Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 93 - [Strong pressure to win the champion, look collectively]

The next day, major media reported on the NBA opener, focusing on Guo Xu’s data, height, and draft pick.

“Chinese-American star shines in the NBA, the first expressive champion.”

“Last rookie 30+, the Lakers beat the Blazers.”

“The most underrated player in 2000, Jason Guo is the best rookie?”

Portland media reported the game, the first-round rookie point guard Eric Barkley unfortunately lay down the gun, he did not play at the opener, but the reporter did not forget him, because he is the first-round 28 rookies, much higher than Guo Xu.

The Trail Blazers management has become a joke. The three point guards in the team are all small men with a height of no more than 185CM. They have similar styles and overlap positions. They put Buckley in the first round to guard the drinking fountains. What’s worse is that the trade came to Sean Camp, and spent ten million years to raise a fat man. What is this picture?

Trailblazer boss Paul Allen is one of the richest people in the world. Everyone who uses a computer knows that software overlord Microsoft, Chairman Bill Gates ’s famous women and children, but the credit is not Gates alone. Gates created only 60% of Microsoft, and the rest belonged to Paul Allen.

Paul loves sports, with the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL and the Portland Trail Blazers in the NBA. Even so, his money did not come from the wind. After reading the news, he began to suspect that he was a group of incapable people. If this year’s championship is not successful, he intends to change the blood internally.

The second best rookie in the first game was Guo Xu’s friend Jason Richardson. He scored 16 points, 5 rebounds and 2 assists. He had a wonderful fast break Tomahawk dunk and also made two three-pointers.

The Bulls chased Tracy McGrady in the summer, but in the end, McGrady joined the Magic. The Bulls with weak shooting guards decided to train Richardson.

Richardson’s fate changed because of Guo Xu. If he does not participate in the draft this year, the Bulls will sign the Celtics to abandon Ron Mercer in order to strengthen the lineup. This opportunity is missed. He will only go to the Warriors to be the younger brother of Jamison in the next year.

The Bulls lost 82 to 100 at home to the Kings. Richardson still has to practice. After two years, his combination with Elton Brand and Artest may be competitive in the east.

The third-best rookie and Guo Xu’s friend, Morris Peterson came off the bench for 22 minutes, 5 of 8 shots, 3 of 6 3-pointers, 2 of 1 free throws, 14 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists. The Raptors lost to the Pistons 95 to 104.

23-year-old Peterson entered the NBA is an excellent immediate combat ability, can adapt to NBA-level confrontation, the role is the same as in college, defensive and shooting three-pointers, he is good at things, easily integrated into the team.

The Michigan Magic Four have been reused. Only Martin Cliffs, who joined the Pistons, has been very depressed. He played 11 minutes off the bench. Without the right to play in the game, he only had 4 points and 1 assist.

A player’s ability does not mean that he can become a star. Once he joins a team that does not suit his style, when he encounters a waste wood coach, it will probably affect his entire career.

Pistons coach George Irwin would rather reuse the poorly guarded and poorly organized, 26-year-old short guard Chucky Atkins, who has no potential to tap, in order to have more Atkins game experience. The rookie really has no human rights, and the fame of college is not very useful for entering the NBA.

If Cliffs joins the Lakers and exchanges with Guo Xu, even if he changes from 14th in the first round to the bottom of the second round, it may be better in the future. Unfortunately, he wanted to join the Pistons before the draft, and his vision was too bad. Too.

The Nets lost to the Cavaliers 82-86 at home. The champion Kenyon Martin only shot 4 of 16 shots, made 2 of 2 free throws, scored 10 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists. He was still a foul machine, playing six fouls after 30 minutes.

The Grizzlies defeated the Supersonics 94-88 at home. Leading Swift performed poorly. He played 9 minutes off the bench and made 0 of 1 shots. All statistics are zero and only grabbed a rebound.

The Clippers lost to the Jazz 94 to 107 away. The Darius Miles played 34 minutes, 4 of 6 shots, 0 of 4 free throws, 8 points, 7 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 blocks.

This year is one of the most rookies who scored in double figures this year. Not many people even got the chance to play. Against these people, Guo Xu was even more great. There are more fans who believe in “racism” on the Internet.

It is worth mentioning that after Tyrone Lu joined the Mavericks, he got a lot of opportunities. He played 24 minutes in the first game and scored 9 points and 3 assists. However, the Mavericks management was not happy and felt miserable by the Lakers.

“Afterwards Zhuge Liang” the Mavericks fans collectively expressed dissatisfaction, and did not understand why Guo Xu should be exchanged for the infamous Tyrone Lu. If he is left, he will definitely be stronger this year. The Mavericks management is very wrong. They didn’t try Guo Xu at all. How can he know what his level is?

Scouts and managers of other teams are also under varying degrees of pressure. This kind of collective glance is too rare.

The Bucks’ Michael Reed will not be reused until Ray Allen leaves the team. Otherwise, people will find that there are more than one players who have been taken away collectively this year.

Guo Xu flew back to Los Angeles that night and stayed asleep until noon, preparing for the Jazz back to back at night.

This year, the Lakers start to meet the strong team, very difficult for newcomers, but also a good opportunity to become famous.

The starting point guard of the Jazz is the famous Stockton, or Stockton at the end of his career. In order to express his admiration for his reputation, Guo Xu decided that as long as the two are in position, he will grab Stockton and die. Hit.

He was awakened by the knock on the door and opened the door to see Megan Fox.

Megan’s reluctant expression, said lightly: “My mother asked me to invite you to dinner at my house. She said that the night you came back last night, you must have got up late, and you can only eat fast food when you go out.”

Seeing Megan speak as if he recites the line ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Guo Xule, looked at her a few times, wearing very cartoon clothes, loose track pants, can’t help but ridicule: “You look like a young man today People, who would think you were under 20 years old? “

“Are you coming?” Megan glanced at him, pouting.

“No thanks, I am going to call Austin to have dinner with him, I made an appointment yesterday.” Guo Xu smiled.

Megan sighed and said, “He will come over later.”

“Hah? Okay.”

Darrens is for the future of her daughter, she wants to help her build a relationship network, chat while eating, and she mentions the matter of letting the two help take care of Megan.

When Guo Xu and Austin were gone, Megan said depressed: “Mom, why do you always ask him to take care of me? You don’t let me make heterosexual friends at school, isn’t he also a man? You can rest assured that such a person is a neighbor? “

“Of course I know he is a man, and I know that he is much stronger than your classmates. This is an NBA star. If he can match you, our family will never worry about it forever. You and him are ordinary friends, let him It ’s good to bring you. “

Megan was not convinced, but had to admit that Guo Xu was much better than himself, and had a good image and a sunny smile.

She shook her head vigorously, trying to shake Guo Xu’s face out of her head. “Anyway, I don’t like him. Look at his usual appearance. It looks like a playboy.”

“Are handsome guys necessarily playboys? Can appearances represent personality?” Darrens retorted.

“Can’t you?”

“You go to look in the mirror first, and others think you must be a vixen. You are also a willful rich girl. Does our family have money?”

“…” Megan was speechless.

What she said made sense, I was speechless.

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