Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

10 The Other Side

  Christal looks at me and states, "First, it's best to pull up your dungeon menu and see if anything is happening."


  A map pops up in front of me. It shows dots of those inside the dungeon. They are all green dots. On the side, there is a menu that says activate dungeon skills. Under it shows activate anti-male shield. I look over at crystal and question, "What's this male shield?"


  "After analyzing you, it was decided that your overwhelming desire was a lesbian dungeon. Thus, a shield that will keep men out was added to your dungeon."

  "That's really useful. Is there a way to allow only hot girls?" I ask as I look at the shield button.

  "No, the dungeon system only affects sex. Some dungeon masters kill unwanted women, though," Christal explains.

  "Uhg, I don't want to kill people because of their looks." I turn on the shield as I daydream of the sexy babes. "How often do I pay this upkeep?"


  "In this case, it is every day to coincide with your 24 hour clock here. The points will be deducted at midnight if you go negative you'll need to shutdown things until you return to positive."


  "That's understandable I guess," I say while bouncing up and down. "So now that I'm set up, what should I do?"


  Christal nods, "You should defeat invaders."


  I lean back and look at the ceiling. I shudder and mumble, "How do I get people to enter, and how do I defeat them?"


  "I'm sorry, but figuring that out is your job, dungeon master."


  My mouth twitches. "I know you've been saying it for a while now, but I think you should just call me Mistress. The dungeon master is too long and not sexy."


  "I Understand, mistress," Christal states while slightly bowing.


  Blue flies out of her house and sits on my head. "Should I call you mistress too?"


  I think for a second while bobbing up and down again. Blue seems to enjoy me like she's riding a kid's ride. "No, I like you calling me mom."


  "Alright, mom! I think everyone should be coming soon since you are the best! They'll all want to come to see you for sure," Blue exclaims from above me.


  "I think everyone would be a problem. Can't someone weak and on the verge of death come first?" I ask to no one in particular.


  We sit inside for a few hours, but nothing happens. I just stare at the slimes moving around the map while pleasuring myself. I stretch and yawn. Even though masturbating is fun, doing it all day is becoming a bit monotonous already. I'm not complaining, though. Being able to orgasm is a miracle.


  "Maybe I should go see what the other side looks like?" I throw out to anyone willing to answer.


  Blue flies into my face with a raised hand. "Me. Me, I want to explore too!"


  Christal, on the other hand, looks reluctant. "It's dangerous for the dun, I mean mistress, to leave the dungeon."


  I stand up and reset my ponytail. "If it was that dangerous, wouldn't we be already screwed?" I look around and then state, "alright, let's go get a heavy stick. Then go over and see what's there."


  Blue and I leave back to earth and look for a solid weapon. After a short exploration Blue finds a nice solid stick. I grab it, and we return to the dungeon. As we do, I overhear Christal instructing the slimes.


  "You are all to sacrifice yourself for the mistress," Christal then points to one of the slimes, "you bring her back no matter what."


  I laugh and say, "for someone without emotions. You sure do worry a lot."


  Christal bows at a ninety-degree angle, "I'm sorry if I've overstepped, mistress."


  "It doesn't bother me at all. I'm glad you are looking out for me," I respond. I want to pat her on the shoulder to reassure her, but it'd just go through Christal instead.


  "Now it's time to leave," I say while waving for everyone to follow me. We go up the stairs towards the other exit. As I enter the area, I look around. Just like my entrance, this entrance is also just a solid stone room. I then head towards the door-shaped exit. I poke my head out and see a lush forest like the one on my side.


  "It looks normal," I sigh in relief but a little disappointment.


  Christal floats over and reminds me, "this is a fantasy world, so who knows what monsters may be lurking? Don't let down your guard."


  "I know," I respond as I step out. I look around and am surprised to see a sign next to the entrance. It has strange scribbles that remind me a bit of Greek writing. Well, not that I can read Greek even if it was.


  Blue flies over and looks at the sign as if reading it. "It's a sign, mom."


  I rub my forehead and reply, "I know what does it say, though?"


  Blue shakes her head and smiles brightly at me. "I can't read. I don't know."


  "Why do you look so proud about that? Well, whatever, Christal, what does it say?"


  "I'm sorry, mistress, if you don't have the knowledge, I'm not capable of accessing it either."


  "I can't believe we ran into a problem at the door. Is this created by the dungeon?" I ask while leaning up against the cave.


  "No, this is not part of the dungeon system."


  I scan my surroundings. "Then there is someone with intelligence around."


  Christal nods, "I believe that is an accurate statement."


  "No one entered while I was gone, did they?" I ask, a bit worried.


  "No, I'm monitoring the dungeon. I would have notified you of an incursion."


  I let out a breath as the tension leaves my shoulders. "Alright, that's good enough for now. If there are intelligent people and it's a fantasy world, someone should come to conquer the dungeon soon. We just need to wait."


  We then return to the throne room. I put my stick down in the corner. I may want to consider looking for something better when we go clothes shopping tomorrow. I then enjoy myself till evening and return home.

Changed the upkeep to daily to make it more understandable. This chapter is a bit shorter but it's still over my 1000 word goal. I hope you all enjoy! The first mystery appears.
Thanks for reading!

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