Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 25

Chapter 24 – Drunk

This situation can be described as riding a tiger. Lu Shiqing suddenly realized what stupid thing he had done.

Originally, Yuan Cixian was unwilling and wanted to tease him, but she didn’t expect him to be so easy to talk, so she couldn’t help being surprised, she lowered her head and stared at his hand in a daze.

But she still remembered to seize the opportunity, quickly regained her senses, and reminded him: “Lu Shilang?”

Lu Shiqing, who was wandering in the sky, was called back to his soul by him, and frowned slightly.

Isn’t it just a hairpin, which can be exchanged for physical and mental comfort from the outside to the inside, what’s not worth it? So he coughed in embarrassment, and said bravely, “Sit down.”

Yuan Cixian sat back obediently.

He walked around behind her, hesitated for a while, and slowly pushed the hairpin in without touching her hair, which was exactly symmetrical with the one on the right.

The green pearls are interspersed, making her black hair look like obsidian.

When you’re done, he paused, quickly moved away, and returned to his seat.

Even if Yuan Cixian didn’t touch it, she knew that the work done by Lu Shiqing’s hands must be delicate and appropriate. She smiled at him: “Thank you.”

Lu Shiqing’s head was full of what came into view when he went around behind her just now. His black hair was like a waterfall of satin. In a trance, his mouth was at a loss for words. He just said “um” and continued to open the “On Salt and Iron” After looking at it for a long time, he heard the person on the other side calling him softly again: “Lu Shilang—”

He glanced up at her, his brows were about to wrinkle, but he saw her face showing embarrassment, pointed at the book in his hand and said: “I want to say, you took this paper backwards.”


Lu Shiqing looked down, his face was as black as mud in an instant, and asked: “Hasn’t the county lord heard the principle of going back to the source?”

Yuan Cixian was stunned, nodded, then shook his head. No, she has heard this word before, but does it mean this?

“Don’t you want to say that if you take the book backwards, you can trace the source?”

“That’s right.” Lu Shiqing said without changing his face, resolutely not holding the scroll straight, “That’s exactly what I mean.”

Did the people of Dazhou know that the learned Tan Hua Lang, who was born in Huining in the eleventh year, was so serious in private that he misled his children? Yuan Cixian looked up at the sky with complicated emotions, but she didn’t expose him after all. She watched the “Rebellion” with him for more than half an hour, and didn’t leave Hanliang Hall until he went up to the high pavilion to check Zheng Hong’s schoolwork. .

When she came out of the garden, she happened to run into Zheng Zhuo, and she heard that he was going to teach Zheng Hong martial arts.

Yuan Cixian was a little strange, the little prince really should stretch his muscles at this age, but as far as she knew, the saints used to ask the second prince to take care of this matter, why is it his turn now.

There were palace people all around, so she didn’t ask any more questions, just had a brief face-to-face meeting with Zheng Zhuo, and after returning home, she asked her elder brother to pay attention to the recent changes in the situation in the court, and then discussed with him about Xu Shan: “I have called the picker Zhi went to Xunyang, but when it’s not free, it will take more than a month if you don’t say anything, and there may not be any results, I thought, I have to do both, and find a chance to see his true face.”

“Since we can’t tear ourselves apart with the sixth prince, we can’t directly tear off Mr. Xu’s mask. How can it be so easy to see the truth?”

Yuan Cixian smiled: “The two of them are not stupid, how could they not notice that my Yuan family has not fully entrusted their trust? To put it bluntly, this is a layer of window paper. We can poke it, but it’s a good way, we have to give it to each other Leave enough leeway and sympathy for the bright side. Even if they see the clues, it is enough to assume that we have concerns about this cooperation rather than hostility.”

“So, you have countermeasures?”

She nodded: “Three days later, Mr. Xu will come to the banquet. At that time, we will set up a banquet in the small courtyard. There will be no servants around. After three rounds of drinking, brother pretends to get up for convenience, and leave the rest to me.”

Three days later, at dusk, Lu Shiqing once again came to the Yuan Mansion as Xu Shan, and it was Yuan Cixian who forced him to accept the invitation of being a rogue last time.

He was led to a small open-air courtyard by the servants. He saw a large table of jade plates and delicacies, and a roasted whole lamb with a charming posture in the middle. Then he saw the warm smiles of the brothers and sisters of the Yuan family on the other side of the table. , temporarily flinched.

Yuan Yu only regarded him as reserved, and greeted him with a smile: “Mr. Xu, please sit down quickly.”

Lu Shiqing was exhausted physically and mentally from rushing to the scene. He didn’t know what trap the brother and sister had set up for him to jump tonight. He nodded at each of them, entered the seat, and sat opposite the long table.

Yuan Cixian rolled up her thin sleeves and poured wine for him with her own hands.

Hehe, she is still as enthusiastic about “Xu Shan” as ever. I’m afraid I don’t remember the kindness he gave her to put hairpins in the Hanliang Palace a few days ago.

He sneered in his heart, nodded his expression calmly, and said: “Xu is not good at drinking, let’s replace it with tea.”

Of course Yuan Cixian didn’t force him, poured tea for him again, and said: “Sir, use your chopsticks, there is no one else, my sister-in-law is going back to her mother’s house to visit relatives these days, and she is not at the house.”

Yuan Yu ate according to the table, and said one by one: “This milk stewed chicken is very tender, sir, try it. There is also this Tonghua soft beef intestines, cloves, crystal dragon and phoenix cake…”

Lu Shiqing nodded, took the silver chopsticks, and put some shredded mutton into the bowl. Yuan Cixian thought that he liked to eat this, so he quickly put this plate in front of him.

There were no servants around, and there were only three people in the small courtyard. The brother and sister drank wine, while Lu Shiqing ate tea. At the beginning, they only chatted about the dishes, and when the sky was getting dark, Yuan Yu talked more and more. From playing Cuju when he was young and being smashed all over his head, to talking about the nuptial night when he tripped over the threshold of his new house, he started to care about Yuan Yu. Ci Xian’s marriage.

With a drunken look on his face, he patted the table and said: “Cixian, tell me, when will you catch Lu Shilang and make him our family’s son-in-law?”

Lu Shiqing’s face froze.

Yuan Cixian hurriedly covered his mouth, and apologized to his opponent: “My brother is drunk.”

He took a deep breath and said calmly, “It’s okay.”

Yuan Yu was really drunk, waved her hand away unhappily, and said: “Brother even taught you the book of playing hard to get, why do you still…” He was covered in the middle of his speech again.

Lu Shiqing’s face behind the mask became more and more ugly.

Yuan Cixian couldn’t laugh or cry. She did tell Yuan Yu to drink more wine, so that he could get up to go to the toilet logically, but he would drink too much.

She hurriedly smiled at the person opposite: “My elder brother is talking nonsense after drinking, sir, don’t tell others when you turn around, lest this word will reach Lu Shilang’s ears.”

Sorry, it has already arrived.

Lu Shiqing felt that this scene could not be performed, and for a moment he wanted to shoot the scene, but he finally calmed down with strong restraint, and then spit out the word “good”.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Yu was still making trouble, this time he simply stood up and stepped on the stool: “But Cixian, you said you wanted to dress up as a servant and sneak into the Lu residence…”

Yuan Cixian was anxious, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop him, dragging his arm while saying: “I will send brother back to the room first, sir, wait here.”

After she finished speaking, she dragged Yuan Yu away, leaving Lu Shiqing looking up at the moon with anger in her heart.

Oh, thanks to his familiarity with the art of war, he was almost defeated by playing hard to get. No wonder he felt inexplicably out of his mind these days. It turned out that he was not secretly in love with Yuan Cixian, but was calculated.

Hehe, this girl is going to dress up as a servant and sneak into his mansion? It’s impossible for him to be the servant and guard of Lu’s mansion, it’s just a dream!

He would rather be with dogs than let himself fall into her hands!

Ten thousand runaway wild horses whizzed through Lu Shiqing’s heart in an instant, and when the horses finished running and Yuan Cixian came back, he also regained his composure, with a slight sneer on his mouth and a gentle knife hidden in his eyes.

As soon as Yuan Cixian came back, he apologized to him, said a lot of apologetic words, and then said: “Mr. made me laugh, I will punish myself three times.”

I’ve never heard of people punishing themselves for drinking when they laugh at them. As Xu Shan, Lu Shiqing should have stopped her very understandingly, but he didn’t want to stop her now. Punishment, it should be punished, can we punish three more?

Yuan Cixian drank three cups of wine, sat back on the opposite side, and began to think about what to do next. According to the previous plan, she was going to wait for Yuan Yu to leave the banquet, no one was around, pretending to be drunk and crazy, forcing Xu Shan to bow and send her to the backyard, and then find an opportunity to lift his mask on the way.

She was already getting drunk just now, but brother fell off the chain and forced her to sober up, even though she had drunk three glasses right now, if she fell drunk immediately, it might not be convincing, she had to drink more.

She thought for a while, thought about it, and suddenly sighed heavily.

At this moment, Lu Shiqing had no choice but to ask: “Why is the county magistrate sighing?”

She squeezed the corners of her eyes and said: “Brother is talking nonsense after drinking. He said it without intention, but it aroused my sadness.” After she finished speaking, she poured out another glass of wine.

Lu Shiqing sneered in his heart, and said on the face: “What’s on your mind, the county magistrate, you might as well talk to Xu.”

Yuan Cixian felt sad for autumn and spring, and sighed again: “There is nothing to say, but the king’s heart is as cold as iron, and his concubine will go with the water—” After speaking, he raised a cup and drank again.

Lu Shiqing’s teeth were sore, and he coughed: “In this case, why doesn’t the county master abandon this idea?”

Yuan Cixian raised her hand to stop him: “Mr., how can people easily throw away the word love? Even if his heart is as cold as iron, and he treats me like nothing, I have no complaints or regrets, and I am happy with it.”

Lu Shiqing’s mouth twitched slightly. The sour word was made up smoothly backwards, but it wasn’t him who was lying and pretending, it was obviously her.

Yuan Cixian drank alcohol desperately while chanting, with a heartbroken appearance, and when the booze was almost over, it was natural to pretend to be drunk, and began to talk upside down, pointing at the table and giggling: “Look, sir, this suckling pig Born so strong!”

Lu Shiqing glanced at the roasted whole lamb, said “yes”, and saw her lowering her head to play with the cup, looking at the reflection of the moon above her head, and said, “Hey, Wu Gang! Sir, I saw Wu Gang who cut laurel!”


Yuan Cixian raised his head and sipped the wine, then looked closely at the bottom of the cup, and exclaimed: “Hey, he’s gone!” As he spoke, he staggered under the table, “Where did he go?” , and stumbled towards a locust tree beside him, hugging the thick trunk, and asked in a crying voice, “Do you know where Wu Gang went?”

Lu Shiqing wanted to help his forehead. He looked around, but couldn’t see a servant, so he walked to her side and said, “Master, you are drunk, Xu asked someone to take you back to your room. Where is your maid?”

Yuan Cixian looked back at him in a daze: “Huh, Minister Lu?”


What, she can see through walls when she’s drunk?

The blood flowing all over Lu Shiqing’s body almost froze, but she smiled silly for a moment, reached out and grabbed his arm: “Lu Shilang, why did you come to my house? You came just in time, can you help me find Wu Gang? “

cannot. She thinks beautifully.

Seeing that she was just talking nonsense, he heaved a sigh of relief, gently and gracefully stroked her hand off, and said solemnly: “County Lord, Xu is not Lu Shilang, can you tell Xu, where is the yard you live in?”

“Yard? I don’t live in a courtyard, I live,” she belched alcoholically, pointing upwards, “I live in the sky, I’m a fairy girl!”


As she spoke, she came to tug on his arm again, and asked while shaking, “Lu Shilang, don’t I look like a fairy girl?”

Lu Shiqing was silent, and when she was about to shake his arm off, he answered helplessly: “Like.” Seeing her blushing cheeks and smiling like an idiot, she continued, “You wait here, Xu will call a few for you.” A servant comes.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, but suddenly a delicate body was attached to his back, and immediately after, a pair of jade arms climbed around his neck, and the female hooligan almost hung on him.

He froze suddenly, and heard her muttering in his ear: “No, Minister Lu, you can’t leave me…”

Her words were dull, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, but the clear and hot smell of wine sprayed on his ears accurately, making him tremble. Afterwards, he felt a handful of fire burning from head to toe, his lower abdomen crawled like ants, and the “tent” under it was set up without hesitation.

Lu Shiqing was speechless for a moment. Can you be emotional like this? Did she drug him?

He wanted to get rid of her, but because of the embarrassing situation in front of him, he didn’t dare to act recklessly, his limbs were stiff, he held his breath and calmed down for a while, and said: “Master, you have really admitted the wrong person.”

He felt awkward after saying this. Could it be that he is Lu Shiqing now, so she can let her do whatever he wants?

Yuan Cixian acted as if she hadn’t heard of it, and continued to make trouble on her back, beating him while saying: “Lu Shilang, carry me back to the room!”

Back, back her a ghost!

He frowned, furious, he was going to dump her no matter what happened, but just as he grabbed those jade arms, he wanted to turn around and push her, but she caught her ankles.

Turning around was like a trip, he lost his balance and knocked her down. Seeing that the back of her head was about to hit the tree trunk, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms.

Yuan Cixian let out a low cry, and fell into his arms. At the same time, she seemingly inadvertently bumped her elbow upwards, hitting his mask.

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