Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 32

Chapter 31 – 031

At this moment, Yuan Cixian was not flustered anymore. The fact that the other party set up such a trap shows that they know her details very well, but she has no clue about their identities. She had to calm down before she could think of a way to deal with it.

Her gaze slowly swept over the uninvited guest: there were twenty-five men in the front and back, and they were all good horses. The cavalry’s Mo Dao, viewed from a distance, does not seem to have any special lines on the blade.

They didn’t give her much time to think. The one in the lead raised his hand and broke the tripping rope with a knife, and then swung forward. The people on both sides rushed forward without getting off, and killed Yuan Cixian’s guards.

Yuan Cixian was surrounded and said nothing. Shi Cui knew that she was observing the enemy’s situation, so she didn’t say anything to disturb her. It happened that Cao An didn’t talk too much, so they galloped silently and brandished their knives to disperse the men in Xuanyi who were trying to get close to her.

Although the Yuan family’s guards were considered skilled, they were no match for these people who came prepared, and the long-handled Mo Dao slashed and slashed the spears, and quickly swept them all off their horses. After a short while, there was a **** smell all around. When a guard’s head was picked up by Mo Dao, and the wound was bleeding profusely, Yuan Cixian, who was still in the wind and rain, finally turned pale.

She had indeed been in the army, and had seen corpses strewn all over the fields and the tragic scenes of people dying, but she had always been sheltered by her father, and she only watched from a distance, and rarely experienced such a killing scene. Even if he rescued Father last time, he was still commanding from the rear. The cruel methods of these people now really made her shudder.

This area has been raining a lot lately, and the two sides didn’t fight each other for a long time, the originally clear sky became a lot darker, and in an instant, sand and rocks flew away, and it was as dim as dusk.

She took a look at the sky, took a few breaths amidst the sound of swords piercing into the flesh one after another, avoided paying attention to the mud, blood and corpses all over the ground, calmed down, and whispered to Shi Cui: “Look at their formation.”

Shi Cui has followed Yuan Cixian for many years, and she has a tacit understanding with her, and she understands it as soon as she hears it. Although the current fight between the two sides is not as good as fighting with the army, even if the smart killer has the upper hand, in order to reduce the damage, he will not fight indiscriminately, so even if it looks scattered, there must be rules to follow.

At such a glance, she discovered a crucial point. The opponent’s purpose is to kill people, so logically speaking, they should charge all the way, but this formation looks like a pair of wings. While they are killing, they are protecting someone.

Yuan Cixian saw that she was aware of the clues, and continued to whisper: “The commander at the head is just a cover, not the real leader. That person may be their master. You cover Brother Cao and kill him.”

When Cao An heard this sentence, he exchanged glances with Shi Cui, and then said, “County Lord, be careful” and galloped out.

Facts have proved that Yuan Cixian is indeed right. Seeing that Shicui and Cao An were approaching menacingly, the other party had to slow down the pace of killing and restrained some to protect the master. In this way, the few remaining people on Yuan Cixian’s side slowed down. Take a breath.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the raindrops fell down.

The rain was pouring down, and people could hardly keep their eyes open. Shi Cui and Cao An’s slashing momentum was forced to slow down. As a result, the plan to capture the thief first was doomed to fail. The two faced endless killing moves. While they were busy hacking and killing, they turned their heads anxiously to watch the situation. They saw that the guards of the Yuan family were gradually losing their hands behind them.

Soon, all ten guards were dead, and in the pouring rain and mist, only her slightly thin figure was left.

Yuan Cixian had studied martial arts, but had never killed anyone. In front of these well-trained killers, a few moves were not enough, let alone two fists were hard to beat with four hands, and he was defeated in a short time.

A killer was on the horse, bent down to catch her, grabbed her and held her firmly in front of him, and then galloped out with a whip, as if to grab the lead.

Seeing this, Shi Cui hurriedly chased her regardless of being stabbed by the enemy. Cao An wiped the rain on her face and tried her best to block the swarming killers for her.

Yuan Cixian was hijacked by the man behind him and bumped all the way, unable to move an inch. She panted for a while, and reluctantly said: “If you don’t want to die, just rein in the horse.”

Because her whole body was soaked by the cold rain, her voice trembled slightly. The man ignored her.

She continued: “I still have a helping hand, not far ahead. Your brother is currently entangled by my guards, and he can’t catch up for a while. You kidnap me alone, and you will never end well. Whether you grab credit or not Your life is of the utmost importance? Rein in your horse first, and wait for your brother to come, and I will not be able to escape, so wouldn’t it be safer?”

The man still didn’t speak, not even fluctuating.

Yuan Cixian smiled brokenly, and raised her voice: “Brother, don’t you understand people’s words? I’m serious, my people are coming soon, you are hitting the knife’s edge. You Believe it or not, I’ll count to three and you’ll fall off your horse.”

Yuan Cixian herself didn’t believe this kind of nonsense. She knew that even if she counted to thirty, no one would come to rescue her. She couldn’t persuade him to rein in the horse, so she had to say something to distract him, to see if there was a chance to stab him down.

She was so cold that her lips were trembling, and she counted slowly: “One, two…”

The assassin seemed to be really determined, and he didn’t even move the hand holding her arm, but at the moment Yuan Cixian shouted “three” in despair, there was a sudden thunder above his head, and the man let out a muffled groan. fell off the horse.

Yuan Cixian was stunned and looked up at the sky.

Is that all right? Could it be that this is the rumored five thunderbolts?

She was so stunned that she forgot to move, she got off the horse and changed the owner, lost control, probably refused to carry her, and wanted to throw her off. When she came to her senses, she stretched out her hand to pull on the rein, half of her body was hanging outside, she was unable to recover, and she fell down with a low cry.

The moment she fell off the horse, Yuan Cixian thought, since God has the virtue of being good at life, and asked Lei Gong to help her, maybe she wouldn’t make her fall too badly.

And if she really didn’t fall too badly, she will fall to the ground for an instant, a pair of hands passed under her waist, and lifted her up. The next moment, she was surrounded by someone from behind on another galloping horse. Waisted.

The man asked her in a deep voice: “Yuan Cixian, is this what you call riding in the army?”

After hearing this voice, she turned her head suddenly, and saw Lu Shiqing’s face darkened, and he was looking at her with slightly squinted eyes. She was so cold that her thinking was slow, she forgot to reply, and looked up at the sky in a daze.

Lu Shiqing laughed angrily: “It wasn’t thunder, it was me.”

She lowered her head and glanced at the sleeve arrow in his hand, fully understood, and asked strangely, “Why are you here?”

“You don’t want me to come, I can throw you now.”

She quickly shook her head, tightened his arms around her waist, and said repeatedly: “Think about it, of course I want to! You must save people to the end!”

Lu Shiqing glanced at the blood and mud all over her body and the raindrops hanging on her long eyelashes, sighed, and didn’t speak again, but the arm resting on her waist tightened a little, and continued to move forward with the whip.

Yuan Cixian felt relieved and asked him, “Did you see Shi Cui and Brother Cao when you came?”

He nodded: “They came here to cover me.” After finishing speaking, he added, “The two of them can protect themselves, so you should worry about yourself, the other party may catch up at any time.”

With an “oh”, she folded her arms into his arms and stopped talking.

The rain gradually weakened a bit, but Yuan Cixian really couldn’t bear the cold, not to mention that Lu Shiqing was also soaked, and it was not warm to be next to him. After a long time, she tremblingly said: “…Where are we going?”

Lu Shiqing replied, “You think I know?”

This place where chickens don’t **** and birds don’t lay eggs is just a straight barren road, and I don’t know when it will be the end. Yuan Cixian is desperate in his heart, but his head has a flash of inspiration. He looks around and says: “Go further About ten miles ahead, there will be two side roads, you choose to go west, that road was originally an official road, and there is an abandoned post nearby.”

Lu Shiqing looked down at her: “How do you know?”

“I stopped there when I followed you…”


Half an hour later, the two went to the post station to hide from the rain. In order to prevent the horse from wandering outside and revealing its whereabouts, they took it in and tied it to the stable behind the house.

This inn was originally a small, single room with dilapidated doors and windows, which could not keep out the wind, and there were holes made by mice in the corners. If Yuan Cixian hadn’t rested here yesterday and cleaned it, the surroundings would be even more sloppy . But it’s not very clean right now, after all, it has accumulated dust for too long.

Lu Shiqing flinched as soon as he entered the door.

Yuan Cixian glanced at him: “Lu Shilang, you’re desperate to be picky right now, so just let it go.” After she finished speaking, she dragged her tired body and fell headfirst into a roll of straw bedding.

When she left yesterday, she didn’t tidy up the place. At this moment, there are still many straw rolls, firewood, and a few fire pockets left on the ground.

Lu Shiqing also knew that what she said was true, so he had to suppress the itchy discomfort all over his body, and went to check whether the firewood was damp, and finally lit it with a fire pocket, but when he turned around, he saw that she was fast asleep, and she refused to answer after calling several times. .

He had no choice but to squat down in front of her, reach out and shake her arm: “don’t sleep yet.”

Yuan Cixian woke up, but his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn’t open it. He stretched out his hand and almost slapped him in the face, and said: “I haven’t slept all night, and I’ve been chased all the way. I’m so tired. You do not bother me…”

Lu Shiqing avoided her hand, remembered the embarrassing incident last night, coughed, and said, “Dry your clothes before going to bed.”

She shook her head and muttered softly: “I’m fine, I’m not delicate, I can’t get cold…you are more important, just dry yourself…” After finishing speaking, she fell silent.

Lu Shiqing was furious, and dragged her to the fire along with the straw bedding.

“Hey…!” Yuan Cixian was dragged awake by him, and reached out to grab his arm, “Stop, stop… I’ll go by myself!”

He let go, and pushed his chin to signal her to hurry up.

Yuan Cixian was too tired to stand up, so she had to crawl to the side of the fire with her hands and feet, raised her head and said weakly: “Lu Shilang, I’m so dry in my clothes.”

“Then take it off.” He frowned and said, then turned his back and walked to the corner.

Yuan Cixian glanced at his back, and asked hesitantly, “How do I know you won’t look back?”

Lu Shiqing seemed to let out a “heh”, imitating what she said earlier: “County Lord, you are desperate to be picky right now, just let it go.”

She sighed, so she had to take off her outer clothes first, and was about to dry them before changing her inner clothes. When she looked up, she saw that Lu Shiqing’s feet were already dripping with water, and seeing that he was miserable, she said, “Lu Shilang, you will Take off the coat and give it to me, anyway, roasting one is roasting, and two are roasting.”

“No need.”

“Don’t be brave. If you contract the cold and fall down, who will take me to escape?”

Lu Shiqing was so angry with her that he pulled his belt, and threw his coat back without looking back.

Yuan Cixian reached out to take it, and yawned while roasting it: “I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep while roasting, so talk to me. How did you know I was in danger?”

He snorted coldly: “Your good dog.”

He drove on the road well, but was dragged out of the carriage by the animal insisting on biting the hem of his clothes. God knows how he was able to understand dog language under such circumstances.

Yuan Cixian was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. That’s right, she didn’t even notice, Xiao Hei seemed to have disappeared long ago. Probably took advantage of the chaos to report to Lu Shiqing.

“Where is Xiao Hei, where did you go?”

“How do I know?” Lu Shiqing said impatiently. He cares what a dog does.

Yuan Cixian was stunned by his tone, and couldn’t speak anymore. Thinking about asking him to flee to the world with her for no reason, he felt very sorry, and said in a low voice for a long time: “I’m sorry, Lu Shilang, for causing you to fall into this muddy water.” .”

Lu Shiqing hesitated slightly, and said, “I’m used to it.”

Anyway, every time she clings to him, something bad will happen.

He just said it casually, but Yuan Cixian didn’t know what he thought of, and asked in silence for a long time: “Am I always hurting people?”

Lu Shiqing considered it for a while, and answered a more moderate answer: “It’s okay.”

But he didn’t know that in the girl’s ears, “it’s okay” is equal to “yes”. So Yuan Cixian was not comforted at all, but sighed: “If I hadn’t insisted on running out, they wouldn’t have been sent by brother to protect me.”

It was only then that Lu Shiqing realized what she was thinking about. Hearing the words, she almost turned her head to look at her, but only remembered something wrong when she turned the toe of her boots. She hurriedly turned her head and said, “It has nothing to do with you.”

“It’s okay.” Her voice dropped.

Lu Shiqing also witnessed the tragedy when he came, and he was indeed horrified. It is understandable for a normally cheerful person to be depressed for a while. He frowned and thought about how to continue the conversation. After a while, he suddenly heard Got a strange smell.

Like something burnt.

He wrinkled his nose, turned around suddenly, and saw Yuan Cixian fell asleep on the straw bed, and their outer clothes were piled up by the burning fire, and they were burned upright. He dashed forward to rescue him, but he only had time to fish out two torn robes.

Lu Shiqing got up slowly, wearing a thin coat, shivering in the cool mid-autumn wind.

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