Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 3 - [Xin Xiang Xiang Xi, 1 funny B]

Guo Xu did not rush out of the park, found a bench to rest, and called the roommate’s phone.

“Jason, I will inform you that the coach announced today that there is no need to train for the holiday. I have gone out to play. You can sleep in the hotel.” Guo Xuyi said seriously.

“What?” Jason Richardson at the other end of the phone was surprised and immediately sobered up.

“The scandal of NCAA bribery and illegal recruitment broke out last night. The people involved, including Adidas executives and Wisconsin coaches, were arrested and involved Dick Bennett. He must be dismissed from school. So, we directly Promoted to the finals. “Guo Xu continued bullshit.

“Really?” Richardson got excited.

Guo Xu changed his mouth: “Fake, today is April Fool’s Day, get up quickly and meet for breakfast at the gate of the stadium.”

After fifteen minutes, the two met outside the training hall. The time was less than eight o’clock, and there was enough time to eat.

Richardson greeted with a smile: “Guo, why didn’t you call me when you went out?”

Richardson grew up in East Lansing, and Guo Xu was young. Since the English names of the two were “Jason”, to distinguish them, he was generally called Guo Xu’s Chinese surname.

Although they have the same name, the image of the two is very different. Guo Xu is a handsome guy who is called “small fresh meat”; Richardson was also born in 1981, with a beard but looks like a middle-aged man, his The facial features are very wide, with a wide distance between the eyes and eyebrows, wide nose, and a grin at the corner of the mouth, the ear lobe is almost ugly at first glance, but a good-tempered person.

Richardson is two laps thicker than Guo Xu. He is 198cm tall and weighs 100 kg. He is the strongest person in the team, with a maximum bench press of 120 kg. In his rookie season, he averaged 16.3 points, 9 rebounds and 2 assists per game. He was a complete mess and was the team’s second scorer.

“I’m up at six o’clock. I can’t bear to disturb your dreams. God, I really don’t want to think about that scene. Don’t you lie down in bed later?” Guo Xu thought of the spicy eyes and shook his head hard.

Richardson laughed: “Haha, I found that after you fell on that elbow, you seemed to have changed your personality. You talked a lot, and you would be kidding. Lies are like real things. Just now I thought I didn’t need to play in the semifinals. “

Do you also believe this? Guo Xu shrugged. “That elbow made me figure out a lot of things. While I was alive, I talked a lot.”

“Haha, isn’t it so exaggerated.” Richardson wrapped Guo Xu’s shoulders and asked with a smile: “Yesterday you treat me, today I invite, how about Chinese food?”


When they were in high school, they went to school together in the morning, and went home together at night. The character of the predecessor and Richardson is very different, and they are even more talkable after rebirth.

The friendship between men is progressing quickly. Two people who do n’t know touch a glass of wine, maybe they will hand over their lives to each other in the future, and die together! Many of the bandits in Liangshan are like this. In the United States, they also have a lot of bold old men.

Guo Xu quite likes Richardson, not because he will be an NBA star and dunk king in the future, but because he gets along well, has no temper, no rack, is a pistachio in the team, a funny B.

If the coach is not watching the training on the sidelines, Richardson will do some incredible things on the court, which is completely inconsistent with his future cool image.

He likes to use the fancy moves on the street court, and he never tires, although he rarely scores goals. When he serves the bottom line, he often throws the ball on the buttocks deliberately, bounces into his hands, and then shoots.

He catches the ball under the basket. He has a “stunt” that clamps the ball in his crotch. His hands are empty to make fake moves, and then he takes the ball and throws it.

He invented a dunking action called “walking in the air”. The feet of the face frame jumped forward with full force. When riding in the air, he drove his legs like a bicycle. Holding the ball with both hands was like grasping the handlebar. basket. Not many people on the planet can do this, but it has no beauty and is purely hilarious.

What surprised Xu the most was that Richardson likes to exaggerate the movement of imitating the stars. He has learned something very well. If youtube appeared a few years ago, he might have become a celebrity without entering the NBA. A generation of “imitation emperor”.

Richardson is a broken mouth in life. He likes to whisper and tell cold jokes. Others do not laugh at himself first, and laugh a little low.

In short, no matter from what aspect, he has nothing to do with the word “cool”.

Was unfamiliar, and the two chose a small Chinese restaurant nearby and sat down with a spacious seat.

The young Chinese waitress came to entertain, and it was a bit embarrassing to glance at Guo Xu. He asked, “What do you want?”

Richardson replied: “Are there any special dishes recommended?”

“Special meal on Saturday in our restaurant, tofu burger.” The waitress smiled and pointed to the menu on the wall.

“Okay, we need four hamburgers.” Guo Xu knew that Richardson’s family situation is similar to his own. Although there is no life pressure, there is no need to spend too much money on breakfast.

After a while, the waiter brought the burger up, plus a glass of water for everyone. Guo Xu is the first time to eat this kind of vegetarian burger, the taste is much better than expected, it is worthy of the Chinese restaurant.

The chef fried a piece of tofu to a golden color, sandwiched it in bread, served with wakame, and topped with teriyaki sauce. It tastes like tofu. It tastes crispy on the outside, tender and smooth on the inside, and the burger adds a little mustard. The taste is quite special. The two agreed.

After taking a few bites, Richardson asked, “How did you practice this morning? Did you get the feel?”

“No, vacancies are not allowed.” Guo Xu smiled.

“Then can you still smile?”

Guo Xu swallowed a burger and said lazily: “Even if I am worried, I can’t change the reality. There is a Chinese saying that there must be a way to the car before the mountain. At the end of the day, there will always be a solution. “

Richardson sighed. “Today the coach will definitely let Jack play against you. If you get hit by him again, it will be difficult to get a chance to play tomorrow.”

Guo Xuhun didn’t care: “I played badly, I shouldn’t have played, but that guy shouldn’t mess with me. I have endured him twice.”

Jack Lehman, a 187CM tall, 85 kg white point guard, a first-year freshman, mainly competes with Guo Xu for playing time. Due to the poor three-point shooting of Lehman and the similar playing style to Cliffs, the coach rarely let him play, and he believes that his comprehensive ability is stronger than Guo Xu, and Guo Xu has always been unsightly.

Where there are people, there are conflicts of interest and struggles. Recently, Guo Xu was in a bad state, and Lehman seized the opportunity and wanted to go down.

Guo Xu was targeted by Lehman in both training sessions. He had just been reborn before, he didn’t want people to see his personality changed, and he was under pressure. If the opponent comes back to this set, he will find a way to fight back.

Richardson frowned slightly: persuaded: “Don’t be impulsive, this is not a time for internal strife.”

“Of course, I just need you to do me a favor …”

Ten minutes later, two burgers went down. Guo Xu felt better because of the smooth mustard nose.

Richardson gave a thumbs up when he paid. “I didn’t expect the tofu burger to be so delicious.”

“Welcome to come again.” The waitress smiled brightly.

“We will come tomorrow.” Guo Xu returned with a smiley face. He likes food and must eat it again. After finishing the game on the 4th at the latest, they will return to Michigan and come back to the city somehow until the year of the monkey.

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