Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

4. Dungeon Seed

  I gingerly step on the uneven ground. It slightly slopes down into a small cavern. The flashlight illuminates smooth walls and a low jagged ceiling. At some points, I have to duck down to avoid low-hanging rocks. I scan the ground, and it's has a soft sandy bottom that feels nice to walk on.


  There isn't anything interesting at all, huh? Well, I'm not sure what I expected. As I move to leave, the light reflects at me from the far corner of the cave. I pause and crawl over to find a one-foot-tall pink crystal. Did they produce toys of the mystical crystal back in the day? I wonder. It looks just like the one in the information center.


  I reach out to pick it up, and I feel a static shock as I touch it. I jump at the sudden pain and frown. I tentatively reach out once more and grab the crystal. I lift it and look it over curiously at the center of the crystal, where it releases a faint light. Maybe it's supposed to be glow-in-the-dark? I guess.


  Suddenly the light flashes blinding me. I throw the offending object away and fall backward, landing on the soft sand. As my vision returns, I'm surprised that I'm no longer in the small cave. Instead, I'm in a square stone room like you'd see in a medieval movie.


  "What!" I yell in panic. I'm sure I didn't pass out, so there's no way I could have been kidnapped! I scan my surroundings and notice that it is somehow well lit. But the thing that makes me think I've gone truly insane is the floating crystal in the middle of the room.


  The crystal first in a robotic voice, but soon changes to a sultry female voice dipped in honey, "You have activated a dungeon seed giving you the right to become a dungeon master. Analyzing dungeon master desire acquired. Lustful dungeon protocols are enacted. Analyzing dungeon master lust. Female preference verified. Lesbian Lust dungeon protocols are active. Please verify interest to continue."


  "I've gone insane for real! All my sexual frustration has driven me insane. How will I explain this to mom? I don't want to live in a padded room!" I cry as despair overwhelms me.


  "You have not gone insane. I am one of the wonders of the world created by the gods to bring whimsey and magic into the lives of mortals," the crystal consoles.


  I look over at the floating crystal with disdain, "Of course, my hallucination claims it's real!"


  "If you feel so displeased with becoming a dungeon master, you can always reject this opportunity. I will return to sleep mode and wait for the next candidate," the crystal says with indifference.


  It takes me a long time to settle down. I sit and hold my legs and breathe rhythmically to try and keep from hyperventilating. Honestly, movies and books don't take these live-changing things seriously enough. Still, one can only freak out in a silent, empty room for so long before accepting what's in front of them.


  "What does it mean to become a dungeon master?" I quietly ask from between my knees.


  "Interest in becoming a dungeon master confirmed beginning initiation process."


  Before I even know what is going on, lights flash around me, forming words and menus like a computer screen. Large words form in front of me, "Dungeon Menu." Then on my right is "Dungeon Master Menu." Lastly, to my left is "Minion Menu."


  On the dungeon master menu, it says Hedone Nemesis Status. Curious, I move my hand to it, and as it passes through it, the words change. A menu screen shows up in front of me that shows.



Hedone Nemesis


Height 182 cm

Bust 99 cm

Waist 55 cm

Hips 94 cm






  "Cursed? What is that!?" I ask in shock.


  The crystal hovers over and says, "It seems you are cursed. Since you don't have any knowledge of curses, there is no way of knowing what kind of curse it is."


  "Of course, I don't know anything about curses," I pout.


  "If you wish to gain more information, you can purchase knowledge on curses," the crystal says.


  As she? Finishes, I see the text in front of me change and now in front of me is a menu to purchase curse knowledge.


  Beginner 500, intermediate 2000, advanced 10,000, pinnacle 100,000.


  "Um, aren't these numbers too big? How much do I even have?" I question with a frown.


  "Gaining knowledge is one of the most expensive things you can purchase. Skipping the many years of education and finding a teacher causes the cost to be multiplied many times," The crystal then floats to the corner where there is a number. "You currently have 1000 points to start your dungeon."


  I bulk at the number, "Just beginner is half! Would that even give me any useful information?"


  "It's impossible to know. It would depend on the type and strength of the curse."


  "That's useless then," I say while checking my ponytail is still in place.


  "Yes, it's normally not recommended to buy knowledge unless absolutely necessary," The crystal seems to bob in agreement.


  I wave my hands in disgust, sending the letters scattering. "Then why even show me this."


  "I'm here to assist the dungeon master as part of the dungeon system. I'm connected with all other dungeon seeds, and through that, I'm able to give you information quickly," the crystal explains.


  I pace back and forth while thinking. Moving always helps me figure things out. The only thing that seems unexplainable is my body's complete rejection of any sexual pleasure. So it should have something to do with that… But where, when, and why did I get cursed?


  "Sigh, so where should I start then?" I ask, giving up on this curse talk.


  "Most lustful dungeon masters start by modifying their body."


  "Hmm," I flip through the modifications. It's in alphabetic order. But A goes on forever. "This is ridiculous," I grumble.


  "If you have something in mind, you can think about it, and the menu will automatically sort it for you. You can change your body to your heart's content."


  Alright, first, I want to be able to orgasm. The menu instantly changes. Sexual Sensitivity level looks the most promising. When I click on it once again, numbers show; however, this time, it just indicates -100. There are bulk purchasing numbers +10, +50, and max. There is a discount, just like a cellphone game. It's 500 points for max, but if I can't enjoy sex, then what's the point?


  I click the max button, and the world turns white.

(500 dungeon points)

Here is the start of the dungeon system! Also next chapter is the start of the R18 sexual content. So if you mistakenly started reading not knowing this was coming this is your chance to stop. I've warned you. For all the rest please enjoy!

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