Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 71 – Celebrations

— Leon Greyrat —

After receiving the princess’ promise to treat Aisha and Sylphy as best as she could, it didn’t take long for Luke to return with a blonde-haired ball of sunshine.


With a speed that could rival a Longsword of Silence, Norn quickly attached herself to my chest as she clung onto me.

“I missed you so much!” she said, rubbing her face against my shirt. “Sniff, sniff… Mmm… I’m glad you're back, Brother.”

I was… a little concerned about that, as well as how happy she looked after smelling me… but I suppose if she was happy, then that was fine.

She must have simply been relieved after not seeing me for so long, considering I had been at her side for the past four years.

It made me happy to see how much she cared.

While she had gotten a little bigger, I was still able to hold her with an arm, so with my other taking Aisha’s hand, I turned back to the princess.

“I am assuming it’s fine to take them to my family?” I said, looking at Ariel. “And I would like Sylphy to come as well.”

“Of course, you can have them for the rest of the day,” she nodded. “And just for your information, while Sylphy is still considered ‘Fitz’ around me, it is not as important as before. Especially considering she will likely be out of commission for nine months if all goes well.”

I then looked over to Sylphy, seeing that she had averted her eyes to fiddle with her hands in slight embarrassment, her cheeks gaining a bit of a flush.

Well, she didn’t deny it…

I guess she was excited to be a mother.

But that would have to wait until she was an adult, so she would have to wait a year.

Not only was that the recommended age to start childbirth, but I think one kid at a time was enough.

“Got it. Then… let’s go.”

I then led the three down the hallway towards the classroom where our family was gathered, and letting Norn down, I hurriedly opened it to finally settle the now four and a half year separation of our dear family.

As soon as my two sisters saw their mothers, they both stood still for a moment, their eyes widening and beginning to brim with tears, before they both looked up at me.

“What are you waiting for?” I said, lightly pushing them forward. “Isn’t there something you need to do?”

Nodding, Norn and Aisha then looked back at them before taking a hesitant step forward… and then another… and then…



They both ran forward, embracing their respective mothers as they buried their heads in their chests, with Mama and Lilia lightly patting their backs with a calm smile.

Both Mama and Lilia’s reactions were much more reserved than one would expect from such a long separation, but considering it had only been three months for them, and I had been constantly telling them stories of the two during it, they were much happier than they were relieved.

“You really have gotten big, Norn,” Mama said, patting her head. “I really missed out on a lot, huh? I’ll have to make that time up!”

“And from what I heard, you need some discipline,” Lilia scolded Aisha, but with a warm tone despite the words. “I… love you, Aisha.”

As Roxy, Sylphy, Rudy, and I stood back, watching them with warm smiles, my father then hesitantly stepped forward, reaching over to pull his two wives and daughters into a big hug.

Taking a few moments to calm down, Aisha and Norn both looked up at their mothers, giving them a happy smile before turning to Paul, where their expressions quickly turned sour.

Ugh… I had thought that over the past two years that they would have forgotten about it, but I guess that was just wishful thinking.

Sorry, Father. It seems your daughters still don’t like you very much.

With Norn and Aisha turning to meet each other’s gaze, Norn then spoke up, “We’re… still angry at what you did to Brother…”

“But… we’re glad you’re alive,” Aisha continued. “He would be sad otherwise.”

Paul sighed as his shoulders dropped in dejection. “Yep, I should’ve expected that… but I brought them back like I promised, right?”

Aisha pouted. “Did you really? Or was it Big Brother that brought them back?”

“Urk! It was… a team effort,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “B-But you should have seen me! I looked really cool in the labyrinth! You can ask Rudy!”

Father… what the hell happened to that dignity I praised so much back in Rapan?

Mama and Lilia, who were both looking between the three with confused expressions, then spoke up.

“Darling… what are they talking about?” Mama asked.

“You and Leon mentioned meeting up in Millishion… is this about that?” Lilia added.

Well, even if we didn’t mention it on the way here, it would happen eventually once my sisters joined us.

While Mama and Lilia had the right to know and scold the man for his previous idiocy, it didn’t need to happen now, possibly ruining the heartwarming atmosphere, so I decided to intervene.

But just before I could save the man, my father answered them, raising his hand to stop me from speaking up.

“Yeah… I may have been an idiot back then, but I should take responsibility,” he said. “You know how they were in the Demon Continent, right? Well… you see…”

He then went on to explain how his time after the teleportation went, from the initial anxiety, to the hopelessness, to meeting Rudy, and then to meeting us in Millishion, where his pent-up anger, jealousy, and feelings of inadequacy all culminated into his little outburst.

Looking back at it now, he really was an idiot.

I was glad he shaped up. Especially now that he would be an active part of Norn and Aisha’s lives, as well as my baby that was on the way.

After finishing his story, Mama and Lilia looked at him coldly, their expressions set in a fierce glare ever since he explained how he lashed out at me, and going into detail of what he said didn’t make them any warmer.


With both of their hands slapping a different cheek, Mama then spoke up for the two of them.

“I’m disappointed, Paul. But…” She then looked at me, both of us sharing a smile as she then continued, “Since you apologized and made up with Leon, I’m willing to let it go. I wouldn’t want to destroy his hard work, after all. Nor your own, for that matter.”

Paul breathed a sigh of relief as Lilia nodded to agree with Mama.

“Yeah… that’s good then,” he said. “I don’t plan on making that mistake again.”

“That is the bare minimum, Husband,” Lilia added.

“Right…” he sighed.

As he was about to get up, Mama spoke up yet again.

“Oh, and Paul, dear?” she said, causing him to turn to look at her again, only to flinch as she revealed a gaze colder than anything she had shown before. “If Leon ever called me ‘Zenith’ after that, you’re right that I would beat you within an inch of your life. And as a healer, I can toe that line for a while, so be grateful that you reconciled so quickly.”


She was completely serious.

“But at least I shouldn’t have to worry about that any longer,” Mama said, her expression turning back into a smile as she brought Norn into a hug again. “After all, I can see that you’ve become a better man, so I trust that you haven’t done anything irresponsible like that since then.”

Instead of getting a chuckle or a firm agreement in response, Mama froze as my father awkwardly fiddled with his sword, his eyes darting to me and to the ground.

That idiot… 

“Paul?” Mama said, her tone icy. “I said I trust you haven’t done anything irresponsible like that since then… so why are you not responding?”

“W-Well, err… I… before we fought the Hydra, I… may have told Leon to die for you,” he said, flinching at every word he spoke.

Oof… since I wasn’t one to make such idiotic mistakes, I had no experience with dealing with such things… but I was sure that wasn’t the way to do it.

“You what!?” Mama said, turning back to him. 

“W-Well, I just needed to affirm his determination, you know? It wasn’t something-”

“Shut it!” Mama snapped.

“Yes, Ma’am,” my father said, hanging his head.

Wow… I thought he had grown, but this really was like him back in Buena Village.

Needless to say, he received another set of slaps, this time with Aisha and Norn joining in, with Norn’s holding a bit more power than he was expecting, causing him to nearly fall over.

She was getting up there in strength, after all, and she was quite loving to me, if I do say so myself.

Even Sylphy seemed angry, as she levelled a glare his way as she slowly healed his aching cheeks.

“You utter idiot!” Mama said, looking down at the crouching man. “No sex for a week! No… a month! None for a month!”

Instead of sulking, my father simply rubbed his now-healed cheeks as he chuckled.

And that perverted grin from my youth was back…

“That’s fine! I’ve gone four years without it, and after a few nights ago, I’m good for a whole year!” he said, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I… did not need to know that.

Mama and Lilia both blushed, averting their eyes as my sisters both stepped away from the man.

“Just like Brother said… I didn’t want to believe it,” Norn said, her face scrunched in repulsion.

“Disgusting… he really is Luke’s uncle, huh?” Aisha said.

Well, that didn’t seem to raise their opinions of them.

Stupid Father…

“Leon?” Roxy said, looking up at me as her hand went to caress my cheek. “Why are you crying?”


Bringing my hand to Roxy’s I felt the wetness trailing down my cheek.

Ah… I was crying.

“Nothing, it’s just… I’m happy,” I said, turning back to see Mama and Lilia pinching Paul’s ear as he chuckled. “Seeing them like this… it brings back memories, is all. It… makes me feel like everything was worth it.”

Getting a reassuring hug from Roxy and a pat on the shoulder from Rudy, I wiped my eyes as I then remembered something I had forgotten to mention to the three who had stayed in Sharia.

“Ah! Sylphy, Aisha, Norn, I have something to tell you,” I said, the three of them looking over at me with interest. “Well… actually, Roxy, do you want to say it?”

She widened her eyes, grabbing my hand with hers before hesitantly nodding, her eyes darting to the three.

Right… she was still worried, huh?

“Don’t worry,” I whispered. “They accept you, and in time… they’ll come to love you too. We’re family, after all.”

Giving my hand a squeeze in response, she then spoke up, “Well, Leon and I… Well… I… I’m pregnant.”

She stumbled a bit, but she got there eventually.

And with her getting straight to the point, it only took an instant for the three to take in her words as their eyes all lit up in happiness.

Yes… even Sylphy’s.

“Congratulations, Miss… Roxy?” Norn said, looking at me to see if that was correct, which I nodded to.

“That’s wonderful!” Aisha added, clapping her hands as she nodded at me approvingly. “You work fast, Big Brother!”

Aisha… I really wish you wouldn’t say that. We were having a sweet moment there.

“Yes, that is… amazing,” Sylphy said with a calm smile, but I noticed how she was pouting a minute before.

While I assumed that she was a little jealous about Roxy having the first child, even though she was the last girl that I claimed, I was glad to see that her happiness was the stronger emotion.

Now that we would be adding children into the mix, I would have to be sure to balance that with the attention I owed my wives even better.

I wouldn’t want to end up with anyone being sad, after all.

“Yeah, so everyone’s back, and our family is about to get a bit bigger,” I said, walking up to pull Sylphy into a hug. “The rest of the group went to get an inn and sell all of our leftover supplies and goods, and after that, we’ll be using the money to buy some houses. Since the other are leaving tomorrow to do their own things, we were planning to have a small celebration tonight.”

I then leaned down to kiss Sylphy’s ear, hopefully alleviating some of her frustration.

“You can invite Ariel if you’d like, as I have something for both her and you,” I said before quieting my tone to a hushed whisper. “And… I know you’ve been waiting for six months… and I’ve been pent-up too, so… we can have our own celebration after, okay?”

That seemed to brighten her mood, as her ears happily wiggled as she nodded into my chest.

She was so cute.

Though… it would be a lot cuter if her hands weren’t currently grabbing my rear.

Truly… that innocence was just a thing of the past now, isn’t it?

“Rudy, you can invite your friends too, if you want,” I said, turning back to him. “It would be good to introduce them to your parents, considering that’s why you’ve been gone for so long.”

“Definitely!” he nodded. “We did say our next party would have our entire family, right?”

“Yeah… that’s right,” I said, smiling as I pulled Roxy into a hug with my other arm.

And so, with the promise to celebrate the reunion of our family, as well as the departure of our friends, Norn quickly departed to head back to her classes as the rest of us went back to the inn.

— Leon Greyrat —

The tavern was filled with a festive atmosphere the moment our celebrations began as Rudy brought over his group of friends, all of them welcoming myself and Sara back, while greeting the other members of the party.

Cliff was glad to find a fellow Millis follower in Mama, while also finding his cheeks glowing once he set his sights on Lina.

Well, for a devout Millis man, that woman was the bane of his entire view on romance, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t captivating.

To be honest, I was also captivated.

Not by Lina, of course, but rather the two flowers that had been sitting on my lap the entire time, both resting comfortably in my arms.

While Roxy had decided to remain sober for obvious reasons, Sylphy was happily indulging in some alcohol, often taking the chance to ‘share’ a drink with me through a kiss.

Suffice it to say, an intoxicated Sylphy was a cute Sylphy, even if I wished that she saved her erotic grinding for when we were in private.

Anyway, while Ariel had appreciated my invitation, she opted not to join the festivities, though she did promise to stop by in order to receive what I had brought her.

And here she was…

“Ah, Leon… you said that you had something for me?” she said.

Obviously, she wasn’t here in her usual appearance, instead having taken on the form of one of her attendants with her appearance-altering magic item.

I still needed to practice that… I could probably use Burn in Place as a base where the magic was spread around my body, but after that…

Whatever, those thoughts could come later.

“Yes… here, let’s go into another room,” I said, getting up. “Aisha! Norn! Come with me for a second!”

Leaving Roxy to converse with Nanahoshi, who was also abstaining from the alcohol, I led the four up to my room where I had all my belongings, as well as the gifts I had gotten them.

“I promised to get you something, right?” I said, rustling through my bag. “Here. This one’s for both of you to replace that crappy string.”

I then took out the silver necklaces before tying them around each of their necks, replacing the old string that was there before, and letting their old barrier stones rest over their shirts.

“Good?” I asked.

“Thanks Big Brother!” Aisha said.

“But that’s not all,” I continued, taking out the other gift I got them. “Here. I’m sure you know about how to take care of this more than me, but I was able to keep it alive so far with healing magic. It doesn’t need any water, though.”

Taking the small cactus, Aisha hesitantly poked it with her finger, recoiling at the sharp needles that coated the exotic plant.

“Wow… this is awesome!” she exclaimed. “I’ll take good care of it! I promise!”

“I hope so,” I said, accepting her hug as I then passed Norn her sword. “And this is for you. Yours is getting small, right? This is pretty good quality, so as long as you take care of it properly, it should last for your whole life.”

Taking the sheathed sword, Norn slowly took it out to reveal a polished silver blade, the curved single edge shining under the lamp’s light.

It was a little big for her right now… but considering that she was only eight, she would soon grow into it.

“Do you like it?” I asked. “It’s simple, but sturdy.”

“I…I love it!” she said, sheathing the sword before she went up to hug me as well. “Thanks, Brother!”

Ah, well… this made it more than worth it.

And now onto the next one…

“Here, Sylphy,” I said, pulling out the green dress. “I think this would look fantastic on you.”

Her eyes shining, Sylphy hesitantly took the dress from my hands, pinching the shoulders as she unravelled the pale green, light fabric that was reminiscent of silk.

“It’s hic-! Beautiful!” she said, her words slurring a bit. “Hmm~? Maybe… I should wear this tonight? Hehehe!”

She then dove into my chest, rubbing her face into my shoulder as she then began to… undress?

“S-Sylphy? What are you doing?” I asked.

“Hmm? Changing, of course,” she answered, taking off her top in one smooth movement. “What? I want to wear it for tonight, right~? Don’t you want that?”

Well, yes, I did, but…

Haa, no, I didn’t even care.

Though I wish that Ariel wouldn’t look at my beloved with such a lustful gaze.

Depositing Sylphy onto the bed, I let her change into her new dress as I got the last of my gifts. This one being for a certain princess that was still looking at my Sylphy.

“Ariel,” I called to her, causing her to turn her gaze my way. “I got you this too. One’s a perfume, while the others are hair oils. I’m sure that long hair doesn’t take care of itself.”

Giving her the hair oils, she looked over them with an odd sense of wonder as she traced her hand across the few vials.


Why did she seem so… touched?

Hadn’t she received a shit ton of gifts as a princess? 

Not to mention being the student council president, so how was this any different?

“I… see. Yes… it does indeed get troublesome,” she said before pulling out a black band. “And… what is this?”

“That? Oh, that’s a hair ribbon,” I said. “It was included by the merchant I got the oils from in a deal. I thought it looked nice, but as princess, I bet it’s not very glamorous…”

She looked at it for a few moments, running her hand along the fabric as she shook her head.

“No, it’s… nice. Thank you, Leon,” she said, her voice a bit shaky. “But… what is this for? What are you… what are you aiming for?”

“Aiming for?” I questioned. “I’m… not really aiming for anything. I just got it as thanks for keeping your promise, as well as for being Sylphy’s friend.”

Even if she did get Aisha as part of her group…

“I… gifts are too much, especially ones such as these,” Ariel said. “I was going to care for Sylphy and your sisters anyway. Not to mention Aisha, as I now bear a deeper responsibility towards her well-being…”

“Gifts aren’t too much,” I said, shaking my head. “My family is much too important to be held in comparison. Even these aren’t enough to covey how important they are to me, so accept them graciously, princess.”

She looked over at me, her eyes peering into mine as she hesitantly spoke up, “These… aren’t enough?”

“Never,” I shook my head.

She nodded her head, looking over at Sylphy who was beginning to fit herself into her dress with the help of my sisters, before looking back at me.

“T-Then… if that is so… can I ask you to do another thing for me?” she asked.

“That depends…” I said, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Smiling, she then walked over to me, handing me the hair ribbon before turning around to face away from me.

“Then, can you tie this for me?” she asked. “…Please.”

Really? Something so small?

I guess this greedy princess had learned some modesty.

Taking her long, golden hair in my hand, I let my hand wade through it before I reached her scalp, my touch against her neck seemingly shocking the princess as she stood up straight.

“What style?” I asked.

“A-A bun, please,” she said.

Hm? She sounded awfully meek there.

How cute.

“Sure,” I said.

I then went through the practised movements, letting my fingers act as a hairbrush as I did up her hair, tying the black ribbon around the requested bun.

Damn… being able to see her neck like this… it was oddly… exciting.

Perhaps I was a bit too pent-up, especially with all the advances Sylphy had been doing all night.

“…There,” I said softly. “It’s done.”

Ariel stood there for a moment, bringing her hand up to her chest before hesitantly stepping away, turning back to me with a wide smile.

“It is indeed… thank you, Leon,” she said, turning her head to look into the nearby mirror. “I… love it.”

Turning back to me, she then graced me with another smile, except this time… it was different.

Her cheeks were flushed red, and even her eyes squinted at how wide her lips were spread.

It looked… simply radiant.

So much so that I nearly felt my heart race at the sight.

As I thought… this princess really was quite beautiful.

…Too bad she was such a pervert.

Looking at me for a few more moments, she suddenly widened her eyes, flinching as she looked down at the floor, taking a few breaths before looking back up at me.

Damn… that radiant expression was gone, replaced with her usual practised smile.

How annoying.

“I thank you for your invitation, alongside the thoughtful gifts,” she said, curtsying politely before she turned to Sylphy. “And Sylphy… you look wonderful in that.”

I then looked over to Sylphy, who was now sitting on the bed in her dress.

Ariel was right. She looked stunning.

Great job, me!

That green matched her perfectly!

“Hmm~? Thank you, Ariel~!” she said, straightening her hair.

“I hope that you have fun tonight,” Ariel continued, placing her disguise ring back on her finger. “I’ll have Elmore guard me tonight, but I ask you to tell me everything tomorrow in detail… Very explicit detail.”

…Well, I guess tonight’s private activities won’t be as private as I had thought.

Oh, well.

With how much Roxy had asked Lina about advice in bed, I had long gotten used to such things.

Anyway, with that, the princess took her leave as the four of us returned to the party.

Well, actually, only Sylphy and I did, as both Norn and Aisha decided to go to bed alongside Mama and Lilia, the four of them sharing a large bed for the night.

I was glad to see that they were so easily getting comfortable with their mothers, and I bet they would be having a big conversation about what had happened, even if I had given my mothers some details of the past four years.

Anyway, after Ariel’s arrival and departure, the night began to wind down, with Rudy and Sara going upstairs to do… well, I think I knew, while Lina and Cliff went up to likely do the same.

Lina… I didn’t think she would actually go for him, but she did mention how the man she got when she first arrived was a bit disappointing, so she was still quite pent-up.

Well… if there was one woman that would quickly make you experienced in the ways of sex, it was definitely her, so… live strong, Cliff Grimoire!

Anyway, with both of the beastfolk princess’ passing out after a failed drinking contest against Talhand, and Zanoba amicably discussing Rudy’s figures with a slightly interested Vierra, it seemed like the two groups had melded quite well together.

But eventually, everyone went back to their homes or their rented rooms, as did I, with Roxy and Sylphy following behind me.

Having predicted what would… very likely happen, I had rented out two rooms next to each other. One for Roxy, and the other for, well… the activities.

As we reached Roxy’s room, she stopped just outside of it as she looked at me and Sylphy, my charming fairy hanging off my arm as she was still a bit intoxicated.

I would have cast a detoxification spell on her at this point, but she was simply too cute, and I myself was slightly drunk as well.

“I’m sure you’re both excited, and I have been monopolizing Leon for the past three months, so I don’t mind you doing the deed,” she said, fiddling with her braid in embarrassment. “But… after you’re done… I want you to come sleep with me. Or at least Leon… you have two arms, after all.”

Using my words against me?

How charming.

“Of course, Roxy,” I said, pulling her into a kiss, as my hand reached into her robe, lightly tracing down her back. “Goodnight… I love you.”

“L-Love you too… so get going,” she said, heading into her room.

“Night Roxy~!” Sylphy said as the door closed before turning to me. 

Oh… those lidded eyes… I guess she was ready, huh?

“Leon~” she hummed, standing on her toes to plant a kiss on my nose. “Hehe! I’ve been missing you~ So…”

She then wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my head down to whisper in my ear, “…Destroy me, Leon.”

…Well, I wasn’t one to refuse such an offer.

Scooping her into a princess carry, I quickly marched into our room, slamming the door behind me with my foot as I went over to place her on the bed.

Well then… let’s get started.

She’s been waiting patiently for six months, and I had been missing my cute Sylphy just as much, so… I better make this a good one.

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