Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 18 - [The defender scored sharply, and he was in the limelight]

Cliffs was also surprised. Guo Xu used exactly what he was best at—cross-step change!

Regarding excellence, Americans use the word “Crossover”, which can be understood as “crossing”. Every confrontation on the basketball court is like a battle, and throwing away the opponent represents victory.

Guo Xu loved to hold the ball in his past life. When he tricked his opponent with a fake and successfully broke through, that feeling was too cool! Outstanding is not only a manifestation of technical strength, but also a sense of satisfaction and vanity.

In fact, Guo Xu’s cross step was taught by Cliffs, but he didn’t remember it.

Guo Xu invited Cliffs to a luxurious dinner for ten consecutive days at noon. After dinner, the two found a court to practice for an hour, then Guo Xu went to the gym and Cliffs went out to play. Cannibalism is short, and Cliffs does not have any reservations when he teaches tricks.

Basketball fans will change to extraordinary, simple and effective. The key to good or bad performance depends on the details. Some details are rarely valued. Most people make movements at will based on their feelings. This is wrong.

Like many people, Cliffs’ redirection technique is to imitate the “bug” Tim Hardaway.

In the early 1990s, the crossover movement gradually became popular in the United States. Hardaway’s continuous crotch dribble cooperated with the body’s change of direction, which was called “Two-Step” by fans. Johnson, the Lakers star “Magic” commented: “When you face Hardaway, you hear the basketball racket bang on the ground and he has passed you by.”

This action has another name called “killercrossover”! In fact, it is not difficult. After crotch dribbling, it is necessary to connect a premise change direction and accelerate the breakthrough, but there are few people who can really use this action to produce an effect. Most people are just superficial imitations and do not understand the change and purpose of players’ center of gravity.

Cliffs happened to be the one who understood the main points of this trick. He instructed Guo Xu that the dribble needs to be quickly passed between the hands, that is, the two hands dribble quickly, the ball should be lower than the knee, and the range should be more than the outside of the knee . Do not keep your feet parallel when doing cross step changes, otherwise the speed will slow down, so that the defender has enough time to react, so that he missed the opportunity to break through.

The White team attacked, and Cliffs also used a cross step to pass the ball, relying on Guo Xu to force a layup and returned one, 14 to 8.

The red team attacked, Guo Xu took the half, waved his teammates away, and singled again in the middle.

“I won’t let you pass this time.” Cliffs smiled confidently. He stared at Guo Xu with a high concentration of attention.

He was a bit lighter than the last round. Guo Xu never hit him like this before eating. This time he lowered his center of gravity and kept his distance.

Guo Xu crotch dribble to the right hand, did not change direction to the left, but took the right foot and then withdrew the step and Cliffs opened a two-step distance, emergency stop three-point shot, and added a little back.

Cliffs didn’t eat, but he took off a little slower and couldn’t cover it. The ball made a wonderful arc, and the hollow went into the net! 17 to 8.

Backstepping is very popular in the future, simple and practical. The main point is that after the crotch change hands, the ball no longer touches the ground, directly pulls the ball up and jumps backwards at the same time, distances from the defender to create a hand space, this is a required skill for short players.

Guo Xu suddenly used this trick, Cliffs did not respond. On the sidelines, coach Isa gave Guo Xu a strong applause and shouted, “Good job! Keep playing like this!”

Cliffs saw Guo Xu scoring consecutively and came to his temper. He made a foul with the ball next round and made two free throws. The game turned into two defenders scoring points.

You and I played for another 5 minutes. Guo Xu suddenly combined with points and shots and dared to take responsibility, but in the face of Cliffs was still slightly inferior, the score was gradually caught up.

When the players took turns to take a break, Izo praised Guo Xu and Richardson. After playing again, Guo Xu did not disappoint the coach, and his performance remained stable.

After the training match, everyone was talking about Guo Xu, and I did n’t understand why he suddenly became stronger, and was judged to be the same as yesterday.

Although no one specializes in statistics, everyone knows that Guo Xu must have won a large double-double and is the best performer of the Red Team. The red team only lost 6 points in the end. The two first-year players led the team and the two fourth-year students who had been scheduled to play in the NBA were very anxious.

Assistant coach Mark Crow said to Izo with a smile: “This kid was like a rookie yesterday. Today he is so powerful. If he can play this level in every game, he will certainly be able to enter the NBA in the future. Yet?”

Isa shook his head, he was very puzzled, and it was good to treat young players strictly, but Guo Xu this was one day later, and he looked at each other. The progress was too fast! Throughout the season, Guo Xu has not shown such an outstanding offensive talent as it is today.

Isa beckoned Guo Xu to his side and smiled: “You are excellent today, this is what I want to see, tomorrow I will give you more playing time, take advantage of the opportunity.”

This is not the first time Guo Xu heard this. He behaved indifferently. He knew his weight.

Cliffs scored more than 30 points in the game, he could not defend one-on-one; facing the Cliffs defense, he could not always maintain an efficient offensive, and for a period of time missed five consecutive shots.

Guo Xu ’s assists are not as happy as those of Cliffs. His organization ability is mirrored, and he can always get the ball in the right place not by wide vision, but by playing too many times in this practice game. . uukanshu.com’s good pass timing is in his mind. In the semifinals, he did not know if he could cooperate with his teammates so well.

Guo Xu thought a little bit, but in Izu’s opinion, he was not arrogant and impetuous.

“I have a tactic for you, but unfortunately I don’t have time to practice now.” Isa said with a kind smile. This idea has been in his mind for a long time, but Guo Xu’s ability was not up to standard.

Guo Xu was overjoyed. “What tactics? Even if it’s too late now, I can practice in the future (next April Fool’s Day).”

“It’s easy …”

Isa talked about tactics. He hoped that Guo Xu could run up. Two insiders did not cover the ball. He shot at the three-point line, or formed a big man who misplaced the ball and rushed the opponent. He rushed or scored again.

This tactical Spartan team has been playing, and it is Peterson who is responsible for running without the ball. Peterson’s starting speed and ball control skills in the one-on-one attack are average. He can only catch the ball and shoot. After the 201CM height screen, he will face the opponent’s inside line, and the effect of misalignment is not great.

Cliffs’ range is not far enough, and it is not suitable for this tactic. He does not rely on cover to directly hold the ball and attack is more threatening.

The Spartans start two insiders are blue-collar, scoring mainly depends on the outside, so Izu has always been looking forward to Guo Xu, he can enrich the team’s tactics.

Guo Xu is very happy. This is the best news he heard after the time loop started. No matter how strong the player’s personal ability is, without suitable tactics and a lot of shot rights, it is difficult to play beautiful data. Now he has the basic conditions for an outbreak.

The Spartans’ “Trident” will certainly attract the opponent’s defensive experts. Guo Xu’s defensive pressure is relatively small, and if he adds tactical benefits, he is confident that he will be in the top four!

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