Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 605 Copyright

After the conditions of the joint issuance are roughly negotiated, the three companies will jointly invest an initial 12 million yuan for publicity, and the subsequent investment will be determined according to market prospects.

In other words, if the movie has a profit of 1 million, 200,000 will be taken away by the two companies, but the copyright and overseas markets are still in the hands of Firefly.

In fact, this kind of clause is far more beneficial to the producer than cooperating with the Big Six.

If it were the Big Six, they would have already intervened in overseas markets.

According to Hollywood's statistical big data in 2005, the profit of the studio's box office revenue source is less than 15% of the total profit. The offline market such as TV, pay-per-view, DVD, and authorized development is where the big money can be made. The Big Six has always been asking high prices for this part of the income.

Mubao and Lions Gate are comparable to the six great virtues, and the conditions that are too excessive are basically not mentioned, because they do not have the strength.

The next day, the three issuers formally signed the provisional joint terms.

The contract stipulates that when the three companies have a project that needs to be promoted through the cooperation and promotion of the test film, they will convene their members to discuss together. Once the cooperation is required, the three companies can send personnel to supervise the financial and resource investment. The revenue sharing is subject to negotiation, and the more the more is, the more will be accounted for.

Of course, an additional stipulation is that the project provider is automatically regarded as the copyright owner of the film, and is not included in the joint development clause.


Firefly Pictures, Chairman's Office.

Lyman hung up the call from Liam and called Joseph in. Hurry up and urge Warners and Paramount to call the film money. When the cooperation is announced, it will not be so easy to ask for money.

Joseph is still clear about the joint issue, and is not surprised by Lyman's instructions, The profit from Mrs. and Mrs. Smith is not easy to get, but the third fund for Monster in the Lake is easy.

The first two are both interested parties, and they are still in the honeymoon period. It is still very easy to reach for money. Once there is a confrontation, it will definitely be difficult to take it.

But it took less than a month for Mrs. \u0026 Mrs. Smith to be fully drawn, with a total global box office of 487 million. Paramount shared the first profit of less than 30 million to Firefly, and the rest still owes at least more than 130 million. , However, it is very troublesome to split with the cinema market, and no settlement will be given if you do not draw.

Therefore, Paramount did not deliberately owe it, but the financial transactions and tax procedures are indeed a bit more.

As much as you can get back,

Calculate the rest slowly. Anyway, we signed an agreement between us, and we are not afraid that they will not pay. If the payment exceeds the time, we will directly send a lawyer's letter.

Joseph nodded and didn't ask any more questions, and immediately went out to notify the payment.

When he left, Lyman leaned back in his chair, feeling a little more relieved after a bit of annoyance.

Warner's unfair treatment can basically be seen from the attitude of the six major companies towards their collaborators. Even if there is a win-win situation, they should prefer their own. If they say sacrifice, they will sacrifice, leaving only a little leeway. It also shows Lehman clearly that cooperation will always be limited. already.

Of course, the development of Firefly to this day is not bad. The only difference is the huge capital and market background. Firefly is not as crazy as Lionsgate to expand the company's strength.

All in all, take your time.

Who has not come up step by step.

Without decades of development, the Big Six was only a small company at the beginning, and it was not the firefly of that time.

As for the joint distribution, when Lionsgate acquired the first-line production of Summit Entertainment Promotion, it played this trick. A Twilight series completely established the pattern of the first person under the six majors. out of the way.

For those studios that can make good movies but suffer from insufficient resources, it has always been this way to expand the prospects of the film.

Jingle Bell......

Just as Joseph was out, the phone in Ryman's office rang again.

When Lehman picked it up, it was his agent, Johnson, who called.

Ryman, I have already obtained the copyright for the adaptation of Twilight you mentioned.

It's done well. Hearing this, Lehman became more and more happy.

Actually, it's just a small thing.

Speaking of which, since he won the adaptation copyright of Prada, Lehman has also found that there are still many big-bang projects in the recent copyright, and Twilight is one of them that Lehman asked people to collect. .

Of course, he wasn't stupid. He didn't explicitly say which adaptations would sell well. Instead, he asked Johnson to make a list in the Random House library. Lehman drew a dozen or so adaptations that needed to be negotiated and took over. Naturally Can be hidden.

After all, many studios are scouring the market for best-selling books and hoarding copyrights, and Firefly ignores this aspect - too much emphasis on original scripts.

In the original time and space, Twilight would be picked up by Lionsgate and won the adaptation copyright, but now with Lyman's hand in hand, the original author Stephanie Mayer has just finished writing Twilight and sold a single book, and it has been selling well one after another. When the top 100 appeared on the list, Lehmann took a fancy to it.

Speaking of which, the original author, Stephanie, was a full-time wife before writing the book, and she had no writing experience at all, but she had nothing to do with fantasy or a pure and beautiful love like a yy girl, and the result was out of control.

The popularity of the Twilight series can only be said that pure love is covered with a background of supernatural power, which makes the original dog-blood love a bit more soul-stirring.

Later, some people rated it well.

Twilight has the most cliché of life and death, full of entanglements and constant blunt conflicts, but all of them use extremely simple strokes to set off the girl's love hidden beneath the surface.

In other words, without the magical setting, without the vampires and werewolves, there is only one love. It can only be said that the author's skill is good. He just wrote the love into the twists and turns of the ancient Greek drama, and filled the market gap of such works. , so that a generation of teenagers can watch it with a sense of substitution.

And writing, what you want is a sense of substitution.

You don't care whether it's yy or the country, if you look at it interestingly, it will be successful.

Just as Twilight has reached a very romantic style, even the deliberate clichés have become the Wen Feng tension of love, hate and hatred.

Therefore, as a youth, Twilight is still quite popular with young book fans.

Of course, Stephanie hadn't tasted the fire yet. She was only approached by a studio just after it appeared in the market. She didn't have much preparation in her heart, so she was very happy and sold 5 copies for $7 million. Annual adaptation time limit, and the follow-up sequel Firefly has the right of first refusal.

At this time, the second book New Moon had just started, and Johnson also signed it in advance, and it was still 7 million.

The adaptation of the copyright of the first two chapters of 14 actually took a little advantage, at least the cost of Lionsgate to win the entire copyright is definitely not less than 50 million US dollars.

However, Lehman's market vision is one step ahead. If he wins it before it explodes, he will naturally spend a lot less money. As for whether the original author will feel disadvantaged because of this, that is not what Firefly should be responsible for.

Do you want to do business? One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, but there is no persecution. There is no right to go back when the copyright is shot.

Otherwise, Marvel would have taken back the authorization of the X-Men series and Spider-Man.

The only thing that makes Lehman feel a little guilty is whether Lionsgate in the previous life can still rise like that. After all, the market potential of Twilight is too high, which has brought absolute market support to Lionsgate, and also strengthened their release confidence. .

In the original time and space, the project operation with a total series of up to 2.5 billion US dollars is the most powerful company pillar anyway.

Of course, Lehmann is not in a hurry to develop this series, because the sales have not yet reached the peak, and the accumulated fans of the book must not be enough.

Waiting for another year, waiting for the book market to develop to a certain extent, and then cooperating with the movie to set off a new round of market upsurge, is the most suitable method for operation.

Warner, Barry Mayer's private office.

In fact, the joint issue cannot be concealed from these people, and most of them can be found out with a little investigation.

Of course, the firefly's resistance made these vested interests very dissatisfied.

In their opinion, it is a very peaceful practice to reward some meat, but some people do not accept it.

Soon, Paramount and Warner's financial split of Firefly slowed down in an instant.

The cooperation that was not shied away from the beginning has a lot of repeated reasons and excuses - this trick has also been eaten by DreamWorks.

If there is a problem with the flow of capital chain of a studio, it is bound to drag down the development of the company. very effective restriction.

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