Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

44 Choosing

  We leave the dungeon, and Angelique looks down at herself and complains, "you made such a mess. I feel disgusting!" She then looks at it more closely and looks over at me with a frown. "This is the stuff you said was for food!"


  I rub my head embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry."


  "You tricked me into eating your cum!" She yells at me with clenched fists at her side.


  I wave my hands to deflect the accusation, "I didn't expect you to eat it, alright. You did that yourself."


  Angelique's mouth flaps a bit, then she turns and stomps towards the stream. "Let's just get clean."


  We wash ourselves off and then head home. We have a late lunch and relax until Franklin arrives. We say goodbye to Angelique and return to the living room. I check the points and we got 250 for "defeating" Angelique.


  "What do you think? What kind of plant should I get?" I ask her as I sink down the couch.


  "Well, let's get everything we want and then choose from what's there," Brigit suggests.


  I nod. That makes sense. "Can I make the screen visible to Brigit?" I ask Christal.


  "Yes, if you just think it, she'll be able to see."


  I pull up the creature menu and ask, "Can you see?"


  Brigit grabs my arm and leans in. "Yeah."


  I think back to what we talked about. "Alright, so a plant with aphrodisiac effects when consumed. A plant that can only be extracted after having sex with it. And one that, when plucked or killed otherwise, causes the person to think about sex."


  Brigit looks through the list with me. "There is a lot that requires you to stick stuff in. It's sex with women that matters," she points out.


  "We want it to spread too. I don't want to create one every time we may eat all the points up," I say my thoughts out loud.


  Brigit leans her head into my shoulder and says, "So it should unleash seed when a woman orgasms with it inside."


  I notice that many of them need a specific environment, and I think back to the dark dungeon. Well, it's gently lit, but there is no sun. "We need something that will grow in the dark."


  Brigit nods and says, "if it can get nutrients from women's squirt, that'll be perfect. We get it from harvesting, and we have you with the best cum."


  "Alright," I acknowledge. The menu shifts with every new idea lowering the number of choices. Still, it's so many that I can't believe it.


  Brigit makes a disgusted face. "This one has spikes and gets stuck inside. Gross, this one has a nasty smell of death. This one expands inside you until you explode, releasing its seeds."


  "We forgot no killing. Might as well add enjoyable for women too," I respond while wincing.


  We continue to cut and add ideas until we have cut the choices down to a few hundred. Which sounds like a lot, but I didn't think I'd ever see so few while doing a search. We sort through them and eventually choose a mushroom that looks like a penis.


  After making a choice, we need to prepare the room. "I think it'd be better to build a garden. It'll save us points," I suggest.


  Brigit shakes her head. "We don't have those tools, though."


  I shrug, "maybe Franklin will help?"


  "I'm sure he will. But he can't enter the dungeon."


  "Well, if it's all precut, we can just lay it out ourselves."


  "Maybe if you weren't hurt," Brigit says worriedly.


  "You're worrying too much. I'll be careful."


  I pull out my phone and call Angelique. She doesn't pick up the first time, so I call again a while later. She picks up and hisses at me, "what do you want? I'm streaming!"


  "Oh, sorry. I was hoping you could get your dad to cut the wood for the dungeon garden," I say apologetically.


  "Ok. I'll ask him. You should check if I'm streaming from now on!" Angelique yells at me. "No, it's not my boyfriend!"


  "What?" I ask, confused.


  "I'm talking to chat idiot. I'll ask dad about it. I'm hanging up," Angelique says before the line goes dead.


  Brigit looks at the phone worriedly. "She sounded mad."


  "She's always mad about something. I'm worried about her blood pressure," I say with my hand on my chin.


  "We can rely on her at least," Brigit laughs.


  With that decided, Brigit takes off my clothes and puts on my nighty. We check the wound and apply a new bandage and go to bed.


I wasn't feeling it this morning but I managed to force this out. The chapters on the shorter side sorry.

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