Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 138 - Bad news

The leaders of the Blackstone tribes, with extremely fierce emotions, devoted themselves to the work of salt making; but after only two days, they had to stop abnormally.

The reason is very helpless. The creek next to the village is finally completely cut off; salt is indeed a good thing, but in the case of no water to drink, with too much salt, still thirsty.

Not to mention, because of the repeated stewing and filtering processes in the salt making process, this is a big water user; the Blackstone tribe at this time was simply unable to withstand such consumption.

Without the replenishment of new water sources, the water in the dam of Xiaoxi was collected by Master Niu; placed in a cooler warehouse and arranged by several soldiers to guard it.

It is also from this moment that the two things food and water have become important materials for the Blackstone tribe, which are strictly controlled …

Although the Blackstone tribe at this time still maintains the luxury of three meals a day, from the previous release of the belly to let everyone eat and drink, it has become two dry at noon and night, plus a sparse Lala in the morning. Polenta.

Even so, everyone is subject to different levels of quantitative distribution because of their different levels of identity.

In the end, the collected fresh water was only filled with thirteen stone tanks, but for the indigenous people of the Blackstone tribe, they can still persist for more than 20 days without considering the daily water for washing and other daily use. .

It’s just that even the most confident people among the high-ranking people are afraid to confirm that in this short 20-day period, God will open their eyes like the next heavy rain in time to solve the current severe drought situation. .

“Master Niu, if our hunting team will focus our energy instead on finding water and transporting it back! Anyway, there are fewer prey in the forest now than in a day, and many times we are busy with the day, just letting the hunting team, It ’s just a day of rations. ”The leader of the hunting team suggested.

After thinking about the meeting, Niu Xu agreed with this proposal: “Yes, but every time I go out, I bring the fishing nets and get as many fish as possible to make dried fish; now, in this case, I am afraid that there will be no more food. There will not be too much reserves. “

Compared with the stock of clear water, the reserves of Blackstone grains are much more optimistic. According to the current consumption level of the Blackstone tribes, these grains can still persist for at least three months.

“The three hundred acres of corn and soybeans will not be harvested. How much can be harvested!” Mr. Niu thought in his mind …

In fact, compared to the inefficient way to let the hunting team go out to find water and ship it back, Master Niu has a once and for all plan; that is, dig a deep water well with sufficient groundwater directly in or near the village of the Blackstone tribe .

How to find groundwater, is there any groundwater that can be used in the vicinity of Heishi tribe? At this point, Master Niu was not sure; he decided to dig wells to find water, and the hunting team went out to find water, and proceeded at the same time.

However, before waiting for Mr. Niu to be in the village, he began his search for groundwater. A sentry sentry on the simple city wall sentry tower ran over to report: “The messenger of the Grey Cave Tribe is here, and you are asked to see you! “


The messenger from the Grey Cave tribe, not surprisingly, is the old acquaintance of the Blackstone tribe, the tribe leads the old tower.

Not all tribes, like the Blackstone tribe, let the most important witch in their tribe run around everywhere; unless absolutely necessary, the witch is staying in the safest tribe and enjoying the many tribal warriors protection.

At this moment, the Grey Cave Tribe sent messengers to see themselves, whether it was for trading materials or other things; as the second character of the Grey Cave Tribe, the old tower is undoubtedly the best choice.

Mr. Niu met the old tower of the Grey Cave Tribe and his guards in the meeting room in his wooden house and at the same time a part-time meeting room. Not only the leader, but also the only fourth-level warrior, was also present. Pull over to support the scene.

It can be seen that the recent changes in the Black Stone Tribe have very surprised these people.

The last time I came to the Blackstone Horde for help, I almost raised my head to the old tower in the sky, and the two third-level totem warriors who guarded him; at this time, when they walked in all the way, they saw the wooden fence and the water hanging feet Chalet.

For the primitive natives, the tall, friendless buildings almost blinded their eyes; so much, when they walked to Lord Niu ’s luxurious meeting room, they did n’t even look back.

“Master Niu, the Blackstone tribe can meet you and make you their witch; it can be said that these people make the smartest decisions.” The old tower passed by for a while before returning from the shocks along the way. God came and said meaningfully.

Faced with such an exaggerated praise, Master Niu had no expression, but Kui and Mang smiled on their faces; obviously, the two of them were very happy for the decision they made that day.

At the order of Master Niu, Cai gave everyone in the living room a bowl of Erguotou, which was heavily mixed with water, plus a few big white rabbit toffees per person. It’s a compliment …

After a very pleasant conversation, Lao Ta began to talk about his intentions: “Dear Master Niu, this time we are here, we want to trade a batch of supplies with the Heishi tribe; among them are 20 sachets of salt, 10 bottles of Erguotou, Five packs of white sugar, and the other kind of sharp spearhead, we hope to get three. “

“Yes, no problem. Although we didn’t plan to sell the alloy gun heads in the past, it is among the friendly tribes in the Grey Hole Tribe. This time we can make an exception to meet your requirements.” Master Niu simply agreed.

Master Niu’s refreshment surprised the old tower; but after hearing such an answer, his complexion became a bit embarrassed and embarrassed.

After a while, this old product said cheeky: “Master Niu, you know, because the rain hasn’t rained for too long, the days of the Grey Cave Tribe have also been tight, and I can’t get it out for a while. Enough supplies; so … “

“You mean, you want to owe it first?” Master Niu asked, looking at the old goods in the old tower and vomiting, a little funny.

That is to say, his expression is still friendly. Both Kui and Mang’s faces have become irony. According to the trading rules of Luolei Mountain, they have always been clear on the spot, and there is absolutely no arrears.

“Yes.” Master Niu unexpectedly agreed, and the arrogantness of inadvertently agreeing was simply shocking.

In fact, the most fundamental reason, UU reading www. uukanshu.com thinks that these things look a lot, but they are really worthless.

Then from his mouth, he also told a message that Laota and others could hardly believe: “In fact, the Black Stone Tribe now has the ability to produce salt. Although the output is currently limited, the friendly tribe has long It ’s no problem to provide preferential prices. “

Hearing that the Black Stone Tribe could actually produce table salt and was willing to provide it at a favorable price, the old pagoda was stimulated to stand up directly.

Then after thinking about the old goods for a long time, I finally said a message, so that Master Niu can no longer maintain his pretense state:

“Master Niu, in fact, the caravan of Juyan Tribe and Shen Shen has united, and many tribes have been joined; they will soon attack the Blackstone tribe. This time, the other tribes may not Come help again … “

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