Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth consideration

Then, Lehman asked, the expansion of management is imminent, but it is difficult for those with limited experience to be assured that he can successfully take over the relevant business. If the qualifications are sufficient, I am afraid it is not so easy to dig in. What do you have to do with this? Is there any way to do it by hand?

It's not that Lehmann hasn't thought about this kind of thing, and it's not a burden for him to dig a foot in the wall.

But Firefly Pictures did not say that it is better than the Big Six or other second-tier companies, and the treatment is not too high. They have done a good job, so why did they jump to you?

In other words, what advantages does Firefly have over other studios to attract talent?

I might as well say it directly, Lehmann said with a slight frown. I am unwilling to give the company's shares, and it is impossible for the newly arrived employees to agree to specific dividends. There is no need to say more about this.

Although it is said that the operation of the company pays attention to the reasonable distribution of benefits, many bosses like to tie the management together with equity or profit dividends, but the distribution of benefits also pays attention to a distribution method, such as Joseph, Black, Garcia, Thomas, Ryan, etc. It is called sharing after working hard together for a long time, and giving dividends as soon as it comes. Lehman refuses to do it.

Excessive treatment is not good for the operation of the company, and it also increases administrative costs.

Rather than spend the huge sums of money to poach people, Lehman would rather recruit from college graduates.

The right of the two interests is the greater, and the right of the two evils is the lesser. Lehman has just relied on the situation of debt management for the film and television project. He still has to save money to do big things. It is impossible to spend money to buy people's hearts to expand management— - Even if you want to buy people's hearts, you have to prove your ability to work.

Don't hurt the enthusiasm of the old people in the company for the sake of new people.

You must know that only the top managers of Firefly Pictures have received the promise of dividends, and Joseph himself has only been able to obtain 3% of the company's annual profit this year, which has been maintained until retirement-an annual salary plus dividend model. , Joseph is already a multi-millionaire-level manager.

Of course, if Joseph could propose this matter, he naturally had a plan.

Boss, your consideration is right. Joseph was not completely sloppy, but also agreed with Lehman's recruitment concept just now.

In the end, what Joseph wanted to do was to dig ready-made management talents, but he was out of the game.

Just like himself, he stood in the wrong line on the personnel faction within the company and was excluded.

Don't think these people are some kind of losers,

It's not about business ability. The bigger the company, the more intertwined the relationship is, and it is not a single person who can do things that can climb to the top.

It's like Michael Ovitz, who founded caa. At his peak, he was even listed at the top of Hollywood's most powerful list, and he was more powerful than the helm of the Big Six.

But what about the end?

Abandoned CAA and entered Disney, but was kicked out by the executives' joint board of directors at Disney. After being out of the game, I wanted to return to CAA, but was rejected by the behemoth that I nurtured, and I was eliminated for the second time. Now, there is still this hero's position on the top of Hollywood. ?

If you don't know how to stand in line and form gangs, maybe you won't be able to keep your job and still work?

There is no exchange of interests, no human relations, who gives you the opportunity to make achievements?

Joseph can be said to be deeply affected by this, and he himself will never shake this ingrained gray workplace ecological chain.

In other words, where there are people, there is fighting.

The place where there is a fight is the rivers and lakes.

Although you don't want to divide your life and death, it is right to not give in an inch.

At the beginning, Joseph was also very successful, and his work in Colombia was smooth, and he entered the core management within a few years.

How is the result?

One wrong step is to assign core idle positions to wait.

What a waste of time this time.

If I hadn't entered Firefly occasionally with the mentality of trying it out, I might still be in the UK for retirement.

Every time Joseph thinks of it, his heart is full of depression.

So, Ryman listened to Joseph's suggestion and lightly tapped the table, Go poach the management of those branches, or raise and lower idle talents?

It's the best and most convenient way to start.

Sure, advice is good advice, but it's not that easy in practice.

For example, it is necessary to be familiar with the internal struggles of other studios, and to be familiar with the ability and performance of specific personnel, in order to dig suitable talents, and this requires information sources.

In this regard, it is definitely necessary to turn to major headhunting companies.

At this moment, Joseph added: Now the company still lacks a real internal person in charge. In terms of management, it is most necessary to work together as an arm, otherwise the people below will be hindered by various circumstances and you will fight against each other. It is really a company. Taboo.

After speaking, Joseph looked up at Lyman.

He has learned a lesson and is naturally reluctant to be caught in the battlefield of internal power struggles.

Now, what I want is an identity and a statement. It also depends on whether Lehmann has grown the company and fully believes in his courage.

Yes, Joseph wants real governance.

At this time, Firefly Pictures and the production business all belonged to Laiman, but the top management of each department should be considered equal, and no one is superior to the other.

With the expansion of management, personnel relations are bound to complicate. Joseph's position at this time is no longer enough to serve as an internal supervisor, and he needs to go further, which requires Lehman's meaning.

In other words, the executive director position is not enough to take on the heavy lifting.

After making this request, Joseph was also a little uneasy.

Lehmann agrees.

He admits that he does not have enough energy to manage the company, and he does not manage this material himself.

Since you employ people, you must trust them.

So, he nodded slightly and said, This is an old saying. What if we give the general manager the position and the power to reward and punish?

Firefly Pictures and Blue Butterfly Pictures, as well as the acquired digital space, are all subsidiaries of Mann Media.

In terms of group status, Joseph and Liam are not superior and inferior, and the digital field is too professional, not visual effects, and cannot be played at all.

In Lehman's mind, Liam is a talent, and it's okay to open up the distribution market. It's really not as good as Joseph in terms of management.

When the company was first adjusted, Lehmann intentionally vacated the group headquarters position, just to see the performance of the individual.

Looking at it now, Joseph is still suitable for the post of CEO of Mann Group, plus the personnel management of Firefly headquarters.

What else? Of course, this deep meaning will not be expressed.

And Joseph just wanted to manage with absolute company status to facilitate his management. After obtaining the corresponding permission, he felt calm in his heart.

Come on, it's almost noon. Let's go out to eat together.

To win over subordinates, not only to give positions, but also to give people care.

This kind of meticulousness and trust, how can you not let Joseph work hard?


Since capital entered Hollywood, the owners of the Big Six have changed, not to mention the management.

Moreover, because the global distribution network needs large film and television companies, there is no shortage of management talents for related businesses.

As for the offline copyright operation, it is the corresponding business scope.

But right now, Lehman's priority is to dig for such talents.

This time the management expanded the recruitment, the major headhunting companies followed the news, the network was all over, and soon various information materials, as well as the corresponding contacts, positions, and salary conditions were sent.

As Joseph said, poaching these people is far easier than the much-used management.

After all, if you don't see any hope of getting ahead, it's not unacceptable to work hard in a different environment.

In particular, the current performance of Firefly Pictures is not bad, and it is quite tempting.

Lehman looked through a few documents, and sure enough, he didn't see any direct demands for equity or high compensation.

In other words, even if there is such a thought in my heart, I have not put it forward in detail at this time.

And this is exactly what Lyman would like to see.

In that case, Lehman said to the left and right, Let's contact a few first.

Liam shivered when he heard this, and looked at Joseph beside him.

Oh, no, they are already CEOs, and in terms of status, they are still above themselves.

Of course, under normal circumstances, he can't manage one-third of an acre of Blue Butterfly Pictures.

It's just that the news came too suddenly, Liam was only notified by Lyman's phone call, and he wasn't quite used to it.

However, the good thing about Mann Media is that without the management of the board of directors and many shareholders, Lehman can directly decide the coordination of executive positions. As for the lower personnel situation, he generally does not care.

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