Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

23 Confession

  "So, I want to talk about you masturbating. You always make so much noise! It's torture. So I thought maybe you could do it here. Specifically in a cave. I bought a cot yesterday."


  Brigit turns bright red as she says, "Yeah, I do it on purpose."


  "It was quite torturous when I couldn't pleasure myself to, you know!" I say, flinging my years of frustration at my sister. I look at her downcast eyes and add, "I was too embarrassed to say anything. It's not as bad nowadays, though, since I can masturbate too."


  Brigit rubs her head and says, "I didn't think about you. I'm a bad sister."


  I push her shoulder. "That's not what this is about! Stop feeling bad."


  "Alright, well, what do you mean masturbating in a cave? It kind of ruins it if no one can hear me."


  I knew it was about her exhibitionism. I don't want to hurt her enjoyment, but I won't get dungeon points if she doesn't masturbate in the dungeon. "Who knows what might happen out here. Anyone could show up thinking you need help," I say with a smirk.


  Brigit leans back and stretches her nipple praising the sun. She furrows her brow, looking unconvinced. "I can give it a try, I guess."


  "You don't have to look so sad. I'm not saying not to masturbate at home. But you can streak here, masturbate, then come back. You won't have anything to hide yourself if mom or I see you," I say as I smile deviously.


  "I guess that could be fun."


  "Alright, let's go set up the cot," I say, standing up. We don't bother to get dressed as we drag the box I left yesterday. We enter the dungeon, and Brigit looks around curiously.


  "It looks man-made. It's so perfect," Brigit says as she rubs her hand along the smooth wall.


  "Yeah, it seems strange. When I found it, I didn't know what to think." I open the box and pull out the cot. It simply folds open with a waterproof mattress. It's not that comfortable, but it's good enough for now.


  "Well, what do you think?" I ask while sitting on the cot.


  Brigit swooshes her hair back and responds, "honestly, I'm not convinced."


  "Yeah, it's not great. Maybe it wasn't a good idea," I state with a frown.


  "Well. I'll give it a try."


  "Alright, whenever you're ready!" I exclaim while looking at her intently.


  "Now?" Brigit asks while blushing.


  I laugh, "you squirted all over me yesterday, but now you're embarrassed?"


  "I was embarrassed yesterday too!" Brigit yells back with puffed cheeks. "I thought you'd hate me, but now you want me to masturbate in front of you."


  I tighten my ponytail and look off to the side. "I'm sorry. I'm going too far. I just had my first orgasm recently, so I'm not thinking straight. I've been making a lot of dumb mistakes recently."


  I'm too scared to look at her, but I hear her sit beside me. The metal mesh holding up the cot creaks ominously. I feel her grab my cheeks and turn my head towards her. I look her in the eyes for a moment and then try to look away.


  Brigit is biting her bottom lip. "No, don't say that. I'm the one who's been saying I'm an exhibitionist all day and wanting you to hear. It's my fault. I honestly want to. But is it really alright? I think this is going a bit beyond what sisters should do."


  "I don't know. I've been horny for so long but unable to touch or be touched. I want to do everything, and I love you. But it's not right, is it?"


  "I never want you to feel bad for asking me to do something. Even sex stuff," Brigit states with determined eyes. "I won't guarantee I'll do everything, but you can always say anything to me."


  My heart collapses, and tears begin to stream down my face. My chest tightens as my emotions overflow. I grip Brigit's arms tightly. "I'm a dungeon mistress! I fucked up," I confess.


  Through my blurry eyes, I see Brigit blink in shock. Her mouth opens and closes a few times. "What?"


  "IsaidIcouldorgasmbecauseoftheforestandfeelingmoreateaseButitwasalieI'msorry," I spit out in one breath.


  "Hedone! calm down," Brigit shakes me and grips me tightly to reassure me. "Just explain slowly. It's alright."


  I take some deep breaths while clinging to my sister. "I lied… I didn't get my orgasm back from being more calm or anything."




  "I found a magic item. I heard about it at the tourist center. I didn't think I'd find it. But I did."


  "Ok. So what happened. Are you alright?"


  "I took it, and it said I could become a dungeon master. Well, I honestly wasn't interested. But it said I was cursed, and that's why I couldn't orgasm. I could modify my body as a dungeon master, so I tried it. I turned my sensitivity up all the way. It was a mistake. But I became able to control my sensitivity in the end. It didn't get rid of the curse, but I can orgasm now."


  "That's amazing. It sounds good so far," Brigit responds and urges me to continue. I can't believe she isn't questioning this more. My sister is the best. I want to see her orgasm even more now. Wait, that's not the point here.


  "Yeah, I was so excited I didn't really question or think about anything. I got all kinds of sex-related changes. But I used a lot of points, and if the dungeon falls, I die. They implied that I could get women to have sex in the dungeon and get points. But even with a fantasy world connected, almost no one comes. Now I'm scared I only have two days worth of points left. And the dungeon AI is talking about killing people being more efficient. That's why I was so upset earlier this week."


  "I see. So this is your dungeon?" Brigit realizes, looking at the walls in a new light.


  "Yeah. I wanted you to masturbate here for points. Sorry. Well, I also wanted to see you masturbate too. I've fantasized about it for years. You always sound so fulfilled," I explain, blushing.


  "Ok, I get it. I'm hot and enjoy sex. I've been torturing you with my screams of pleasure. I'm not mad."


  "Blue come here," I yell.


  "Coming, mom!" Blue yells back in excitement.


  She flies up and sits on my head. Brigit's eyes turn into saucers. "It's a real fairy! And she's wearing my clothes. This is amazing."


  "I named her Blue. I didn't put much thought about it, though," I frown. "Do you want a new name Blue?"


  "I love mom, and I love my name," Blue states emphatically while patting my head.


  Brigit sits for a few minutes taking everything in. "Alright, first, I will masturbate with you guys watching. It'll be the first time I've purposely let others see. So I'm a bit nervous. Then we need to go home and tell mom."


  "Will it be alright? I know she lets us do whatever. But I'm not sure she approves of our shenanigans. Won't she be disappointed?" I ask while gripping my arms tightly. My fingers turn white, and my arm gets red imprints.


  "You don't have to worry. Even if mom is a bit disappointed, she loves us with all her heart. Also, she's smarter than us," Brigit consoles me.


  "Are you calling me dumb?" I laugh, the tension leaking out of me.


  "We're both dumb. But it's fine. That's why mom exists," Brigit teases.


  "Fine, it's decided then. Blue, you'll come too."


  "I'm looking forward to meeting grandma," Blue says while bouncing on my head.

So I wasn't planning on telling the family at this point in my story outline. But people have mentioned that it's strange Hedone wouldn't tell her family. Well I think it was fine then. But as I was writing this chapter I felt there is no way she wouldn't confess here. So it's happened. It messes up some of my plot but I think Hedone would do this so it must be done.

On a different note. I was asked so I created a Discord if anyone is interested. https://discord.gg/X3SFq7vjJR

Also the masturbation scene was planned for this chapter but got pushed back by the confession. Sorry to those who were looking forward to it.

And as always thanks for reading! If you are enjoying this novel. Please consider reviewing it. This will get more readers for me which means more engagement and excitement for writing for me. But if you don't want to that's fine too!

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