Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 120

Chapter 119 – Spoiler · Present Life · Great Reunion (1)

In the ninth year of Changqing, three months after Yuan Cixian successfully gave birth to Erlang of the Lu family.

In mid-February, when the Insects Awakening is approaching, the season is warm and cold, and the morning and night are full of humidity, but the sun is warm and pleasant at noon, which is a good time for spring fishing.

Outside the city of Luoyang, as the ice and snow melted, the willow branches sprouted tender shoots, and the birds sang and the flowers smelled fragrant. When you go boating to the middle of the river, you can catch live fish with a fishing rod.

On the head of He Xinzhou, Yuan Cixian rested his legs on a pillow to bask in the sun, while urging the person above him from time to time: “Did you catch it?”

Lu Shiqing held the rod in one hand, tightened her lips with the other hand as if punishing, looked down at her bitterly and said, “If you make another noise, even the stupidest fish will run away.”

Her lips were pinched, she was speechless, and murmured vaguely: “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)!”

She was saying: My voice is so nice, how can I scare away the fish!

Lu Shiqing heard it clearly, and sighed: “Look, there’s another run.”

“…” She was so angry that she snorted heavily, and bit his finger viciously the moment he had no choice but to let go.

He was bitten so painfully that he felt that the bone of his index finger was going to be broken, he gritted his teeth and scolded: “Yuan Cixian, do you know what my hand is for?”

Saying this made Yuan Cixian remember the Chang’an night ten years ago.

When she first met ten years ago, she followed Lu Shiqing to the outskirts of Chang’an to investigate a case. After being caught by her brother, he was so angry that he beat him severely.

At that time, she asked Brother if she knew what Lu Shilang was going to do in the future, and then she praised him for asking and answering, and finally said that he wanted to help the world.

In a daze, she leaned on his leg and said comfortably: “Now that the whole world has been helped, what else do you have to do?”

Lu Shiqing obviously also remembered her blowing violently back then. She stretched out her five fingers to take a look, then bent her lips and replied: “There is something more important than helping the world. I have to let you relax at night.”

“…” Yuan Cixian was so choked up that she couldn’t refute, she pretended to be shy and coquettish for a long time, covered her face and said, “Someone is promiscuous all day long!”

Married for about eight years, old husband and wife, all kinds of nasty words are rotten, what’s the point of proclaiming obscenity in the daytime, he has restrained himself without directly getting started in this barren mountain and wild place.

Lu Shiqing said lightly: “Why, who else can join me now?”

Yuan Cixian said in his heart that he should just sneer.

A year ago, he brought her to Luoyang to have a baby. Not long after that, he handed over his resignation letter to the poor little sage. Then catch him wrong.

The seven-year court game is finally over.

Every time she thinks about this, she has to feel that Jiang Guo is really old and hot. When he was in the court, he was lucky and able to do a job with ease. When he was away from the court, he retreated bravely, and the golden cicada escaped his shell. There was nothing the little emperor could do with him. He could only watch Yuan Shu being taken away from the capital.

She twisted her body like a snake, changed from lying on her back to lying on her side facing him, and said, “If you don’t catch me a bass today, you won’t be full later.”

Look, she can speak nasty words too.

Lu Shiqing sighed, tightened his grip on the fishing rod, and focused his gaze on the river.

As soon as this woman is free, tricks come out. Back then he missed her birthday on the third day of February two years in a row because of a Nanzhao war and a Uyghur war, and now she asked him to make it up. Today is her birthday, he has to make her a bowl of perch soup with his own hands.

Bass must be hand caught. Chopped green onions must also be planted and cut by hand. As for tofu cubes, if you can’t grind them by yourself, at least you have to buy them yourself and cut them yourself.

In order to make perch soup, he started to plant green onions in the back garden of his house early on. Every morning, with his hands behind his back and his waist bent, he watched the onions grow up little by little, just like raising a son.

Simply sick.

Seeing him frowning with bitterness and hatred on his face, Yuan Cixian was satisfied, just about to close his eyes and fall asleep, when suddenly his brows loosened, and his hand holding the fishing rod tightened slightly.

There is.

She turned her head suddenly, just as Lu Shiqing folded her wrist and lifted the pole, pulling the bait and prey out of the water, but the next moment, before she had time to take a closer look, she scrambled to her feet.

A scream that shocked Haruno. The bait hook was attached to a long yellow-brown object nearly three feet long, and the object was writhing and struggling with bouncing and bouncing.

He, he caught her a slippery water snake!

God knows this thing could kill Yuan Cixian.

Lu Shiqing was also taken aback when he saw this, fearing that she would be so frightened that she would not be able to pick the bait hook in time after getting up, so she simply threw the pole quickly and threw it into the river far away.

After the sound of “咚”, he came back to his senses, and then he realized that his back was heavy. When he looked down, he saw a pair of jade arms wrapped around his neck and a pair of thin legs wrapped around his waist——Yuan Cixianru Like an octopus, he tied himself tightly to his back, and said in surprise: “How can there be snakes in the river!”

He laughed for a while, stretched out his hand to support her calf, lifted her up, stabilized his back and turned around, “You ask me, who should I ask?”

Yuan Cixian was still in shock, and the goosebumps all over her body hadn’t faded away. After shaking, she recovered a little bit, her forearm tightened inward, and she seemed to be strangling him hard: “You caught him, If you don’t ask, who are you asking?”

Just as he was about to speak, he saw her suddenly shake her head vigorously, as if shaking off some picture in her head, and said: “Go back and settle the accounts, hurry up and go ashore.”

Seeing that she didn’t seem to want to come down, Lu Shiqing said, “How can I push the boat when you’re like this?” Seeing that she was about to pretend to be pitiful when she pursed her mouth, and it seemed that she had tried ten years of trickery, he stopped her first, and bent over to take her. Gao, reminded, “Then hold yourself well.”

She nodded, lowered her head and took her chin to rub against his neat temple hair: “Hold it, hurry up.”

Lu Shiqing was urged to land by her all the way, and after carrying her into the carriage on the shore, he confirmed: “I’m going back to the city now, don’t you want to drink perch soup?”

“There are snakes in the river, how can you eat the fish you catch!”

He frowned: “Then what about the tofu I bought and the green onions that have been raised for so long?”

She thought for a while and said, “I’m so brain-dead at this time, won’t you bring it down for me to eat?”

“Oh.” Lu Shiqing nodded as if suddenly enlightened, looked at the sky and thought deeply, “Okay.”

This is good.

The next day, the fourth day of February, the day after Yuan Cixian’s birthday, was also the 100-day banquet for Lu Yuanting, the Erlang of the Lu family. The banquet was held in the Lu Mansion of Luoyang City, it was very low-key, no old courtiers were involved, and the guests invited were all the closest relatives.

Early in the morning, Yuan Cixian woke up lying in Lu Shiqing’s arms, remembering this incident, recalling his actions last night, thumping his back and thinking, a bunch of guests want to entertain, he just can’t bear it all night, insisting on wolves and tigers Treating her like a leopard, I don’t know whose birthday it is.

Lu Shiqing was disturbed by her movement and opened his eyes. Seeing that she was about to get up, he pushed her head back and said in a hoarse voice, “It’s still early.”

She pushed him: “Everyone should be here in a while.”

“It’s okay, my own person. You can just sit anywhere when you come. Yuan Zhen wakes up early and will treat you well.” After he finished speaking vaguely, he closed his eyes and went back to sleep, leaving everything to the eight-year-old Lang.

Yuan Cixian giggled, stretched out a finger, and slapped his chest in circles to provoke him: “Live at night, and look like mud in the morning, Lu Zishu, thirty-two years old, you are old and late.”

He opened his eyes in a “swish”, there was no sign of chaos at this time, and he grabbed his arrogant fingers in the palm of his hand: “Yuan Cixian, you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can’t talk indiscriminately.”

She bent her knees, poked him under him, and felt that he was gaining momentum, and said: “Alive? If you are alive, you will get up.”


Lu Shiqing got up, not only got up, but also turned over and pressed her under him, his eyes were like knives, probably berating her for not thinking it was a big deal.

Yuan Cixian can’t help it, if he doesn’t pick something, he won’t wake up, will he?

She said, “Quick and quick.”

Every time she used this kind of “oh” and “yo”, Lu Shiqing’s scalp would explode, and without saying a word, he went straight to the mountain gate.

After the cloud harvested the rain and rested, tidied things up, took a good time, and walked out of the yard. Then the servants said that Lu Shuangyu and Dou Azhang had arrived.

Speaking of this pair, there is also a story to tell. When the late emperor was still there, Lu Shuangyu couldn’t bear Dou Azhang’s harassment, and she always looked down on him whenever they met. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she fled to Uighur with her brother, but she missed him in a foreign country. The affection at that time was not enough to be lovesick, but she left in a hurry without leaving any explanation, so when I occasionally think of it, I feel a little worried, afraid that the bookworm will miss it or misunderstand it, and what to do with the emperor.

After thinking about it for a while, when Lu Shiqing and Yuan Cixian returned to Beijing to support Zheng Hong, and the chaos in Chang’an City was initially settled, she returned to Beijing with A Niang under the **** of the army.

On the first day when I went back, I turned a corner and asked my brother and sister-in-law what was going on with Dou’s family.

Yuan Cixian said, do you know what a man looks like if he doesn’t cut his beard and hair for two months?

Lu Shuangyu was stunned and asked if it was Dou Azhang.

She said yes, but she was too late to see it. After he learned that the Lu family had not rebelled, and that she was safe and sound, he had already dealt with all the scum on her face.

Knowing that Yuan Cixian had no reason to exaggerate the facts, Lu Shuangyu hesitated at the mansion for a whole day, and just as soon as she made up her mind to visit Dou’s mansion, she heard that Dou Azhang was coming. She went out to welcome him, and saw at a glance that his beard and hair were indeed well-groomed, but he had lost weight several times, lost his shape, and hadn’t gained weight yet.

She couldn’t describe how she felt, but if she really wanted to describe it, it was probably like eating a string of candied haws. Cool, sour and sweet.

Seeing her struggling, Dou Azhang thought it was because she disliked his ghostly appearance, and hurriedly said that he didn’t come to disturb her, and left after confirming that she was safe and sound.

Lu Shuangyu secretly scolded him for being an idiot, stopped him, and asked Hongju to come out with a frisky old hen.

Dou Azhang didn’t realize what he meant, until the fat chicken was stuffed into his hand, and he heard her say: “Kill it and eat it, make your body strong, and then come to propose marriage!”

After she finished speaking, she didn’t know whether she was ashamed or annoyed, so she turned and ran away.

Dou Azhang’s heart stopped beating, and he stood there for a long time in a daze, and when he came to his senses, he let go of his hands in excitement, so the old hen broke free and ran all over the yard.

Lu Shuangyu hid in the corner, poked her head quietly, and saw him chasing the chicken in a panic, fluffing all over his hair clumsily, and laughed.

In the blink of an eye, this pair has been married for about six years. Since Dou Azhang became the Minister of Rites, Lu Shuangyu naturally lived with him in Chang’an.

Lu Shiqing and Yuan Cixian talked about these past events, went out to meet them, and ordered the servants to call Yuan Zhen and Yuan Shu, who were playing outside, to meet the guests.

The servant hurriedly went to look for the brothers and sisters, but when they reached the side door, they only saw Yuan Shu. The eight-year-old girl was playing with a slingshot, blindfolded with a red silk cloth, and hit a row of small targets in front of her.

The target fell to the ground in response, and the maidservants who accompanied her clapped and applauded.

Just as the servant was about to step forward, he told the little lady not to play tricks. Suddenly, there was a sound of wheels, and then a luxurious carriage ran into his sight. The carriage was black, and the wall of the carriage was carved with chi patterns. Ordinary people.

As soon as the car came to a complete stop, a person came down from the curtain, at the same time, the little lady over there who didn’t know it came over with a slingshot and hit the man’s waistband just right, with a crisp tinkling sound.

“Ouch!” The person who was hit by the stone didn’t make a sound, but another eunuch-like person came down from the car, holding his voice, “Everyone, are you all right?”

The servants and the maids at the side were stunned, and when they realized the identity of the visitor, they hurriedly fell to their knees.

Lu Yuanshu, who was covered with red silk, tore off the strip of cloth and looked towards the entrance with a puzzled face, and saw the young man with red lips and white teeth smiling, pushing away the eunuch’s hand and walking towards her, asking, “Yuanshu, don’t you recognize me?” ?”

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