Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 67 – A Nine-Year Promise (R-18)

— Roxy Migurdia —

It had been a day since our party had conquered the teleportation labyrinth and rescued Zenith and Lilia.

After taking a night to rest outside the labyrinth after reaching the surface, we then began our journey back to Rapan.

I was really, really glad that everything worked out.

And judging by the high spirits, everyone else was as well.

Even though we had lots to carry and needed to fight our way back to the surface without our strongest fighter, the energy was still high between the party.

Jokes and stories were exchanged, as were plans for what everyone would do with what seemed to be very prosperous loot, but I mostly stayed out of it, content with giving Leon someone to lean on as we made our way back.

He was exhausted, after all.

But he deserved whatever break he wanted, with all the work he put in.

He really was a good boy… it was really heartwarming to see how far he went to fight for his mothers, and the thought that he would do the same for me…

Well, it made me feel things, to put it lightly.

Anyway, we arrived in the city just as the sun was setting, and after telling Vierra and Shierra about our success, they offered to watch the two sleeping women and our stuff while our party decided to take Paul up on his words he spoke before our fight against the Hydra and celebrate.

Which led us to now.

“Hey, hey! Look here~” Paul said as he threw a dart at the dartboard, barely hitting the edge. “That’s a bullseye!”

It wasn’t a bullseye.

But he was very intoxicated, and much happier than I had ever seen the man since we reunited in Millishion, so neither I nor anyone else corrected him.

“Hmph! I’ll show you a damn bullseye! Hic!” Sara said, as she then threw two darts at once, both hitting the centre of the board. “Wahoo! Rudy~ I did it! You better reward me!”

“I promise to~” Rudy returned, slinking his hands around her waist. “Tonight, okay?”

It was nice to see that Rudy had gotten himself a special someone, though it was quite a surprise when I first saw them.

To think the kid that stole my panties would commit to a person… well, Paul had also been committed before adding on Lilia, so perhaps it was still too early to tell.

But I was glad that they seemed so happy together.

Rudy, while a troublesome child, had matured quite a bit, and while I had only known her for a few days, I could tell that Sara was a good girl, while also being the strongest archer I had ever seen.

Anyway, with the energetic atmosphere of the tavern, everyone was acting stupid, loud, and most importantly… happy.

Happy that everything had worked out and relieved from the stress that had accumulated over the past four years since the Displacement Incident.

But there were two people who hadn’t gotten too invested in the atmosphere.

First, there was me.

I had shared a few drinks whenever Paul decided to toast to our success, which had happened multiple times tonight, but I decided to pace myself from alcohol.

After all, I knew I was a bit… weak, to the stuff, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of the one I loved and his family.

And also… for what I was hoping to happen tonight… I would want to stay mostly sober.

At least sober to remember everything.

Then, the other person who had paced himself, was Leon.

He had still joined in on the festivities, especially when his father and brother called him over to play a game or share a drink, but whenever they went off to do their own thing, he had placed himself at the bar next to me.

I looked over to my right, seeing Leon leaning on his hands as he watched everyone with a smile.

His expression… it was… serene.

A gentle grin that seemed to be much warmer than I had ever seen it before.

And then, while he was drinking and playing around, he had a wide, carefree smile on his face as he celebrated.

A carefree smile that I couldn’t look away from, no matter how much Elinalise teased me about it.

How could I?

After all, it was… really charming.

It made my heart race in ways I had never felt before, and made my core tingle with desire.

“Is there something on my face, Roxy?” he said, smiling down at me.


I was caught staring…

How embarrassing!

“I-I was just wondering how you felt,” I said, averting my eyes. “You were… exhausted earlier, after all.”

Leon slowly took a drink from his mug as his eyes went back to Paul, Rudy, and Sara’s antics.

“Yea, I was, but seeing this… well, I feel much better now,” he said. “I’m just… so relieved.”

Yes… relieved.

“With everything settled… I feel that all that I’ve worked for has finally paid off. I’m… extremely happy,” he said as he turned to me. “And a lot of that is thanks to you.”

He then reached out his hand, cupping my cheek as he pulled me towards him, capturing my lips with his a moment later, making me freeze in a mix of surprise and pleasure.

Ahh… I missed this…

Even though I may have sneaked in a kiss after the fight with the Hydra, as I thought, it was better when he was awake.

After all… he was a really good kisser.

My eyes fluttered open as we separated, his tongue cutting off the string of spit that was connecting our mouths.

Yeah… I couldn’t wait any longer.

Even if he wanted to stay here and partake in the celebrations, I needed to do this tonight, or I might just attack him in his sleep.

And I didn’t want to do something so shameless.

So, getting up, I grabbed a hold of his sleeve, motioning with my head for him to follow me, which he did with a nod.

We slowly went up the creaky steps to my room, my heart pounding with anticipation as we got closer to our rented room.

Entering the room, I led Leon inside before I closed the door behind us, locking it in case of the best case scenario, and turning to sit down on the bed, with Leon taking a seat beside me.

Okay… you got this, Roxy.

Just deep breaths.

He said he loved you, right?

And he just kissed you, so what are you worried about?

But then again… I had been showing my affections quite clearly.

Could he just be reciprocating to be nice?

And while he may have loved me… perhaps the love wasn’t romantic?

What if he only wanted to hug and kiss me, and nothing further?

I wasn’t exactly the epitome of female beauty, after all. 

Not with my underdeveloped body.

Well… there was only one way to find out, I suppose.

“Leon,” I said, looking down to my lap as I squeezed his hand that was held in mine. “Now that everything is settled… I’m ready to answer.”

“Alright,” he nodded before placing his hand on his head.

Looking to the side, it seemed that he noticed my confusion as he simply smiled at me, “I want to be completely sober for the coming conversation. It’s important, after all, so I need my head to be clear.”

Ah… why did he have to be so sweet?

I… really like him.

No, I love him.

This feeling… the warmth of his hand in mine… it made me feel things that I had never felt before.

I have had crushes, sure, but nothing this strong.

I was sure… he was definitely the one for me.

“Okay,” he said, looking at me with a smile. “I’m ready, Roxy.”

Nodding back at him, I turned my head back to my lap, not trusting myself to look at his face, lest I lose my nerve.

“I… like you,” I said before shaking my head. “No, I… I love you. I’m… not experienced with these things, but… I’m sure that this feeling is love, and even if it’s not… It feels too good to not treat with the same reverence as love.”

Okay, that was one thing down.

Now, onto the rest.

“But… I’m scared,” I said, airing out my true feelings.

The ones that I had been covering up ever since our reunion… my insecurities and worry that this dream I had found myself in would shatter in a moment.

“What are you scared of?” he said gently, rubbing his thumb against my hand.

Okay… let’s do this, Roxy.

“I… wonder if you actually love me too,” I said, forcing the tears that were threatening to spill out to stop. “I… I know my body. It’s small, immature… not someone one would want to have for a wife.”

My left hand went over to my small breasts, causing me to grimace at the lack of… well, lack of anything.

“I’m… sure you liked me back in Buena Village,” I said. “But… I’m worried if it’s just a childish crush, and after you spend more time with me, you’ll realize that your tastes have… changed.”

I felt my lips tremble at the thought.

Could it really be like that?

These feelings… would I be able to handle them not being reciprocated?

I was terrified.

“Roxy,” Leon said, bringing his hand under my chin, turning my head to face him. “I was going to let you continue, but I can’t when I see you with such a sad face as you spew out such nonsense.”

“N-Nonsense!?” I sputtered, a bit irritated.

“Yes. Nonsense,” he nodded. “Roxy Migurdia. I love you.”

I felt my body freeze as my irritation quickly left my system.

“You’re beautiful,” he said firmly. “I love the slightly tanned tone of your skin, as well as how soft it is. I feel like I could spend all day simply touching you all over, feeling every part of you.”

Ignoring the way my legs clenched at what those words could imply, I nodded at him to continue.

Please, Leon… tell me you actually love me.

“I love your hair. The blue colour makes me think of you whenever I look at the sky or the ocean, and I love how you fiddle with your braids when you’re embarrassed,” he said as his hand took a hold of one of my braids. “I love your body. Even if you call it childish, I can’t help but stare every time you pass, trying to see what different parts of you I can discover with my gaze. I also love how it has the athleticism of an adventurer, while keeping the softness of a magician, and is small enough to easily hold in my arms.”

His hand moved to caress my cheek as he continued, “I love your blue eyes and the way they flutter closed when you kiss me. I love your thin eyebrows. I love your cheeks, your lips, your chin, and… actually, I just love your entire face. I love how soft it is and how good it feels against my rough hands.”

I… was definitely blushing now.

S-Stop this, Leon!

“And past your looks… I love your demeanour,” he said. “How you can act so mature in one moment and so clumsy and innocent in the next… that mixed with your natural cuteness is, in my opinion, your biggest charm. It makes my heart flutter each time I see any side of you, but especially when you show such an adorable contrast. I love how you’re easily flustered, and how you tip your hat down or play with your braid whenever you feel so. It makes me want to fluster you whenever I can to cause such a cute reaction.”

His thumb brushed against my lips as I continued to stare at him.

Why… he needed to stop this…

“And as for my crush from back in Buena Village… while it may have been childish, it was still my first taste of love,” he continued. “And as I’ve grown older, along with my experience with Eris and Sylphy, those feelings have only grew to the point where I’m addicted to the idea of you. Addicted to the idea of you being mine and me being yours.”


Stop it!

Stop… saying such nice things about me!

But please… please keep going!

Please keep complimenting me!

Please, keep saying everything you love about me and make me believe you want me!

Make me believe that you actually love me… that this precious dream of mine is true, and that these burning feelings will be reciprocated!

“So… Roxy Migurdia… that’s why I love you,” he said, leaning forward to kiss me.

Despite wanting nothing more to indulge, I forced myself to raise my hand out to stop him.

Looking back down to my lap, I looked at the barely visible mounds pushing against my shirt.

They were amazing to hear, but… did he really mean all those lovely words?

“E-Even with a body like this?” I asked hesitantly. “Y-You’re… aroused? You… see me as a woman?”

Leon smiled, “I didn’t fall in love with your body, Roxy.”

Ahh… I knew it.

Even if he loved me… it couldn’t be that way, huh?

Not in the way a man loves a woman.

“But I didn’t fall in love with Eris or Sylphy because of their bodies either,” he said, squeezing my hand. “And… just because I didn’t fall in love with you because of it… it doesn’t mean I don’t find it exciting.”

I raised my head, looking at him suspiciously.

“Really? But…”

My words were interrupted as Leon pulled my hand towards him, pressing my palm against his crotch as I felt the very noticeable hardness bulging out of his pants.

T-That… that was…


Did I really just say ‘oh’!?


B-But what else was I supposed to do!?

T-That… something like that…

It was completely unexpected!

Even if it made my heart race and my core clench, it was way too surprising!

“So… do you get it?” he asked. “I can show you how much I truly like your body tonight, but… I need to do something first.”

As I remained sitting still from the shock, both at his actions and the exciting implications of his words, he then let go of my hand, reaching into his pocket to pull out a ring with a blue gem, identical in style to the one on his finger.

Was that… what I thought it was?

“Roxy… I want you to be mine, just as much as I want to be yours,” he said, raising my hand. “You’re the only one this is meant for, so if you don’t want it, just slap my hand away. I won’t stop pursuing you, ever, but I’ll stop here for tonight.”

Was this… really happening?

Did that ring mean what I thought it meant?

I watched with rapt attention as he slowly slid the ring onto the extended ring finger of my left hand.

Slap his hand away?

No… there was no way I could do something so stupid.

Not when he had already completely captured me.

This… was all that I had hoped for.

That sweet, innocent promise from nine years ago that I had kept in my heart all this time… with this, I would finally fulfill it.

The ring reached the base of my finger and I felt the band morph to fit me perfectly.

“There,” he said with a wide smile as he looked into my eyes. “You’re mine now… there’s no escaping.”

I felt my eyes well up in tears.

Not sad ones, of course, but extremely happy ones.

Gratitude, affection, hope… all those feelings were bubbling in my chest to the point of exploding, making me nearly feel overwhelmed, but…

Right now, I just wanted to experience this moment.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, moving my body to sit on his lap as I quickly pressed my lips against his, opening my mouth and inviting his tongue in.

We continued kissing deeply, getting hotter with every passing moment, his arms wrapped tightly around my body as his hands continuously wandered downwards, slipping beneath my shirt as his hand brushed across my bare skin.

Thank god we all bathed before this.

I brought my hands up to the back of his head, feeling his soft hair between my fingers as I pressed myself closer against him, lowering my body at the same time to feel his bulge press against my bottom.

Ah… this… this felt amazing.

There’s no grieving, like I had always dreamed in my fantasy, but it’s nearly perfect… 

No, it is perfect…

I moaned into his mouth as I felt him press his waist against me, feeling his hardness push against my most sensitive place as he gently sucked on my lower lip.

I… I couldn’t resist.

I felt his hands slowly undo the buttons of my robe before taking it off, kissing me all the while as I also removed his shirt.

No… with the heat I was feeling across my skin and between my legs, and the excitement that was making me shiver with every touch… there was no way I could resist this.

But… I didn’t want to.

No… rather than resist, I wanted to indulge to my heart’s content.

Because tonight, I was going to become a woman in the most beautiful way possible… by making love with my most beloved person.

— Leon Greyrat —

I continued to undress the beautiful girl in my arms as we continued kissing, our tongues wrestling against each other as I used every technique I had learned to their fullest.

To think I would be able to experience something like this… I really was a lucky guy.

And being able to indulge in these sensations without a hint of guilt… 

I was really thankful to past self for clarifying things with Eris and Sylphy beforehand. 

I really was a genius.

With our mouths separating, I took in the sight of the current Roxy, with her lips wet from saliva and cheeks flushed in excitement.

And those eyes… while there was that warmth of love I had come to adore over the past few days, there was also something else… something new.

Her eyes had lust in them as well.

Well… I was quite excited too, and if she was ready… I was more than willing to go through with it.

Guiding my arms upward, I slowly undid her bra, letting it fall to the bed as I looked at her breasts.

They were smaller than Eris’, but there was still a definition there.

And with her rosy nipples poking out, firm from desire… I couldn’t help but want to kiss them.

But still, I wanted to make this special for her. 

So for now, I would ensure she would feel every pleasurable sensation she could experience before I moved onto my own desires.

Because with Roxy… I had quite a few.

Gently, I moved her off of my lap as I laid her down on the bed, crawling on top of her as I wiggled out of my pants.

There was still my underwear in the way, but it felt much more comfortable than before.

Giving Roxy another deep kiss, my hands wandered towards hers, intertwining our fingers as I separated our mouths.

Looking down at the girl below me, I couldn’t help but think about everything she meant to me.

While she didn’t mean to, Roxy was the one that first taught me of romantic love.

She was also the one that taught me about desire, and even though it was with Eris that I began properly exploring it, before we did the deed, it was often Roxy that appeared in my mind as I ‘tended’ to myself.

After all… she was my first love, and our separation had only made that love burn stronger.

In fact, in my dreams, it was often a situation much like this, with her lying under me with rosy cheeks…

“What is it, Leon?” she asked breathily, panting a bit from our previous exchange of kisses.

“It’s just… I’ve wanted this for a while,” I said softly.

“Oh… Umm, me too, but… Haven’t you had other women?” Roxy said, revealing her self-doubt with a hesitant tone.

“Yeah, but none of them were you,” I said, leaning down to tenderly kiss her nose.

She flushed deeply at my words.

“W-Well… just don’t be disappointed,” she said, averting her eyes. “Unlike you, I’m completely innocent in things like these… I don’t know what I’m doing at all.”

Oh… I quite liked to hear that.

To think no one else would be able to see the charms of my sweet Roxy… well, it was their loss.

She was all mine now, after all.

“I’d never be disappointed,” I said. “And as for your inexperience… I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you just how beautiful sex is, and also how pleasurable it can be.”

I kissed her jaw as I finished my words, feeling her squirm slightly under my grasp.

“R-Right… well… it’s my first time, so… take responsibility,” she said meekly, turning her head away to let me kiss her neck.

…Well, I don’t think I would be able to stop after hearing that.

Raising my mouth to her ear, I gently kissed it before whispering, “…I plan to.”

Feeling her shiver, I then moved downward, kissing her breasts and stomach as I removed her shorts and panties, trailing my mouth down her body to her hip and her thigh, relishing the softness of her skin against my lips as I then placed my head between her legs.

Roxy, who had been left panting and shivering in a daze at my kisses, quickly brought her hands to cover her cleanly-shaven slit just before I could dig in.

“W-What are you doing?” she asked in a high-pitched tone.

“Showing you pleasure,” I said, grabbing her wrists. “Just trust me.”

“N-No! That place is- Mmh~!”

She let out a sweet moan as I pressed my lips against her wet folds, my tongue tracing across the top of her pussy and quickly finding where her clitoris was hidden.

Her hips bucked, pressing her slit against my face as I took in the taste and scent of her.

Mmm… delicious…

She tasted… salty, but with a hint of sweetness as well. 

It was quite similar to Eris, now that I thought about it, while Sylphy had more of a sour taste.

But I had a feeling she would call me a pervert if I voiced all of that, and deservedly so, thus, I decided to keep that to myself.

Fuck… I could already feel my underwear getting wet from my own ‘excitement’ that had leaked out.

Hopefully that would be dealt with soon.

I lightly kissed the edge of her lips as I felt her hands stop fighting, allowing me to release her wrists and bring my fingers down to raise her hood, giving me access to her clit.

My tongue gently brushed against it, prompting another sensual moan to escape Roxy’s lips as her body shivered.

She was quite sensitive… I liked that.

I then placed my lips against her button, sucking as tenderly as I could while my tongue swirled around it.

At the same time, I slipped a finger into her hole, instantly drenching my digit as I began to slowly pushed it in.

It seemed she was quite wet… while she was probably ready, I still wanted to bring her to pleasure this way first.

As I continued my work, Roxy’s hands eventually went back down to between her legs, but instead of covering herself, she gripped my hair, pushing my head closer to her as she began thrusting against me.

I continued sucking on her clit as I added another finger into her, pushing them deep as I rhythmically curled them upwards, exploring inside of her to find where she liked it the best.

Eventually, my fingers brushed against a rougher texture of her soaked insides, causing Roxy to bring a hand up to cover her mouth as her legs clenched around my head.

There it was~

“L-Leon! P-Please! There! Keep doing it!” she cried out.

As my mouth was currently preoccupied, I wasn’t able to answer her, but nonetheless, I still followed her orders, increasing the pace of my fingers as I sucked even harder.

It didn’t take long before I felt her body begin to tremble, her insides clenching around my fingers, and liquid splash against my chin as I heard Roxy release a strangled cry.

I continued pleasuring her as she rode out her orgasm, slowing down my pace as she continued pushing my head into her, her back arching slightly as she continuously jolted.

Eventually, she finished completely, and her body went limp onto the bed, allowing me to release my head from its very comfy prison as her legs and hand slackened their hold on me.

I felt Roxy’s hand that was still in my hair gently stroke it as I began kissing up her stomach to her breasts and finally to her neck, my fingers still inside her as they gently massaged her folds.

“Did you like that?” I said as I began kissing her neck.

“Y-Yes… a lot,” she lazily murmured, biting her lip as I took out my digits. “W-Was it… did it taste bad?”

“No,” I shook my head, bringing my glistening fingers up to show them off. “In fact… I loved it.”

She nodded her head with a dazed expression as I slowly licked on a finger, but before I could move onto the second one, she grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand towards her as she put the finger into her mouth.


Watching her suck off her very own essence with a lustful and curious expression, I felt my cock twitch.

Yeah… I couldn’t wait any longer.

I needed to get in her. Now.

“It’s… not bad, I suppose,” she said, licking her lips as she looked back at me. “So… can we do it now?”

I hastily nodded my head as I reached down to take off my last piece of clothing, releasing my cock that had been so tightly restrained.

As I hovered over Roxy, her breath ragged as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm, I watched as her eyes went to my chest.

“That scar…” she said, slowly reaching out her hand to trace out the pale skin on my chest, and then the jagged line on my right and left shoulder. “So that’s what you meant by having it match… how did that happen?”

“That doesn’t matter,” I shook my head.

There was no need to ruin the mood.

“R-Right,” she nodded, her voice jittery.

“…Are you ready?” I asked as I brought the tip of my cock to line up against her entrance.

With how wet she was, as well as the pre-cum I had released, there was no need for any further preparations.

“Y-Yeah,” she nodded. “Please take care of me…”

“I will.”

Giving her a confident smile, I brought my face down to gently kiss her as I slowly entered her, her walls clenching around my member as I went deeper.

Roxy’s breath hitched as her hands wrapped around my neck, squeezing me closer to her as she released a sensual groan.

My hands, meanwhile, traced their way up her body, brushing against her sides and enjoying the feeling of her soft skin as they eventually reached her hair.

Mmm… it was so soft… she wouldn’t mind if I messed up her braid, would she?

Hopefully not.

I wanted to see my Roxy with long, flowing hair, after all.

A sight only I would get to see.

Feeling Roxy squirm under me, I lightly sucked on her lip as I gently thrust forward, our hips meeting as I completely sheathed myself inside of her.

I savoured the feeling of being completely surrounded by Roxy’s warmth and enjoyed the taste of her tongue, which was like the wine she had earlier, before slowly detaching my lips from hers, watching as Roxy fluttered open her eyes to stare at the ceiling.

That dazed look really suited her… but more importantly.

“Does it hurt?” I asked.

This was her first time, after all.

“N-No, it feels… so good,” she raggedly breathed out. “It’s… amazing. You’re reaching into places my fingers can’t…”

“So… you play with yourself?” I said with a smirk as I slowly began to rock my hips back and forth. “Naughty girl.”

She felt… really good.

I would have to keep my concentration, so I don’t accidentally finish too quickly.

Her face flushed as she nodded.

I leaned down to gently suck on her earlobe as I thrust forward once again, causing her to wrap her legs around my waist.

“And?” I whispered. “What do think of?”

“Y-You…” she whimpered. “B-Before you joined us, it was always me coming back with y-your mothers, and when we met… you pushed me down on the spot.”

Oh? So she had such a fantasy?

My hands that had been softly sifting through her hair gently tugged as I pressed myself forward, going deeper into her.

“Like this?” I asked.

“Y-Yes!” she cried, her hands going up to my hair and pushing my face into her neck.

I continued fucking her like this, kissing her neck and leaving as many hickeys as I could as I began rolling my hips, reaching places I hadn’t yet.

Going by the fact she had started panting even more, Roxy seemed to like this just as much as I did.

I eventually raised my head once again to look down at her, enjoying all the red marks that I had left, as well as her long blue hair splayed across the pillow.

Seeing her eyes lidded in pleasure, her rosy cheeks glazed in a film of sweat, her lips swollen from our numerous kisses, how her mouth opened slightly with every panting breath…

She really looked-

“-so beautiful…”

I saw her eyes widen and her pussy clench at my words.

She bit her lip as she averted her eyes before whispering, “Compliment me more…”

So she had this kink as well… to think her and Eris would have something in common, though I think hers was more to do about her physical insecurities.

I would have to show her just how silly those insecurities were.

Smiling at her cuteness, I brought one of my hands down to her chin, pointing her face towards me as I leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“I love your legs,” I said as I moved up to kiss her nose. “And I love your nose.”

“M-More!” she begged, her legs tightening around me, pulling me deeper inside her.

I was getting close… but at least she looked like she was getting there too.

“I love your voice. From your calm teaching tone, to how you’re breathing raggedly right now,” I continued, increasing the pace of my thrusts.

I removed my hand from her chin as I traced down her sides.

“I love how small your shoulders are… I love how soft your hips are…” I continued, enjoying how Roxy’s breathing had increased. “And your ass… I love your ass… I find my eyes drifting to it whenever you walk ahead of me. It’s hard to not reach down and-”

“Leon!” she screamed, grabbing my head and pulling my in for a deep kiss.

Feeling her insides clench against my cock, I pushed as deep as I could, feeling my own orgasm begin to wash over me.

Like a spring had come undone, I released everything inside of her, and considering it had been nearly two months since my night with Sylphy, it was quite a bit.

My mind slowly returning from its haze, I felt Roxy’s tongue invading my mouth as she continuously shook, her hands pulling my hair as she finished with me inside of her.

Enjoying the sensations, I eventually leaned away from her, a trail of saliva dripping down my chin as I looked down at her.

Her expression was… well, it was simply astonishing.

With a wide, silly smile, upturned eyes, and flushed cheeks, it seemed that I was able to make her first time quite pleasurable.

And now that I looked at her like this, I realized once again how… small she was.

I know she felt insecure about it, but I couldn’t help but find her petite figure overwhelmingly endearing.

They way she could fit perfectly in my arms when I hugged her… how perfect she felt sitting on my lap… how I could easily rest my chin on her head… the way she had to get on her toes to kiss me…

Yeah… I really loved Roxy just the way she was.

A small, clumsy, innocent girl… and a girl that was perfect for me.

I wouldn’t change a single thing.

“Was that good?” I asked as I lovingly pecked her lips.

“Mmm… the best…” she said as she took deep, laboured breaths. “Was it… good for you?”

She was so cute.

I smiled warmly down at her, “Amazing. I love you, Roxy.”

“I l-love you too,” she said, averting her eyes with a wide smile.

Taking a few deep breaths, and wiping a few drips of sweat off of her face, she slowly turned back to me.

Lightly biting her lips, she eventually asked, “Can we… continue?”

So she wasn’t quite done?

“I… want to be on top this time,” she said.

While I was originally going to wait a few minutes to get up again, at her words, I felt my flaccid member begin to stand to attention once more inside of her.

I rapidly nodded my head before grabbing her sides, rolling us over, so Roxy was laying on my chest.

Giving me a deep kiss, she then sat up, resting one hand on my chest to steady herself while rolling her hips with a curious expression.

“Leon…” she said as she slowly looked at my face. “You… said you wanted lots of kids, right? A big family?”

I nodded my head. “Yeah. With you.”

She smiled softly as she continued moving on top of me, her body coated in the moonlight from the nearby window as the candle petered out.

She really was absolutely stunning… how could a girl like her be insecure about her looks?

How ridiculous.

But that clumsiness is part of the Roxy I loved so dearly.

“Then… we can start right now,” she said as she reached down to caress my cheeks. “Give me everything, Leon.”

…Well, if I wasn’t hard before, I definitely was now.

“Gladly, Roxy.”

And so, with our relationship confirmed, we made love long into the night, discovering new parts of each other all the while.

It was slow, gentle, tender… it was a night filled with us showing each other our love in physical form, where I laid bare the feelings that had long been festering and my heart, and Roxy accepted him, despite her inexperience with the act.

It was… beautiful, and just as amazing as I had always hoped, with me keeping my promise to give her a pleasant first time, and enjoying myself just as much.

And so, after a few more rounds, with our bodies exhausted, we eventually laid down to rest, both of us basking in the afterglow of the act as Roxy quickly fell asleep on my chest, her naked body pressed tightly against my side.

My arm holding her close, feeling her soft and warm skin, I couldn’t help but smile at both the memories of the night, the feelings I was currently experiencing, and also… my excitement for the future.

After all, now that we would soon be heading back to Sharia, it would be the start of a new chapter in my life.

And Roxy was going to be there with me the entire way.

“I love you,” I whispered to her as I closed my eyes.

Since she was asleep, she didn’t hear it, but I still felt the need to say it nonetheless.

Mmm, yes… feeling her so close to me, and hearing her soft breathing as she slept, I was sure of it.

I was definitely the luckiest man in the world.

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