Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 90

Chapter 86 : The great horror that stirs the deep s

Severe storms, stormy waves, volcanic eruptions, coupled with thunderstorms that block the entire sea area, nature has demonstrated its power to the extreme here!

The warship leaned and jumped more and more, and as the waves hit hard, it was carried by the waves to the top of the waves from time to time, and then slid into the bottom of the valley fiercely.

The turbulence on the boat is more severe than any braided horse that a braided warrior has ridden, enough to shock people to the bone!

The high-temperature debris bursting from the crater is far more violent than the burning stone thrown by the trebuchet, falling from the sky continuously, smashing the ship out of many holes, and letting the sea water enter the deck to plunder!

The deck under Zhuo Ge’s feet was shaking violently, he could hear the sound under the deck through the hatch, and the horse was kicking and neighing.

Like the Dothraki, he was afraid of the snowball of the ocean, clenching tightly on his master’s trousers, looking for a sense of security in its own way.

The terrible crunch of the hull, the smell of wine and vomit, the Dothraki people prayed with a slight and trembling voice, so all kinds of things are constantly hitting people’s will to survive!

A huge wave broke through the obstacles and rushed two sailors from the deck into the ocean. A helpless and unsullied man sliding with the hull of the ship was stabbed and blinded by a spear, while the chief mate was thrown from the ship building to the deck. I broke my leg severely when I went up!

Snake-like electric currents swam over the railings and masts from time to time, and the unlucky crew members could not help but touch them. Instantly, blue smoke rose up and they lay convulsively.

The dragons leaving the mast slapped the heavy rain, hovering in the sky grid, shining with sparkling electric lights all over, they roared and roared endlessly when they were frightened!

The sails were pulsating, like beast hair awakened from sleep by the strong wind, under the impact of waves of fierce waves, the hull of the ship continued to explode and crack!

The Longtengmayue is a thousand-ton ship with deep cabins and tall brigs with front and rear buildings. On the front of the ship stands a giant statue of a dragon and horse combined with a monster. As the leader, how can it be possible? Is there no symbol that declares the identity of the Mawang Dragon Mother?

Such a heavyweight giant is still deeply shaken by the power of nature, and other sub-warships are even more unbearable.

The storm pulled all the warships away from the established course, and over their heads shrouded a group of surging black clouds stacked on top of each other, lightning that pierced the sky, and deafening thunder, as if they were laughing at the insignificance of human beings.

Most people are in a semi-crazy state because of extreme fear, and they have been screaming in despair.

How can manpower fight against the mighty disasters? The captains of the warships roared loudly and asked everyone to go to the cabin and not stay on the deck to die in vain.

Daenerys Targaryen’s gauze was wet and soaked, but she felt so excited for some reason!

Missandei shouted to her in the wind and rain to let her enter the cabin for refuge, but the mother of dragon could not hear it, and only the roar of nature filled her ears.

Back then, when Dany was crying and she was born on the remote Longshi Island, the biggest storm in Westeros’ history also screamed at the sea at the same time. The storm was so violent that it even cracked the gargoyle on the city wall and smashed her. The father’s fleet was destroyed and accelerated the fall of the Targaryen royal family.

No storm can frighten Dany, because her title is “Birth of the Storm”!

But this storm can be described as thrilling. Maybe it has never happened in history. How dare Zhuo Ge staggered to his wife’s side, “It’s time to hide,” Ma Wang warned softly, pulling Dany’s The arm brought her back under the deck.

The stagnant water in the cabin was already over the knee, but it was safer than staying on the deck. After he settled down with his wife, Zhuo Ge returned to the deck regardless of Dany’s plea.

He is the king. If he doesn’t lead by example in this doomsday catastrophe and arouse the will of his soldiers to survive, then the fate of the entire fleet will be at stake.

With the help of Captain Kolensa, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, Zhuo Ge personally took the helm, shouted hoarsely, and tried to guide the Longtengmayue against the wind and rushed out of the volcanic prestige area!

The captains of other warships have been paying attention to the movements of the main battleship. With the help of the Longtengmayue, except for the ships that have collapsed, they have tried to sail away from the Dead Coral Island area.

Without the ship threatened by the volcano, the captain and sailors are much more relaxed than before!

But the good times did not last long, and a more terrifying shipwreck broke out!


Suddenly a whirlpool that turned bigger and bigger appeared in the center of the fleet. Thor’s staff was like being sealed in a dark whirlpool, and a wave of thunder and lightning full of destruction sprang out from within, hitting the nearby battleship. !

The four battleships that lost to the vortex’s powerful suction were pulled into the cave. They were torn apart by thunder and lightning, and were washed out by a jet of water. It seemed that the vortex disliked the ship’s slag!

Everyone was so frightened that they screamed and urged the ship controller to flee this chilling place!

Unable to be blown into the whirlpool by the bitter west wind, Captain Kolenza shouted and directed: “The living sailor should lower the sail! Full rudder right!”

Zhuo Ge heard that, and a few sailors hurriedly turned the rudder wheel and focused desperately to the right, but the effect was not great and could only remain in place.

Just as the desperate people were preparing to follow the flow, “sizzle quack!” The devil dragon stirred its giant wings and flew over the whirlpool, spewing out spiral flames, and blasted into the depths of the whirlpool!

The magic is that when the dragon flame penetrates into the whirlpool, the whirlpool slowly shrinks, and the suction force is greatly reduced.

The helmsmen were overjoyed and hurriedly took the opportunity to make a full shot to the right.

Competing with the powerful suction force of the whirlpool, Roman, the most powerful giant, was the first to escape under the strength of his few twists and breaks of the rudder wheel.

However, everyone is not allowed to take a good breath, “Quah!” A scream that is stronger than the roar and piercing power of the magic dragon came out of the whirlpool, and it instantly spread to ten miles away, making the eardrum faintly painful!

Then, an incomparably majestic fountain with two bunches of blood-red different lights gushed out of the whirlpool, and while blasting through the ink cloud, it poured into the ship below like a galaxy.

When the sea fell, in the blurred vision of everyone, there appeared a big head with two long horns, an irregular triangular beak that looked like a bird’s beak, and it was covered with sharp teeth, and the eyes were shining with blood. , The whole body looks like a giant python, covered in indigo blue!

The monster does not have sharp claws, but has a pair of wide wings like fish fins, enough to support it to travel the sky, and it can generate electricity like an electric eel!

Captain Korenza could not stand the monster’s coercion, and stumbled in the darkness onto the dazed Drogo, muttering desperately: “Naga, this is the sea dragon Naga! It is the most powerful creature born in the sea. It’s over, we’re over!”

Kao was shocked when he heard the legend about this rare monster.

Naga is the first sea dragon in the world. It feeds on sea monsters and sea beasts. However, the ancestors of the Greyjoy family, the master of the Westeros Islands, killed it by himself. The drowned **** of the people’s faith turned its bones into fossils, so that later generations of the Iron Islands iron people will always remember the achievements of the first kings.

The sea dragon’s ribs became the beams and pillars of the Grey Sea King’s hall, Naga’s mouth was used as his throne, and Naga’s teeth were his towering pale crown.

The rumors that Zhuo Ge has learned are past events in the Dawn Era. At that time, the warriors were unstoppable. The Grey Sea King kept Naga’s fire, and his hall remained warm forever.

But the glory years have passed away. Now the iron people have become insignificant, and their lives have become short-lived. After the death of the Grey Sea King, the **** of the storm can’t wait to extinguish Naga’s fire.

Today, the roof and walls of the Grey Sea King’s palace have long been decayed, leaving only the hard bones of Naga, commemorating the glory of the iron seed forever.

Zhuo Ge looked up at the extinct sea dragon that looked like a giant python, and estimated that its body length should be more than a hundred feet long, and its waist circumference was at least the size of a fishing boat. Compared with the juvenile dragon, it was like a child at the feet of a giant!

Legend has it that Naga can swallow an island in anger. When he saw it with his own eyes, Kao felt that this rumor was a bit exaggerated, but he thought it was possible for a sea dragon to destroy an island.

Zhuo Ge suspected that the natural disasters they encountered must have a great relationship with this sea dragon, which was only slightly less famous than the magic dragon.

For a moment, Cao raised a question, that is, there were rumors about Naga in the previous life, but the world-renowned Naga is a humanoid creature with a lower body like a large snake and full of scales. The female Naga is very beautiful. It’s like a mermaid.

“This naga shouldn’t be a real naga, just a serpentine sea monster, right?”

Zhuo Ge said loudly, but no one answered him, because no one knew and had no time to pay attention to him.


The Naga who had been soaring to the sky suddenly roared, forcing countless thunder and lightning lingering around her body, UU reading www.uukanshu.com swooped down fiercely!

According to the blood-colored light that fell on the deck, the horse king felt that its target was obviously the Dragon Horse Leap.

But Zhuo Ge felt that this was not what Naga meant, but the mermaid Hai Xi who was clutching the horns of the sea dragon!

“Zuo Geng, Lei Ge, Vesselion, you are the leader of the dragon clan, breathe out dragon flames to annihilate that sea monster!”

The words of the father, the three-headed dragon is half-knowledgeable, but even if Zhuo Ge does not give the order, they will compete with Naga.

Because they are near-god creatures at the top of the food chain, they cannot tolerate any creatures being too presumptuous in front of them, this is the overbearing instinct of the dragon!

“Boom boom boom!”

The dragon flame is like the water of the floodgate, divided into three ways and poured onto the huge Naga!

Hailong’s response was a violent current that could break the mast!

“Crack! Click! Click!…”

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