Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

41 Introductions

  Brigit helps me change and cover the cuts with plastic. I turn down my sensitivity, and we have a relaxing shower. We dry off, and then Brigit pauses.


  "I didn't bring any clothes," Brigit states with worry.


  "Yeah, we'd normally just walk naked," I say with a shrug.


  I go to the door and poke my head out. "Angelique!"


  "Yeah?" Angelique calls, looking over.


  "We don't have any clothes. It's just us women, so," I explain, trailing off.


  Angelique nods, causing her curls to bounce. "It's no big deal."


  I wave to Brigit, and we leave. I watch Angelique as we head to my room. She does a double take and yells, "Why aren't you wearing a towel or something."


  I stop and turn towards Angelique with a tilt of my head and a smirk. I reply, "I said we are all women. What does it matter?"


  "Uhg, fine," Angelique gives in with her hands covering her eyes.


  Brigit and I giggle as we go upstairs. Brigit looks through my clothes and pulls out a white tube top and shorts with the legs cut out. She looks through my underwear and pulls out an orange g string.


  I grab the g string and ask, "where did this come from?"


  "I bought it using the measurements. I bought some other stuff too," Brigit states with a bright smile.


  The shorts don't have buttons or zippers and is held up by suspenders. Brigit shoves my boobs in the tube top, which stretches against my bust. She then pulls the panties up and puts on the pants.


  I sigh. I ended up having Brigit dress and choose my clothes. I didn't even think about it.


  I head to the living room while Brigit heads to get dressed. "Sorry about that," I say as I sit next to Angelique.


  "How can you wear something like that! You're ridiculous," Angelique lecturers me.


  I raise my eyebrow and wonder what she'll say when Brigit comes out. "You'll have to get used to it. Let me show you around while we wait."


  I show her around the house. Brigit's workshop, the bathroom, as we walk towards Brigit's bedroom, she comes out. I'm surprised to see her in long jeans and a T-shirt.


  "Sorry I haven't had a chance to introduce myself. I'm Brigit," Brigit says, holding out her hand.


  Angelique takes Brigit's hand and shakes it. "I'm Angelique. Nice to meet you."


  We walk up and take a look at my room. "This is my room," I state as we enter.


  "Wow, it's a mess," Angelique exclaims.


  "Yeah, she hasn't unpacked at all," Brigit explains.


  I put my hands on my hips and retort, "I've been busy with the dungeon thing!"


  Brigit waves her hand dismissively. "Don't listen to her. Even without everything happening, it would still look like this."


  They laugh at me, and after a little more small talk, we head downstairs. As we head out, I call for the slimes waiting for us in the forest.


  Angelica jumps and straightens up like a scared cat as they slide out. "What the hell!"


  "I told you it wasn't a game. I'm a dungeon mistress," I explain.


  "I thought it was a gang or mafia making you play some death game," Angelique says, drooping her shoulders.


  "What were you going to tell the police or something?" I ask worriedly.


  Angelique puffs out her chest, stating, "that's right!"


  Brigit scoops Angelique into her arms. Angelique looks like she is bowing as Brigit's tits are too heavy. Brigit shoots me a stink eye. "Why are you trying to make this cute girl do something so dangerous!"


  I scowl back and retort, "there aren't any gangs or mafia idiot!"


  Brigit laughs, "Why didn't you say so?" She releases the struggling Angelique, who stumbles.


  I shake my head and catch Angelique. "There are no bad guys. It's a game made by the gods. You can still run away if you want. I don't want you to get hurt; in a way, it is a death game," I say with concern.


  However, as I was kindly giving Angelique a way out, she's ignoring me. She starts with poking and then a slap. Angelique then throws a whirlwind of punches… I'm a little worried as I see the slime just ripple. I mean, I know she's not an adventurer, but slimes are weak.


  Angelique leans on the slime and says, "I'm already here, so let's go check it out."


  "If that's what you want," I state while sitting on the slime.


  Angelique looks at me with sparkling eyes. I look away and say, "I'm only riding the slime because I'm not supposed to exert myself."


  Angelique looks at the slime, then at me. "Yeah, but I can ride to, right?"


  "No, you should get some exercise," I retort.


  "Now you sound like my dad," Angelique responds with puffed-out cheeks.


  Brigit looks at her and asks, "are you sure you're twenty?"


  Angelique scrunches her face and stiffens up. "Just because I'm short!" she complains.


  Brigit pats Angelique's head. "I don't think it's just your height."


  "Fine, I'll walk," Angelique states firmly.


  As we walk, I remember something I dreamed of last night. It seems like a great idea, so I want to see what everyone else thinks. "So I thought maybe I should switch my ass hole with another vagina?"


  Angelique jumps and looks at me like I'm garbage. "What are you even talking about?"


  On the other hand, Brigit is more practical. "you want to poop out of a vagina? I don't think that'd be nice."


  "I already thought about it. There is a skill where you don't have to poop. I think it's called the idol skill or something."


  Brigit nods, "Anal is fun, but two vaginas are probably better."


  Angelique is on the verge of tears when she yells, "how can you even talk about such things!"


  Brigit sighs, "She's right, sis. We can't spend the points right now."


  "This sucks. Isn't there a good way to make points," I complain as we reach the stream.


  "Gosh, that's not what the problem is," Angelique screams with a red face.


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