Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

57 not a chapter

Dikê on dungeons and old gods:


  I was surprised when Hedone became a dungeon master. At first, I thought it was a god sabotaging us like during their births. However, I don’t know anyone who can manipulate the dungeons, so I let the thought go. The fear returned when I discovered that the dungeon was connected to a location with one of my old religions.


  After investigating and interrogating my old associates, I uncovered that Aphrodite had taken the opportunity to play a prank and connected the dungeon to that world. But she did not have anything to do with the dungeon herself. I made sure that she knew she was on thin ice.


  The dungeons are an old creation before my time. The old gods were different from us. They were free and perhaps overly creative. I’ve never met an ancient god, but I understand that they were infuriated with the new gods and created dungeons, then disappeared.


  Dungeons are positioned in a separate dimension outside the realm of any gods. The walls are unbreakable, and the rooms can be created in any size or design by the dungeon master. The rooms can have any environment for a price.


  A dungeon master and retainers can purchase three types of boons: knowledge, abilities, and body remodeling. Knowledge is the most expensive, as gaining knowledge takes time and intelligence. It will never be forgotten once learned.


  Abilities are natural powers. When crafting an ability, an effect and trigger are chosen. For example, a smile that charms those who see it or anything you touch with your hands turns gold. A discount is given depending on how difficult the trigger is for the user. As an example, a world-class tap dancer could create a complex set of steps that the average person could never do. But if he can do it easily, there would be no discount.


  Body remodeling is the cheapest of the three. It physically changes the body. This can be used to create chemical reactions or more powerful muscles. You can add a poison gland or shoot webs from your wrists.


  Dike’s eyes suddenly glow as they pierce the veil of time and dimensions. Has the perspective changed? You question in confusion. As you look at your screen, you feel someone looking at you from behind. But when you turn, there is nobody there. As you look back at your screen though you do not see them, you feel the eyes of Dike baring down on you. The goddess of justice is in the room with you.


  Her eyes bore into your soul, and you feel all your darkest deeds exposed. It’s an unsettling feeling like spiders crawling on your skin. Then it is gone. You are just reading a novel and all this fantasy stuff is mad up. But in your heart, you vow to be the best person you can be and endure all hardships, never giving in to evil!


This chapter isn't one. I started writing it but honestly I want to go back and tweak the intro a bit to add the dungeon information. I do want to put some of the Dikê stuff into the story proper.

So more then anything this is an update for the readers. I know I haven't been very consistent with my uploads. I still have the goal of daily releases. I've also went back and added tabs. It involves using RoyalRoads editor and copying it over. For some reason the tabs from word don't go over well.

I may remove this chapter in the future. I hope this gives more tangible information on the dungeon system.

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