Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 – Exploring The Wilderness At Night

There are many merchants in the west market, gold, silver and jewelry, and there are countless new toys. Yuan Cixian stopped and stopped all the way. At first, he chatted with Lu Shiqing from time to time, taking the opportunity to gain a good impression. Passing it back, I forgot for a moment that this person is likely to be the future emperor teacher.

An hour later, when Yuan Cixian came back to his senses, Lu Shiqing’s hands were already full, and several strings of red, emerald and emerald pearls hung on his arms. His long and narrow phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, showing that he was trying his best to endure.

Because Lu Shiqing won’t have time to change his official uniform in the future, passers-by on all sides cast surprised glances—this little lady is amazing for using such a big official as her entourage!

Yuan Cixian looked at them, and then at the gilt and four-curved silver bowl in his hand, thinking that Lu Shiqing might just put his head on it and leave, and then gave up the plan to have it.

She leaned in front of him, showed some flattering smiles, took some items out of his hands, and then put the pearls and jades on his left and right arms back to a state where their colors and positions were even, and then raised her head and said: “Lu Shilang, let’s go back Let’s go to the mansion. Find a mansion store to store these items, and I’ll send someone to pick them up later.”

Lu Shiqing waited patiently for her to arrange these odds and ends, and wished to part ways with her immediately after it was over, walked towards the Fangmen for a while, and stopped when passing the Silk Road, saying: “Lu Mou still has important things to do, Please go back first, the county magistrate.”

Yuan Cixian turned her head and saw him parked in front of a silk shop called “Jinxiuzhuang”, with the word “Ji” written on the cover hanging at the door.

Recalling the way he looked at Ji’s caravan before, she pointed to the plaque: “If what you said was to visit this shop, I would also like to go in and have a look.”

Lu Shiqing sighed, didn’t say yes, didn’t say no, turned his head and stepped over the threshold first.

Yuan Cixian smiled and followed.

At this time, there were not many customers in the shop, but the shop assistants all stood up, working together to move the big wooden box, busy to and fro. Looking at it like this, it seems that the batch of goods that just arrived are being placed.

Seeing Lu Shiqing’s attire, the shopkeeper knew that a nobleman was coming, so he quickly put aside the chores at hand, handed the account book to the accountant, and bowed to greet him: “This gentleman is a substitute for my husband…” He was halfway through speaking, noticing Yuan Ci Xian’s girl’s bun, quickly changed her words, “The little lady behind you came here to buy clothes?”

Lu Shiqing didn’t tear down the stage, he looked back at Yuan Cixian, and said to the shopkeeper indifferently: “Take out the newly purchased silks and satins from the store today to pick.”

The shopkeeper showed embarrassment: “My lord, what a coincidence, this batch of silks and satins has been reserved by a group of Hu merchants…”

Lu Shiqing twitched the corner of his mouth: “If I pay three times the price, are you willing to resell me?”

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the guys around immediately became vigilant.

The shopkeeper choked, his eyes flickered a few times, and he said with a bitter face: “Mr., it’s not a villain who doesn’t want to. It’s really a matter of buying and selling, and the principle of first come, first served.”

Lu Shiqing smiled: “In that case, I won’t embarrass the shopkeeper.”

Yuan Cixian stepped forward suddenly: “But I want to be in a difficult situation, what should I do?”

Lu Shiqing glanced at her.

She glanced back at him, and said with a smile to the shopkeeper: “Shopkeeper, this first-come-first-served argument is of course according to you, but I have come all the way, my legs and feet are sore, and your buddy is swaying in front of me in such a big way again.” Dangling away, not to take a look at the silk and satin in the box to feast my eyes, it really makes my heart itch. I’ll just take a look, and it won’t hinder your business, right?”

The shopkeeper was already old and his hair was gray, but Yuan Cixian’s charming smile was exactly the same as the one he used to show to Lu Shiqing.

Lu Shiqing suddenly felt that she was chattering, especially noisy, so she turned around and left without saying hello.

Yuan Cixian let out a “hey” and grabbed his sleeve in desperation: “You are not allowed to go!” Then he said in a low voice, “The errand assigned by the saint will not be finished until I finish talking.”

He frowned and looked at the sleeves that had been wrinkled by her, shook off her hand, took a deep breath, and stood on the spot with his hands behind his back.

Yuan Cixian didn’t care much about his impoliteness, and continued to grind the shopkeeper until the old man was sweating, nodded and bowed and said: “Success, success! Wait a moment, little lady, and the villain will arrange it for you. “

She turned her head and glanced at the two guys who happened to be coming this way, her eyes fell on the two people’s strenuous steps, she pointed to the wooden box in their hands and said: “There is no need to work for the shopkeeper to arrange, I will just take a look at that box.” .”

The shopkeeper smiled apologetically, and waved his hand to stop the two of them. The two guys looked at each other, worked together to move the box, and carefully placed it on the ground.

The moment the box fell to the ground, Yuan Cixian’s ears turned slightly to the side.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the shopkeeper opened the box, someone hurriedly ran over from the backyard, whispered in his ear: “Shopkeeper, the merchants are here, and they are in a hurry to see the goods.”

When Yuan Cixian heard this sentence, she fixed her eyes on the half-opened box.

The shopkeeper turned around and closed the box, wiping off his sweat: “Little lady, I’m really sorry, the Hu merchants are here…Look, how about…”

“Why don’t I come back next time.” She smiled, which meant that she was not attached to it.

Seeing that she had finished watching, Lu Shiqing walked away.

Yuan Cixian didn’t know why he made a face, trotted a few steps to follow and said, “Lu Shilang, wait a minute.”

He stopped and looked back at her.

She didn’t seem to have any other intentions, so she told him to wait here, then went across the street, and when she came back, she had two more oiled paper bags in her hand, and handed one of them to him, saying: “You didn’t have lunch, This mustache is for you to satisfy your hunger on the way back.”

Seeing that he seemed to refuse, she immediately said: “Whether you eat or not is your business, but whether you give it or not is my courtesy.”

Lu Shiqing looked down and said, “No need.”

She had no choice but to move out Emperor Huining again: “Take it, and you can go back to do business.”

He frowned and took the oiled paper bag: “So, take your leave.” After saying that, he ignored her and walked to the gate first.

Looking at his back, Yuan Cixian curled her lips, and when she returned to Yuan Mansion, she hurriedly ordered Shi Cui to tidy her up and pretend to be out.

Shi Cui took a look at the sky outside, and while helping her untie her cumbersome dress, she worriedly said: “Little lady, you just came back and are going out again? In less than an hour, the sun will set.”

She nodded indifferently: “Lu Shilang seems to be investigating some case, I’ll go and have a look. If you’re worried, just come with me.”

Yuan Cixian probably guessed that the silks and satins of Wu Xingji’s family were tricky.

Just now, she took a quick glance at Jinxiuzhuang, and she checked the depth of the box with her eyes. She didn’t realize that such a quantity of silk and satin could make the box mover work so hard. Comparing the outer height of the box, I felt that there might be a dark layer hidden underneath.

Recalling the extra careful action of the man when he put down the box, and the crisp sound when the box hit the ground, she felt that there might be something similar to copper or iron in it.

Of course, apart from this, what is more important is Lu Shiqing’s attitude.

She doesn’t care what’s wrong with Silk Village. She wanted to know what Lu Shiqing checked it for. If she guessed correctly, he would probably go to find out next.

Shi Cui said: “Of course the servant girl will go with you, I’m afraid the gentleman will be angry if he finds out.”

“What are you afraid of, I’ll leave a note.” Yuan Cixian pulled out the hairpin indiscriminately, and asked, “Is the bag of beard cakes ready?”

The two packs of Hu Bing she bought were coated with rare sauces, which had a unique and strong taste. If Lu Shiqing carried them back to the carriage, there would be traces to follow.

Shi Cui nodded: “I’ve already taken the picked branches to Xiao Hei to sniff. If you follow the route from West Market, if everything goes well, you should be able to find Lu Shilang by following the smell. You can wait at ease.”

When Caizhi sent back the news that there was Hubing’s whereabouts, Yuan Cixian slipped out of the mansion with Shicui.

But she finally saw the oiled paper bag in a bush not far from Xishifang Gate.

Yuan Cixian looked down at the black dog with its mouth full of sauce, and choked for a while.

This Lu Shiqing really… doesn’t know what’s good or bad, doesn’t know how to flatter, doesn’t know how to behave!

Picking branches at the side with a look of embarrassment: “Little lady, I can only find out here, it’s the servant girl’s dereliction of duty.”

She shook her head, looking at the sky in despair, if she had known earlier, she would have taken a risk and followed him directly.

Shi Cui said: “Little lady, since Minister Lu is on guard, we probably won’t be able to keep up, so it’s better to go back to the mansion. If it’s late, Mr. Lang should be worried.”

Yuan Cixian nodded, turned around and was about to get into the carriage when she saw a caravan coming out of Xishifang Gate.

It was a group of aliens in brightly colored clothes, which looked like Uyghurs. The camel riders in front were all tall men, and at the end of the team, there were a few veiled girls who looked like servants.

The mules and horses pulled up a cart full of goods, and there were a few sandalwood wooden boxes inside that were very familiar. The emblem of Wu Xingji’s family was engraved on the corners of the box. It was the same batch that Yuan Cixian had seen in Jinxiuzhuang.

It has been a long time since the shop clerk said “Hu merchants are here”, but she didn’t find it strange. Thinking about it, the shopkeeper didn’t intend to show her the goods at all, but just asked the clerk to put on a show as an excuse. The real Hu merchants should have arrived later.

Yuan Cixian smiled and sighed.

Lu Shiqing, oh Lu Shiqing, man’s calculation is not as good as heaven’s calculation.

After a stick of incense, Yuan Cixian and Shicui mixed into the Uighur caravan, picked branches and left two maidservants who were knocked unconscious to deal with the aftermath.

The twilight is dim, and the **** sun hangs high in the sky.

The meandering caravan departs from the Golden Light Gate and slowly travels westward. Yuan Cixian covered her face with tulle, and walked to an inconspicuous position at the end of the team. The first few men with high noses and deep eyes sang along with the crisp camel bells. As for what was being sung, she couldn’t understand it. It probably was Uighur.

Everyone took the usual road at first, but when they were far away from the city gate, they changed their way and went to a remote area with many twists and turns. Yuan Cixian once marched with his father, and this journey was not difficult.

When it was dark, the caravan landed in a rural slum.

The houses in this area are low and dense, and they are all simple earth embryo houses. After the Uighurs arrived, they moved the goods down one by one and transported them to a bungalow.

Yuan Cixian followed the rest of the servants to fish in troubled waters, lighting a fire to boil water in front of a mud house, and waited until a few leading men relaxed their vigilance, sat by the fire playing and singing, drinking and roasting meat, and then gave Shicui a gesture to signal her to stay. Here, and then quietly went around to the back of the house.

She had roughly noted down the location of the bungalow just now, she looked up and found the right place, avoided the guards in front of the door, stooped to a half-opened rear window, and pulled the obstructing skirt to her calf Tie a knot, just about to jump in with arms, but something licked his ankle.

It felt hot and humid to the touch, and it was still so thick that her scalp was numb and she was about to jump up, but when she turned her head suddenly, she saw it was Xiao Hei.

It was sticking out its big tongue, looking up at her very honestly.

“…” Why did this silly dog follow!

Yuan Cixian swallowed a mouthful of saliva to suppress the shock, but realized that a scary dog can indeed scare people to death. She gave it a booing gesture, then pointed down, signaling it to stay here and not run around, and turned around and jumped into the room regardless of whether it understood or not.

Unexpectedly, before her feet hit the ground, she was turned over by a pair of hands that came out of nowhere, causing her to spin around for a while.

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