Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 307: On The Verge Of Death

The dirt on his face, the pebbles stuck to his nails, the dust on his cheeks and the dried blood on his side abs were gently washed. Ivanka carefully wiped her brother-in-law's body clean.

"Brother, I hope that you will get better after I clean your wounds," Ivanka said to Ryan, who was still unconscious. Her face smiled warmly at the man who had been helping her a lot.

Ryan could hear Ivanka's sincere words but his body still couldn't move.

Ivanka then continued washing his wounds. "Brother, do you remember when we first met?"

She recalled their first meeting, making a warm smile bloom on her beautiful face. Ryan's arrival in her life had given her many precious memories, especially when she threatened to sleep with her sister, nothing could beat Ryan's defeated face.

Thinking of these precious memories, Ivanka could only smile broadly. Looking at her brother-in-law's face now, she couldn't imagine her life without Ryan in it.

After washing Ryan's wound, Ivanka walked back to the pool again.

Even though her stomach had been growling since earlier, Ivanka didn't know how to feed herself. The only food source she knew was the thumb-sized fish.

Looking into the pond, the fish were swimming casually. Sometimes they would jump to mid air and dive back into the pool.

This cold pool was 10 meters in diameter, big enough for these small fishes to make as a home. Ivanka tried to find out how deep the pool was but she couldn't see anything.

The girl then decided to catch the fish, but she couldn't get into the pond so she had to wait for the fish to come near and wait for an opportunity to catch them.

Moreover, she could only rely on her hands because she did not have the tools to lure them. 

Ivanka waited patiently. Since this pond was large, there should be a lot of fish, so it was only a matter of time for the fish to swim towards her.

Not long after, a fish swam toward the shore. Ivanka was instantly delighted, her hands slowly sinking into the water. But the moment her hand went into the water, the fish became afraid and immediately swam away towards the middle of the pond.

Seeing this, Ivanka realized that she needed to hurry to catch it. Armed with her previous experience, Ivanka dipped her hand in the water again. Her task was to wait for the fish to come within her reach.

As time went on, a chill began to envelop her hands. The coldness was prickling her bones. 

At the same time, several fish swam to shore. Ivanka was fully concentrated and in an instant, she closed her palms.

But the fish's swimming speed was really fast. After Ivanka took her hand out of the water, she realized that she had not caught a single fish.

Damn it!

Her third attempt also failed.

Her Fourth? Failed again.

Ivanka had no idea how many times she tried to catch these little fish. Moreover, she was getting more and more frustrated and her body was getting colder. Frustration mixed with hunger made her lose her temper, tears began to trickle back from her eyes.

"For brother Ryan, I can't give up!" Ivanka forcefully wiped her tears away.

True, her brother-in-law had always helped her all this time and she had never repaid his kindness. Now was the perfect time for her to return the favor.

After all, she shouldn't give up because if she did, her brother-in-law would die.

Ivanka brushed off the unnecessary emotions and focused herself on catching the fish.

Her hand that was underwater started to hurt, she could even barely feel it.

However, a bunch of fish suddenly swam into her hand. Ivanka glared at the fish, she was really nervous. Her hand slowly rose upwards and when the fish did not suspect anything, she closed her palms and grabbed the fish!


When her hand came out of the water, Ivanka could see a fish from the gaps in her hand.

"Hooray I got it!"

The girl was so happy, she finally caught them. She then quickly ran towards Ryan.

Even though she was starving, this brother-in-law definitely needed the fish more than she did. After all, this Ryan was the man of her heart, how could Ivanka let him suffer? She had to feed Ryan this fish first.

"Brother, I got some fish for you."

When she arrived near Ryan, Ivanka opened her hands and held the thumb-sized fish in her palms. The fish tried to escape but it was useless.

Now the problem was how she should feed it to Ryan.

Seeing the little fish in her hand, Ivanka made up her mind. With closed eyes, Ivanka stuffed the fish and chewed on it.

She had to put it  and then give it to Ryan through her mouth. Otherwise, the man wouldn't be able to eat it. 

Ivanka had never eaten raw food before, she had never eaten Japanese food and didn't really like it raw. She was trying her best for Ryan. 

When she bit the fish, a fishy smell began to fill her mouth and nose. It almost made Ivanka vomit. However, she managed to endure it. In order to save Ryan, she had to chew this fish alive.

Closing her eyes, Ivanka chewed the fish slowly. The urge to vomit was in every bite, but she managed to endure it to the end.

After chewing the fish for a while, she could feel its texture was like mush. Then, Ivanka opened Ryan's mouth with both hands and slowly fed him with her mouth!

When Ivanka's lips met his again, Ryan's consciousness seemed to return to normal. When the girl fed him with water earlier, his lips could not move. Almost at the same time when Ivanka was feeding her the 'fish porridge', Ryan's lips could feel the softness of Ivanka's lips.

Very delicious!

He could feel Ivanka's warmth through his consciousness that seemed to go on and off. The man knew what his sister-in-law was doing right now.

What a troublesome little sister.

Ryan's heart felt warm, but unconsciously, his tongue started to lock the girl's tongue. Her soft lips made him not willing to be separated from her. Although her lips weren't that different from Irina's, he had to admit that Ivanka's were more flexible.

Ivanka was surprised when she felt her tongue was getting sucked, but this brother-in-law should still be unconscious! After she finished feeding off the fish to him, Ivanka took off her lips and her face was bright red.

"Brother, do you know that this is the second kiss I've ever had in my life? How dare you make me French Kiss you, I'll definitely tell my sister Irina!"

Ivanka glared at Ryan, but her brother-in-law's face didn't change. However, she felt that her brother was more responsive than before even though he wasn't fully conscious yet. If this brother-in-law really did, he would act like a fool and swore he didn't do it on purpose.

Seeing Ryan still motionless, the light in Ivanka's heart dimmed. "Brother, if you wake up now I will give you more. Come on, hurry up and get up!"

When he heard this, Ryan could feel a sharp pain in his heart. 'You stupid girl! Who wouldn't be attracted if you said that?'

But he still couldn't move his body and his consciousness wasn't stable. When he heard Ivanka's words just now, he seemed to want to scream out loud and made that girl fulfill her promise.

However, when the 'fish porridge' entered Ryan's throat, something strange unexpectedly entered his body. It was as if the cold air spread throughout Ryan's organs and gave an injection of energy to his body.

This felt a little strange, it looked like the fish had a mysterious energy that helped him recover.

Thanks to that, Ryan felt a very warm energy begin to dominate his body. It had been around for a long time and seemed to be waiting for the right time to come out.

That energy came from the third grandfather's medicinal pill that Christa gave him a few days ago. At that time, Ryan immediately drank it, but he did not expect that he could only feel the effect just now.

The cold energy from the fish stimulated the warm energy from his grandfather's medicinal pill.

The warm energy immediately collaborated with the cold energy and achieved a balancing harmony. The two energies began to work and spread throughout Ryan's body, healing all kinds of wounds.

The mysterious power that he still hadn't fully controlled made him suffer some internal injuries. There were cracks in some of his bones and not to mention bleeding that almost happened all over his body. It wouldn't be a lie to say that Ryan was on the verge of death.

Thanks to the mysterious energy that the fish carried and medicine from his third grandfather, his body slowly recovered and his life was no longer in danger. 

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