Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 564

In Lehman's office, the spinning top was quite nervous sitting across from him.

He knew that Lehmann trusted the director and was willing to delegate power, but if he really wanted to make a foreign film, he was still worried that the project he put out would be shot.

After all, who wants to invest in a movie that doesn't know the market?

Even he himself, on a whim, threw himself into this work with passion, and he never thought about whether to make money or not, and whether he could make money.

However, he still came with an inexplicable mood, and even if he was rejected, he would not take it to heart.

At this moment, he said with a little feeling: Pan's Labyrinth is based on Spain during World War II in 1945. It has a certain background of the times and depicts the high pressure of that time with a girl with a very sensitive adolescent psychology. Domination, said to be fantasy, is actually escapism and comfort. Those who seem illusory, why are they not real? Sometimes the human heart is more frightening than the hideous monster...

It seems that you think a lot. Lyman smiled.

Well, I've been thinking about it for a few nights. Sometimes I'm dreaming about this story. It's... um, weird, but I really put a lot of effort into it. I couldn't give it up, and I just wanted to finish it.

Do you think a movie like this would sell at the box office in the U.S. or elsewhere in Europe?

Maybe, I don't know. I didn't think about that. The spinning top was a little tired.

How much to invest?


I ask you how much money you need to complete these plans.

The top warmed his heart and rubbed his thighs with his hands. After thinking about it, he said, At least more than 17 million yuan, and the cost of service and transformation in it must be the largest.

What about the actor?

You can save a little bit on the actors, audition more, and find some cheap ones.

Lyman pointed to the role of Faon in the script - a half-human, half-sheep half-beast guardian with transparent eyes, and said, Isn't this role played by Ron Perlman?

Lang is too expensive. If you look for him, at least the shooting budget will be 5 million more. The top is still thinking about Lehman. He doesn't want the cost to be high and lose too much money.

after all,

He really has no confidence that the film will sell well - who knows, Pan's Labyrinth will receive unanimous praise from film critics, and then win awards one after another, just relying on the popularity of awards to seduce a group of young literary and artistic young people have become curious Heart, and then the box office will be harvested.

This is the same as the best picture results of the Oscars every year. The Cannes Palme d'Or has a good reputation all over the world, and the literary audience can't help but not buy it.

Heaven can see pity, these routines, the top has never thought about it, and dare not think about it.

This guy has never won any credible awards before. In this regard, Cannes is a little more fair than Oscar. It doesn't look at seniority so much, and there is no rule that it is difficult to win awards for the first nomination of the best picture. Directly gave the gyro a surprise.

Of course, he still has the mentality of saving money and losing less - no bottom.

Just look for him. The right actor can add a lot to a movie. If it is suitable, don't miss it. Lehman said seriously: As long as this project does not exceed the budget of 25 million, I will pay for it. already.

Ron Perlman is Gyro's very favorite actor. The two have worked together many times, and they are very familiar with each other. Seeing Lehman's initiative to increase the shooting budget, of course, he will not refuse - who doesn't want to choose the best production team?

I must shoot well and make the film well.

Finally, Top put away the script and left Firefly Pictures full of energy.

In fact, in addition to the use of fantasy monsters and other setting materials, the director's style of the top is very serious and not lazy. Maybe it is because of the hard-won opportunity. He can walk from a Mexican-born filmmaker to Today's step, I don't know how much hardship I have suffered, how much exclusion and discrimination I have suffered from the local circles, that is all the way through careful calculation.

And because of his experience in the application of Fuhua Dao, this piece has already saved a lot of budget for the film, and if another director is filming it, 25 million may not be able to stop it.


On October 10th, there were less than 200 screens left in North American theaters for Dead Silence, which is also an early omen that it will be painted in the next week.

And at this time, the box office performance of Dead Silence basically has no momentum, and you can get a little bit every day.

The film was released for 23 days, and the North American box office totaled 121.6 million, which is also a good box office performance. As for the overseas screening market, which will be launched two weeks later, the situation is also very optimistic.

Although traditional movie markets such as the UK, France, and Italy are not very accepting of a horror movie, European audiences generally do not like this tune.

However, in Asia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore and other places still supported the screening of Dead Silence.

Relying on the powerful theater promotion, just when Dead Silence was about to be released in North America, the global box office has reached 194 million US dollars.

It is only more than 50 million away from the 200 million mark.

Although overseas areas are not very popular, but there are so many places to show, your family, my family, no matter how bad it is, there are still hundreds of thousands of dollars contributed. All together, the overseas results are naturally quite good.

In this regard, if a Hollywood commercial blockbuster meets the public's taste, the overseas results can basically be higher than the North American box office.

For example, in Star Wars 3, there are only more than 380 million in North America, but more than 400 million overseas, which adds up to more than 850 million. That's called making money.

There are also 3D animated films from Pixar Studios, which are basically higher overseas than domestic ones, making crazy money.

Among them, in fact, there is no cultural gap in these films, or in other words, those filmmakers deliberately reduce cultural differences.

However, Dead Silence is obviously a negative example. This film is considered a very culturally estranged work. Because of the influence of Eastern thinking, the audience in Asia can quite accept the setting, but the European ticket warehouse has very few supporters. The overseas box office growth rate is very slow.

Basically, it can be seen from the data growth that Dead Silence will not be very popular. It is estimated that if so many regions add up, it can be equal to the performance of North America, which is not bad.

However, when the results of Dead Silence spread to Hollywood, there were still many filmmakers with red eyes.

This year, there are not many movies that can exceed 200 million globally. Although the North American movie market is still growing and the number of theaters is also increasing, it is still very risky to make movies.

Although it looks very profitable and the profits are quite high, a blockbuster model can make quick money for several years, but why not take a look at those companies that lose money and go bankrupt?

Therefore, the achievement of Dead Silence is still enviable, and the low-cost investment is also the most recognized place by everyone.

For a time, Hollywood has risen up the trend of shooting horror themes.

Unfortunately, this subject is not something that any director can play around with...


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