow me to the Immortal Palace, where you will sip truth and wisdom, but…”

Haia Bodhis eager to speak, Zhuo Ge’s eyes burned, and he muttered: “Quirs has a saying: The house of wizards, bones and lies, are you sure I am going to the dusty land, not in exchange for life or soul for truth? What else is there?”

The wizard shook slightly when he heard it, and wriggled his horrible blue lips and said coarsely: “Kahaoduo is worried, what a glorious thing it is to see the immortal, the immortal is immortal, how can he need a mortal life and soul? But now the situation has changed. Zara Zanwang Dasos broke his promise and escaped from Quells along the ancient underpass. He had already taken a boat to the land of sunset. The royal family gathered the remaining twelve giants and the tourmaline brothers. The pirate leader of the guild, the perfumer of the Spice Guild, and the chief of the Assassin’s Guild conspire to harm you and block your way of absorbing the truth.”

According to the fortified defenses on the walls of Quells, Zhuo Ge felt that some of Haia Puli’s words were still credible, and he secretly thought: “So, I’m really stupid. A bargaining chip that has never been recorded in the history books, it is obvious that the dignitaries of Quills were also placed by Zaro.”

Thinking about it, he asked with contempt: “As a Quills woman, you should betray your compatriots, but I don’t mind, but you have repeatedly persuaded me to visit the immortal. What is the real purpose? And My wife is the descendant of the true dragon, and the crying blood star is showing her the way.”

The great wizard shook his head, a little displeased: “It is you that the immortal wants to summon, not Daenerys Targaryen, can I guess the true meaning of the immortal’s wisdom? If you choose to violate the immortality The will of the person, the door of wisdom will be closed to you forever.”

After finishing speaking, Haia Boli took out a small crystal bottle containing thick blue liquid from his arms, and said, “But in order to show respect to the father of the dragon, I can let you see the immortal in advance. How dazzling is the bright light of truth! Drink it, it will make your ears and eyes clear, so that you can touch the door of wisdom, and maybe even reach in.”

Zhuo Ge thought to himself that the wizard might be slashed to death by a knife at any time, but his behavior became more calm. Is it his blind faith that made him fearless?

Or is it because of something else?

What the wizard handed over was the water of night shadow, their magic drink. In the ice and fire novel, Dany drank it in front of the Immortal Palace, and then entered the temple to get enlightenment about the future.

After the blood moon was covered by the clouds, the vertical eyes of the snowball closed. It seemed to be terrified at the wizard’s suggestion, and it rubbed its master’s calf and whimpered non-stop.

Unable to resist the temptation to predict the rest of his life, Zhuo Ge hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted the Night Shadow Water.

Cao lifted the bottle to his lips, the taste of the first mouthful was like the smelly water derived from rotten flesh, which made his stomach twitch violently, almost vomiting, but he forcibly held it back.

When he swallowed the whole bottle, after a few minutes, the night shadow water quickly spread to the limbs.

Tendrils spread across the chest, like flames entwining the heart, and the tip of the tongue spontaneously resembles the sweet taste of honey, fennel and milk, and also like salty blood and molten gold.

It tasted with all the flavors Zhuo Ge knew, but it was not any of them, it was like a collection of all the flavors of life.

I don’t know if it was the water of Nightshade that triggered the brewing power of Cao’s full belly, or the effect of the magic drink. After chanting a spell that he couldn’t understand, the wizard with rapidly wriggling lips gradually disappeared before his eyes.

Not only the wizard, but also the snowball, and everything around it began to blur in Zhuo Ge’s eyes until it disappeared. The abrupt blue fog began to diffuse and cover, and then slowly opened, as if a magician began to perform. Of the curtain.

In the small open space is suspended a decomposed and swollen human heart with a bruise color. It is beating as if it were alive.

Every time the decayed heart beats, it will make a deep trembling sound, releasing waves of deep blue light.

This heart Zhuo Ge is within reach, because he is too nervous, he can hear his own heartbeat, he slowly discovered that it seems that the two hearts are beating at the same frequency!

This strange phenomenon caused Zhuo Ge to think that the decayed heart in front of him was in his chest. He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to touch it, wanting to feel intimately and uncover the doubts.

When his palm was lightly pressed on the decaying heart, he suddenly felt his whole body tighten, and the flesh and blood essence of his whole body was pulled by a mysterious force and injected into the decaying heart!

The nearest hand began to become dry, dry, and gradually lost its blood!

Zhuo Ge was horrified to the extreme, and wanted to move his palm, but his hand and heart seemed to be integrated, and they couldn’t be separated at all!

Zhuo Ge doesn’t know how to describe the ethereal vitality, but it is obvious that what the rotten heart is drawing is his vitality!

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