Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 303: A Pure Sacrifice

After that, he lunged forward like a wolf and killed anyone who dared to get in his way.

Stygian Blade, old man Boreas and Hera immediately took a distance, they knew that there was a change in their opponent. However, it was all too late for Hera. In the midst of her retreating steps, Ryan caught her leg and slammed her down hard. Luckily, Hera landed on one of the bodies of the unconscious person, otherwise she would have died. The pirate queen then fell unconscious.

Ryan seemed to have turned into a beast, no one could keep up with him. He mercilessly killed his enemies one by one, nothing could stop him!

When Nicholas saw this change in the battlefield, his facial expression turned grim. If it continued like this then all of his subordinates would definitely die. Nobody would be left to protect him.

When he hesitated, he noticed Irina and Ivanka in their hiding place. In an instant, a brilliant idea came to his mind.

In the middle of annihilating his enemies, Ryan suddenly heard Nicholas's loud voice. "Stop it or I'll kill them!"

When Ryan turned around, he found that Nicholas and his bodyguards were holding Irina and Ivanka hostage. Sharp blades were placed right in front of their throats.

Ryan's flames of anger were actually getting bigger and bigger. 

"Bastard...! How dare you touch my woman!"

Ignoring Ryan's bluff, Nicholas slashed Ivanka's waist without hesitation. In an instant, Ivanka's painful scream filled with fear echoed throughout the battlefield. 

Ryan was distracted with the sight of Ivanka and Irina being held hostage that he didn't notice the attack coming from behind! In an instant, he took 2 hits right to the back of his head.

His whole body fell to the ground from the impact. After trying to stand up, Ryan realized Nicholas was staring at him while smiling broadly.

"Give up and die or I'll kill them both!" Nicholas was not playing games.

"Brother, run away from here! Don't mind us!" Ivanka didn't want to see her brother-in-law get hurt. It was also her and her sister's fault for not running away immediately even though they knew they could slip out from the enemy's watch.

Ryan had started to go crazy, his mysterious power wanted to take over his consciousness as time went by. Slapping the ground, Ryan stood up and glared at Nicholas while continuing to maintain his consciousness.

"Don't you want to kill me? Why did you do such a cowardly act? Are you afraid to die in my hands?!!!" Ryan shouted.

"I know that these two are your weaknesses, that's why," Nicholas said in a cold tone. The two bodyguards gripped their knives tighter around Irina's and Ivanka's necks.

Ryan almost ran out of patience when he saw the blood flowing down his wife's neck. At this moment, a knife strike from the Stygian Blade aimed at his shoulder and Ryan didn't dodge it. The knife stuck firmly and poured fresh blood from under his shirt.

After that, Boreas suddenly kicked Ryan hard in the face. Seeing this golden opportunity, Stygian Blade and Boreas did not hesitate to take advantage of it. In an instant, they beat Ryan to the ground.

The man could only take his enemy's attack, he was almost at his limit.

After fighting him once, Nicholas knew that Ryan's burst of energy would only last a short time. After that period passed, he would have nothing.

Since Nicholas had Irina and Ivanka in his hands, Ryan was completely helpless. When he wanted to strike back, Nicholas always threatened to kill Irina and Ivanka. He was fighting with his hands tied!

Seeing this beating, Irina's heart ached even more and tears couldn't stop flowing from her eyes. She was completely helpless when her husband was beaten so badly.

As time went by, Ryan's internal strength started to run out and he almost passed out.

Nicholas' actions were straight up cowardly.

Unable to stand this incident, Ivanka turned to Nicholas and told him, "Uncle, I used to respect you but I did not think that you are just a bastard!"

"I'm a bastard?" Nicholas laughed. "I have money and everything in this world can be bought with money. I only used my money to kill that one bastard who killed my son. Why am I the bastard here?" 

Irina also joined in trying to convince Nicholas to stop his attack. "Uncle, I'm sorry for Gerard's death, but we can't turn back the clock. Why don't we try to fix it? Our family is still good friends and we are also ready to provide compensation as an apology!"

"Compensation? What's the point of that? Will it bring my son back to life?" Nicholas became angry. "If it weren't for you, Irina, my son would still be alive! Today, I will make the man you call husband die before your eyes!"

Seeing her efforts were in vain, Irina had given up on persuading the head of the Kruger family. However, getting caught with her sister was still a problem. If they couldn't break free, Ryan would eventually die.

Thinking of that possibility, Irina's tears grew heavier. Right, she had become Ryan's weakness. If it weren't for her, how could Ryan be in his current state?

However, Ryan roared loudly again. Despite receiving repeated attacks, there was another explosion of power from within his body. His red eyes were like that of a murderous beast looking for prey. This explosion of power made the enemy stand alert again.

When he saw this, Nicholas just gave a cold snort and ordered his two bodyguards to tie Irina and Ivanka together. 

"Let me go!" Ivanka tried to escape but it was all useless. She couldn't fight back nor did her sister. They were tied in a rope together and pushed to the edge of the cliff. The guards just had to push the two sisters and they would free fall down the mountain.


Nicholas yelled at Ryan while the man was still fighting. In the midst of the massacre, Ryan turned his head and saw Irina and Ivanka. In an instant, this God of War stopped moving.

"Irina, Ivanka!"

Ryan lost his focus and Stygian Blade and Boreas took this opportunity to injure him again.

The climbers who recorded this incident could only feel sorry for him. They wanted to help him but a fight like this was not their stage, they would be killed easily. The ways of the criminals were very cunning.

Ivanka tried to run away but the rope was really tight. Irina could only cry to see her husband beaten badly.

If she weren't a burden, Ryan wouldn't have to suffer like that.

Nicholas was very satisfied when he saw Ryan vomit out a mouthful of fresh blood. Now  he was in control of this fight. If Ryan dared to mess around then he had to say goodbye to his wife and sister-in-law.

Ryan's body was covered in wounds and bruises, he couldn't fight back at all. If he kept rebelling, Nicholas would remind him that he held Irina and Ivanka's lives in his hand.

Irina could not stand to see this, she finally made up her mind. She then said to Ivanka. "Ivy, after this you have to run as hard as you can. I hope you can find happiness in life,"

Ivanka had a bad feeling when she heard that. "Sis, don't think of anything stupid!"

And of course, Irina managed to break free from her bonds and bite the hand of the guard who guarded them and pushed him down the cliff. Then, after confirming that Ivanka was free, Irina jumped off the cliff!


Ivanka quickly tried to catch Irina's hand. However, Ivanka fell with Irina and the two of them were falling to the mountain's slope!


Irina and Ivanka could only scream.

"Irina, Ivanka….!" Ryan realized Irina's reckless action, but it was too late.

His eyes were fixed on the edge of the cliff.

Without hesitation, he channeled his inner strength into his legs and ran towards Irina and Ivanka. However, Stygian Blade and Boreas didn't let him get away. He was lucky that the intense killing aura around him made them stop moving for a moment. They had never felt such a heavy, intimidating murderous aura!

After waking up from their fear, they were both half a step late. Stygian Blade immediately threw the knife while Boreas threw the sword he picked up from the ground. With the profound strength already flowing into his two hands, Ryan repelled all of the attacks with a burst of energy. Then without hesitation, he jumped at Irina and Ivanka.

All of this happened so fast, ordinary people couldn't process this incident at all. Seeing Ryan jumping off the cliff, Nicholas' face became gloomy.

Meanwhile, the hikers who were busy recording did not know what to do. Did that man just jump down after the two women were thrown off the cliff?

Did he want to join them and die together?

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