Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

34 Brigit Quits Being the MC

Brigit's POV continues


  The sheriff arrives not long after I enter my studio. I leave the slimes in there and go back to the entrance. I hear mom already talking to the officer as I return.


  "I don't know what happened. She bought a sword a few weeks ago," mom tells the sheriff.


  The sheriff is doing triage. As I enter, the sheriff looks at me and asks, "are you the one who called this in?"


  I nod. "Yes, sir."


  "I don't know. She screamed while we were playing by the stream…" I half-heartedly say I'm not very good at lying.


  Not long after, the helicopter arrives. As mom leaves, she pats my shoulder. "Your sister is counting on you." She then leaves with the helicopter.


  I watch them leave and think about what mom said. What can I do? I look back at the sheriff. He sighs and walks over. "I need to go look at where the accident happened. Just in case."


  My eyes wander around, and I feel a shiver down my spine. The location is in the dungeon. I look at him with pleading eyes. The sheriff seems to believe I'm having a breakdown and says, "I'm sorry. I know it's hard when your sister's life is in the balance."


  "Yeah," I reply and suck in a breath. "Ok, just a second," I say. I look down at my arms and, well, my whole body. "Um, can I take a shower?"


  Sheriff shakes his head. "sorry, miss. I wish I could too."


  "Alright. I'll just wash my hands. Please, I just need a moment," I explain to the man.


  He shifts his feet but, in the end, agrees.


  I rush back into the house. I quickly wash my hands and then run into my shop. "Shit shit. You guys need to go and make a scene outside, alright?" But the slimes don't move or even seem to listen.


  That's right. I have to be part of the system to give orders. What was it? Hedone's subordinate? No, it was a retainer! "Damn, I should have become her retainer." I grab a slime and speak into it, "I want to be Hedone's retainer."


  I guess I was hoping since it was part of the system, I'd get through somehow. I sigh and stand up. WUMPH. Everything goes black. I look around in shock.


  "Brigit, you wish to become Hedone's retainer?" a woman's voice asks.


  I know Hedone will be mad, but I have no choice. I want to do all I can to help. But then I remember her saying not to leave mom alone. Won't I die too if Hedone dies? I hesitate.


  "Brigit, it seems you are hesitant. Goodbye."


  The world swirls, and I reach out in panic. "No! Wait. I'll die if Hedone dies, right? I can't leave mom alone." The swirling stops.


  "This is incorrect. Hedone can only die by having the dungeon conquered. You will also be linked to the dungeon as a retainer."


  "Did I make a mistake getting help then?"


  "I can't say if it was a mistake or not. However, reviving is expensive."


  "I'm glad I didn't cause problems," I say. Then I take a deep breath and state, "I want to be Hedone's retainer."


  A moment later. "Retainer denied."


  "What?" I ask, taking a step back in shock.


  "Hedone has rejected you."


  "Isn't she unconscious?"


  "If she couldn't be contacted while unconscious, you wouldn't be able to become a retainer."


  Hedone, I know you're worried but stop being stubborn! "Send it again."


  "Denied." "Again." "Denied." "Again." "Denied." "Again." "Denied." "Again." "Denied." "Again." "Denied." "Again!" "Accepted." "Again!"


  "You've already been accepted," the female voice informs me.


  I rub my head embarrassed. "Sorry."


  "You have 400 points to spend. As this is the introduction, you get a discount."


  I jump for joy. "That's great. Let's use them for the dungeon."


  "These points can be saved, but they can't be made into dungeon points. A dungeon master can give points to a retainer, but they can't be changed back."


  My jumping turns into a slouch. "Why can't we change them to dungeon points?" I complain.


  "Charismatic leaders could exploit this by convincing masses to give points and become retainers."


  "Fine." I look up at a screen. It has loads of skills and knowledge. But I don't know what to choose. Hedone said she had problems with this too. I'd go sex stuff as well, but it seems like a waste.


  Oh, I know I can learn how to make magic clothes or something. I look through a variety of choices, but it's all too expensive. Also, I'm unsure if I want to learn this way anyway. At least not designing or sewing.


  Perhaps something that will help me. I search through the choices, and I come across one that seems to stand out. Thread creation: creates threads from materials. It consumes the material but gains some of its properties. I might be able to do something with this. I take it and use all my points.


  "Congratulations on becoming a retainer."


  "Thanks," I respond while clenching my fist in a victory pose.


  Bing bong. "You've gained the title of Sewing Beauty."


  A pop-up shows the title. I don't really know what that means, but I read it anyways.


Sewing Beauty: A woman who is well known for her skill in sewing. She is the perfect wife material as she can dress her family in superior clothing.


A woman bearing this title will be capable of controlling needles and thread with their mind allowing them to work even faster and more precisely.


  I frown and hold my chin. My breasts are squeezed as my arm presses against my fabric to make this pose. I tilt back and forth. Is it cheating to use this skill? Well, I guess I can just ignore it if it feels that way.


  "The tutorial is over. Would you like to read the instructions? Time will be paused while reading. Expected time to complete one million years."


  I shake my head vehemently. "No, thank you." Then in a blink, I'm back in my work area.

I didn't expect this part to take so many words. I thought about making the title give one tier higher quality. But I figured Brigit would reject that. Yeah I'm the author and I can make her think whatever but it didn't seem right. There is one final Brigit POV chapter after this.

Lastly what do you guys think about her becoming a retainer?

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