Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 117

Chapter 116 – Extra Story Past Life Lu Shiqing (2)

He thumped in his heart, and pretended to be good on the surface. Since he was found to be following deliberately, he didn’t hide it anymore. Seeing that there was no one around in the long aisle, only her two personal maids, he said: “Lu is from Xiang County. The Lord thanked you for the matter of the jade ring.”

Yuan Cixian didn’t seem to remember what she had done at all, and she suddenly realized after hearing him mention the “Jade Ring”, and said, “Are you thanking me for the border people?”

He choked instantly.

Zheng Zhuo and he were used to polishing in the court, and they pretended to be calculating in their hearts. When they saw someone doing a favor, they began to speculate on what was going on. In fact, there is no complicated reason. If his peace talks go well, the people at the border will suffer less. Do you need a reason to do something good for the people? If he didn’t go to the peace talks, she would still help.

It’s just that the Yuan family’s identity is sensitive, and caring for the people is like grabbing the old emperor’s job, so she probably didn’t express this concern for the people to Shaohe, who is a royal person, and used “Because Lu Shilang helped me out of the siege in Daming Palace, so I want to use the jade ring to repay” the excuse.

At that time, Lu Shiqing thought, although Zheng Zhuo’s marriage contract was pushed out by his father, but this Lancang county lord has a clean life and a heart for the common people.

He felt that Zheng Zhuo had made a profit.

And the more sincere Yuan Cixian’s eyes were, the more he felt that his previous speculations were narrow. Under the embarrassment in his heart, of course he didn’t mention his personal thanks, and Yun Danfeng said “yes” lightly.

Yuan Cixian continued: “I grew up in southern Yunnan, so it’s only natural for me to do this. You don’t need to thank me, but you can thank the princess. She knew that the jade ring was useful to you that day, so she went through the entire warehouse with her own hands.”

Lu Shiqing thanked her a long time ago, but it was just a message from someone. It is unreasonable not to express his position after receiving favor, but he didn’t mean that to Shaohe, and Shaohe was really persistent in treating him. If he came to the door in person, he was afraid that she would have unnecessary hopes again, so this thank you is a bit vague.

He told Yuan Cixian that he had thanked her, and then saw her slightly regretful: “I heard that the princess is going to Dunhuang.”

He probably knew what she was thinking. After Shaohe left, she might never return to Chang’an in the future. She probably regretted that it was not appropriate for a princess to put golden branches and jade leaves, because a man was sad and went away to eat wind and sand.

He was not familiar with Yuan Cixian at the time, so he shouldn’t have talked about personal matters with her, but he didn’t want anyone to misunderstand his relationship with Shaohe and cause rumors in the capital again, so he said “everyone has his own ambition”, implying that he didn’t intend to stay. Shaohe, pick yourself up clean.

She understood as soon as she heard it, and understood that he had no intentions for Shaohe, so she smoothed things over: “What you said is true.” Then she said, “If you have nothing else to do, I will leave.”

He nodded, and said goodbye to her indifferently, but when he turned his head, he saw Zheng Zhuo chasing after him quickly, brushed his shoulder to catch up with Yuan Cixian, and said, “I’m done with my work, I’ll take you back.”

Just now, in order to give him the opportunity to thank him in person, Zheng Zhuo probably told Yuan Cixian that “you can’t send her off if you have something to do”, and after he finished thanking him, he came to see her off again.

He was a little surprised. Compared with him, Zheng Zhuo has a brighter temperament and treats people more kindly. Chatting with Yuan Cixian at the Liushang Banquet is the same as talking to other friends. He has a moderate posture and a gentleman’s demeanor that is not close or far away. Therefore, he does not feel that there is anything special . This time it feels different.

This level of care is not a simple gentleman’s demeanor, nor is it purely for the purpose of strengthening the relationship with the Yuan family.

He was also a little surprised to see Yuan Cixian, and asked Zheng Zhuo: “So fast? You continue to work on your work, and I can go back by myself.”

Zheng Zhuo said it was all right, and just went out to get some air, and then stepped out with her, with an arm’s length between them.

The reason why Lu Shiqing was so impressed with this scene was because he had an idea at that time and thought with a smile, Zheng Zhuo is so cautious, it seems that he is still in a state of wishful thinking.

After that time, when talking about things with Zheng Zhuo, he would often remember to ask about his relationship with Yuan Cixian after finishing his serious speech. There is no other meaning, just a kind of gloating at the failure of the iron buddies to beg their wives to be deflated.

Zheng Zhuo scolded him for meddling in his own business every time, until he drank too much at a palace banquet and took the initiative to talk to him about it.

He said that Yuan Cixian knew from the beginning that he was not sincerely asking for marriage, so he always had reservations about him, even though he often chatted and joked with him after getting acquainted, and even discovered Wumu’s common hobby last time, but that little alienation It has been uneven.

He frowned and asked, “Zi Shu, what do you think should be done?”

Seeing that Zheng Zhuo was really worried, Lu Shiqing stopped saying anything to hurt him, and smiled and said, “Are you serious?”

Zheng Zhuo was not drunk, so he said yes, he began to think that although he had a political purpose, he would never treat her badly, he must treat her to make up for her, and treat her with respect as a guest. But when he found out that he was seen through by a little girl, the feeling of disdain filled his heart. Later, he couldn’t bear to see her smiling and smiling, but kept a distance from him in his heart. He feels irritable.

Lu Shiqing thought, okay, this kid, the iron tree is really blooming. It’s just that he is a bachelor, not to mention a wife, he doesn’t even have a fiancée, and he has no experience, so he can’t suggest anything specific for a while.

But he could see clearly what was at the root, so he said to Zheng Zhuo: “It’s not too late for you to treat her sincerely from now on. As for the way to win people’s hearts, it’s always the same. Do you understand what you like?”

His thoughts at the time were quite simple. What makes a big event renounce love is something in the scriptures. The reality may not be true. Since Zheng Zhuo has no conflict of interest with the Yuan family, why not talk about love?

Life is not just about seizing the heirloom. Proper measure will do.

Zheng Zhuo got his support and let go of his work. From then on, the spies under him had another job: to find out what Lancang county lord likes to eat and what he likes to watch. He did so well that he even went to pick up the swill bucket of Yuan’s house to observe the daily changes in the dishes in the house.

Lu Shiqing joked that it was too much, and his subordinates were overqualified. But because he was the direct contact of the spy, the news fell to him first. After all, he wanted to help, so he went over it first, and calculated carefully for Zheng Zhuo based on the information.

Although he doesn’t understand Fengyue, he can’t stop the flash of his brain. When he sees something, he can guess the north, south, south, and north. If the spies don’t find out, he can draw inferences from one instance. Sunflower Collection.

Zheng Zhuo didn’t pretend to thank you, the staff, the brothers, it’s so useful, just look at the treasure book, take Yuan Cixian to visit the mountains and rivers, eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

After a few months, Lu Shiqing asked how the progress was.

Zheng Zhuo said it was very good, anyway, his mind was clearly shown to her, and the knot in his heart was resolved. The two of them could get along with each other, and occasionally they talked and joked. They had to play gambling games. , Talk about the world and talk about the people.

That is to say, regardless of whether Yuan Cixian is tempted or not, it is enough to treat Zheng Zhuo as a friend anyway.

After he finished listening, he asked Zheng Zhuo: “According to this, you also told her about the mess in the court?”

Zheng Zhuo said yes, and said: “She is very smart and can help me. Remember the case of the Criminal Department a few days ago. I was going to play that day, but she stopped me.”

Lu Shiqing thought it was funny: “I said, where did you get the root of wisdom?”

Zheng Zhuo sighed, as if feeling that he and Yuan Cixian had thrown off a part of his mind, and finally said: “Actually, we can call her when we talk about things. The ideas in her head are quite suitable for you.”

Lu Shiqing said forget it, and don’t discuss state affairs with the little girl.

But one time later, when Prince Ping was unfavorable to the Yuan family, Zheng Zhuo still took Yuan Cixian to Xu’s house to discuss with him.

Lu Shiqing took the trouble and pretended to be a teacher. After all, his identity is a secret. Zheng Zhuo can tell Yuan Cixian about his own affairs, but it is not easy to disclose his without authorization, so he didn’t let her know.

Seeing Yuan Cixian that day, Lu Shiqing remembered that he greeted him casually, “I often hear His Highness talking about the county lord.”

Unexpectedly, she smiled and asked, “What did he say about me?”

He choked, thinking that it was just a scene, why did she take it seriously, so he had to bite the bullet and think of a word: “Bingxue is smart.”

Immediately seeing her exclaimed, she tilted her head and said to Zheng Zhuo: “You praise me so much?”

When Lu Shiqing heard this, he thought it was good. He called Zheng Zhuo “you” a few months ago, but now he has become “you”. Sure enough, the relationship is quite close, so his hard work was not in vain. Then Yuan Cixian looked over and said, “Your Highness often talks about Mr.

He glanced at Zheng Zhuo and asked intentionally, “What did he say about me?”

She smiled slyly, and didn’t know whether the answer was true or not: “Bingxue is smart.” Then she also looked at Zheng Zhuo, with a hurtful gesture among friends, “Hey, so you only know this word?”

Zheng Zhuo seemed dissatisfied, and said: “Who said that?” After finishing it, he seemed to feel that he had explained the wrong point, and added, “Wait a minute, when did I praise him?”

The three of them talked about the serious business after talking about it. Because of this matter, they had several exchanges in the future. It was also at that time that Lu Shiqing got acquainted with Yuan Cixian as a teacher and found that it was indeed as Zheng Zhuo said. I always think of a way to go with her. But he is not an active person, even if his ideas are in harmony, he never expresses them.

He reckoned that Yuan Cixian had similar feelings, but he didn’t reveal it either, maybe because Zheng Zhuo was his fiancé, so he didn’t talk to him too much.

Zheng Zhuo also asked him at that time, did this mean that the little lady cared about his feelings.

He said it was probably, or else he simply followed the rules of etiquette, and said: “I am not her, you can ask her directly.”

After this matter was resolved, he hadn’t seen Yuan Cixian for a while, and meeting her again was not a serious family and country event. It was because she asked Zheng Zhuo to ask him, saying that she had known his name for a long time and wanted to watch him play a game of chess.

Zheng Zhuo was the one who agreed to everything she said, and agreed without hesitation.

But he murmured in his heart that there was something wrong with this matter, and he was afraid that he was always wearing a mask, making her suspicious of his identity, or that Zheng Zhuo’s beauty was in charge, and she would show his feet at some point, making her want to confirm it.

Sure enough, Yuan Cixian pretended to be drunk after drinking a glass of wine at Xu’s house that day, and wanted to point out a star in the sky to Zheng Zhuo, and then slapped Lu Shiqing’s mask with a “slap” , and then looked back at him in a fake panic state.

He thought it was lucky, fortunately he had been prepared for a long time, showing half of his face so ugly that he even loathed it.

His face was painted dark and covered with things. It looked like maggots from a distance, and only half of it was exposed. There was no reason to show his appearance. Even Zheng Zhuo was shocked, let alone Yuan Cixian. I was too scared to speak on the spot.

He lied and explained that he was assassinated by King Ping a few years ago, and he used many strange herbs to save his life. As a result, he left such a scar on his face.

Zheng Zhuo probably admired his acting skills so much, but Yuan Cixian was very apologetic and kept apologizing to him, saying that he didn’t do it on purpose just now, and asked him if he wanted to seek medical advice. She could help contact some famous artists in southern Yunnan .

He said no, and gave Zheng Zhuo a wink.

Zheng Zhuo saw that it was indeed too late, so he hurriedly sent her back to Shengyefang.

At that time, Lu Shiqing felt that he had sacrificed so much, so he should be done once and for all. Unexpectedly, a few days later, he took a bath at the mansion. After lunch, he took a bath because of the smell of mutton. Come knock on the door.

It was the secret code agreed with Zheng Zhuo, yes, two shorts and three longs.

He said he was in a hurry, so he put on his underwear and went to open the mechanism, but when the secret door opened, it was Yuan Cixian who came up with an adventurous look.

Both of them were stunned.

He was so shocked that he forgot he was shirtless.

Yuan Cixian was probably so shocked that he forgot that he was not wearing a shirt.

The four eyes met, looked at each other in dismay, and then “bang”, something exploded in the air.

He turned his head to grab the clothes, turned around and found her covering her eyes, and jumped down the stone steps with a brisk step to run to the other side of the secret passage.

But at this time an accident happened. Suddenly, a big and black thing jumped up at the entrance of the secret passage.

Yuan’s dog.

At that time, he was so frightened that he couldn’t hold his clothes steadily, and he was too trembling to put them on even if he wanted to, so he could only cover up his chest.

Yuan Cixian saw that she was going down, but the dog came up, and turned around to catch the dog.

But the accident happened again. The door of the outer room was knocked, and he heard A Niang say: “Son, A Niang brought you some autumn clothes, you can choose.”

Startled, he quickly said, “Wait a minute.” Then he looked back at Yuan Cixian who was catching the dog.

The black dog jumped into the room, like a mad rabbit, she couldn’t catch it in a hurry, and chased it all the way to his bed. The dog got under the bed, as if there was something to eat inside, and she lay on the ground with her hands stretched in, as if she couldn’t get it out no matter how hard she pulled.

His scalp was numb, and he didn’t dare to help her catch him because he was afraid of dogs. Hearing that A Niang seemed suspicious, she kept urging, so he rushed into the room, pointed at the bottom of the bed, and the expression in his eyes probably said: It’s too late to explain, you go in too.

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