Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 10 - [Foresee the future]

Guo Xu’s enthusiasm, of course, came from the newly discovered super power. He did not participate in group activities in the afternoon, practiced shooting alone, and returned to the hotel to sleep after dinner.

Opened his eyes again, Guo Xu knew that the fourth April Fool’s Day was coming without looking at the mobile phone, because he was dreamless all night again.

The two generations were human. Guo Xu had been dreaming 99% of the night since he started to remember. Sometimes a dream wakes up and the sky is not bright. The things in the dream are clearly remembered. Then he continues to sleep and can do another one. However, when he got up, he would feel that the quality of sleep was not high, he didn’t sleep enough, and wanted to continue to sleep, but he didn’t have too much sleepiness.

Without dreaming for a few days in a row, my eyes are full of energy as soon as I open my eyes. This is by no means a normal person’s state and can only be attributed to the cycle of time.

After washing, Guo Xu intends to change the method. Yesterday he thought for a long time. The time cycle may not be over in the short term. If he does not communicate with other people, he will do it alone and want to improve his strength.

He picked up his phone and played the 1973 classic old song “ComeandGetYourLove” by Red Bones.

This song will become an episode of the Marvel movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” in the future. It is very magical, and people will have an impulse to want to dance. After rebirth, Guo Xu deliberately found a few favorite songs and stored them in his mobile phone to make phone calls and alarm bells.

It took only five seconds to make B Richardson react. Shaking his body and gradually getting up from the bed, there were dance movements in his hand, and Shino closed his eyes and wanted to get up. This method is suitable for him to get up.

Richardson opened his eyes and asked: “What song is this? Bluetooth passed to me …… Why is it six o’clock?”

“I am too bored to go to practice on my own. I want to call you together. In the morning, there will be five children going to the park. You dunk a few baskets to show them, and take me to pretend to be B.” Guo Xu said while embarrassing.

“Children …” Richardson covered his face with one hand silently.

Guo Xu was in a good mood because of the abundant time. “If you can move faster, we can still see the ghost rider riding a bicycle on the way, and then you will know what is undead.”

Richardson was washing as fast as Guo Xu. After two minutes, the two dressed up and went out.

Guo Xu had a good time and met the brave knight. When he failed to perform in a flying show and fell into the mound, he scared Richardson and immediately wanted to call an ambulance. Guo Xu was accustomed to him. Knowing that this man cannot die today.

One hour of practice in the park, five children arrived on schedule, Richardson performed crotch change hands to dunk, the windmill dunk is amazing, how dare they propose to play together? Come directly to ask for signatures, and treat Richardson as an NBA star. Even if he is not now, having this “Seccoby” body is destined not to be a mortal.

Guo Xu followed the fox fake Huwei once, he was at least a teammate of the star.

Out of the park, Richardson became more and more curious: “How do you know that someone will fall down on a bike in the morning? You also know that there will be five children playing basketball? What is going on?”

“Actually, I was superpowered after being elbowed. To celebrate this, I invited guests in the morning. It doesn’t matter how expensive you are, as long as you don’t order a tofu burger.” In Guo Xu’s view, Richardson has been connected After three days of tofu burger, he felt tired for himself.

Richardson wanted to eat Chinese food today. When the two went to the shop again, Richardson opened his mouth when he heard the waitress say “Saturday special meal tofu burger”.

Guo Xu made the decision to order the most famous Lanzhou beef ramen in the store, add beef in a large bowl, and drink some soup in the morning.

Waiting for the waiter to leave, Richardson took a deep breath and lowered his head as a thief and whispered, “You really have superpowers? Can you predict the future?”

Guo Xu was not afraid of having ears across the wall and replied in a normal voice: “I can’t predict the details, but I can see the general future. And I’m repeating April Fool’s Day, this is the fourth time, you know the movie” Groundhog Day ” “Is it like that?”

“I know …” Richardson’s expression was strange. “Then what will happen to me in the future?”

Americans are very superstitious, most believers, and they will also find fortune tellers. Regardless of the crystal ball, tarot cards, and Chinese Taoists, there are people who believe. When faced with choices, people will want to make decisions in this way, even if they only get a little ambiguous hint.

Guo Xu recalled his previous life and said in one breath: “You will choose to stay in school and play for the Spartans for another year, but Martin and Morris both went to the NBA and the team’s strength became weaker. You participated in 2001 After the NBA draft, the fifth overall pick was selected by the Warriors, and soon established a firm foothold in the NBA and participated in the slam dunk contest twice to win the championship. Because of the poor record, even if you can average more than 20 points per game, you will not be selected until retire Over All-Star. And you are defensive in general, traded a few times, and finally retired at the age of 34 due to injury and illness. “

Richardson froze for a few seconds, opened his mouth with a stern look, and sighed: “If this is your lie, brother, I’m optimistic that you will become a super liar in the future.”

Richardson already believed it, otherwise he could not explain what happened in the morning, he whispered: “I heard that Gypsy fortune tellers are very mysterious, you tell me so straightforwardly in the future … there will be no leakage of heaven Punish? “

Guo Xu shook his head and smiled, “Actually, I should continue to celebrate April Fool’s Day tomorrow. You will completely forget what I said and only remember it for the moment. Even if you use the recorder to record it, it will be useless tomorrow. Now. “

“Like that movie?” Richardson shivered.

“Well, this is the first time I have said these things to you. At this time tomorrow, I will say it to you again. Now you put your hands behind your back and draw a few fingers. Do n’t let me see. This number will be our secret code. . “

Richardson did just that. UU reading www. uukanshu. com “I stretched out three fingers, what’s the use?”

“When you do this tomorrow, I will tell you that there are three roots, proving that we had similar conversations before.” This trick Guo Xu learned from the movie “Edge of Tomorrow”.

“Maybe my thoughts have changed?”

“No, if I don’t intervene, you will always eat tofu burgers.” Guo Xu smiled.

Richardson scratched his head. “Man, I was confused by you. Since I won’t have this memory, why would you say this to me?”

Guo Xuzheng said: “Because I need your help, I want to find someone to share secrets, you are the best candidate, who makes you my iron buddy? And I will know some of your ideas through chat, although you do n’t Remember, but I remember. I can remind you in the future to help you make better decisions and change the future. “

Richardson swallowed and felt that he had encountered something terrible. “What is your future?”

Guo Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly: “It’s a pity that I can’t see my future, so we are mutually beneficial. Seriously, I think it’s a failure to be an All-Star because of your physical fitness.”

In the past life, Richardson has become a tough scorer. He has played for the Warriors, Sun, Magic, Bobcats and 76ers. In the 14 years of the NBA, he has averaged 17.1 points, 5 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.2 steals per game. He averaged 1.9 three-pointers per game.

This data is not outstanding for him, and even a bit of a waste of talent, because his physical fitness is top in the NBA, has the technology and range, and dare to wear the No. 23 jersey when he debuts. Many people were optimistic about him as a superstar.

At this time, two bowls of ramen came up, and they decided to eat first, and then talk about it later.

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