Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 : The dead return to the ruins, the livi

The cluttered red soil clerks left embers from the campfire, as well as unusable life discards. Occasionally, sporadic demon grasses are caught in the cracks and dotted with desolation, letting the wind blow and sand without complaint or sorrow.

These are the things in the eyes of the Blood Alliance Guards and Qiao La. They obeyed Zhuo Ge’s instructions and were hiding on the high hills on both sides of the pass, looking out.

Danni led the old and weak people into the red soil wasteland, restored the dead silence here, and also aroused a sense of sadness in their hearts.


With a painful gasp, he came out of the pale-faced Sir Jorah from time to time. The **** injury he suffered from the night of the duel for Dani and Drogo’s previous blood ally guard has not healed. Every time he rides on the horse, he is painful. Frowning, even now it’s very uncomfortable to stay still.

It’s not just him, the other three people are not getting better. Although they are not sick or injured, they are already exhausted due to the almost endless running around.

If it weren’t for the horse king to insist on letting them leave, the four of them would not even have the energy to withstand the beast tide for ten breaths of time.

The more delicate Qiao Ge at the Blood League Guard Center can’t help thinking, I am afraid that Kao, who is more tired than himself, has been buried in a lion’s belly, right?

Single-handedly against the white lion group, the chances of surviving are almost negligible.

Although it’s not too long to wait, but staying any longer seems to be just a needless wait.

Without Zhuo Ge, the Mother of Dragon is the only leader.

Since these guesses were extremely disrespectful to the gods, Qiao Ge hesitated for a while before he hesitated and suggested to Rakarlo next to him: “I have waited for more than two hours, but I still haven’t seen Kao. Traces, shall we call Ago, and Jora will continue on the road and chase Carriexi?”

Isn’t it that La Carlo didn’t have such thoughts, it was just that he was trapped in the customs and instigation of the riding people, and the vows that he should abide by as a blood alliance guard made him not want to think deeply.

“Wait a minute, although Kao and Kalixi look like flesh and blood from the outside, the miracles that have appeared on both of them continue. Maybe he can be safe and sound?”

Just finished speaking, he regretted it, because the thick flying dust like clouds and mist was raised from the north, and the roar of the lion was faintly heard!

Qiao Ge and Qiao La on the opposite high mound suddenly tightened their nerves, grasping the bow and arrow in their hands, staring at the source of the sound, and did not dare to relax.

Soon, they saw a familiar figure rushing on a horse, and behind the man was a roaring and fast-moving snow white!

Only with the burly upper body far beyond ordinary people, and the pair of long legs, the four of them knew the identity of the person who came, and it must be their Kaozhuogo!

Remember the instructions of Kao at the time, and be ready to light the **** guards shot by the arrow and hold their breath, waiting for his order.

The speed was too fast, and Zhuo Ge quickly rode his horse into the pass, but he did not give a loud order to let the four of them throw arrows to stop the lion tide a little, so he rushed straight to the small hill wrapped by the high fence.

Fortunately, he ran ahead of the lions, and before leaving the big sea of ​​grass, he played the fierce beasts with a familiar location, so he could barely lead the beasts.

He spotted the small door wide open at the high fence, and rushed in. It was worthy of closing the sturdy, closable gate before the white lion entered.

It was safe, Zhuo Ge completely relaxed himself, lay directly back, and came to a freestyle slide, then like a tortoise basking in the sun, he spread his limbs lazily, and panted with a big mouthful “huhu”. gas.

“Roar! Whoops!…”

When the dense white lions swarmed up, climbing the door and licking the pillars indiscriminately, he was calm and calm, when they didn’t exist.

Because the object of his worries at this time is not these scalp numbing evil beasts, but the Mago and the crowd who should be coming over quickly.

The white lion is a tree-climbing expert. Since he has the intention to provoke them, would Zhuo Ge not be prepared?

He had long ordered the tribe to apply smooth horse oil on every material that made up the fence.

On the high hill of the pass, under the gaze of the four people who were shocked from ear to ear by the big scene below, Zhuo Ge took a rest for a while, then stretched his waist and got up, hugged the white lion crown prince who was burping tight. I walked leisurely to the highest point of the hill where the simple trebuchet was placed.

After doing a few sets of stretching exercises, he bent his knees and flicked hard, sat down on the suspender, stroked the white fur of the lion cub, looked at the north in a leisurely manner, and hummed the popular tunes of his previous life.

The sun became more and more scorching, Zhuo Ge was thirsty and could not bear it, but the lion cub seemed to be hungry, opened his mouth, revealing its immature fangs, howled without tears, and roared more and more quietly. When the lion king heard the sound, his eyes burst!

Mago couldn’t wait for a long time. The boring Zhuo Ge started to have fun, his eyes rounded, and he squeezed out the most ferocious look. He utterly said to the Lion King who could not take him: “What do you look at? Bigger than the eyes, than Who is fierce? The mouth is dry and silent, right?”

When encountering such a bad person, even a beast that does not understand human language is speechless. The lion king, who seems to be not low in wit, seems to have understood the fuss and uselessness, so he gradually put away his madness and chose to recharge his energy.

Seeing the lion king resting on the ground, the white lions are also unevenly drawing gourds in the same way, only let out a natural low roar, and are no longer crazy.

When    Zhuo Ge saw this, he couldn’t help being kind to the leader. A small move would shock the lion king. There was a little sympathy for the lion king. This feeling can only be understood by the absolute hegemon!

If he knew his thoughts, the Lion King would only regard him as 250. After all, how can there be any king who does it alone and engages in kidnapping threats in this world?

The atmosphere became sluggish for a while. Suddenly, the Lion King, who was closely watched by Zhuo Ge, changed. Its flexible ears trembled, suddenly stood up and looked north, and once again revealed the standard expression of the evil beast. Grinning!

Just as Zhuo Ge faintly guessed, all the lions were agitated.

He knew very well that the white lion was definitely not the one who caused the white lion’s uneasiness. The fierce beast, which was more sensitive than humans, was shocked by a situation that was enough to make them value it.

Seeing the dust raised in the distance again, Zhuo Ge jumped off the boom, wrinkled the corner of his mouth, and whispered with a smile, “Finally! It’s been hard to chase me all the way, I will let you try the sesame oil Barbecue!”

After speaking, he got busy, first twisted the winch to tighten the horizontal rope, and pulled the boom to a near horizontal position, then put a can of sesame oil on the wooden spoon at the top of the boom, and finally grasped the winch. When Mago and his party rushed to the best landing pass, depending on the situation, they released their hands.

Qiaola and the others were condescending, watching Zhuo Ge’s every move from time to time. After watching a series of actions he operated, he already understood his plan, and immediately put the arrow in the most convenient place, and only waited for him to send a signal. Fire it out.

The situation is developing in the same direction as they hoped. Not only did Margo lead the crowd into the pass, he even stopped his Cass crowd.

In the camp in front of him, Mago has stayed for some time, so he is very familiar, but when he glanced at it, people didn’t see it. Instead, he saw a large piece of white creeping white that started to face him!

Margo could have arrived here a long time ago, but the movement of the beast tide was so obvious that he wanted the white lion to hunt first, and then rushed over to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.

But he never expected that he would witness a shocking scene beyond his imagination. He originally thought that there would be only one or two hundred at most, but he did not expect to come out!

“The homeland was burned, but the vast sea of ​​grass is vast, nowhere to go? Even if the bloodstained lion king dominates, it is impossible to have such cohesion in a short time! What is the reason for all these animals to gather here?”

Just as Mago was uncertain, someone who could solve the puzzle took the initiative to find him.

Zhuo Ge greeted him enthusiastically: “Hey, Margo, have you eaten yet?”

This voice is familiar to all horsemen, and the tall figure that no one can match in Da Caohai, separated from the snow white, is enough to show his identity.

For a time, these barbarians who originally belonged to Zhuo Ge expressed their opinions in twos and threes.

Mar Ge’s heart choked for several times, and he said with a shock: “Zo Ge, you actually solved the blood magic!”

This back-and-forth air conversation was too loud, and too wanton. The White Lion thought they were provoking, and tried to rush away.

For Zhuo Ge, they are unattainable, but Margo and others are different, causing the white lions to direct the fierce towards the pass.

However, the lion king intended to be in the enclosure, not the shivering group of fellows. With two hoarse howls, the beasts resumed their eagerness.

Margo, who originally wanted to slip, saw that the atmosphere became softened, and the hair he exploded before dared to fall back, waiting for the opportunity to explode again.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Ge secretly scolded the lion king’s ancestors for generations, and then with a little expectation, he caught the previous topic with exhaustion: “Yes! Your king is reborn, you shouldn’t get off the horse.” Kneel down!? Ahem!”

The lack of air in the hairless man, like the rhythm of almost coughing up his lungs, Margo’s fear of him was suddenly reduced, his brain heated up, and he sneered: “Heh! I just bow down now. Giacocao, you a weak person who has lost his beard and hair and fell on his horse, is no longer qualified to gain my loyalty! It is an unexpected joy that you can come alive. I must bring your head back. The horse king will be very happy. Happy! Ahem!”

Using too much air, he almost coughed out his lungs.

But he was promoted to Kou and had his own Cass troops, which made him extremely arrogant, completely unaware that he had slapped himself in the face.

Zhuo Ge’s complexion was cold to the freezing point, and he roared with chills: “If that’s the case, then I have nothing to say! But the visitor is a guest. I don’t prepare a rich meal for the guests, it would be too shameful!”

This sounded popular, but in fact it was profound. Margo couldn’t figure it out for a while, and couldn’t help but scratch his head.

If he is not speculative, Zhuo Ge’s expression is transient, his smiling face is touching his chest, his waist is slightly bent, and he politely said to the unknown lion king: “Big guy, I’ll let you change your taste. The cooked meat will be ready soon. Please enjoy it later.”

After being a gentleman, he turned into a demon. He let go of his grip on the winch, a can of sesame oil immediately lifted off, drawing a beautiful arc and falling towards the pass.


A horse-riding warrior who could not evade was hit. In an instant he burst into blood and the jar burst into pieces, overflowing with sesame oil. He leaned sideways, fell heavily to the ground and hung up!

The troops rioted instantly, seeing that it was just a pot of sesame oil, Margo felt relieved, and felt that as long as he was careful to avoid it, there was little threat.

He now has the heart to fight with the lions, thinking about waiting for the tide of beasts to recede, so he grabbed Zhuo Ge, forced to find out where Danni was going down, and cut him with a single knife.

Margo, who thinks he is smart but is actually stupid than the Lion King, does not want to think that the front is the red soil wasteland in the restricted area of ​​life, blocking the retreat of the beast, and he has no brain choice to stick to it.

“Don’t panic! Don’t retreat! Watch out for falling objects!”

got the almost redundant reminder from Kou, and after taking precautions, the chances of being hit by the reckless guys became smaller.

There was little lethality, which made Mago contemptuous, and he joked: “Hahaha! Zogokao, who used to be a big sea of ​​grass, now can’t even move rocks, can only use oil tanks to fill the number, it seems yours The rule is really over.”

Zhuo Ge sneered and ignored it. After throwing the sesame oil canister intently, he was about to throw the hot potato bloodstained lion over too, in order to provoke the war between the wild beast and the wild man, and by the way, he brought the two enemies together. .

The little guy didn’t know if he had guessed his plan. He whispered, Wu Gu’s big eyes turned out to be a mist representing sadness, and he was daunting and licking, forming a cuteness to please him. kind.

Thinking that this little guy was beaten by him, but he was still pleasant and unrelenting. He couldn’t stand his innocence, so Zhuo Ge had to sigh and let it go.

“Hey…It seems that you should never die.”

After sighing, Zhuo Ge had to retreat and beg for a second time. He opened his mouth and let out a cry from life: “Let the arrow!”

The shout of    surprised everyone regardless of variety!

Margo finally sensed the extremely depressive sense of crisis. In addition to not paying attention to the sky where he would not be able to put a knife, he glanced around, but he couldn’t find the source, until the sparse rockets fired at the exits at both ends, ignited and covered. He was surprised at the sesame oil ground, but it was too late.

The two opposing parties had a tacit understanding of blocking the enemy’s retreat, and then they began to draw their bows and shoot them randomly, not thinking about arrows hitting people, as long as they could ignite objects soaked in sesame oil.

Margo’s Cass troops were in a mess. Nearly one-third of the soldiers were burned by the fire. At this time, the firemen condensed a thousand words into one word that kept repeating: “Ah! Ah!.. ….”

There are sesame oils everywhere, all of them have no time to take care of themselves. Fighting the fire on the ground will only become more and more prosperous, and no one dared to save it. The lucky ones can only watch in panic as their companions are burned to death, or severely burned to lose their combat power !

Zhuo Ge’s strategic deployment is full of courage and subtlety. With the strength of five people before they sweat, he can easily get rid of nearly one-third of the enemy’s troops!

It was exciting and enjoyable. The blood alliance guard could not restrain the inner fluctuations, and he appeared directly, standing on the top of the mound and shooting and shouting, venting the excitement that has never been so strong, and cheering for the horse king.

“Zogokao is invincible, he is invincible!…”

Zhuo Ge showed a knowing smile on his face, and the blood that had been silent for a long time boiled again. This kind of glory was what he wanted.

But it’s too early to be happy, sesame oil is the basic fuel, no matter from the follow-up fire, or the durability is not as good as the prairie fire.

The experienced Zhuo Ge knew this, so he didn’t drift too much, and wanted to hurry up and beat the Yu Huo dog!

Margo, who has no oil on his body, is very lucky and slippery. He is not involved in the disorientation of the “fire partner”. The hard gnashing of his teeth is next to the almost suffocating high temperature and pungent smell.

He wanted to drive his horse across the sea of ​​fire and directly face the gentler tide of beasts, but he was taken care of by the people on the high hills. Arrows frequently appeared in his path, which caused him no relief at all.

“Zhuo Ge, I will cut you a thousand swords and burn it to ashes, so that you can’t enter the kingdom of night, so as to comfort my brother’s dead soul! By the way, you are not enough to die, and I will let your woman , Also buried for my brother!”

The anger was difficult to suppress, and Mar Ge was so angry that his face was distorted. At this time, his hideous appearance was no less than the fiercest bloodstained lion king here!

In fact, he was so angry that it was not entirely for his dead members. What he cared most about was the people who were finally caught. It only took a few minutes to drastically reduce to this level. This would make him covet him “Kou”. “This person with the title of real power seized the opportunity to kick him away!

The strong is respected. This is the servility of the Dothraki people who penetrates deep into the bone marrow. Therefore, Margo, who is destined to lose his wife and break down, will be so crazy and out of control!

But his crazy words touched Zhuo Ge’s inverse scale, that is the person he cares most about in this world: Daenerys, Targaryen!

Zhuo Ge trembled, the hidden crazy genes spread to his whole body, and the red pupils could no longer tolerate the existence of Mago!

The murderous Zhuo Ge unfastened his belt, put the bloodstained lion cub on the ground, picked up a can of sesame oil, pulled off the seal, walked to the mount, and drenched it from beginning to end.

Then Zhuo Ge held up the remaining sesame oil jar with both hands, raised it high above his head, and then violently used his palms to squeeze the jar abruptly, allowing the sesame oil to pour out from him. The top of his head slid to the heel!


After    took a deep breath, he picked up the flint and slid with a scimitar. The sparks instantly jumped and lased, igniting the balm on his body, making him incarnate into a burning man again!

Zhuo Ge’s desperate madness directly shocked all the people and beasts who paid attention to him. Even the lion king he had seen had his human neck crooked and was shocked!

Among these guys, Margo was the most surprised. Seeing that Zhuo Ge actually played self-immolation, when he felt incredible, he was shot in the thigh by a rocket that fell from the sky!


Margo roared in pain!


Ago, who hit the big fish, laughed wildly with excitement, knowing that Zhuo Ge was the one who didn’t burn, and the most calm person was the four of them.

At this moment, several sharp screams exploded at the same time, resounding through the world, except for the busy people who had no time to pay attention to, all eyes were attracted!

sizzle, quack…!


The white lions, known as the greatest beasts in the Great Caohai Sea, were hit by the strange whistle that they had never heard before, and they all closed their voices in unison. They shrank and shrank like a kitten that had encountered a tiger. !

Zhuo Ge suddenly looked back, followed the reputation, and was shocked to see Dany riding her little silver horse at the end of her eyes. The figures behind her were crowded, and on top of her head and shoulders stood a three-headed dragon with wings and howling!

Zhuo Ge couldn’t laugh or cry for a while. He didn’t know whether to praise Dani for being affectionate, or to call her a complete idiot, and he had to come and die!

But it’s all here, it depends on whether life or death is hard enough!

The arrow has to be sent on the string, Zhuo Ge wiped off the flame from his hand, grabbed the fur on the back of the cute lion cub, and turned on the horseback.


The innocent mount was deliberately implicated by him, igniting a raging flame, and complementing him!

But the feelings of the two contradict each other, one is like a hot spring, and the other is so painful, like being in purgatory.

Zhuo Ge forcibly controlled the horses, opened the gate with a decisive expression, and rushed out domineeringly.

White lions are naturally afraid of fire, especially after experiencing a fire that almost died, facing such a large group of pungent flames, under the influence of shadows and fears, they retreated one after another. Only the head of the lion king was the most Tie, once again rushed to the fire group, but it was a pity that it was not able to perform well in the beast tide, resulting in insufficient momentum, and the result was even more defeated than before, and it was smashed into the fly!

Taking advantage of the fierceness of the fire-fearing beast temporarily reduced, Zhuo Ge successfully crossed the snowy white and rushed to the narrowing pass of the fire.


The Lion King is almost crazy, his own side has an absolute advantage, and he actually makes a human being into the realm of nothing, time and time again…

was worried about the crown prince. It didn’t care about the pain of the displacement of the five internal organs. It used both mouth and claws to bite the waste around its body and let them chase Zhuo Ge.

If you don’t make it, you’ll be bitten or killed. The fierce power that the Lion King has accumulated and spread over the years is still slightly greater than the fire group. The beast tide surges again, pushing one by one, making the unlucky death team at the forefront can only hold on. The scalp is on.

Zhuo Ge turned around to see the situation, not afraid to rejoice, because although his plan was bumpy, he was back on track.

In this way, you can kill as much as you want.

“The one who descends will not kill!”

Zhuo Ge screamed and rushed into the sea of ​​fire. He said so, but he didn’t give Karratha who betrayed him a chance at all. When they met, he swung his knife, and then the blood suddenly appeared!

The tide of beasts attracted by him seemed fierce, but in fact they only dared to attack the people who were not in the way. They had not eaten for almost a day and night. They received the hospitality promised by Zhuogo, and gnawed the mature dead horse.

The only one who really entangled Zhuo Ge was the fearless Lion King. As a result, his pressure was greatly reduced.

The strongest Kao was not given by man, but Zhuo Ge came out of the **** sea battle on the Dead Mountain. At this time, his overlord was fierce, and the seemingly open and powerful sword technique implies dexterity, just like waving a sickle of death. The purgatory messenger of Hell is like cutting melons and vegetables along the way, and single-handedly killed the horse warrior who was devastated by the fire to the fear, and gradually no one dared to stun him!

Except for Margo, but with his thigh thrusting an arrow, he couldn’t resist the red-eyed Zhuo Ge for three rounds. He was shaken to the ground by his knife, and his neck felt cold.

“Hmph! Your strength is far less powerful than your mouth!”

Zhuo Ge said disdainfully, and moved the lion cub toward the fire, stunned the lion king who was about to attack again.

Margo, shrouded in the shadow of pain and death, instantly became depressed, showing a distorted expression of self-defeating and self-defeating.

The warriors who are still alive, seeing the leader’s life, and they were once again captured by Zhuo Ge’s invincible warfare, surrendering has become their only thought at this time.

“Drogokao, I surrender!”

“Please give me another chance to express my loyalty!”


The braided man desperately resisted the bite of the beast, while shouting and choosing to surrender again.

They have always had an indescribable sense of peace of mind towards Zhuo Ge, as if there was nothing he couldn’t do, surrendering to him, presumably the horse king could free them from the white lion’s fangs and claws.

Zhuo Ge nodded without thinking, accepting their tendency to return.

In his thinking, as long as he maintains a dominant posture, these inconsistent guys will hide behind them, and now they are in urgent need of manpower, so there is no reason to refuse them.

The trend is over, and Margo wants to survive. He knows that there is no room for pride under the eyes of this overbearing man, so he pleaded stubbornly: “Zogokao, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I am willing to swear to you again, Serve you with life.”

But Zhuo Ge did not accept his surrender, and replied coldly: “Your life does not belong to me!”

As he said, he waved his big hand and told the fighters who were approaching him: “Tie it up, let it be handled by Kalixi!”

Mago insulted and killed the girl Elroye who was extremely valued by Dany and rescued outside the Goatman Town. She hated it to the bone, so Zhuo Ge wanted to hand him over to his wife to send him off.

The flames have been burning on Zhuo Ge for a long time, and it hasn’t been extinguished. He is in charge of the life of the crown prince, driving the dying mount, slowly moving forward, and shouting at the wounded soldiers: “Follow me!”

The undead heard it, and hurriedly drove the horse or walked, followed him over the Lion King, through the hostile whiteness, and walked towards the location of Dany, who did not dare to enter the dead.

Her husband is like a real dragon, brave and invincible, making Dani feel the endless glory.

Every time Zhuo Ge gets closer to her, her heart will shrink abruptly, until she starts to fluctuate violently, causing her to breathe violently, and her body starts to get hot. At this moment, she wants to be conquered by that heroic man.

came to Dani, and Zhuo Geng, who could not fly, climbed up his shoulders, reached out his hand and touched his wife’s pretty face, then turned the horse’s head, raised the White Lion Crown Prince high, and let out a loud roar.

“The dead return to the ruins, the living obey!”

Zhuo Ge behaved like a **** of war, and powerfully captured everyone, knelt on his knees and bowed to him!

seemed to be influenced by him, the lion cub looked very excited, and also opened his mouth and roared milkily.


I don’t know if it gave orders in beast language, and the wild and untamable white lions fell on the ground one after another, worshiping their crown prince, or Zhuo Ge! ?

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