Legend of the Green Ape

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Where is the enemy

This is early morning.

The sun slowly climbed out of the sky.

The morning light penetrated the river water and radiated to a woman wearing a battle armor. She had big eyebrows and murderous intent. She looked around and condensed a fierce aura. At first glance, she looked like the kind of veteran who has been fighting for a long time.

In fact, the growth path of Yuemans is mostly similar to hers. They have to be baptized in battle since childhood. Their supernatural powers are roughly the same as the orthodox sects. They use Qi training as the foundation to find powerful strength, but they are born with different physiques and flow from ancient times. Really brutal bloodlines and spells are often related to their own brutal blood, and their supernatural powers far exceed those of ordinary human races, which also led to their self-contained one, and the orthodoxy became heresy.

They are inherited by tribal education. The power is not concentrated in the Daomen, but in the royal court of the barbarians. They are martial and combative. Wars often break out between the tribes and the barbarians. The Daomen cannot escape their attacks, but the Daomen control the east. They could not destroy the most territories and human world in Yazhou, so they changed their strategy and allowed Daomen to go to the barbarian country to establish a faction. The two clans were married for generations to reach a covenant of harmonious coexistence, and jointly created the Moon Barbarian Dao Court to dominate the East End. Continent.

However, the covenant also has restrictions. Except for Yueman and Human race, all other alien races will be eliminated. This time the encirclement and suppression of Witch and Phoenix people was initiated by the Yueman nations, and Daomen must obey orders to come forward and support.

As long as war is involved, it is often inseparable from the temptation of military exploits. This female general pursued the Qingli Changhe from a long distance and insisted on killing the night-wing king and grandson, just to get the reward of the barbaric country.

In all, she and Shi Meng are the first wave of Yueman leaders to rush to Dahe. As such a forward and titan, she must have extraordinary supernatural powers. She is also very self-sufficient. She began to practice Qi at the age of seven, and she reached the age of twenty. Successfully condensed the mysterious fetus. In the same year, he smashed a dragon demon with his bare hands in the Wuli Deep Lake in his hometown, and won the honor of Fu Jiao Girl.

Her eyebrows flashed with a wave of spirit marks. This was the water barbarian totem that she awakened when she formed a profound birth. As long as she entered the water, her mana would not be weakened, but would be strengthened, and the detection range of divine consciousness would also be expanded.

At this moment, she was floating in the waters where the green spine shark was injected with demon poison. She concluded that there had been a water monster nearby, but could not locate the track. She made two judgments in her heart. One was that the water demon sensed her and was scared to escape, and the other was the water demon. She has a treacherous temperament and is lurking far away, looking for an opportunity to hunt her.

Thinking of this, she took out a pennant and hung it behind her back. Only then did she sacrifice a spirit arrow and put it on the bowstring in her palm, turning her eyes to the river.

At this time, the dialogue between Shi Meng and Gong Weiyu has not ended. The night wing king sun saw that a powerful enemy was coming, and he dared not stay for a while. Yueman was good at using bows and arrows, no matter how fast or high he flew in the air, he couldn’t escape. The shooting of Man Jian, although there is murderous intent under the river, he has the protection of the wind bone wheel under his feet, and there is always the hope of escaping to heaven. He gritted his teeth and was about to rush into the river.

Unexpectedly, without waiting for him to fall into the air, there will be a sudden change on the river surface, ‘wow! The ground shot a bright light straight into his black wing. He had no defense at all, but as the Nightwing royal family, his parents passed the treasures of the house to him, and his whole body was armed to his teeth.

The spirit arrow came close to the black wing, and the jade pendant hanging in his arms suddenly flashed, defensively self-reliant, and a thin light was reflected on his wings.

But it was very evil. When the spirit arrow arrived, it collapsed into a green mist, like ink splashed out and stuck to the thin light on the surface of the wings.

The black wing became the green wing.

The Fu Jiao girl seemed to have expected Nightwing King Sun’s actions a long time ago. What she shot was only a tracking arrow, the purpose was to lock the Nightwing King Sun’s escape position after entering the river, not to kill him with an arrow.

He was frightened out of his body, ah! With a sound, the whole body suddenly lost strength, and he fell into the river.


The moment he entered the water, the stone on the chariot swept out like a arrow, and his palms were like the claws of a goshawk, aiming at Gong Weiyu’s feet and grabbing quickly.


Pressing the palm force horizontally, a huge water gap was smashed into the river. The shaking Gong Weiyu had to soar into the sky. Just now, a figure flashed in the air, and more than ten spirit arrows had been shot in front of him.

The stone fiercely floated on the river, blocking the way down the river, and four archers gathered around.

This blow drove him into the air. He looked down and saw that there were two people missing from the chariot. They must have gone into the river to track the night wing king’s grandson, but these two were both pawns in the training period. If you can catch the king’s grandson. What? Shi Meng only bit him here, not letting him move half a point, so there is no fear, is there still a savage general lurking under the river?

He figured out the key and couldn’t help feeling anxious, and dived into the stone with a loud shout.

Must be desperate.

Ye Wing King Sun did not think too much. After entering the water, he fiercely cast mana, stepped on the wind bone wheel to run wildly. These two wheels could call out wind from the water, but the green mist on the wings contained magical power, like a boulder. On the body, his water speed could not increase.

He also swam a distance of tens of feet, and another spirit arrow rushed to his back. He didn’t dodge or dodge, but just rushed forward.

The Fu Jiao girl looked at her intently, she suddenly had an unexpected expression, and thought: “There are so many treasures of the fallen king and grandson!”

A crystal ball hung out of the night-wing king sun at no time, and hovered around him. As soon as the spirit arrow arrived, he was immediately hit by the crystal ball.

It is not easy to shoot him.

The Fu Jiao female instantly retracted her bow, flicked her legs vigorously, and slid out into a wave of water. On the way, her body suddenly turned over and formed a violent spiral. When the waters along the way were disturbed by her, it seemed that a violent wind and big waves had occurred and spread forward. Soon the night wing king and grandson were covered.

He suddenly felt that his body was out of control. He was hit by the wind and waves. He could not stop shaking in the water. At first he could recognize the direction. As the wind and waves kept accelerating, the feeling of dizziness began to appear.

“Bump!” In the end, he slammed his head into the mud at the bottom of the river.

When he writhed hard, he saw three spirit arrows hanging from the top of his head, moving across and around each other, and the arrows formed a spiritual net and nailed them to his body.

Even though he was protected by a crystal ball, his arrows couldn’t hurt him, but he couldn’t move. Being caught so badly, he didn’t even see the enemy, and shouted in horror, “Who are you? Moonbarbs are all you. A sinister who hides his head and tails!”

The Fu Jiao girl floated quietly in the river, and she refused to answer the night wing king and grandson, nor did she hurt the killer. Instead, she frowned, revealing a dignified state.

She had just captured the Nightwing King Sun with all her strength, unable to take care of the surrounding situation. She was originally followed by two archers, but one person was lost at the moment. She noticed a flash of electricity when the wind and waves were set off, and it must have been an imperial electric water demon. As for the other person…

She squinted at the man’s corpse, how was she conspired?

“Is the water monster in Qingli Changhe so fierce and slippery?” She has no idea. According to what she knows, it is the usual trick of the water monster to charge without fear of death. Now they are playing hide-and-seek games. Make her wonder.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided to check the cause of death. After swimming for a few miles, she saw the corpse falling in the mud, but she was worried that the person would be poisoned, so she did not dare to touch it. A blood hole.

“It turned out to be a sword wound?” She was a little surprised. How could this be possible? If there is a flying sword to escape, she will definitely be able to sense it. Could it be an invisible sword?

Just thinking of this, a cold blood stream burst out from the wound and went straight to her door.

The blood flow was like a long sword. At such a close distance, it was too late for her to avoid, but she had been prepared for a while, and the battle flag behind her moved instantly.

‘Ding! ’

Accurately blocked the tip of the sword.

This place was extremely dangerous. She was about to leave the range of the corpse immediately, but two water vines broke out of the mud, entangled her body by the water, and the battle flag automatically protected her. The light became very bright, reflecting a group of bright blue. Circle, the invulnerability of physical protection.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the waters on the left and right shook violently, and two streams of water were shot, slapped on the blue circle, she was keen in the water, it was a poisonous demon sneaking nearby, and a demon fed the green thorn poison. Ball, another demon fed the poisonous bee needle, but it couldn’t destroy her battle flag’s defense.

But there were too many attacks, and they were all launched almost at the same time. She didn’t have a chance to resist. She had a brutal skill but couldn’t use it. She could only rely on the battle flag to protect herself.

The poisonous attack had not yet ended, and a giant water fork fell from the top of the head. The force of the attack was heavy and directly shattered the blue circle. The battle flag was spiritually lost. The flying sword in front of her saw her empty door wide open, seizing the opportunity to drive straight in. A sword pierced her neck.

She collapsed softly, with a deep unwillingness remaining in her eyes.

Where is the enemy?

Before she died, she hadn’t even figured out who the enemy was, and the encounter was no different from that of the Nightwing King.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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