Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Body Promise

Yuan Cixian had a strange dream again.

This is the third time.

It was still pitch black in the dream, and I couldn’t see anything. Trapped in a damp bridgestone with four walls, she was very depressed.

The common people were discussing on the bridge, saying that the Yuan family’s father and son rebelled and deserved to die tragically, but it’s a pity that the young lady of the Yuan family suffered innocently.

Someone said: “I heard that he fled to this bridge and was shot to death by random arrows.”

“Tsk, you’re only eighteen at a young age.”

Someone answered and joked: “But a beauty is a beauty after all, and she will be popular even after death. Just last night, I saw a group of people sneaking here to salvage.”

When Meng Chun and Yuan Cixian had this dream for the first time last year, they couldn’t laugh or cry.

Her beautiful flower turned into a rock trampled by thousands of people, scorched by the scorching sun, frozen by rain and snow, and accompanied by dirty and smelly shoe soles and wheels every day, what is this called?

Not to mention why her father and brother rebelled, she was curious, who would care about her dead body.

But don’t fish for it. She is in the rock, can you help to chisel her out?

But it was the first time she encountered such an absurd dream, and she finally laughed it off. It wasn’t until Meng Chun was tortured by this dream again this year that she realized something was wrong.

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