Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 115

Chapter 114 – Ending Next

The dead are dead, but the living continue to live. Yuan Cixian tried his best to cheer up and ordered to go down, and sent someone to settle down Zheng Zhuo, protect Zheng Hong, and then rode out with Yuan Yu.

They got the news that the Nanzhao old king secretly arrived in the imperial city when Xiju left the country three days ago, and contacted the old department, and now he has launched a denunciation in the Nanzhao Palace, preparing to turn the evil son out of Nanzhao.

The firecracker that Lu Shiqing had buried for so long finally exploded when it was time to explode. The whole country was shocked, and the old king, who had stood in the royal court of Nanzhao for decades, won the support of the majority, but the officials under Xiju couldn’t argue with it. After all, if they dared to say that the assassination was done by Da Zhou, it would be tantamount to admitting that Xiju was collaborating with the enemy and treason for the sake of seeking power, and the situation would be even worse.

Yuan Cixian knew that the opportunity to catch them all had come. Xiju is outside the country, and there is no Nanzhao behind him as a barrier. Presumably at this time, he no longer has the energy to covet the Great Zhou.

The two of them took their men and drove all the way in the direction where Zheng Zhuo had come, and got the letter, confirming the location of Shi Cui and Cao An. Yuan Yu immediately wanted to turn around and chase after him, but was stopped by Yuan Cixian: “The first time the news came out from Nanzhao, Xiju should have guessed that Shicui was a trap set by us, and he must have moved away now. she.”

Yuan Yu patted his head, indicating that he was stupid.

Yuan Cixian continued: “I fought against him once in southern Yunnan four years ago. At that time, I led an army to help Dad, and then he was defeated and fled. I took advantage of the victory and pursued, but in the end it was too late to capture him. And the reason why he was able to escape was because he was always following a position that I couldn’t see, which was the rear of the army. Bold and opportunistic.”

“You mean, he’s repeating his old tricks?”

“Of course not now. But if we send more people, pretend to be headless chickens, and search with great fanfare, we may not be able to lure him behind. When people are desperate, the first thing they think of is always the most familiar trick. .”

After the brothers and sisters discussed, Yuan Yu was the headless fly, while Yuan Cixian took people out in the dark, so after a day and a night, there was indeed a trace of Xiju at noon the next day.

The so-called hiding behind is naturally not the distance of tracking. Xiju, his entourage and an exquisite carriage appeared ten miles behind Yuan Yu. Yuan Cixian spotted a terrain with mountains on one side and water on the other. Ask Chen Zhan to outflank it.

The two sides quickly exchanged hands around the carriage.

Xiju was a good fighter at first, but Chen Zhan and others had just lost Zheng Zhuo, and now they were red-eyed, and when they could tear him up and eat him, killing him was almost like a wolf galloping and a tiger roaring.

Yuan Cixian took a few people with him, armed with crossbow arrows, and hid himself on the hillside of the short mountain beside the mountain road. She knew that Yi Xiju was keen, so she must know where she was, and her purpose of hiding was not to sneak attack, but to distract him.

She was halfway up the mountain, no matter how powerful Xiju was, it was impossible for him to shoot the arrow at such a position, so he couldn’t get rid of her. Since it cannot be removed, one must be on guard all the time to avoid dropping the empty door to her side. With his hands tied, he gave Chen Zhan an opportunity to take advantage of.

Yuan Cixian was on a high place, her eyes fixed on the motionless carriage.

Xiju fled for his life and took the carriage with him, logically speaking, because there was Shaohe or the queen hidden in it, which he could use as a shield, but he hadn’t brought anyone out since just now. Is it because the time has not yet come, or Shaohe and the queen have been rescued by Zheng Zhuo, is this a scam?

With a small and cunning mind, the latter may not be impossible.

She stared at the carriage curtain and watched the battle from the corner of her eye until she saw that Chen Zhan’s side had the upper hand, and Xiju had to use the carriage to block the offensive from the other side, so that he could get on his horse and turn around to get away.

The carriage was kicked towards the river bank by him, and a woman screamed from inside. At the same time, the curtain of the carriage swung open. Yuan Cixian, who had never looked away, saw that it was a substitute arranged by Xiju, and quickly said loudly: : “Don’t worry!”

Chen Zhan, who had just subconsciously wanted to rescue the car, quickly regained his senses, and slashed forward with a knife. However, Xiju had already got on his horse, and the whip he raised was sure to fall, and he galloped a foot away.

Yuan Cixian quickly set up the bow, and raised the crossbow arrow to break through the air. In the next moment, the sound of two “chi chi” piercing into the flesh overlapped, one arrow went from Xiju’s back to the front, and the other from his front After entering, the heart goes out.

The arrow in the front heart belongs to her, but what about the arrow in the back heart?

Hoshii fell from the horse with a bang. She looked up in surprise, and saw a person walking towards him with a bow and crossbow directly in front of the mountain road, then stopped in front of him, and opened his mouth to say something.

It’s Lu Shiqing. He also came back from Uighur.

Yuan Cixian felt like a stick in his throat, and after recalling the shape of his mouth, he realized that what he said was: “He has suffered it, you should suffer it too.”

The exact same back position, she didn’t know how much he must hate him to choose to hurt someone behind his back.

When Yuan Cixian withdrew from the mountain, Xiju was already out of breath, and was dragged away by a group of Nanzhao soldiers who were also chasing him. Chen Zhan’s eyes were bloodshot, and he was waving a knife to vent his anger by unloading the corpse, but was stopped by a few more sober colleagues.

forget it.

It’s useless, forget it.

Yuan Cixian stood far away on the mountain road, and saw Chen Zhan, a big man sitting on the ground crying, pounding his fists into the mud.

Lu Shiqing froze there, looking down at him, without a trace of emotion on his face.

But Yuan Cixian knew that the calmer he was, the more depressed he was, the more expressionless he was, the more turbulent his heart was. He didn’t even notice her coming down the hill at all.

She stopped where she was and didn’t approach immediately. After a while, she saw Chen Zhan calm down, got up slowly, knelt down in front of Lu Shiqing, and said, “Lu Shilang, Your Highness has something for you.” He took out a letter that had already been compacted, and solemnly presented it with a nod.

Lu Shiqing was silent for a while before reaching out to take it, and heard him say: “Your Highness said that you gave him a box the night before you left Beijing. In the box were documents that recorded various dirty things about the late emperor, including a series of criminal evidence. He didn’t I understand what you mean, because this box is useless, and the contents in it are useless no matter how conclusive, and the monstrous evidence cannot cure the sins of today’s saints. But he later figured it out, you made a rebellion scene, and helped him Master, this is an extraordinary method in an extraordinary period, this method can achieve His Highness, but it cannot save Da Zhou. And that seemingly useless box is Da Zhou’s lifeblood.”

“Your Highness said that in this scene with you, he played the role of a filial son who respects his father. His every move represents his approval of the late emperor. He is not in the right position, so he must rely on this approval, this father-son relationship Convincing the public deeply, but this point runs counter to the ideals you and he have always had.”

“The first emperor passed away, but the truth has not yet come to light. If His Highness continues to play this scene, the descendants of the Great Zhou Dynasty will never know why this country is so weak, and will never understand the real way of being a king. They will only remember that during the period of the first emperor, there was a rebellion by a powerful minister, which almost caused the dynasty to change its surname. Therefore, they will continue to walk on the “road of power and tactics” that the first emperor walked. Similarly, the courtiers will continue to be deeply involved in party disputes In this way, even if Da Zhou is lucky enough to survive His Highness’s generation, he will soon come to the point of subjugation.”

“Your Highness said, you understand this, so you handed over the box to him, hoping that one day he will be able to gain a firm foothold, be able to not be afraid of the infamy of ‘being unjust’, and have the confidence to be an emperor who has never been seen before. Son, let the late emperor’s crimes be clearly exposed, and awaken the insensitive courtiers and the people of the world. Only in this way can Da Zhou really have hope.”

“You trust him so much, but he says he can’t trust himself. He wants to be sorry for you, but in three to five years, people’s hearts are changeable. Sitting in such a high position, no matter how hot the blood is, it may slowly cool down. After many years, I will reveal the late emperor. Evidence of the crime is equivalent to personally overthrowing himself these years. When he is surrounded by many powerful forces, can he still have the blood that is now indomitable, and pick up that box?”

“Once this scene is performed, it may never come out again. So he thought, he can’t wait, and Da Zhou can’t afford to wait anymore. Since he should always come, why not do it now. Your Highness is leaving the city.” During the few days of chasing and killing you, I personally wrote this criminal document exposing the scandal of the late emperor and handed it over to the villain.”

When Chen Zhan said this, his eyes turned red again, and he choked up and said, “Maybe His Highness didn’t even think about going back alive, so he explained everything, including the courtiers under him. His death is to get rid of crimes and The box, the third board for Da Zhou, the more tragic the more powerful it is. And what he mentioned in the document, about you, is enough to rectify your name, and with the support of the courtiers, you will definitely be able to return to assist His Highness the Thirteenth. He didn’t want to force His Highness Thirteen to grow up, but he had to. I hope you can retire a few years later and accompany His Highness through the most difficult part of the journey.”

After Lu Shiqing listened, he was silent for a long time, opened the criminal document in his hand, but first took out a note from inside.

There was no signature or signature on the note, only two lines of writing, handsome and elegant but strong enough to penetrate the back of the paper, was written by Zheng Zhuo with his left hand, he said: Seek benevolence and get benevolence, and you will die without regret.

Yuan Cixian approached and looked down, her nose suddenly became sore.

Lu Shiqing held the note in his hand, told Chen Zhan to stay away from everyone, and then said to her, “Don’t blame yourself.”

She didn’t say anything, and he knew it. Yuan Cixian shook her head, not knowing what she was expressing.

Lu Shiqing sighed, looked at her and asked, “In your dream, when did I die?”

She didn’t quite understand why he asked this suddenly, so she hesitated and said, “Not long after the Thirteenth Highness ascended the throne.”

“The court hall is hollow. Your Thirteenth Highness first ascended the throne. I died before I could stabilize the court situation. How long do you think such a great week can last? No more than three years, and the country will surely perish.”

Yuan Cixian frowned, but didn’t realize what he meant for a while.

He continued: “But it’s different now. In your dream, Ah Zhuo died suddenly, but got nothing. The Great Zhou is coming to an end, and each of our sacrifices are in vain. But now,” he picked up the The note said, “He traded his death for the court to wake up, and I will accompany His Highness the Thirteenth Highness to rejuvenate the Great Week, until the day when we see the dawn.”

He reached out and stroked his temple hair: “So don’t blame yourself, because of your change, he seeks benevolence and benevolence, and Da Zhou’s tomorrow will be different. Youyao, cheer up, let’s go back.”

Yuan Cixian’s heart that had been suppressed for a whole day seemed to come alive suddenly, and she nodded desperately: “Go back, go back to the capital.”

Seven days later, on June 11th, the thirteenth son of the Great Zhou Emperor ascended the throne, and at the enthronement ceremony, Zheng Zhuo, the sixth son of the emperor, was posthumously named King De. Afterwards, the former Minister of Zhongshu, who was supposed to have been executed, implored the face saint, and when he came, he brought a heavy coffin. Regardless of the stares of the audience, he said that he read a crime for King De, who had saved His Majesty from death.

Three thousand essays were eloquently revealed, the evidence of the late emperor’s crimes, Chen Gong changed the truth, the whole room was silent, the young emperor looked solemn, and issued his second order since he ascended the throne, promoting Lu Shilang to Da Zhou Zhong Shuling, with full authority to represent the case, To tell King De’s spirit in heaven.

It is the first year of Changqing.

Seven years later, in the midsummer of the eighth year of Changqing, a carriage with the emblem of the Lu Mansion quietly drove out of the side door.

A low grunt from the woman came from inside the carriage: “Don’t eat this, I want sour ones.”

Immediately afterwards, a male voice sounded, wondering: “Why don’t I remember that you were so picky when you were pregnant with Yuanzhen?”

“I just entered your house, so why don’t you impress my aunt as a virtuous and virtuous person?” After she finished speaking, she complained about something else, “Speaking of which, I am pregnant with a baby, so why do I have to travel all the way back to Luoyang with you? Rest?”

In the carriage, Lu Shiqing was holding a bowl of millet porridge, neither was it a spoon, and sighed: “I’m not afraid that you will offend Chang’an about your childbirth.”

Yuan Cixian curled her lips: “I think you are thanks to me. You want to take a maternity leave, then boil the frogs in warm water, and just stay there and never return to the capital. Let me tell you, Your Majesty is a thief at a young age. It won’t make Yuan Shu out of his eyelids, do you really think this trip can really get rid of the family’s golden cicadas?”

After hearing this, Lu Shiqing was so angry that his teeth itched, he drank the porridge he was going to give her, and said: “I have prepared the letter of resignation.”

Yuan Cixian looked at him, feeling a little sleepy, and tilted her head in his arms, “I’ll sleep for a while, call me when I arrive.”

He let out a “huh”, leaned on her, and then silently thought about the countermeasures to get out of the way.

Yuan Cixian fell asleep comfortably, but during this sleep, she heard the long-lost sound of gurgling water.

Because after seven years, she didn’t react all of a sudden, and it took a long time before she realized that she was in the stone of Luqiao again.

There was a lot of movement on the bridge this time, as if a cavalry team of tens of thousands of people passed by. The trampling horseshoes were deafening, and she heard the harsh sound of weapons passing across the bluestone slab, with a force of destruction, mixed with strange languages and accents of foreigners.

She suddenly understood that foreign races had invaded Da Zhou and killed Chang’an.

Amidst countless ear-piercing noises, the bridge body swayed violently, slowly falling a layer of fine stone powder, and finally collapsed with a loud crash.

The stone she was on then fell, and fell into the water with a “plop”, and her soul hidden in the stone slowly escaped from the surface of the water and went up to midair.

Because of this, she opened her eyes for the first time in a dream, only to see corpses lying everywhere in Chang’an City, blood pouring out, Daming Palace burning ragingly, and Zheng Hong, who looked like nine years old, was covered in blood and was detained by aliens. Kick the ground.

Yuan Cixian woke up suddenly, almost couldn’t distinguish between dream and reality for a moment, opened the curtain of the car and looked out.

Lu Shiqing asked her what was wrong.

She came back to her senses and understood what happened. Zheng Hong in the dream was nine years old. That is to say, in his previous life, when he was nine years old, Da Zhou had perished.

But now, Zheng Hong is thirteen years old.

The carriage just passed the Lu Bridge, and the Lu River outside was gurgling and clear, not as **** as in the dream, and the white Sophora japonica flowers on the locust tree in the distance exuded a rich fragrance, and the people greeted the morning sun, enthusiastically peddling licensed goods under the tree.

The present world is stable and everything is fine.

She shook her head and replied that it was nothing, but she looked at the blue sky above Chang’an City.

Zheng Zhuo, look, it has been seven years, Guotai Minan, Haiyan Heqing, they have turned Dazhou into what you want.

The author has something to say:

It’s over, because yesterday’s comment area was so bombed that I didn’t sleep well all night, I still want to say a few words about the reason for the arrangement of the plot line.

In reality, tiny individuals are doomed to be unable to fight against history, but since it is a novel, I want to allow such heroism without excessive exaggeration. The so-called not exaggerating is that there is no step to reach the sky. Therefore, the plot line of this article is not a cool article. On the contrary, the protagonist is often passive, and the road to changing history is full of thorns and twists and turns.

It is because they are not only challenging the villain in the troubled times, but also the torrent of the times, so it is extremely difficult. I thought, if it was easy to turn things around, the last life would not have been so miserable without the heroine’s tricks.

Fortunately, it succeeded in the end. Despite the bloodshed and sacrifice, seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence is the fate and choice I gave to the characters, and it is also the value I think. Of course, everyone has different experiences and ideas, so we don’t force everyone to accept it.

Maybe many readers regret: If Zheng Zhuo didn’t die. Although I have arranged an ending that is perfect but slightly flawed, I will not cruelly say “there is absolutely no if”, nor will I tie you up with the so-called standard answer. I will leave this possible parallel world to everyone’s imagination.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support and companionship all the way. Next, if you don’t hit it off, you can get together and get together, and if you hit it off, see you in the next book. I will try my best to tell a better story.

Let me talk about the arrangement of the new article. Recently, my body is overdrawn and I can’t seamlessly continue the file. I will save the manuscript while resting, and strive for it as soon as possible. The next old saying is “How can the enemy come late and be in a hurry”, but the old saying is troublesome, I am going to try to relax my mind now, and picked the brain hole of “Nenny Wenxiang”. The order of the two articles has not been determined. If you are interested, you can choose to collect them, or directly bookmark the author’s column. As long as Jinjiang does not smoke, you will receive an update notification at that time. If you smoke, it depends on fate. [Yun Bei] [Hold fists]

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