Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

32 The Last Day

  We return to the dungeons a few hours later and throw the poor woman out with a bottle of my cum. I gain 30 points. Brigit masturbates, and we get 5. Tuesday dungeon points: 35. Brigit masturbates for four, and we can't abduct because there are too many people watching. I go to bed depressed and wake up with 5 points left.


  I skip my morning run and head to the dungeon with Brigit. We are going to have an emergency meeting. Brigit tries to cheer me up, but I don't feel optimistic. We enter the dungeon and sit on the cot.


  I sigh and say, "what can we do. At this rate, I'm dead."


  Christal pipes in, "A dungeon master doesn't die when reaching zero points."


  "Yes, but how will I get points without the slimes? Eventually, someone will just walk in and conquer the dungeon," I say in annoyance.


  Brigit shakes her head. "If only we didn't connect to another world. We could seal up this side, and no one would enter."


  I wave my hand to dismiss the idea. "I already made the deal, so it's too late. What can we do now."


  Brigit blushes and whispers, "we could have sex. That should give you more points."


  I shake my head and reject her. "If we do it, I don't want it to be forced."


  "It's better than you dying idiot," Brigit retorts with pain in her voice.


  Blue flies over and yells, "let's grab all the women!'


  I shake my head, "there are already internet sleuths and police looking into it. At best, we can postpone the inevitable." I squeeze my hand into a fist in frustration.


  Brigit gently puts her hand on mine. "With more time, we'll be able to figure something out."


  I loosen my fist and shrug. "I'll try calling Angelique. She seems to be good at strategizing," I state while pulling out my phone. I dial, but it doesn't connect. Oh yeah, no signal. What a pain. "Ugh, fine, I guess we have no choice. Sorry, Brigit."


  "It's to save your life. I'll do anything," she asserts with placid eyes.


  "That's the problem," I curse under my breath. I break eye contact and look at the floor in disgust.


  Brigit hugs me and pulls my face up again. Her face nears mine. As our eyes make contact, I prepare my lips for a kiss.


  "Alert! Alert! Four armed women have invaded the dungeon," Christal suddenly yells. I look over at her in shock and feel Brigit's lips on my cheek.


  "Sorry, Brigit. You run away. I don't want both of us to die here," I say, standing up. I grab my belt with self-defense equipment on it. "Give me your's too," I say to Brigit while holding out my hand. I left my sword back home since I'm still not ready to kill. I don't think I'd stand a chance anyways against another sword woman.


  "They are about to reach the stairs."


  "There's no time to argue. Go!" I yell.


  Brigit bites her lip and hands me her belt. "Don't die ok," I hear her whimper.


  "Slimes surround the door. When they enter, spray them with an aphrodisiac. Blue, you stay in the corner, out of reach and support. Can you put them to sleep?" I quickly order. I'm surprised at myself. I feel like I'm back with the girls preparing for a meet. My heart is racing!


  Blue floats by my head. "Mom, women prepared to fight won't fall asleep with just me," she informs me with worry.


  "Alright. If they are distracted, it should work, right?"


  "Maybe," Blue says, her flying a bit dispirited.


  "Sorry, but we can only do our best. We were out of points anyways," I say while stripping. If this distracts them a bit, it's worth it. It's not like this cloth will protect me from a sword. I then grab a bottle of my cum and dump it onto my face keeping my eyes open. I then drink the rest. "Blue dump some on you and drink. Be sure to get some in your eyes.


  "They're coming," Christal states.


  Four women with leather armor charge into the room. The slimes spray them with aphrodisiac, but a glimmer blocks the spray, and they run at me. They say something to each other, but I can't understand. "Slimes go for their swords!" I scream. They leap into action immediately.


  I grab the two pepper sprays. This isn't the best place to use it. I grit my teeth and aim at them. This isn't your everyday stuff but the kind riot police use, so it's powerful. It sprays and quickly fills the room with the irritating mist.


  "Ahh!" the women scream. I can understand that, at least. I'm glad it worked if they blocked that, I would have been screwed. It hurts a lot, but the minor healing from my cum helps.


  The slimes grab the women, but even with their eyes in pain, they quickly throw off the slimes. I can't just stand here. Before they get their vision back, I charge the woman closest to me with all the speed I can muster.


  She curses as she hits the ground. I hear her head thunk to the ground. I hope she didn't die. But I don't have time. An adventurer to my right curses at me. I didn't understand, but it had that feeling. She swings her sword at me before I can get my footing.


  I lift my arm instinctively, but a pink slime slides in front of me and is cut in two. I take this moment to jump at the woman. I pull out my stun gun and shove it into her neck. She screams as I also feel a jolt from touching her. I grit my teeth and endure.


  The third adventurer punches me in the side of the head. I stumble back as four slimes jump her. The fourth woman pulls free from the fifth slime. Five? When did that happen? I think, but the distraction causes me to hesitate. I grab the taser and shoot, but it has no effect as the armor blocks it.


  "Shit!" I scramble to my feet and prepare to fight. As she nears the slime, she was fighting again, grabs her sword arm. She yanks it out, flinging the slime away, but I take this chance to charge her. She's prepared and takes it, continuing to stand as I grapple her waist.


  She hollers something, and I feel a hard blow on my back. Pain shoots into my mind. She definitely broke a rib. I crumble to my knees, just barely holding on to her.


  "Don't hurt mom!" I hear above me. I look up in a daze to see blue pulling on the woman's hair frantically. The adventure says something and then swats Blue away. Blue flies and hits the wall hard. I see blood fly from her.


  My adrenaline surges once more, and the pain moves to the back of my head. "Raurgh," I screech. I stand up, and I head butt the woman in the forehead. We both reel, but I ignore the pain and smash her head again. I stun gun her for good measure.


  I spin to take on the last woman when I feel a shock as my gut is penetrated. I look into the woman's blood shot eyes as she smirks triumphantly. I look down and reach for the sword as it's pulled out. My body won't listen, and my eyes darken. I slip to the ground. The woman says something as a shadow appears behind her, or are my eyes playing tricks on me?




Did you think you'd have such a battle in this story? I hope you all enjoy!

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