Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 112

Chapter 111 – 111

Before the changes in the Daming Palace, Yuan Yu had brought his troops to the Lu Mansion early to **** the whole family to evacuate.

Yuan Cixian secretly wanted to advance and retreat with Lu Shiqing, but she is not alone now, her son and daughter are still ignorant, Xuan Shi and Lu Shuangyu are also confused and flustered. She has to be their backbone.

After calming the two of them with a few short words, she carried the child in her arms, took the luggage that Lu Shiqing had packed for them earlier, gritted her teeth and followed Yuan Yu away, and for the sake of speed, she never stopped at all along the way. But even so, it was also extremely thrilling. As soon as the group of people handed over the board and left the Golden Light Gate, the guard behind them got an urgent order from the Daming Palace and shouted: “No, it’s the family of the traitor, stop it!”

Immediately afterwards, soldiers and horses in the city swarmed out.

Fortunately, Lu Shiqing and Yuan Yizhi had already made arrangements outside the Golden Light Gate, and the first wave of cavalry lurking on all sides leaped up and quickly confronted them.

These people are the private army raised by Yuan Yizhi in southern Yunnan. Although there are not many in number, they are all well-trained tigers and wolves. It is not too much to say that they are overwhelming with spears, and they are not enjoyed in Chang’an at all. Soldiers accustomed to ease can compare.

Soon, the cavalry retreated smoothly, followed the Yuan brothers and sisters westward like the wind, and another hundred people came to meet Lu Shiqing.

Yuan Cixian didn’t take the carriage, Yuan Yu opened the way in front, she, Caizhi and Shicui were in the back of the hall, riding horses to guard the women, children and children in front, and pay attention to the movement behind. So when the cavalry came up, she noticed it immediately.

She didn’t dare to stop, she continued to raise the whip, and when the first lieutenant equaled her, she was able to ask: “Have people been kept outside the city?”

“The county lord, don’t worry, more than a hundred brothers are waiting to meet Lu Shilang, and if His Highness Liu deliberately releases water, it will be safe!”

She nodded, knowing that this is not the time to care about her children’s love, she was fully focused on the road ahead, and continued to ask: “Where are we going?”

Yuan Cixian knew that Lu Shiqing’s hometown was Luoyang, but the Lu Bridge outside the Yanxing Gate was the only way to the Eastern Capital, and this Golden Light Gate was facing west, running counter to it. And it was obvious that the current Da Zhou couldn’t accommodate them. Because Lu Shiqing was unable to kill Emperor Huining directly for the time being: first, he had to rely on hijacking the old emperor to retreat, and second, he could not use a knife when Zheng Zhuo led his troops to pursue him. It was useless, but more serious, it made people suspicious, suspecting that this palace change was a conspiracy between the two of them.

Is there any king in the world, she thought, Lu Shiqing chose to evacuate to the west in order to leave this king temporarily.

Hearing this, the deputy general hurriedly replied: “Lu Shilang explained that he has arranged the way forward, and asked the county magistrate to go west to Tubo, and then go north to the Uyghur.”

Yuan Cixian was not surprised, and quickly ordered: “Okay. You take a few people to the front to take care of my brother, and then call the brothers from the two teams, one on the left and one on the right to protect the two carriages in front, and the rest of the soldiers and I will be in the rear .”


From the day when he drove out of the Golden Light Gate at noon to the first watch at night, Yuan Cixian never stopped for a while.

Xuan Shi, Lu Shuangyu and a nurse held the two children in the carriage, and they felt a little more comfortable, and settled in there when they were hungry or sleepy. She served in the army with her father in the early years, so she would not be exhausted by the rush, but the subordinates around her persuaded her to rest. Seeing that it was getting late and there was no enemy around, she obediently went to the carriage Conserve your energy.

Don’t be a hero at this time. She still wanted to see Lu Shiqing alive.

After resting and resting like this for seven consecutive days, the group successfully approached the border of Uyghur. And during these seven days, no one encountered a single pursuer, nor did they get any news about Lu Shiqing.

Xuan’s family was well protected, and he didn’t suffer much physical harm, but he felt uneasy and asked about his son’s condition several times a day.

Yuan Cixian didn’t know exactly what happened to Lu Shiqing. There are two carriages on her side, and they are slowing down. If he wants to chase, he should be able to catch up within an hour. But since there was nothing in seven days, it means that he made a detour after leaving the city, intending to divert the soldiers and horses of the imperial court for them. After all, according to the old emperor’s heart, it is impossible to just send Zheng Zhuo out of the city. With the arrest warrant issued, all the prefectures and counties in the Zhou Dynasty will be dispatched, and Lu Shiqing’s surroundings are full of killing moves.

However, the consolation is that my father and mother should join him, and Zheng Zhuo, who is pretending to be chasing the enemy, will inevitably step in at a critical moment to help them escape smoothly, Yuan Cixian is not worried.

Three days later, on the night before entering Uighur, while she was resting in the carriage, she received the first letter from the imperial court. She thought earlier that no news is the best news, but now she is a little nervous when she gets the letter. She opened it up and said, last night, Zheng Zhuo led troops to wipe out a cavalry of a hundred men, but they did not capture it. Offender.

Yuan Cixian pondered the letter carefully and smiled slightly.

This cavalry team is not from the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although Zheng Zhuo and Lu Shiqing staged a palace change, they have been trying their best to minimize the damage. Even the seemingly sinister and brutal killing in front of the Zichen Palace that day was also ended at an extremely fast speed, and most people just suffered a little. Just hurt.

She is sure that even if Zheng Zhuo strives to be more realistic, he will not wipe out a team in one go.

The only possibility is that a third party joined in the pursuit of Lu Shiqing, and Zheng Zhuo simply took these people as private soldiers in southern Yunnan and killed them all. In this way, it is not only good to hand over errands to the imperial court, but also to solve the disaster for Lu Shiqing.

As for who is this third party? She thought, Xiju finally couldn’t sit still.

But Yuan Cixian was not worried about Nanzhao’s straightforward killing move. What she was worried about was that Xiju knew about the relationship between Lu Shiqing and Zheng Zhuo, so he might try to find evidence, or spread rumors in Dazhou to guide the deceived courtiers.

The weather in the north is very cold, and the nights in the last ten days of May in midsummer are as cold as autumn. A gust of wind blew into the car curtain, blowing the secret letter in her hand, and with the rustling of the paper, Xuan Shi, who was resting on the couch beside him, opened his eyes.

Yuan Cixian hurriedly put away the secret letter, and said apologetically, “Mother, I woke you up.”

Xuan saw it with sharp eyes, got up and asked, “Is there any news from Shi Qing?”

She shook her head: “It’s news from the imperial court. Don’t worry, you will be able to enter the Uighur tomorrow, and when we are safe, he will be able to reconcile with us.”

Xuan Shi nodded with a heart in his heart, and was just about to tell her to sleep, but saw her frown and her expression tightened.

Yuan Cixian raised the corner of the curtain of the car, poked out half of her head, turned her ears to listen for a while, then turned her head and said quickly: “Mother, stay in the car and don’t come out.” After speaking, she jumped out of the carriage.

Yuan Yu obviously also heard the sound of horseshoes, and quickly called the soldiers: “Assemble to listen to the order!”

All the soldiers were on watch at night, resting and resting, but when they heard the sound, it seemed as if they hadn’t slept at all, they got up quickly, raised their guns and mounted their horses.

Now everyone heard it. The sky-shaking noise is getting closer and closer, and there are probably no fewer than a thousand people.

As soon as Yuan Cixian got on the horse, he shouted: “One to three troops on the left, four to six on the right, seven troops charge forward, and eight troops stand in the rear to meet the enemy!”

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Yuan Yu, and said in a low voice: “If the situation is not right, you can take Auntie and the others to retreat first, and knock on the Uighur to close the door overnight…”

When she said this, she suddenly heard a soldier shout in surprise: “Master, look at the torch ahead!”

Yuan Cixian raised his head suddenly, and saw a torch blazing in the night, swung it to the left once, swung it to the right three times, and then repeated it again.

Her heart was pounding, not nervous but happy.

Left one right three, left one right three, this is the secret code that her father taught her. At the beginning, Zheng Zhuo arranged for assassins to assassinate Yuan Yizhi in order to solve Wang Yang’s conspiracy, so as to avoid more injuries in the military encounter, and he also used this secret signal.

The brothers and sisters had a faint expectation in their hearts, but they remained vigilant, and did not act rashly before they were completely confirmed. It was not until the enemy soldiers and horses galloped up to them that the person in black robes and wooden hairpins came into sight, and Yuan Cixian’s heart trembled. , one got off the horse and ran over like flying.

Seeing her rushing towards her like an arrow, the enemy was not afraid of being trampled by iron hooves, so he quickly stopped the horse, waved his hand to stop the soldiers behind him, and was about to walk towards her quickly, but saw that she was already in front of him, and plunged his head into it. into his arms.

In the bonfire camp, there were thousands of people on both sides, all of them were staring at each other, and they were on the alert at 120,000. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she just hugged Lu Shiqing like this.

Lu Shiqing was exhausted for days, and was almost knocked by her so that his legs went limp and retreated, but when he thought of the thousands of soldiers behind him, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law watching him immediately, he stabilized himself very firmly, then hugged her back, and said: “I wasn’t injured by the chasing soldiers, but I was about to be crashed by you.”

Yuan Cixian took back the hot tears, buried her in his chest and took a few breaths, originally wanting to smell the scent of acacia on his body which is not like acacia, but indifferent but reassuring to her, but unexpectedly Smell a bad smell of mud gas.

But she still refused to let him go, she just buried her head and said, “You stink…”

Lu Shiqing choked, and coughed in embarrassment: “So many people are watching.”

“I don’t have **** with my girlfriend, what’s wrong with hugging my husband?”

He sighed secretly, glanced back, and reminded: “Father’s complexion is not good.”

Only then did she raise her head “swish”, let go of him, and looked behind him.

That’s right, she had speculated that Father and Mother were together with Lu Shiqing, but when she saw him, she forgot everything.

Yuan Cixian looked up and saw father and mother on the same horse, mother smiled calmly and relieved, but father’s face was swollen and frosty.

In fact, no wonder he. I haven’t seen her for more than a year, and we meet again. My daughter is already married and has children. She is so happy to see her husband, and she doesn’t even remember to say hello to her father.

It’s nothing like anyone else.

Yuan Cixian walked over with a shy face, raised her head and said, “Father, mother, come down and hug me?”

Yuan Yi snorted at her and glanced away.

Feng Shixu nodded her forehead: “You!”

The two families had a lively “meeting” in the wilderness. No one expected that the first time the in-laws and family met, it would be such a desperate situation.

But the family reunion, witnessed by thousands of soldiers, is actually not so bad.

The villagers on both sides said a few words as if they saw their fellow villagers, but it was Lu Shiqing and Yuan Yizhi who called the shots and stopped, saying that although King Ping was dead, the Turks still survived. In order to prevent the Turks from attacking the Uighurs again and causing chaos on the border, it was best to go on the road overnight before that .

The rest of the people had no objection, only Yuan Cixian suggested that she wanted to share a horse with Lu Shiqing, just like her father and mother.

All the officers and men saw that the enemy was approaching just now, and Xiao Niao, the mistress of Lancang County who was commanding calmly, shrank into Lu Shilang’s arms, even so weak and delicate that he asked him to carry her on the horse, and did not close her jaw for a long time.

Lu Shiqing thought, let’s give her some face, hugged her up, wrapped her around her from behind, lowered her head and whispered in her ear: “Sleep, and you will arrive when you wake up.”

Yuan Cixian shook her head and said soberly: “I don’t sleep, I want to talk to you.”

Lu Shiqing had nothing to do with her, so he flicked the reins and drove the horse on the road, being pestered by her all the way to ask about her situation in the past few days.

He said it was nothing dangerous, and once he almost confronted a group of local troops head-on, but Zheng Zhuo was slippery, and he played a misty marble in a daze, leading them to the wrong path.

Yuan Cixian smiled and sighed with emotion: “I know in the dream why he took the initiative to ask Ying to arrest my father and brother.”

Lu Shiqing also smiled lightly.

In fact, this life is the same as the previous life. After the “rebellion” of the Yuan family, Zheng Zhuo also turned against them, but this so-called “turning against” was just a show. From this point of view, in his previous life, he also took the initiative to invite Ying in order to protect the Yuan family, intending to fake death for Yuan Yizhi and Yuan Yu. It’s just that it was revealed for some unknown reason.

For two full years, Yuan Cixian misunderstood Zheng Zhuo for two full years.

But if it wasn’t for this misunderstanding, she and Lu Shiqing would still miss each other like in the previous life.

She leaned on him and said longingly: “When he ascends the throne, we don’t have to travel far away, and we can go back to Dazhou. Then I will buy him a drink.”

Lu Shiqing responded with the word “good” and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a soldier dressed as a Uyghur galloping towards him. When he reached the crowd, he got off his horse and bowed his knees and cupped his hands: “The Turks are attacking and the border roads are closed. Princess Gahu is here to welcome you all.” Entering the customs, please follow the princess to avoid obstruction!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he rode again from a distance, it was a charming figure, he spotted Yuan Yu in the team and waved: “General Yuan, I’m here to pick up Dabai, did you take it with you when you ran for your life? “

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