Lei Feng System

Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Extra five

The sun is about to sink into the distant horizon, the golden sunlight is falling on the flat road, the speeding wheels, the gust of wind, and the retreating poplar trees, everything seems so ordinary, but so beautiful.

Only the survivors of the disaster can experience the beauty.

“We escaped!” Darin murmured to himself. When he had thoroughly figured out that this was a fact and not an illusion, he pounced at the Asian teenager and shook his arm, “We escaped. Ray! We escaped! Thank you! Thank you so much! You are awesome!”

Not knowing how to express his surging gratitude, he buried his head in the thunder shoulder and kept rubbing, and pouting, trying to kiss each other.

“Sit down, I want to drive.” Lei Chen pushed his head away coldly.

“Okay, I’m good, I’ll sit down.” Darin smirked twice, with a flattering expression like a big dog that pleases his owner, but it didn’t take long for it to be quiet and it sprouted solidly. Look here and there, and finally turn on the car stereo , With the fierce rhythm swing, leaving a string of wolf howls on the road.

Lei Chen glanced at him, and there was a slight smile in his dark pupils. This person recovered very quickly, and immediately became alive and well. He thought he would be depressed for at least a few days, but he was heartless.

The sky gradually dimmed, and Darin, who expressed his excitement, leaned weakly on the back of the chair.

Lei Chen glanced at the rearview mirror, saw the fast approaching convoy, and quickly stepped on the brakes.

“What’s the matter?” Darin grabbed his clothes nervously.

“My dad is here.” Lei Chen stopped the car and unfastened his seat belt.

Darin was very curious about what kind of family could cultivate a little monster like Lei. He leaned on the window, saw Lei walking towards a lengthened Hummer, said a few words to the people inside, and waved to himself.

Darin quickly adjusted his appearance and walked over nervously.

“Come on, I have already contacted your parents, and they will come to pick you up soon.” The voice was low and magnetic, making people’s ears numb. No wonder Lei speaks so nicely, because it turns out to be a family inheritance. Darin thought to himself as he rubbed his ears.

Darin saw the speaker’s face clearly after sitting firmly, and immediately showed a horrified expression. This, isn’t this his idol Thunder? Known as the king of mercenaries, the thunder of humanoid weapons! He just sat there like a sword out of its sheath, and his whole person was extremely sharp, and he would be cut a little closer. He wore a white shirt and a black suit. The tailored tailoring could not contain his bulging and powerful muscles. His strong and slender legs overlapped naturally. He squinted his eyes slightly and looked at himself expressionlessly. He was clearly forty. Many years old, but Ying Ting’s face shows no trace of time at all.

Darin immediately lowered his head and shrank his shoulders, obediently like a little quail. The same is true of Thunder sitting with him. In this world, no one can look at the humanoid weapon Thunder for more than five seconds, except for one person, and that is his partner Elius Han, the greatest medical scientist of this century.

“Elius·han!” Darin exclaimed in excitement. That’s his biggest idol! He developed reducing ionic liquid, artificial plasma, and mechanical heart, and successfully installed a mechanical arm for a disabled person, extending the average life span of humans to 150 years.

Ohmygod! It turns out that the most famous couple in the world is Lei’s father. No wonder Lei is so domineering and cool!

Why did you want to make thunder before? I really want to slap myself twice. Darin covered his face in pain.

Lei Chen glanced at him funny, then lowered his head obediently to his father’s stern look.

“Are there any injuries?” Thunder said slowly.

“I hurt my foot. I have taken medicine. It’s not a big problem.” Lei Chen shook his head quickly.

Thunder: “You disappointed me this time.”

“Sorry, I was wrong!” Lei Chen sincerely admitted his mistake.

“Ah? This disappoints you? Lei Ke is amazing. One person killed eight people!” Darin didn’t care about his upset, and quickly stood up to defend his friend.

Thunder gave him a faint glance.

The blond boy immediately stunned, bowed his head angrily, and made a zipper movement with his fingers on his lips.

“Tell me what’s wrong with you?”

“The son’s faults are threefold: first, when you doubt Emily’s identity, you should tell you immediately instead of investigating yourself, which wastes a lot of time; second, knowing that the trip to Mihu is dangerous, but not doing enough Measures; third, he didn’t tell his suspicions to the Burns family and did his own thing, thinking that he was great.” Lei Chen lowered his head as he spoke.

“If you know you are wrong, don’t make the same mistake again. I have dealt with those gangsters. I want to know the inside story and ask myself at the police station tomorrow.” Thunder nodded, no longer exuding a pressing aura.

Impulse, passion, ego, arrogance, love of adventure… these are common problems of 16 or 17-year-olds. No matter how calm and indifferent the son looks, he can’t avoid it. I believe that after this setback, he will act more cautiously than ever.

Darin expressed his sincere admiration for the tutor of the mercenary king. That’s awesome! How does this look like the attitude that a son should have when he escapes after a catastrophe? If it were his parents, they would have cried bitterly while holding him!

After Lei Chen finished his self-examination, he asked nervously, “Daddy…”

“He doesn’t know yet.” Lei Ting stared at the two of them with a severe tone, “Listen, you fell while climbing, so you came back early. The kidnapping has never happened before.” Since there is nothing wrong, there is no need to tell Xiaoyu. Lest he worry about it in vain. The Burns family will also block news to prevent turbulence in the company’s stock price.

The two only promised.

It started to rain unknowingly outside, and the car drove into the city and stopped in front of the gate of the Federal Supreme Research Institute. Seeing the handsome young man standing at the door holding an umbrella, the unmoving Thunder finally showed a nervous expression, took a big umbrella from the bodyguard, and hurried over.

The young man put away his umbrella and threw himself into the man’s strong and warm embrace. The two cuddled together and talked in a low voice. The tall man took advantage of the opportunity to kiss his lover’s face wet by the rain, and then put his coat on him, holding him firmly. Securely guard in the arms.

“Wow, they are as loving as the legend!” Darin leaned on the window, watching with gusto.

Lei Chen didn’t say a word, and hurried over by pulling the door. Father and son each hold an umbrella, one on the left and the other protecting the youth.

“Are you a good friend of Xiaochen?” As soon as he got on the car, Han Zhuoyu began to question Darin. The son is too precocious, he doesn’t have the vigor that a young man should have, and he has no friends. Seeing him getting more and more silent, he can’t help but worry.

“Yes, Dr. Han. We met at the Machinist Competition. Lei Ke is amazing!” Darin gave a thumbs up. elius·han is keen on charity, has a good-looking appearance and a gentle temperament, and people become relaxed unconsciously when getting along with him.

“Really? He withdrew halfway through that competition because of some minor troubles. I heard that you won the championship?” Han Zhuoyu was obviously very happy about his son making friends.

“Yes, although I won the championship, I am very upset because I think it was given to me by Lei Shi.” The idol was so approachable, Darin was a little bit overwhelmed. He danced with his hands and quickly exposed his old idiots. , “I was so surprised to see him transfer to our class. He was so cool that he refused to talk to me, so I had to keep pranking to attract his attention, and he almost beat me…”

Darin recounted Lei’s funny stories at school and amused the unsmiling Dr. Han.

Lei Chen looked at the energetic blond boy amused, and thought he was pretty good. People who can make Dad happy are very good.

The four returned to their villa on the outskirts of the city. Lei Chen picked up Darin and took him back to the bedroom to take a shower and change clothes.

“Let me down, your foot is hurting too!” Darin clung to the boy’s neck subconsciously, his cheeks glowing red, he didn’t know if he was nervous or shy.

“My feet are okay.” Lei Chen smiled.

“Xiaozheng, I brought the medicine box for you.” A silver electronic dog arched in through the crack of the door, with a box in his mouth.

“Is this you assembled? It looks very intelligent.” Darin’s attention was immediately drawn to the electronic dog.

“No, this is a gift from my dad’s friend. It should be made by him. Have you heard of Lei Feng?” Lei Chen took the medicine box and patted the electronic dog’s head.

“Of course I know Lei Feng, the **** of hackers! I heard that he is very mysterious and only works for Dr. Han. Have you seen him? He should be from Lei’s family?” Darin showed a look of yearning.

The electronic dog stands tall and looks very proud, but it’s a pity that no one can read the expression on its dog’s face.

“I only talked to him on the Internet. He is not Lei’s family, but he is my best friend. He has a very cute character and a bit different…” Lei Chen laughed softly as if thinking of something.

Few people can make Lei smile so bright, but Darin feels sour for some reason.

“You’re only two!” The electronic dog suddenly said, kicking Lei Chen with his small paw.

“Okay, my second, your master is the smartest.” Lei Chen picked up the puppy, pointed its electronic eye at Darin’s swollen wound, and coaxed, “9527, help him see the wound.”

The eyes shot two red lights, 9527 said, “The fibula is broken, but it is not misplaced. It will be cured in a week after applying the medicine directly. There is also a crack in your tibia, shouldn’t it be a mountain fall?”

“Hush, don’t tell Dad, I’ll buy you a Frisbee.” Lei Chen’s index finger was placed on his lips, and he whispered to discuss.

“You have to play with me if you buy it.” 9527 negotiated terms.

“Okay, play with you.”

“Not less than two hours a day.”

“Okay, no less than two hours a day.”

9527 shook his little tail and went out proudly.

“Is this really an electronic dog? Not a human? How did the Great God Lei Feng set the program?” Darin was amazed.

“I never used it as a machine. It is our family.” Lei Chen smiled slightly, opened the box, dug out the milky white ointment inside, and evenly applied it to Darin’s red and swollen wounds.

The severe pain was immediately replaced by a cool sensation. Darin breathed comfortably. Only then did he discover how focused Lei’s expression is, how flexible and slender his fingers are, and how gentle the medicine application is, causing his skin to tremble. He shrank his feet, his ears dripping with blood.

“Don’t move, it won’t hurt soon after applying the medicine.” Lei Chen held his jade-white ankle.

“Thanks, thank you. As expected of Dr. Han’s medicine, the wound is no longer painful, see, the redness and swelling has also subsided, it is very cool and comfortable.” Darin was bitten on his tongue like a cat, and he couldn’t speak.

As soon as the cast was finished, the Burns and his wife arrived. Since they had made a confession with Thunder before, the couple did not show themselves in front of Dr. Han and asked the bodyguard to carry the naughty young master home.

Darin was disappointed, extremely disappointed. This was the first time that he disliked his parents too quickly. He hopes to stay with Raido for a while and get to know him better.

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