Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 37: : The trump card of the future

   "Interesting, let's take a look." Seeing someone selling elven eggs, Sato Kaede was also bright, and immediately rushed to take a look.

   Little elves are very strange creatures. Obviously, there are many types of elves that look like mammals, but their fertility methods are not viviparous but oviparous. The eggs they lay are now generally called fairy eggs.

   Unlike the wild elves that have been born, the elves in the elves are still a piece of white paper, so the difficulty of tame is very small. Buying the elves to conquer the elves is the best way for ordinary people to obtain the initial elves.

However, it is precisely because this method of subduing the elves is almost safe and harmless, and the elves that have their own hatch will be loyal to them, so in the market, the price of the elves is often higher than the price of the same type. The elf is still a lot more expensive.

   Moreover, the newly-born elf is like a piece of uncut jade, which is extremely malleable. As long as the aptitude is not too bad, it will generally become a good helper for the trainer or the main elf.

Of course, the elves hatched from the elf eggs are not without their shortcomings, and the most obvious of these shortcomings is that they spend much more resources than the elves conquered in the wild, especially for the newly hatched elves. During this period of infancy, the trainer must allocate a lot of energy to take care of the baby elf.

   Remember, it’s not a game here. You don’t care about anything. Elf babies are not much different from human babies. They have everything to eat, drink and sleep. When they are unhappy they will cry and make trouble.

Except for some special elves, the biggest difference between elf babies and human babies is that their juvenile period is very fast, usually in a month or a week or even a few hours in a day. Time is up.

   Although Sato Kaede has hatched an elf egg more than once in the game, in reality, he has seen an elf egg with his own eyes for the first time. Therefore, as an elf fan, he is still very interested.

The owner of the stall selling the elven eggs is a Rocket soldier wearing a white mask. The gaze revealed from the eyes of the mask is like cold light from frost. It is cold and ruthless, and there is a very strong radiance from all over the body. The smell of blood, Sato Kaede has not been completely close to the booth, has already smelled the strong smell of blood.

There is no doubt that the stall owner who sells the elf eggs is a cruel villain with blood on his hands, and it is very likely that he snatched these elf eggs from others. When approaching the stall, Sato Kaede Many elven eggs were found with some dried blood stains or some shallow cracks on them.

"Lone Ranger?" Looking at the stall owner in front of him who revealed that people should not be near, Sato Kaede secretly thought, like the Rocket members in front of him, he has seen them in the mission hall. They are the combat personnel of the Rockets, and they are all powerful lone rangers.

   Because of the stall owner’s personal reasons, many Rocket members who are interested in the wizard eggs choose to stop. Only a few bold Rocket members approached and asked about the type and price of the wizard eggs.

   And this stall owner is obviously not a good seller, so he responded vocally and wrote out the type and specific price of the fairy egg directly with a note.

   The inside of the note is as follows: Elf eggs of the Nido clan, each with 500 points, his point account.

According to the content given on the note, it is not difficult to see that these elven eggs were snatched from the hands of the Nido clan by the lone ranger combatant, plus many blood stains and cracks on the shell of the elven eggs. And also experienced a fierce battle.

After seeing the content on the note, most of the people around who were watching in front of the stall were suddenly less than half. Many of those who left secretly showed contempt for the cold-hearted stall owner or looked at the profiteer. Look.

   "It's just the fairy eggs of Nedoran and Nedoran. They are so expensive. This guy's heart is really black." After seeing the content of the note, Sato Kaede couldn't help but sneer.

  According to his treatment from the points exchange system, the exchange price of Nitoran and Nitoran is only 300 points. Even the wizard egg is worth 400 points at most.

   And since the habitat of this kind of elves is nearby Yuejianshan, the number is too large. They belong to the very common elves nearby. As a result, the market price will definitely drop a lot.

Although the final evolution forms of these two elves, King Nido and Empress Nido are very powerful elves, there is a huge flaw in these two elves, and that is the final form of these two elves. Evolution requires a very precious moonstone to evolve.

   You need to know that in the Rockets' internal point exchange system, the price of Moon Stone is not cheap. It takes 10,000 points to exchange it. The market price outside is also 500,000 Union Coins, and there is no market.

(Note: In the real world of elf, evolution stones are very precious. Although there are designated production locations, these production locations are generally occupied by some elf races, and it is very difficult to obtain them, such as nearby ones. Moonstone’s Moonstone Mountain. Since Moonstone is the key to the final evolution of the Nido tribe, Moonstone Mountain is inhabited by several large Nido tribes, and the production area of ​​the Moonstone is basically occupied by them. .)

For various reasons, the members of the Rockets in the underground base of the Nibi City Rockets are generally not interested in the elves like Nidoran and Nidolan. The six types of elves given to the rookies from the Nibi City Rockets base did not show up. Lang and Nidulan can be seen.

   In the final analysis, it is because these two kinds of elves require much more resources than the other six kinds of elves, and they are not suitable for newcomers.

Regarding the disappearance of most of the people around the stall, the stall owner didn’t care, he continued to sit on the small bench with his eyes closed, and ignored the customers who came up to lower the price. Cold and ruthless eyes came to persuade him to retreat.

   In this way, there are fewer people at the side of the booth, and after a while, Sato Kaede is left standing alone at the booth.

   "Is this really a business? This is the first time I have seen a seller who sent customers out." Seeing the rude appearance of the elf egg stall owner, Sato Kaede secretly shook his head and thought.

However, he finally did not choose to leave immediately. Instead, he tried to use the system in his body to detect the elves in front of him. He saw if the system could also detect the elves in the elves~www.NovelMTL.com~ Sato Kaede's eyes lit up with a faint blue light. In the next second, his eyes showed a hint of joy. Practice has proved that his system can also detect the elf in the elf egg, and displays the information and The elves that have been born are exactly the same.

Moreover, Sato Kaede used the system to detect, and unexpectedly found an unexpected surprise. Through the detection function of the system, it was discovered that among the dozen Nido clan elves in front of him, there was actually a Nidoran living in it. Hidden traits, and judging from the genetic skills shown in the data, this Nidoran's aptitude is also quite good, and his parents seem to be unusual.

   Nitoran's information is as follows

   Elf: Nitoran


  Attribute: Poison

  Feature: Vitality

   Gender: Male

  Master skills: stare, peck, instant amnesia (hereditary), mind power (hereditary), fixation (hereditary)

"It not only possesses hidden characteristics, but also inherited three skills, my God, this, is this God taking care of me?" Looking at the Nedoran Elf Egg on the far left of the booth, Sato There was an uproar in Feng's heart.

   (Note: The vitality feature has the effect of increasing attack power by 1.5 times, reducing the hit rate of physical moves by 20%, and special moves and changing moves are not affected. The attack power referred to here is considered by the author to be physical attack power.)

After confirming that he was not mistaken, without any hesitation, Sato Kaede directly transferred 500 points to the stall owner, and after the other party confirmed that the points were received, he nodded and agreed, then he gave the one with hidden characteristics. Nedorang's Elf Egg took it away.

   to be continued...


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