Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 74 – A New Home

— Leon Greyrat —

Three weeks had passed since buying my new home and the ensuing moving doll fiasco. 

With many craftsmen working on the house, which Rudy and I assisted with our magic wherever we could, and some basic furniture being purchased, the renovations for our new home were now finally complete.

So that meant everyone in my family was now settled… and as such, I planned on leaving tomorrow to take care of a few things before the birth of my child, as I didn’t want to leave Roxy alone for the birth, nor for caring for our beautiful baby afterwards.

After all, I planned to be a very doting father, and hopefully my time spent looking after my sisters would help me out.

Anyway, despite leaving tomorrow, there was still something that needed to be done.

“So… what do you two think?” I asked, pulling Sylphy and Roxy close to me.

A house tour, of course!

“I-It’s… wonderful!” Sylphy exclaimed.

“Truly…” Roxy added, a touch of wonder in her voice. “But… isn’t it a bit big?”

“Well, we’re planning for a big family, right?” I said, giving both of my beauties a kiss on the forehead. “And it has a big yard, but let’s see the inside first.”

What was previously a dilapidated exterior, with vines and grime climbing up the walls and hanging over the roof, was now clean, with pristine stone walls, a clean brown roof, and intact windows.

Oh, and the front door I had broken had been replaced. 

That was probably important.

“It even has a front porch…” Roxy said, tracing her hand across the railings before she nodded in appreciation. “I could definitely see myself enjoying a book out here. Well done, Leon.”

A gentle kiss accompanied her praise, making me smile even wider.

Indeed, with the porch having enough room for a chair, and a beautiful view of the magic city as the scenery, it was truly a great feature to the house.

And the best thing was that we didn’t really have to do anything to it, as it was already in great condition when I bought the place.

We then walked through the entrance, revealing the same staircase, but this time all clean, with the previously rotting wooden floorboards replaced with new ones, and the plaster that had been deteriorating now resurfaced.

What before looked like a haunted mansion now looked like an actual home.

Our home.

“The place is mirrored, or… at least it was…” I said, leading them to the room to the immediate right. “Everything is subject to change, of course, but this one is the dining room for the moment.”

It was quite simple, with only one big table with a bunch of chairs, and a big cabinet for tableware.

There was also a second, smaller table near the turret and the fireplace, which is what we would likely be using for the foreseeable future.

The main table was a bit big for three people, after all, but it would be good for when our family grew, and at the moment, it was good for hosting guests.

“And then over here is the living room,” I said, taking them to the mirrored large room to the left. “I’ll leave the furniture to you two, but for now, a couch should be good for us.”

As I had said, there was only a single couch and a small table, but there would definitely be more decorations and furniture pieces as we settled in.

“No, it’s… wonderful,” Roxy said, her eyes shining as she saw the fireplace near the window. “While right now it’s a little… empty, I can definitely see this being an extremely cozy place.”

The tour continued, showing off the toilet rooms that were on each side of the house, the kitchen with the back entrance in the back right corner, the closet next to it, the study on the opposite side of the stairs, and most importantly…

“And here’s the bath,” I said, opening the door to reveal a large stone bath, fit with a wide spout.

“Wow…” Roxy muttered, amazed. “This is quite… glamorous.”

“This is just like back in Buena Village!” Sylphy exclaimed. “No, it’s better! This is like the baths at the royal palace! But… smaller.”

Hee~? Is that so~?

“I guess I did pretty good, then?” I asked.

“The best,” Sylphy said, leaning up to kiss my cheek before whispering in my ear. “And… we can clean each other lots~ in here, okay?”

I rapidly nodded my head.

While I didn’t build this with any lecherous intentions, the thought of sharing a bath together and possibly doing a bit more may have crossed my mind once or twice… or three times, or four… 

Yeah, I had thought of it.

“A-Anyway, while there’s a magical implement for generating the water, I only added that for any guests, our kids, and for Eris when she’s alone, since all three of us can do a quicker and better job with our magic,” I said before turning to the lever in the back. “And this is how to empty it. The water flows through some pipes I installed to also act as a way to flush the toilets, so we’ll be having a family tradition to bathe every night.”

After all, toilets could get quite disgusting when left to their own devices, so this was quite the efficient feature.

“That’s… quite brilliant,” Roxy said before turning to me with a raised eyebrow. “And this new ‘family tradition’ doesn’t have any ulterior motives?” 

“No comment,” I said before leading them out of the room.

Who could blame me when I wanted to enjoy such a pleasurable feature?

Especially when it would be filled with my beautiful ladies in their bare bodies.

So perhaps there was a slight ulterior motive.

Next was the basement, which was pretty boring, and for the moment, it was decided that it would act as storage with the hidden room being left empty.

In the future, I was planning on having that room either be for emergencies where my family could hide in case of an invasion or an attacker, but I also planned for it to be storage for some of the more dangerous and expensive things.

This way, it could hide those things from our children when they got a bit too curious, and also any potential thieves that somehow got past the barrier I set up.

Though I doubted it would ever come to that.

Speaking of barriers, the hidden room was also where I had put the magic circle for them.

I only was able to make one of the Advanced-rank, but… I wanted something a little stronger.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t turn to Cliff for that, at least not yet, but maybe I could go back and beg Aunt Therese for a stronger one?

Well, thoughts for the future.

We then went upstairs, where the ten rooms were then revealed, with four average-sized rooms, four slightly bigger ones, and then two large rooms, where one of which would be acting as all of ours, if they so desired.

But also mine, since this was where I was planning to keep my clothes and modest personal belongings.

“It really is quite grand… there’s even enough space for a desk in the turret,” Sylphy said, sitting down on the large bed, fit for four. “Though, you also could put chairs there…”

“Well, while it’s technically my room, it’s really all of ours, so you can decorate it as you see fit,” I said, shrugging. “Just be glad I called it my room and not Rudy’s suggestion.”

“Hm? Rudeus? What did he suggest?” Roxy asked.

“He said I should call it the ‘Love Nest’,” I said, shaking my head.

Honestly… just how cliché can you be?

“Oh… and you rejected it, right?” Roxy said.

“Yeah… anyway, I only have a bed for three other rooms which will be acting as you two’s and a guest room, and we can add more as needed,” I said laying back on the bed. “But again, this is just the basics, so we can get more stuff whenever we want.”

“Mmm… well, while I do appreciate having a room to myself, I don’t plan on sleeping in it much,” Sylphy said, resting her head against my chest.

“Me neither,” Roxy said, lying down on the opposite side. “I think I’ll convert mine into a library.”

“Mmm… and when the baby’s born, we can swap where we sleep,” I said. “I want to help out, after all. Though… I wonder if moving them to different rooms would be better.”

“We can decide that later,” Roxy said, gently kissing my cheek. “But for now, while it’s still very bare… I’m very happy that we have a place of our own.”

“Yeah… I do too,” I said, wrapping my around them. “And Sylphy… what will you be doing?”

She turned her head down as her eyebrows furrowed in thought.

“I… want to be here whenever I can, but… I still need to be there for Ariel,” she said. “Especially since only two others can stay in the girl’s dormitories while having the ability to protect her…”

Well, I was soon going to be her guard, so Sylphy’s workload would likely decrease, but still… wasn’t there a better solution?

“She could always come live here,” I said. “It’s quite a big house, and for now it’s only the three of us, soon to be four, so it’s not like we’re out of space. I wouldn’t mind her staying if it means having you in my bed.”

Sylphy smiled, shuffling up to kiss my chin as she shook her head.

“Thank you, Leon… she might, but she still wants to a connection to the regular students with the dorms,” she said before tilting her head in thought. “Although… that was mainly to attain support for the student council vote, and with Aisha’s help, that has already been achieved, and considering that she’s still retaining her position as a normal student…”

She continued to mumble into my chest as I smirked, enjoying her pondering expression, before I then decided to tease her by licking her ear.

“Ahn~! Ah! L-Leon! Bad!” she said, lightly pinching my cheek. “But… yes, I might just do that… Is that okay with you, Roxy?”

“Mmh?” she mumbled as a singular eye opened. “The princess? Yeah, that’s fine…”

She then closed her eyes, drifting back into her nap as she snuggled against my side.

I guess she was sleepy.

“Well… I guess that’s that,” I said. “I’m fine with her bringing an attendant too, as long as it’s not Luke.”

I was worried what that asshole would do with two cuties, after all, not to mention Eris when she eventually joined us.

“Fufufu! I got it,” Sylphy chuckled. “You said there was a celebration tonight, right?”

“Yeah, just a small dinner with everyone before I leave and to celebrate the new house. We’re going to order from some nearby restaurants, so there’s no need to prepare,” I said. “I guess we can ask Ariel during it?”

“Yeah. She accepted the invitation, after all,” Sylphy said. “Mmm… you really are comfy… Roxy has the right idea.”

She then fluttered her eyes closed, her breathing soon calming as she drifted off to sleep.

“Goodnight, you two,” I whispered, kissing her and Roxy’s foreheads as I moved us under the covers.

And so, with a content smile on my face, I joined the two as I closed my eyes.

It wasn’t how I planned to have our first time sleeping together in our new home… but it was pleasant nonetheless.

— Leon Greyrat —

“So you simply left your family to become an adventurer?” Ariel asked, her voice laced with surprise as she brought a glass of wine to her mouth.

“Yeah. I had trouble at first, but then my dear husband rescued me,” Mama said, looking over at Paul, who was balancing a sword on his finger, with a smile. “Though… he is a bit of an idiot.”

“That is the man we call our husband,” Lilia said, shaking her head fondly. “He’s oddly reliable, but definitely an idiot.”

“Fufufu! Yes, I’ve heard lots of the man from Sylphy and Leon,” Ariel chucked.

I… didn’t know exactly how, but as soon as they were introduced to each other, Ariel became fast friends with Mama and Lilia.

It seemed that she was infatuated with Mama’s kindness and separation from her noble lineage, and she had actually already known Lilia from when she was a child.

I knew Lilia mentioned being a guard for a princess and defending her from assassins resulting in her getting injured, leading to her becoming our maid, but to think it was actually Ariel… well, I suppose it was a small world when talking about Asuran Princesses, especially one that lined up with the timeframe.

For this celebration, it was only a small group of my family, some of Rudy’s friends, and Ariel, who would be staying the night in order to be protected by Sylphy, but it was still enough people to fill the dining and living rooms.

In fact, perhaps due to this cozier atmosphere, while she hadn’t joined us for the party upon our return, Nanahoshi had come to see my new abode.

And speaking of her…

“Leon,” she said, her eyes staring at me intently. “You… have a bath.”

“…Yes,” I nodded.

I did indeed have a bath.

“A working bath, with warm water and a place to rinse off beforehand,” she continued.

“Yeah, though that last one was Rudy’s suggestion,” I confirmed. “Is there… something wrong?”

She then averted her eyes, looking to the side as she hesitantly tapped her arm.

“Then… could I… come over to use it sometimes?” she asked.

I felt an indescribable urge to pat her head at that, but I was able to reign it in.

Seriously… why did Nanahoshi make me feel this way when I hardly knew her?

I didn’t have feelings for her, I was sure of that… but I still found my hand wanting to reach out…

“Yeah, it’s no problem,” I said. “You gave me your notebook on the teleportation circles, after all. I wouldn’t be able to go on my journey tomorrow without it.”

“Yeah, well… just be sure not to tell people,” she shrugged. “And if it ends up getting out, make sure I’m not attached to it.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful,” I said, shaking my head. “So? Do you like the place?”

Her eyes twitched.

“It’s much too big. Seriously, this is bigger than some nobles’ mansions I’ve visited,” she said. “What do you need all this space for, anyway?”


“Well… I have three wives, right?” I said. “And when a boy and a girl really like each other, they often-”

“Okay! Yes, I get it! You want lots of children!” she said, shutting me up as her cheeks glowed red. “Jeez… you really are a lecherous bastard, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, well… I’m not going to deny it,” I shrugged.

Clicking her tongue, she then walked away, leaving me alone to watch the other attendees.

Roxy was eagerly talking to Lina while an intoxicated Cliff rested on her lap, and while I couldn’t tell what they were saying, from Roxy’s flushed cheeks and the way her eyes darted to me every so often, I had a slight idea.

And then there was my father, who was trying to impress his daughters with his party tricks.

While they were still trying to put up a tough front of annoyance and dissatisfaction, I could see the smiles they were suppressing nearly rising to the surface, with the edge of their lips quirking up in amusement.

Well, I guess their time living together had softened their cold hearts in regard to their father, so that was good.

I would love for them all to get along.

But again, I wouldn’t push anything… and it didn’t seem like I needed to.

Looking near the entrance, I saw as Luke talked animatedly with Ginger, who was there to escort Zanoba, even though he didn’t need it.

I would say they were getting along as fellow guards, but from the way Luke was smiling at her, I had a feeling there was a different intention on his side.

Well… good luck, man. 

She was a married woman, and from what I knew, was quite loyal to her family.

And finally, there was the group of special students, consisting of my brother, Zanoba, the beastfolk princesses, and now Nanahoshi, as they discussed… something.

From how happy Rudy and Zanoba were, and how bored Linia and Pursena seemed, I think it was about that moving doll that Zanoba had been working with.

As I rested against the wall, I felt a body press against my side, lifting my arm to rest over their shoulder as they snuggled their head under my chin.

“Are you enjoying it?” Sylphy said, giving me a soft kiss on my neck.

“Yeah. It’s nice to see everyone like this, even if it’s not as emotional as the first time,” I said, pulling her to my front as I wrapped both arms around her midsection. “Though we definitely need some more decoration.”

“Just let me and Roxy handle that,” she said, turning to look at everyone as her back pressed against my chest. “You have enough on your plate already. And with everything you’ve been doing for the past four years, you deserve a long rest.”

“Yeah, I plan to,” I said. “But that can come when the baby is born. Until then, I want to deal with some last-minute things.”

She sighed, covering my hands with hers as she interlaced our fingers.

“You always push yourself, you know?” she said, shaking her head. “I love that about you, Leon, but… just know you can always come to me when you’re tired. This body is yours to use, after all.”

Those were… extremely dangerous words.

But I had a feeling that was her intention, if the way she was grinding her bottom against my groin was any indication.

“Yeah… I know,” I said, squeezing her hand. “…I love you, Sylphy.”

“And I love you too, Leon,” she said. “But since you’ve been working so hard on the house for the past three weeks, and you’re leaving tomorrow… I think I should give you a parting gift, no?”

“…I certainly won’t refuse,” I said, pulling her a little closer.

After all, while a celebration was nice and all, our home had yet to be ‘broken in’ in the truest sense of the word.

Now the question was just whether to wait for everyone to go home, or take my beautiful fairy up to bed this instant.

And her constant grinding wasn’t making the decision an easy one… yeah, I would definitely be making her scream tonight.

— Leon Greyrat —

With the light snowfall we received last night having coated the landscape in a blanket of white, it was time for me to depart from Sharia for an estimated two-month-long journey.

But of course, I had to say some farewells first.

“Make sure you stay warm, okay?” Mama said, kissing my cheek. “I know you’ve got your magic, but the winters are still cold.”

“I got it, Mama,” I nodded.

“And do be sure to eat well,” Lilia added as I reached down to hug her. “Even though you aren’t growing anymore, you still need to stay healthy.”

“I understand, Lilia,” I said.

Even if my cooking was horrible… well, I had Vierra for most of the journey, so I should be fine.

I then went over to Roxy, who was wearing a winter coat without her signature magicians hat, giving me the gift of another view of my lover that I had yet to see.

She really was beautiful…

“Be safe,” she said, walking over to hug me. 

“I will. And I’ll be back soon,” I said, reaching down to caress her stomach. “While I’ll probably have to leave for another trip, l promise to be back before they’re born, so we can take care of it together.”

“Mmm… I’m glad,” she said, burying her face in my chest.

“Oh? You’re taking care of the child between the two of you?” Ariel asked from the side.

“Hm? Obviously,” I said, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

How did she think babies were taken care of?

“You’re not going to be getting a maid to take care of it?” she asked, tilting her head. “That is what’s best, after all.”


“I… have to disagree, Ariel,” I said. “Why do you think that?”

“Hm? Well, that’s how I was raised,” she said, smiling innocently at me.

My eye twitched.

“And look how you turned out,” I said, shaking my head. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you sitting outside our room last night when I was with Sylphy.”

The princess at least had the decency to blush at being found out, though she didn’t necessarily seem to hate it… in fact, I think her breath just hitched in pleasure.

This fucking princess…

“Anyway, I plan to be there for my kids,” I continued, trying to move past whatever… that was. “And I plan on doting on them and holding them as much as I can when they’re small, young, and cute.”

I heard Aisha pipe up with ‘Are you saying I’m not cute now!?’, but I decided to ignore it.

“I see… I understand, then,” Ariel said, nodding to herself. “But regardless, I thank you for your hospitality last night.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “With Sylphy still protecting you, you can come over whenever you want. We do have quite a surplus of rooms, after all.”

“I… may just do that,” she said, smiling.

“Good. Just make sure Luke doesn’t come,” I said, squeezing Roxy tighter. “I can’t exactly trust him with my two beautiful soon-to-be wives.”

Sylphy sighed from the side before she came up to pinch my cheek, though the action held no malice.

“I assure you that your wives do not fit my knight’s tastes, not to mention the fact that the two are absolutely infatuated with you, but I accept,” Ariel nodded, looking at the three of us with slightly lidded eyes. “But as for my tastes… well… just don’t take too long.”

This time, Sylphy turned her pout to her princess, making her dissatisfaction of her teasing known.

But… I had a feeling that she wasn’t simply teasing.

…I really shouldn’t take too long, huh?

“A-Anyway, I still plan on helping you, just as I promised, but I need to take care of some things first,” I said. “I hope that you don’t mind putting off the conversation until I return.”

“That is completely fine,” she said, smiling. “I don’t plan on needing your services until quite a bit into the future, so… until then… stay safe.”

For some reason, at those words, her eyes turned away slightly as she brought her arms up to hug herself.

“I-It is awfully cold in the north during winter, isn’t it?” she said. “I’ll be sure to indulge in that nice bath, so… be well, Leon Greyrat.”

“Yeah, you too,” I said as she nodded her head before going back inside.

Ah… so she was cold.

Well, that would explain why her cheeks were red.

But Sylphy? Why are your fingers pinching my cheek a little harder? I didn’t do anything wrong, right?

“Well… I think everyone has already told you to be safe, brother, so I won’t repeat them,” Rudy said, walking up to hug me as Roxy moved to my side. “Not that you need it anyway… damn monster.”

“That’s not a nice thing to call your brother,” I chided him.

“You didn’t deny it,” he said, smirking as he pulled away. “And don’t worry. Sara and I will be sure to help with furniture and stuff… though cleaning might be a problem.”

“I can take care of the dust with wind magic, so don’t worry about it,” I said, patting his shoulder. “And… thank you. And you as well, Little Sis.”

“Hmph… whatever,” Sara said, crossing her arms. “Just don’t take too long. I’ll get pissed if you’re not here for Roxy when she gives birth.”

“I’d be pissed at myself more,” I said.

It was then that my father came over to give me a strong pat on the shoulder.

“Like Rudy said, I don’t need to worry about you,” he said, seemingly not noticing how his two wives glared at him due to his words. “But… just take care of Vierra and Shierra, okay? They’ve done a lot for me.”

“Of course, Father,” I said, nodding. 

“Honestly… if they did a lot for you, then shouldn’t you be the one to take care of them? Leaving it up to Big Brother again…” Aisha said, pouting as she walked up to hug me. “Be safe, Big Brother! And I’ll make sure that Roxy and Sylphy get the best deals for the furniture!”

“Thank you,” I said, returning her embrace. “Be good. I love you.”

“I love you too!” she said, kissing my cheek before separating.

And then, last but not least, it was Norn’s turn to say goodbye, as she hesitantly walked over to give me a hug. 

“I’ll… also help with the big sisters and your home,” she said. “Love you… Brother.”

“And I love you,” I returned as we withdrew from our embrace.

With that, along with a departing kiss shared with Roxy and Sylphy, where my hands may have wandered towards their lower backs, I then got on my horse, with Vierra and Shierra already riding the other one.

We had sold the armadillo transport monsters to the university as soon as we got to Sharia for quite a good price, as they were practically impossible to transport across the ocean and all the way up north. And at the same time, I also got back the two horses that I originally bought in Roa that they had been keeping during my journey to Rapan.

I was lucky that Vierra and Shierra would be travelling with me, as everything in regard to transportation would end up working perfectly… hopefully.

So, with my family waving me goodbye, I departed from the magical city for a second time.

But now… I had a home to return to.

Let’s just hope this journey wouldn’t take too long.

— Ariel Anemoi Asura —

“Haa… this really is quite nice,” I said, sinking down to my shoulders in the hot water of the bath, the steam filling my nose with a pleasant, refreshing scent.

Was that… eucalyptus?

I remember a passing merchant trying to sell me that plant, but to think it would have such a wonderful scent… it felt quite invigorating.

“Mmm… I never thought I would be able to have such a luxury, and while I am usually one for more… humble things, this is indeed quite nice,” Roxy said, smiling as she brushed her hand through her hair.

The woman was now showing some visible signs of her pregnancy, most notably being the slight bump beginning to form on her belly.

Looking at that, even though it logically had nothing to do with me, I couldn’t help but smile wider.

Another vexing feeling that had come from this commoner Greyrat family.

But despite being perplexing… these feelings weren’t necessarily bad.

“So… you two, now that you’re both living together for the foreseeable future, how is your relationship?” I asked, looking over to Sylphy.

Polygamy wasn’t rare in this world, especially among nobility, but it was quite rare to see such a relationship be so… loving and genuine.

Though I suppose Leon’s parents were able to make it work, so I shouldn’t be too surprised… but I was still curious.

Especially when it concerned by favourite attendant.

“It’s… good,” Sylphy said, smiling as she sunk deeper into the water. “And I’m certain it will work out in the future. We get along, after all. Right, Roxy?”

“I would say so, yes,” the girl replied. “I was initially hesitant about sharing Leon, even though I was prepared after hearing about Eris in Millishion, but after experiencing his near-limitless libido… well, to be honest, I’m glad you’re here, Sylphy. I don’t know if only one woman can handle that.”

I felt my loins tighten at those words.

That… sounded exciting.

I wanted to know more.

“A near-limitless libido, you say…” I said, swallowing down some saliva that had gathered in my mouth. “I understand that you and Leon had some fun last night, Sylphy…”

Yes, I knew that they definitely enjoyed themselves, much to my own pleasure.

“…But did you do anything as well?” I asked, turning to Roxy.

The girl in question widened her eyes before blushing, sinking her head into the water as she timidly played with her hair.

Ah… I could totally understand Leon now, that lucky man.

Seeing that cute face make such an embarrassed expression… I just wanted to mess it up.

“W-Well… Leon had been busy for the past three weeks, and I couldn’t really do anything with the baby…” Roxy said. “So… after everyone left… I may have gone up to his room, and… had him service me…”

She then averted her eyes, only for Sylphy to gently pat her shoulder.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Roxy,” she said. “You two are soon to be husband and wife, after all, and I know that Leon enjoys making you feel good.”

“T-Thanks, Sylphy… it’s just not something I can say so confidently…” Roxy mumbled.

Ah… I was certainly aroused now.

I had to hold myself back from asking her how it exactly went down, as I was sure that it would be pushing her too far, but for now… I would just have to use my imagination for what else went down with the blue-haired magician last night.

That, paired with Sylphy’s exploits that I had overheard, I think I had enough material to last me a few weeks… no, a month at least.

But I needed to move the conversation forward, lest I accidentally start pleasing myself in front of these two.

That would be quite rude, after all, considering I would be living with them quite a bit in the future.

“And? Is there no problems in sharing the same man?” I asked.

Roxy, seemingly having overcome her embarrassment, lifted her head to look at me.

“Honestly? No… not really,” she said. “While I always dreamed of having a lover, especially one as infatuated with me as Leon, I didn’t wish to have all of his attention. Rather, we would be our own independent people, supporting each other and being there for the nights.”

“Hm? Not having their attention?” I asked. “What do you mean by that?”

“How to explain it…” she said, looking down. “For instance… while I want to always be with them, I would prefer us both reading together outside, or cuddling close by the fireplace… no need to talk every moment of the day, but simply basking in each other’s presence and always being there for each other.”

Her face then broke out into a soft smile as she rubbed her belly.

“So I don’t mind if Leon wishes to use his free time with the other women he’s promised to, as long as he’s there for me,” she said. “And with the baby on the way… well, I’m fairly certain I will be getting quite a bit of his attention. He is quite overprotective, after all, and he is surely to be a very doting father.”

I nodded my head at that.

Indeed, Leon was extremely overprotective, and from how he treated his sisters that were not even bound by blood, I can only imagine how he will be as a father.

“I see… that sounds… nice,” I said, coating my hand in my gifted oils as I then ran my fingers through my hair. “And what about you, Sylphy? No issues?”

“No,” she shook her head. “While I would have wanted Leon to myself, I was always open to the idea of him having other women, as long as they loved each other just as much as we did. And of course, that he didn’t neglect me.”

“You were always open to the idea?” Roxy said, raising an eyebrow. “How did that come to happen?”

“Hmm… well, a bunch of things,” she said. “First, just thinking logically, Leon isn’t someone I could expect to settle with only me.”

I wanted to disprove that point vehemently, but I decided to let her finish her words.

“Second, I had spent a lot of time with his parents after Paul married Lilia, so I knew that I could still have a loving family and feel loved, even if I wasn’t monopolizing his affections,” she continued.

Ah, yes… Paul, Zenith, and Lilia.

When I first saw Lilia, I immediately recognized the maid that fought so valiantly to defend me as a child.

Even though I was very young at the time, it was still important enough to remain seared in my memory, as it was the first time I truly understood the disgusting side of nobility, and what exactly the danger of my position entailed.

Of course, I had always wondered what happened to her, but to think I would meet her here… well, suffice it to say, I thanked her properly, and also received a calming head pat like she had done as a child.

Even though it was slightly embarrassing, it did feel extremely pleasant, and brought up memories of a time when I was more innocent to the cruelty of this world.

And then there was Paul and Zenith…

Their stories amazed me.

Despite being born as such high-ranking nobles, they both forged their own path, growing into the people they were today on their own, and ending up in a loving family despite their oppressive upbringings.

While I still remained adamant about taking the throne of Asura and ensuring the sacrifices of those before me were not in vain, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing towards such a life, free of politics and instead filled with love.

Shaking my head, I returned my attention to Sylphy as she continued, “And third, when Eris visited for a month as a child, my mother quickly caught on to how she loved Leon as well, and thus told me to expect another woman if I wanted to be with Leon. After all, I was but a commoner with troublesome hair, while Eris was a noble lady.”

Ah, yes, and the troublesome hair of Sylphy’s…

I was quite surprised to learn that she had been born with green hair, and even though Sylphy was worried about me seeing her differently because of it, I quickly reassured her that to not be the case.

After all, the Superd were but a fairy tale, or at least misinformed, going by Leon’s account of the man named ‘Ruijerd’, and even if they were truly a race of monsters, that wouldn’t change how I saw my cutest attendant.

“I see… and what about you, Princess Ariel?” Roxy said, turning to me. “Do you have any experience with romance and relationships?”

I gently shook my head.

“You can call me Ariel, Roxy. And as for romance… I have not had any experience with boys,” I said, leaning my head back against the stone rim of the bath. “While I am quite experienced in terms of erotic acts, I have never held any infatuation with a man, nor had any such exchanges with them. After all, girls were the only thing I could play with, considering the consequences if I were to get pregnant.”

“I see… that makes sense,” Roxy said, nodding to herself.

I then turned my head down to look at the two, licking my lips as my eyes traced over their naked forms.

Ah… those pink nipples… and the way their soft skin glistened from wetness… their soft curves…

“But… I find you two extremely cute,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “So if Leon ever ends up not keeping up with your needs… feel free to come to me, alright?”

Both of them widened their eyes before they simultaneously looked away.

Ah, that reaction was just making me hornier.

“T-Thank you, A-Ariel, but… I’ll have to refuse,” Roxy said.

“S-Stop teasing me, princess!” Sylphy exclaimed.

“Just for today,” I said, chuckling to myself as I closed my eyes and dipped into the water.

Yes… even though I enjoyed hearing how Luke would defile the maidens of the royal palace and found myself drawn to the typical romance between man and woman in stories, as I had said, I had never found myself loving a man, 

But recently… my gaze had been wandering to a certain golden-haired swordsman.

I brought my hand up to tenderly touch my gifted hair tie, which was still looped around my hair.

Leon Greyrat… Sylphy’s beloved, and one of the strongest fighters I had ever seen in action… that was who I was referring to.

I felt… differently around him.

I felt… comfortable, and… safe.

Much like with Sylphy, if I was with only him, I felt like I could remove my facade completely and lay bare my true self to him. 

In fact, even with other people around, I had found myself being much too genuine around him than I should.

It all felt a little unnerving, but at the same time, tantalizingly exciting, leaving my heart racing with every interaction and my actions seemingly uncontrolled.

I… didn’t know what this feeling was.

Was it love?

Was it only curiosity?

Or was it simply another form of that envy that always pricked at my heart when I saw him and his family show such genuine feelings of affection to each other?

I didn’t know, but either way… it wasn’t like I could join them.

Even if I was physically attractive to the man, I knew that Leon hated nobility, and especially the prospect of involving his family in it.

And past that, he already has three women he loved deeply, and who would surely be enough to satisfy his needs.

But… I was fine with this.

I had my own duty to fulfill, after all. 

One much more important than a fleeting feeling of love, no matter how captivating it was.

So yes… I was… completely fine with it.

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