Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 108 - Slave trading (2)

With the end of the male slave auction and the face of the upcoming female slave auction, Master Niu clearly felt that the atmosphere inside and outside the venue suddenly became more enthusiastic.

Even the tribal totem warriors beside him who guarded him became breathless, and the look in the field became eager; it seems that many things have nothing to do with money or money, but the nature of men. Sneaking.

In such an atmosphere, Master Niu also became expectant, slave girl! The ultimate dream of all otakus in modern society is so close to him …

Fortunately, the waitress did not wait long before the sale of the slave girl began; perhaps to shock everyone, the tribe selling slave girls pulled a dozen slave girls at once for the first time.

These female slaves should have been carefully selected by them, and the scene boiled as soon as they appeared.

A few non-interesting goods beside Master Niu directly blushed; he wished to stare out a pair of eyes directly.

The dozen female slaves should have been carefully cleaned and dressed in the morning, and they looked quite clean.

What’s more terrible is that these women’s entire body is only covered in a critical position with a slap-sized animal skin. It is instantly covered with flesh and light, and the primitive natives outside the field are afraid to be a lifetime In the middle, there is no chance to see such a beauty, no wonder it will behave so crazy.

At this time, the native who presided over the sale shouted directly: “I won’t say much more if you don’t need extra words. You can take your eyes and see for yourself. The former master of the slaves, Shawei Tribe, promised that A female slave is very healthy, the oldest age is only 24 years old. “

Under his gesture, the dozen female slaves began to turn slowly, showing their tempting body like the devil for the primitive natives.

The host indigenous shouted in time: “Every female slave, the base price is one of twenty standard rattan baskets, and now the bidding starts, and I want to hurry.”

After he finished speaking, he deliberately and unconsciously looked at the location of Master Niu and took a deep look; there, but in his mind today, the location of the most generous rich man …

But he didn’t know at all. At this time, Mr. Niu didn’t have the slightest waves in his heart. He could even be said to have strong resentment.

“How can I be so stupid? I didn’t know for a long time that these original tastes of the indigenous people are completely different from themselves.” Master Niu has no expression on his face, but the resentment in his heart can drown the whole. Horror original.

Isn’t it a group of thick arms, big legs, bucket waists, cow chests, buttocks hips, and wearing extremely cool women!

Switch to a modern plane, in the summer, or as long as a slightly warmer season, go to the streets of the business district, wear more exposed and seduced women than this, I do n’t know how many; those with big long legs, thin The girl with the waist is the type and taste that Master Niu likes.

Thinking of a group of obese women, wearing seductive maid costumes and seductive stockings, Master Niu couldn’t help but shudder …

Therefore, today’s indigenous host is destined to be full of disappointment in Master Niu; he will not buy a group of Master Niu, such a strong woman will go back and serve herself, never!

So, in the eager eyes of the indigenous host, Master Niu shut his mouth deadly, and did not even reveal half a word; in the end, all the selected women were sold out, and the price was barely returned. It’s pretty good, but compared with the high price in the minds of indigenous hosts, there is still a considerable gap.

“By the way, it must be a big man like Master Niu, and certainly must not look down on such an ordinary beautiful woman; it seems that it is time to take out the best female slaves.” The indigenous host thought in his mind.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly called a person to order: he completely overturned the previous plan, directly leaving his intention to stay in the last batch of the best female slaves, and brought them soon after the opening.

This group of five female slaves who could be regarded as the best of this time was brought up; the emotions inside and outside the field suddenly reached the hottest climax today; but the look of Master Niu could not help but convulsed.

“Sin!” He sighed in his heart: “Isn’t it some more powerful women, but they can still compare to the color, if the master I really like this bit, just look for the color to solve it, also Come to spend this effort. “

In the native host’s infinite expectations, Master Niu simply closed his eyes …

Groups of women were brought up, and they were bought one by one in the fierce bidding; what made Master Niu feel particularly sad was that they were all strong women, which really made him unable to mention A little bit of interest.

As long as the expectations are, the disappointment is as big as that. Mr. Niu came hurriedly and did not expect such a result; such a situation has reached the end of this slave sale.

When everyone thought that all the female slaves had sold a clean and planned to leave, the native host appeared in embarrassment again.

The indigenous host had a lack of confidence, and he said haha: “Please wait a moment, in fact, there are two female slaves from the saltless tribe in the end; haha! Everyone knows that the women of the saltless tribe It’s ugly, but the price is absolutely cheap, as long as two baskets of fierce beast meat can take one. “

However, the obvious price dissatisfied everyone, and a voice shouted in the crowd: “The Shawei tribe is poor and crazy. The women of the salt-free tribe want to sell two baskets of beast meat.”

As soon as the voice fell, the whole laughter sounded in the crowd …

“No salt tribe, are the women there very ugly? No matter how ugly they are, they are more ugly than the group of women in front.” Master Niu muttered.

A spiritual warrior beside him, Wen Yan quickly explained: “Of course yes, the women of the saltless tribe are notoriously ugly, are they the old bachelors who can’t marry their wives! Woman ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Marrying a woman from a salt-free tribe means that this man is a waste of no ability. “

During the talk, two beautiful tall girls with long legs and high costs appeared in the field; Mr. Niu pointed to these two men who were as modern as the model, and even had some hot chicks, asking with trembling: “This The ugly woman of the saltless tribe you said? “

“Yes!” The soldiers beside him replied in a firm tone: “Look at their thin arms and legs like sacks, and their waists that seem to blow off when the wind blows, you say that What’s the use of women? “

The disgusting taste in the warrior’s words is so obvious: “Although they can also have children, it seems that the milk to feed the children is enough, but if the children born follow them, is it not a natural disability.”

Faced with such a powerful explanation, Master Niu was speechless.

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