Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 315: Hunting Down His Wife’s Captors

Ryan frowned, he felt that his wife had been caught by the Kruger family.

Without thinking, Ryan walked straight to Mrs. Susan's room. Unfortunately, the room was also empty.

With a bad feeling looming in his heart, Ryan immediately called Irina's office. And yet, no one picked up.

Shouldn't her secretary be there?

His bad feelings were getting worse by the second. After bathing and changing clothes, Ryan immediately went to the Avalerion company. Unexpectedly, the company was closed and there were no people at all.

When Ryan entered the building, the frown on his forehead deepened. The receptionist who usually greeted him was not there and the whole building looked empty.

What was really happening?

Ryan started searching all over the floor. And still there was not a single person.

When he arrived at his laboratory, he found a shadow. Ryan immediately felt happy and approached closer.

At this time, Valerie was seen tidying her belongings. While she was busy tidying up, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She was very surprised to see that person's figure after she turned around.


Seeing the man's figure, Valerie looked both relieved and surprised. She immediately threw herself into Ryan's arms.

"Ryan, I thought you were dead."

Ryan hugged her as she cried, then Valerie calmed down again after a while. With a serious face, Ryan asked, "Valerie, please explain what happened."

"Ryan, don't you know?" Hearing Ryan's question, Valerie was a little surprised.

The man shook his head and when he saw Valerie's reaction, his bad feeling got worse.

"This company was closed on Mrs. Irina's order but since she was not in town, she conveyed this decision through her secretary," Valerie's words were tinged with sorrow. After all, this company had brought her many precious memories.


Ryan was greatly shocked, so he immediately asked again, "Why did this company have to be closed?"

"Because Mrs. Irina is getting married," Valerie said.


When Ryan heard this, his head was struck by lightning. Who would marry her?

But deep down inside, he already knew the answer. Irina must have been forced to marry the Kruger family. But who would be the groom?

Nonetheless, he would kill anyone who dared to kidnap his wife!

At this time, Ryan's face was really gloomy and his hands were clenched into fists. He felt that the flame of anger in his heart was completely overflowing.

Seeing Ryan's expression, Valerie couldn't help but think of something.

"Do you know where she is getting married?" Ryan looked at Valerie once again while trying to calm himself down.

Valerie nodded. "Mrs. Irina's secretary said that she will get married in Batavia today. The wedding should take place this afternoon,"

Batavia? Surely the culprit was none other than the Kruger family!

Interesting, this was really interesting indeed. Now he had the reason to exterminate this rotten family for good!

Ryan's burning anger could no longer be extinguished. No one ever dared to steal from him, were they ready to die for what's coming?

Not to mention, they kidnapped his wife and forced her to marry one of their family members?

Just imagining this has made Ryan's killing aura burst out profusely.

With a serious face, he said to Valerie. "Valerie, I'll be gone for a few days."

After saying that, the man walked towards the door and went out of the room.

Seeing Ryan's disappearing figure, Valerie's heart became sad. From the man's reactions, she could see that Irina had a special place in the heart of the person she loved.

But the man wasn't to blame for this, her relationship with him was really complicated. It could be said that they were more than friends but not yet lovers, and seeing Ryan care about another woman clearly made Valerie feel uneasy.

While she was busy with her own thoughts, Ryan suddenly walked back into the room. He then approached Valerie and kissed her forehead.

"Wait for me, I'll be back," he said in a gentle voice.

"Okay," Valerie's face was already blushing. When she saw Ryan's back slowly leaving, her heart was already warm.

After he found out about Irina's situation, Ryan immediately rushed to the airport.

Was his wife really taken away and forced to marry someone else? Even if he ended up dying, he would still kill anyone who dared touch Irina.

Ryan's thoughts of killing every member of the Kruger family were resolute, today he would eliminate that one aristocratic family.

The man ran towards the airport without waiting for anything else. His feet, flooded by his inner force, stepped quickly and made his speed befitting that of a racing car. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the airport.

"One ticket to Batavia," Ryan pushed the person in front of him and talked to the receptionist.

The person he pushed was angry and rolled up his sleeves. "Are you looking to die huh?"

Ryan didn't answer, he just glared at him. The man had raised his hand and was about to hit, but suddenly, Ryan's eyes were like a wild animal.

The person immediately shivered with fear. Under Ryan's intimidating gaze, the man seemed to be having trouble breathing. It was as if Ryan was telling him he could kill him in a heartbeat if he wanted to!

This sense of danger was so great, and the threat also felt so real!

When Ryan looked away, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief and stepped back with a wet back.

"Sorry sir, the plane to Batavia has taken off. The next plane to Batavia will be available at 4 in the afternoon," the receptionist said.

Ryan frowned. He managed to get down from the mountain and arrived at the city of Avalerion at 11 am. If he had to wait until 4 pm and arrive at night, Irina would have been forced to marry the Kruger family.

In other words, he couldn't wait for the next plane!

But the plane had already taken off, what could he do?

Ryan's face looked serious, his brain was spinning fast. Suddenly, he had a good idea.

Who said he had missed the flight to Batavia?

Shouldn't he just steal one of the planes and fly it himself? Simple isn't it?

Ryan then bought a plane ticket with the fastest departure. After that, he immediately got into it.

Not long after, the plane he boarded finally took off. After missing the seat belt sign, Ryan immediately stood up and walked towards the cockpit.

"Sir, can you please sit down quietly? If you need something, you just have to say it," said a stewardess to him. But Ryan ignored her and kept walking forward.

The other passengers did not pay attention to Ryan at all, they were busy with their own business.

"Sir? Sir!" The flight attendant began to worry when she saw the man did not answer her. She could only let out a heavy sigh.

When Ryan arrived at the front of the plane, the undercover air police were seen chatting with each other. People might not be aware that every plane they boarded was patrolled by some undercover law enforcers on board. Their job was to make sure that no crime occurred on the plane. But for Ryan, these people were nothing more than insects.

Ignoring them, he continued to move towards the cockpit of the plane. However, the police were aware of his movements.

"Excuse me sir, where are you going? The front area is prohibited for passengers so it is better for you to sit back down," one of them said while showing his emblem.

The three policemen actually had the pistols on their waists. Plane hijacking had been rampant lately, so they had to be ready for any threat.

The other passengers also realized this incident and became curious.

Ryan didn't care, he still walked towards the cockpit. At this time, one of the three policemen was pointing his gun and shouting at him, "Don't move or I'll shoot you!"

This time, the passengers were panicking as they looked fearfully at Ryan. The man, however, didn't look back as he didn't have time to waste his time on these dogs. His mind was only filled with Irina. As long as he made it to Batavia on time, he would be able to save her.

However, one of the cops suddenly fired his gun either out of nervousness or something else. The echoing gunshot made everyone panic. Everyone immediately ducked in their seats.

After the gunshot disappeared, the police were surprised to see that Ryan was still standing unharmed.

Impossible! The cop couldn't possibly miss his shot!

The three policemen looked at each other then finally lunged at Ryan.

Under everyone's gaze, the cops were extremely fast and coordinated. They charged towards Ryan to catch the man they thought as a terrorist.

But at this time, Ryan only turned around briefly then walked back to the cockpit. 

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