Legend of the Green Ape

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Bait

The little monkey straddled an ordinary leather bag and drew out a dark green demon horn from it. With a long thumb, he spread the treasure to Yuan He on the palm of his hand.

The shape of this horn is nothing special. It’s hollow inside, open at both ends, and the surface is covered with circles of threads. At first glance, it looks like some kind of demonic horn, but Yuan He can’t feel the slightest evil spirit. Overturned his intuitive judgment.

“How did you drive it?” Yuan He wanted to see the effect and threw the horn back to the little monkey so that he could use it on the spot.

“Just blow it!” The little monkey was very excited. He should want to show off in front of the old ancestors. He looked around in the hall: “You can make this fairy palace smaller by just opening your mouth! Old ancestors , Let’s go outside the temple, otherwise we will be trapped and die in the temple.”

“Why is this?” Yuan He followed him out of the temple.

He smacked his mouth and said regretfully: “Since the child got this baby and played hundreds of times, he can’t make the child smaller every time, otherwise no one will find the baby! This baby is only useful for dead things. As long as there is a little vitality and a little soul, it will become invalid! Like humans, beasts, birds, flowers, plants, zombies, ghosts, and ghosts, none of them will work.”

Thinking of another embarrassment, I told Yuan He by the way: “While on the shore, the child once hid in a cave to take shelter from the rain. Who knew that a nest of tiger cubs lived in that cave and even dared to bite the child, and the child ran while running. Blowing the trumpet, the cave immediately becomes smaller, pressing them into a pile of blood. If the child is not running fast, he will be trapped in the cave. From then on, the child will not dare to blow the trumpet in the caves and underground caves!”

Upon hearing this, Yuan He rushed into the partial hall and called both the crystal clam and blood clam outside the hall. If the living creatures cannot be reduced, the two clams would be in danger of life in the hall.

“The palace is empty, you drive this horn!”

“Good!” The little monkey bit the small mouth of the horn and blew in. The big mouth began to spread the blue breeze. At first, the wind was invisible. As he continued to breathe in, the wind became more and more intense. Xia Gong is wrapped inside.

Just listen to ‘huh! ’One cry.

The huge palace shrank thousands of times in an instant, turning it into a grain-like volume. If it weren’t for the glittering light spots of golden glaze, standing in the space on the top of the mountain, there would be no trace of the palace at all.

“This corner is really strange!” Yuan He was amazed: “Change it back!”

While speaking, he turned his head to observe the little monkey’s movements and saw that the little monkey turned the horn upside down. This time he bit his mouth and blew his breath. The wind spread from the mouth and swept towards the palace, immediately returning to its original shape.

After watching this scene, Yuan He asked the little monkey to pass the horn and tried to drive it by himself.

I surprisingly found that the method of driving is very simple. Just blowing into the horn, blowing into a small mouth, you can summon an upwind wind, all dead objects covered by this wind will be reduced to the slightest, blowing into the big mouth, you can call down the wind, This wind can restore the shrunk to its original state.

However, there is a limit to the wind power of this horn. Even if Yuan He blows for a long time and continuously blows out the horn wind, the maximum coverage is only thirty or fifty feet. Fortunately, Qixia Mountain is not high, otherwise Yuan He can only shrink the palace and cannot The whole mountain shrank.

After repeated experiments, Yuan He had already driven the horn to be proficient, but there was still a question that he did not solve. He asked the little monkey: “Is there any time for shrinking? For example, to make this palace smaller and not use the horn to blow out a downwind. Since I left it aside and placed it for a few years, will it automatically return to its original state?”

The little monkey scratched his head and scratched his cheeks: “I don’t even know the child! When the child separated from Sister Qing and fled to a canyon, there were many wild ghosts in the valley. When the child wandered with them, he accidentally found this horn. It’s only been a year or two. During this period, the child has become smaller by hundreds of mountains, and I haven’t seen them recover automatically anyway.”

In this case, Yuan He needs to verify himself: “How many years do you live? Did the bird family that adopted you name you?”

The little monkey shook his head sadly: “The child has been wandering since I can remember. I don’t know when and what month he was born. He has lived for eight years. At the beginning, I saw sister Qing in Daze, and she called the child “Little Green Ape”. , Keep calling the child Xiaoqing.”

“Then whatever my last name is, call Yuan Xiaoqing.” Yuan He tossed the horn in his hand: “This baby is of great use to me, I will use it to deal with thieves, and leave me here temporarily until the thieves are cleaned up. , To eliminate the spell on your body, and then return you.”

“The child has followed the ancestor’s surname, it is the ancestor’s dear child. Any treasure should be decided by the ancestor, and the child will never dare to ask for it.” Yuan Xiaoqing could not bear the horn. In order for him to fight against the thieves, he also promised to help him solve the curse, and he would also pay tribute if he was reluctant to bear it.

“This is reasonable, then put it by my side. If you want to use it in the future, you can ask me to borrow it.” Yuan He is willing to shelter Yuan Xiaoqing, not only because of the horn, this monkey has a unique talent and can communicate with ghouls. Once the Lingdu Tribulation is opened, the ability to organize a ghost army in Xiaohunshan will be of great benefit to the defense of Qixia Cave.

Speaking of this, Xia Chongwen has completed the evacuation, and the children of the Xia Mu clan all got into the tunnel at the bottom of the river, and he swam to the top of the mountain to report to Yuan He.

“You follow me!” Yuan He waved his hand and led Xia Chongwen, Yuan Xiaoqing, purple saw shrimp, crystal clam, and blood clam into the side hall.

There was a spiritual pond excavated in this hall, and the water directly led to the tunnel at the bottom of the mountain. Yuan He instructed: “You all dive into the bottom of the mountain. You can’t hear my call. No one is allowed to come out. When you go in, I will put poisonous water. Submerged the Qixia Palace. These poisons were collected from the children’s bodies. They may fall into the bottom of the mountain along the pool water. Remember to block the tunnel entrance at the bottom of the mountain and gather pregnant poisonous children to guard. How much poison is dropped, let How much do they suck!”

“Old ancestor, I will accompany you to beat the thief!” Yuan Xiaoqing yelled loudly, unwilling to hide his head and tail.

When Xia Chongwen heard this, he quickly stated: “Teacher, although I am not good at it, I dare to fight against people and thieves!”

“You can’t help, it’s a burden to follow me!” Yuan He didn’t agree, pointing to the pool and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, dive down!”

Seeing that they were all immobile, Yuan He grabbed the crystal clam and the blood clam and threw them into the pool, raised their feet and kicked them all down.

After this, Yuan He took out a pile of bottles and cans from the ape bag, sealed the pool first, and then built a sealed glass cabinet on the pool with a crystal bead suspended in the cabinet.

Jingzhu is a tribute given to him by Huanyang Jingclam. It has the medicinal effect of prolonging life and has a fatal attraction to thieves. Yuan He will use this pearl as a bait to set a trap for thieves.

When he finished his work in the palace, he took away the water column on the top of the mountain.

The demon spirit surged, Yuan He turned into a white crocodile, swimming towards the western waters of Qixia Cave, rushing to the sleeping evildoers and evildoers: “All follow!”

“Ah! Finally goodbye to the noble master, the younger one only feels Hongfu initiation!” The evil slapped the crocodile’s fart loudly, and the tail was awakened: “Sleep your grandma, get out of the way, and do business with our little master go with!”

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