Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 1 - 1 - My Name is Broken

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - My Name is Broken

Immortal Legacy was a virtual reality game that had gained immense popularity during its time. It offered players the chance to escape to the enchanting world of Yunatea, where time moved three times faster than in real life. Just imagine, players could live longer in the game than they ever could in the real world!

In Yunatea, time was measured differently and referred to as "Yunatea time."

Three years had passed since the game launched, and many players had already established themselves in this virtual world. Most felt they had found their new lives there, working and starting families, while others got so caught up in the game that they forgot about their real lives (although that wasn't recommended).

Then, on that particular day, a player named Broken finally stood before the Temple of Blessing. This temple was a special where a player could enter the spirit world and attempt to make a contract with a spirit. However, access to the spirit world can only be obtained through a special quest, which not everyone would have the chance.

This was a rare quest; no one knew for sure how to obtain it. However, most players who received the quest to make a contract with a spirit were low-level or slow-progressing players. Some believed this quest was the game's way of motivating players who were less active.

Considering Broken's situation at that moment, it seemed relevant. He had been playing the game for over a year, yet he was still only at level 25.

"Everyone who began when I did should be level 100 by now," he muttered to himself.

He enjoyed the game, but he could only play for one hour each day in the real world. He couldn't keep up with other players who had more time to level up.

"So, finally... my first contract with the spirit," Broken sighed, the sunlight reflecting off his black hair and illuminating his bright blue eyes. He stood tall at 1.79 meters (5.88 feet).

The Temple of Blessing itself was a sight to behold, masterfully crafted from stone and various materials that bestowed upon it an ethereal, shadowy appearance. This magnificent edifice was nestled in the heart of a dense forest encircled by ancient, towering trees that contributed to the area's ancient ambiance.

Broken approached the temple entrance, his heart pounding in his chest. He drew a deep breath, the air thick with anticipation. 'Let's see what this quest has in store,' he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. With a firm push, the grand doors creaked open, revealing the shadowy interior within.

The interior of the temple was dimly lit, with flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the walls. In the center of the room stood an ancient altar adorned with mysterious symbols and artifacts.

"Welcome, traveler," a voice echoed through the chamber. Broken looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice, but saw no one.

"Who... who are you?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"I am the Guardian of the Temple," the voice responded. "You have come to make a contract with a spirit, have you not?"

"Yes," Broken replied, trying to steady his nerves. "I am ready."

"Very well," the Guardian said. "Approach the altar and your hand upon it."

Broken did as instructed, feeling a surge of energy coursing through him as he touched the ancient stone. The symbols on the altar began to glow, and a swirling mist enveloped the room.

"Please be aware that this journey can only be undertaken once per month. Failure to form a contract will reduce your chances of success in future attempts. Are you ready?" the voice echoed.

Without hesitation, Broken nodded. A surge of unfamiliar energy enveloped him, whisking him through dimensions until he arrived in a realm ensconced in clouds.

He found himself in a breathtaking expanse where small islands floated amidst the sky. Some teemed with verdant foliage and towering trees, others were cloaked in a pristine layer of snow, and still others showcased volcanic peaks, their silhouettes stark against the horizon.

Rooted to the spot, Broken watched in awe as a kaleidoscope of glowing, multicolored orbs danced around him, their light casting ethereal shadows on the cloud-covered ground. "So, this is the appearance of spirits to those who have yet to form a contract," he mused silently.

Spirits of all forms and sizes inhabited the realm, each offering unique abilities and advantages. They would grant the players elemental affinities and distinctive skills and even adopt forms of spirit beasts to aid them in battle.

Making a contract with a spirit not only provided a significant boost in power within Immortal Legacy but also laid the groundwork for future advancements. This initial bond was crucial, offering high-level players the opportunity to enhance their abilities further down the line. Thus, securing a spirit contract was a milestone every newcomer in Immortal Legacy aimed for.

"I like him," a voice, youthful and imbued with a divine essence, resonated around him.

The surrounding spirits shimmered, radiating an otherworldly glow.

"He's quite handsome," another voice observed.

"He harbors immense potential for the future," added a third, the excitement palpable in its tone. "I can't let this opportunity slip by."

"It is I who deserves to stand by his side," another declared with confidence.

[Faith, an Epic-grade Spirit of Light, is offering you a contract.]



[Tansy, a Rare-grade Spirit of Power, is extending you an offer.]

Notifications flooded Broken's vision, signaling the spirits eager to form a contract with him. However, Broken could only form a contract with one spirit, so he had to decide who to choose carefully.

"Broken, please, accept my contract..."

The game classified spirits in a hierarchy starting from the lowest—Common, progressing through Rare, Elite, Epic, Unique, Legend, and so on. Therefore, being presented with an offer from an Epic-grade spirit was a stroke of remarkable luck, as only a few had access to spirits of such caliber.

He observed the spirits floating around, contemplating which one would best suit his journey forward in the game.

"Seven contract offers at the same time? Is this a common occurrence, or am I experiencing something extraordinary?" he pondered.

His warrior class, coupled with a fire affinity, naturally inclined him towards spirits aligned with fire, promising synergy and enhanced prowess. Yet, the proposition from an Epic-grade spirit of Light intrigued him. This left him mulling over how a Light element spirit would mesh with his fire-based abilities, considering the potential impact on his class and existing skills.

[Birch, a Rare-grade Spirit of Nature, is offering you a contract.]



[Oceana, an Elite-grade Spirit of the Sea, is proposing a contract.]

As contract offers from a dozen spirits began to flood in, including two of Epic grade, Broken was caught between shock and sheer delight. His face lit up with unmistakable joy as he exclaimed, "I can't believe I received offers from so many spirits!"


[Birch, a Rare-grade Spirit of Nature, withdrew its contract offer and darted away without a second thought.]

"Wait, what's happening?" Broken was puzzled.

[Oceana, an Elite-grade Spirit of the Sea, retracted its contract offer...]

"Let's leave now," a spirit whispered urgently.

"We don't belong here anymore, and I fear the consequences of lingering."

"I wish we could stay, but it's time for us to depart."

Broken suddenly felt a pang of panic as he watched the spirits all depart, leaving him behind. He tried to run after them, but they slipped through his fingers.

"Wait! No, wait! Hey! Why is everyone leaving all of a sudden? What's happening here?" he called out.

All the spirits that had initially offered contracts to Broken abruptly retracted their offers, leaving him empty-handed and bewildered. He had been contemplating which spirit to choose, not intentionally delaying his decision, but now they had all vanished. This was clearly something strange.

"Why? What happened?" he muttered, still unable to comprehend what was going on.

Trying to regain his composure, Broken took a deep breath. For him, playing this game was a respite from his busy life and responsibilities. He allotted himself an hour each day to escape into this virtual world. Despite his slow progress, he knew he wasn't lazy. Given his limited playtime, his advancement was impressive, only constrained by his real-world commitments.

As Broken grappled with his thoughts, a portal suddenly materialized in front of him, spinning rapidly.

"What...?" he uttered, taken aback by the unexpected occurrence.

From within the swirling portal, a slender, white, and luminous foot emerged, heralding the arrival of a young woman dressed in pure white. She materialized before Broken, a vision of elegance and mystery.

As she lifted her gaze to meet Broken's, he was struck by her extraordinary beauty. Her silver hair cascaded down her back like a river of moonlight, and her emerald eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light. The white dress she wore clung to her slender form, accentuating her graceful figure, while dazzling jewels added a touch of splendor to her appearance.

"Who... is she?" Broken inquired, his voice a mixture of awe and confusion.

"Hi Broken." she answered, her voice as soft and melodious as a serene melody.

"I will bless you to become the greatest player in Yuna...," Her sentence, however, was abruptly cut short.

With fluid grace, she bent her knees and gently lowered herself to the ground, eventually lying flat, with her cheek tenderly pressed against the cool earth.

Approaching cautiously, Broken moved closer to the woman.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

Broken analyzed the status of the woman, who was clearly an NPC, and the information that appeared was:

[Akidia - The Goddess of Sloth]

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