Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

20 Returning to Town

Total Dungeon points: 150 – 34 = 116 – 34 = 82


  That's what I thought in the morning. But it took me all day to settle down. A day I really couldn't waste, but if I start thinking that way, I'll waste another day in a haze. So the first job this morning is getting the cot and getting my sister to masturbate in the dungeon. Even if it's only a few points, it'll be better than nothing.


  I get dressed in my running cloth, the short pants that show my entire legs, and a tank top that lays over my chest but does not cover my stomach. I have a sports bra under it, so it's not sexy enough for my sister. Still, it's great for running.


  I run to town and enter the general store right as it opens. An old man glances at me as I enter. He's skinny and has an old hunting hat on his head. He has a few teeth missing and a face that's drooping. Behind him is a shotgun and a rifle. On his hip is a six-shooter. It makes me hesitate a bit.


  I guess I stared too long because he asks in a gravelly voice, "what's wrong, miss?"


  I jump and reply nervously, "Sorry, uhm. I thought this area was safe, but you are so well armed it made me worried. Are there a lot of robberies?"


  The man relaxes and leans back in his chair. "Robbers? No. Drunks are the ones you have to look out for. There'll tear apart the shop stumbling around. A bit of steal sobers them up, though. A young girl like you should be careful."


  I smile at the advice and say, "It's too early for drunks. I'll be home before the afternoon."


  He raises his eyebrow and responds, "perhaps in the city. But there are plenty of deadbeats around these parts. Work a few months, then drink a few months. Well, if you stick to main street us, shop owners will come out and clear out the rabble if you scream."


  "I'll be careful then! Thanks for the warning," I say with a bright smile. "Anyways, I'm looking for a simple cot for camping."


  "Camping stuff is in the back corner. Most of it's old, but it's still in the box."


  "I'll go look then," I say as I turn around. I head over to the back corner. There are a few tents and sleeping bags. Oh! There are the cots. The boxes have begun to fade, and the tape looks yellow, but it's still sticking. I grab one and drag it back to the counter.


  "Is that all?" the man asks.


  "Yeah," I state as I pay with cash. He hands me back some change, and I leave the store. It's not that heavy, but it's cumbersome. As I struggle, a man in a truck stops along the road.


  He rolls down the window and calls out to me. I look over and remember the man from before. "You're the manager of… I don't really know. But I think they said your name was Franklin." I notice he's in a T-shirt today, so he must be off work.


  Franklin looks a bit embarrassed as he responds, "That's right sorry about that. I run the logging camp outside of town. I'm glad I ran into you. I was hoping you'd be friends with my daughter. There aren't many young girls around here."


  I pause, remembering the visitor center women telling me he had a girl around my age. "I'm Hedone. I suppose I don't mind. Maybe we could go out and eat or something?"


  Franklin rubs his head. "That could be troublesome. All she does is play games and streams or something. I've never been into technology myself."


  Making a friend sounds good, but I don't know about going to a stranger's house… Franklin seems to sense my hesitation. He says, "Yeah, it's a bit much for a stranger to ask you to their house. How about this? I'll go meet your parents, and we can discuss a meeting later?"


  "Alright!" I respond with a quick nod.


  "Want to ride with me?"


  "I'd prefer not to," I look at the back of the truck and continue, "I still have to finish my run. But can you carry this?" I lift the box a bit to emphasize the size.


  "No problem!" Franklin says, relief in his voice. He gets out of the truck and easily hefts the cot into the truck. As he does, I see a saw and other equipment in the back.


  "I don't want this to feel like an exchange for being your daughter's friend," I say while looking at the ground.


  "What is it?" Franklin asks as he shuts the back of his pickup truck.


  "There's an old path from my house to a stream. I've been going there, but there are a few fallen trees along the way. Can I borrow your saw so I can clear them?"


  He eyes me for a while before shaking his head, "do you even know how to use it?"


  I look at him in confusion. "I just pull the cord and cut, right? Like a lawnmower?"


  "This stuff isn't consumer-grade," he explains while pointing his thumb over his shoulder, "but even if it was, it's not safe for a beginner to clear large trees. I'll tell you what. I'll clear them for you after meeting your mom. It's been a while since I've worked in the field, but I still know what to do."


  "Thanks, I appreciate it!"


  "I'll follow you back to your place," Franklin states as he gets back into the truck.


  I nod and wave at him. The two women from the tourist center come out right before we leave. "Did you hear?" One asks, excitement in her voice.


  "What?" I ask briskly, not wanting to get dragged into a long conversation.


  The other woman says, "Anna Henry's wife says she was abducted by aliens!"


  "Ok," I say, rolling my eyes. I don't know who those people are. Why are you telling me?


  "It might bring back the tourists. Kids these days love that sort of thing. We'll remember you if we hire again."


  "Anna said it was a pleasurable experience and even said her old aches are gone afterwards. Everyone is jealous."


  "That's strange. But Franklin's gonna help me clear an old path for me, so I can't stay."


  "Oh, sorry, dear, we were just too excited to gossip off you go."


  "Alright, Bye," I say as I begin to run. I take a fast pace to escape. Aliens now, though? What's going on with this town?

Thanks for reading!

The last chapter was originaly more dark but I felt it wasn't the tone I wanted.

A new female character is coming! What will she be like?

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