Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

62 Becoming a Disciple

  The larger woman strides forward, her long dark brown hair flowing behind her. It’s a bit intimidating, and I step back; however, she is too quick and grabs my shoulders. She begins feeling me up with a contemplative gaze.


  Her hands are big and rough her skin is well-tanned. As I’m about to question, I also feel a cold hand on my leg. I look down to see the woman with a sword squeezing my muscles. Her hands though smaller, are also covered in calluses. Her skin is pure white, and her hair is golden blond that reaches just below her shoulders.


  Angelique squeals, “what are you doing?!”


  The woman feeling my leg looks over and says, “we’re checking her muscles.” Angelique looks unhappy with this but says nothing.


  I shake my head and say, “That’s fine, but maybe we should introduce ourselves first.”


  The woman with the sword stands up and states, “I’m Ayame Katana.”


  The bulky woman keeps massaging my arms with a pensive look and says, “Musha Onna.”


  “I’m Hedone. The angry woman is Angelique. She’s nice but a bit high-strung. Lastly, this is my sister Brigit who could maybe be a bit more strung.”


  “Nice to meet you,” Musha says while Ayame nods and returns to feeling me up. They kneel and begin slowly moving up my leg. They massage and squeeze my muscles, sending tingling feelings up my legs. I try not to think about it, but they don’t appear to be in a hurry.


  “Nice muscles here,” Musha says to Ayame.


  “Indeed, she’s done a good job,” Ayame agrees as they finally reach my knees.


  I bite my lip. I haven’t turned down my sensitivity; while I still can, I don’t want to. I mean, two powerful women on their knees in front of me is so hot. I let out a light moan as their fingers climb to my thighs. My muscles contract uncontrollably as the two women explore.


  Ignoring my arousal, the two women chat about my muscle and bone structure. They keep moving up, and I begin to panic internally. My pants are already sopping, and my upper thighs are covered in my sexual goop. They will know for sure!


  As I worry, I feel them touch my fluids, but they don’t even acknowledge it and continue to talk with each other. They push up my shorts and soon reach my groin. They don’t touch my pussy, but they massage around it, squishing and pulling my lower lips.


  I put my hands over my mouth and moan as I orgasm from the stimulation. My cum spills out, and a small puddle forms at my feet. Their arms are covered in my cream. It’s embarrassing but also sexy.


  “Her nerves seem to be good,” Ayame nods approvingly.


  “Is this necessary,” Angelique complains, reminding me I have an audience. I look over at her and see she’s covering her eyes in embarrassment. I look over at Brigit, who is sitting under the statue, masturbating. She smiles at me when she sees my eyes on her and spreads her legs wider giving me a good view.


  Musha replies, “it’s necessary. We need to know if she can handle training.”


  Next, the hands grope my hips and slide into my ass crack, squeezing and rubbing without restraint. They move from my back to the front and back again, groping every part of my butt. I shudder when they move to my stomach as their hands tickle my belly button. They move up, and while they feel under my boobs, they skip them.


  Lastly, they feel my neck down to my hands. Musha comments, “your bottom half is better than your top.”


  I shrug and tighten my ponytail. “Yeah, I’m a runner.”


  “What are you talking about!?” Brigit yells, stomping over. She reaches out and smashes both her hands into my boobs. She squeezes and says, “you guys didn’t even feel the best part.”


  “I don’t think boobs have anything to do with fighting,” I reply with a smirk.


  “No, she’s right. We better check,” Ayame says with a giggle.


  All three women begin fondling me without restraint, and Angelique has had enough as she rushes over with her cheeks puffing in anger. “You guys are taking this too far!” She yells while trying to pull the hands away physically. However, with her strength, she can’t budge the well-trained warriors even using all her weight.


  “Alright, little one,” Musha gives in. Everyone pulls away, and I sigh since I was nearing another orgasm.


  “What is wrong with you, people?” Angelique complains.


  Honestly, it’s pretty strange. Ever since I became a dungeon mistress, this has been happening a lot. Things like women openly groping and stuff… Well, it happened a few times as a joke but never to this extent.


  Ignoring Angelique’s complaints, Ayame says, “your current body is best for my weapon-focused technique, so I will train you.”


  Musha grabs Ayame’s shoulder and growls, “wait a minute. She will need muscle training, and I’m better at that. She might as well learn my weaponless techniques.”


  Brigit tries to mediate, saying, “why don’t you both train my sister?”


  Musha shakes her head. “No one can pass up having a body like this. Why don’t we let Hedone decide,” she states with a confident smirk.


  Ayame rolls her eyes and, in a musical yet condescending voice, retorts, “I believe we should let her decide.”


  With the ball in my court, I look between them, and I feel that I only have one choice. “I prefer Ayame’s physique.”


  Musha’s shoulders droop into a bow before straightening out again. “I’m better at muscle training, so splitting the teaching time should work out for both of us.”


  Ayame gives Musha a superior look but then nods. “So be it. We will do every other day then?”


  Musha laughs. “That’s perfect. Once we begin training, Hedone will understand the beauty of muscles.”


  Ayame shrugs. “Once she sees my elegant techniques, she won’t even think of your barbaric fighting style.”


  They jump back, Ayame’s hand on her sword while Musha puts her fists in a fighting pose. It seems a little dangerous, but we have other things to do today, so I ask, “What time should I come to practice?”


  They both look at me in confusion. “What do you mean?” Musha asks gruffly.


  “I mean, what time are you guys free to teach me?” I ask again in bewilderment.


  “You’re already too far behind. You’ll have to practice all day and night to catch up,” Ayame explains as if it is obvious. It sounds pretty coming out of her mouth, but I can’t agree.


  “I’m sorry, I have other engagements. I can do five am to noon, and that might be pushing it.”


  Musha looks over at the other girls and asks, “how about you two? It’s a great chance to become world-renowned masters!”


  Brigit seems to consider, but Angelique instantly turns them down, “I’m an armchair warrior. Sorry.”


  “Are you sure? It's not healthy to be that weak. I’ve been meaning to force you to exercise,” I say to Angelique.


  Angelique looks like she wants to escape and states, “No. Even if I started doing a little, this is too much!”


  Brigit comes out of her thoughts and suggests, “you should do it on stream. That’s pretty popular these days.”


  Angelique replies in a business-like way, “I don’t have the tits for that.”


  “I’m sure some people will enjoy it anyways,” I encourage.


  “I’ll think about it! But that’s it,” she pouts.


  Brigit then declines the offer as well. “I’m worried about Hedone, but I’m busy and will soon be going to Japan. So maybe in a few months, if you do a good job, I’ll join.


  Ayame smiles and says, “If that is your decision.”


  We then leave. As we return to the forest, we hear the clang of weapons behind us. There also seem to be the sounds of animals for some reason too. How strange.


Thanks for reading! Their names are a bit on the head but I think it's fine. I honestly always have a hard time picking names for characters.

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