Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

27 Aliens!

  After that, mom works a bit longer while we relax. I give Blue a tour of the house, explaining all the technology. She takes it in with childish wonder being excited about every new discovery. We eat and then go to bed.


Dungeon points: 64


  I wake up the next day and go for a run. It's hard with my sensitivity at 60%. It's hard to explain since it's such an unusual sensation. Let's just say that at 60%, it's like every time you squeeze a muscle, your boobs are being squeezed, except it happens throughout your body. I manage to finish my run while only having to stop a few times for orgasms.


  After that, I return home and wash up. Mom calls me over as I leave the bathroom. "I bought these for you for self defense."


  I look at the table and see three boxes. A taser, a stun gun, and pepper spray. "Thanks mom!" I'll feel a lot safer with these with me.


  Mom smiles and says, "I'm glad you're happy. I want to do some training with them this weekend. I bought a set for Brigit too."


  Brigit and I plan to go to the dungeon in the morning. Then I'll head to Franklin's house and meet his daughter in the evening. We'd planned to wait for the weekend, but I wanted to speed things up with things so tight.


  Luckily mom was on top of things as she got Franklin's number. Friday night is basically the weekend anyway. Once I drag Brigit out of bed and a quick breakfast, we travel down to the dungeon.


  We masturbate in front of each other, which is still fun. After recovering, we leave, and I check my points. 74… only ten this time. I angrily glare at Christal, but it doesn't do me any good.


  I sigh as we return to the cave. "Alright, if we are going to be aliens, I think we need to spruce things up," I declare. I open a bag I brought with glow-in-the-dark stars.


  Blue floats around in excitement. "Oh, pretty, and they're glowing!"


  I nod in satisfaction, "I think it'll give off more of a space feel to the cave."


  Brigit looks down at the stars inquisitively. "I'll bring some of my unusual toys too. Give off more of that probing and alien feel too."


  "Oh, that'll be useful!" I exclaim while high-fiving Brigit.


  "Here, blue. You do the ceiling while Brigit and I do the walls," I say, handing out the stickers.


  "Ok," she giggles, taking them from me.


  We start happily placing our stars on the wall until I look back at an area I could have sworn I'd covered already. How strange, I think as I refill the hole that leads up to the ceiling.


  Above me, Blue tearfully screams, "no slime. Those are my stars."


  I look up to see Blue pushing a grey slime back as it gobbles up our work. "Get down here," I command the slime. It listens, instantly falling to the ground. I point at the stickers and say, "don't eat these."


  Thinking the issue is over, I return to work. But not long after, I see the slime next to me climbing the wall and eating my stars again! "Hey, I ordered you not to eat those!" I yell. It pauses for a moment, then continues. "Stop," I order, and it listens, stopping in place.


  I look over at Christal and complain, "You said it'd follow simple commands. What's going on."


  Christal looks at the slime and states, "perhaps not eating something is too complex."


  "That's bullshit!" I shout venomously. I've had enough of these vague answers. My life is on the line, and all I hear are excuses and noncommittal answers. "I've seen you give far more complex orders. Blue too. Why isn't it listening to me?"


  "We've never ordered them not to eat, though. Perhaps they can't control it," Christal responds, unfazed by my anger.


  I think for a bit, then respond, "They've definitely walked? Slid? Went over my feet before. If they ate my feet, I would have noticed."


  Brigit listens to me yelling and suggests, "Try ordering it to stay on the floor. That'll keep our stars safe at least."


  I agree with Brigit and gather all the slimes. I make sure that they understand that they are to stay on the floor in this room. All we can do now is hope. After this, we finish placing stickers.


  I stretch my back and say, "alright, we should head back. I have a date after all."


  Brigit nods, "alright. I'll bring the toys over. What about the abduction?"


  I look over at Blue, "what do you think? Can you do it safely again?"


  Blue bobs up and down while nodding. "Yeah, that woman's been hanging around the area. It seems she's looking forward to being abducted again," Blue explains.


  I tighten my ponytail while thinking. "That's good, but it may also be a trap. You have to watch out for cameras or hidden people. They could be a long way away. Recording equipment too."


  Brigit looks at Blue with worry, "that's true. People will try and get proof to make money."


  Blue sinks towards the ground as she holds her chin in her hand. "I'll use a light spell to distract anything watching, and I won't use human language while doing it. So audio won't be a problem."


  "What about GPS?" I ask. I look over at Christal. "Is this actually on earth?"


  "Inside shouldn't allow for GPS."


  That's good. Oh, I could just check my phone. I pull it out, and I get no signal. Actually, I don't think I get a signal out here anyway, so this doesn't tell me anything. "Still, they can follow the GPS to the dungeon. That could be a problem."


  Brigit shakes her head. "I think it's too early for that. It may be prejudice, but I don't think a middle-aged woman out in the boonies will think of something like that."


  "I don't know. Doesn't farming equipment use a lot of tech nowadays? There's no telling what she might have."


  "But without consistent points, you'll die, right? We have to take a few risks."


  I nod and think about the problem. "Is it better to get the same lady or try getting unsuspecting women? One woman will make her more likely to prepare something since it will be a consistent abduction. But a wider net might cause more publicity."


  "I think for today, we'll get the same lady. We don't have a lot of time to plan today. We can think more about it later," Brigit advises me, placing her hand supportively on my back.


  "Alright, that's what we'll do. While I'm out abduct that Anna woman again. Be sure to use the toys and let her have fun. Then give her my cum and return her. We may get more points this time," I tell Blue.


  With that decided, we return home, where I prepare to meet a new friend.


Thanks for reading. I'm adding another poll. Perhaps it's a bit annoying. But this time I'm asking about whether you are interested in other points of view. I have a few that I think would be interesting. For example Anna the abducted and the woman who came from the other side. Also possibly a smaller one of Angelique's reaction to meeting Hedone.

I plan to refrain from my usual rambling in these keeping them to at most one release. One other thing to think about is this will give you readers information our protagonist doesn't have. So there may be less mystery. Especially with any done from the other world. So please take some time to think about what you want.

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