Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 41

Chapter 40 – 040

After listening to him talking about state affairs for a long time, Yuan Cixian felt a little sleepy anyway, but a question popped up in his heart, and suddenly wanted to get an answer, so he continued to pester him: “Since you have the common people in your heart, were you the same as the other courtiers back then?” They cursed me, the incident in Nanzhao, they said that my Yuan family did not know good from bad for their own self-interest, they insisted on resorting to force, causing the border soldiers and people to suffer more wars… You also supported me to go to Nanzhao to get married?”

“No.” Lu Shiqing said truthfully, “I privately persuaded the saint to accept your father’s military order, send troops to fight, and refused to make a marriage.”

Yuan Cixian hesitated for a moment, then raised her eyes and asked, “Why?”

He didn’t know her at that time, and it must not be out of selfishness. But she was still curious.

As if sensing her raised gaze, Lu Shiqing tilted his head slightly, it was clearly pitch black, but he seemed to see a pair of radiant misty eyes, staring at him intently.

The feeling of imagining in the dark was too strong, he tightened the cloth strips tied around his wrists, and replied without turning his head: “The so-called ‘reconciliation’ is a strategy with the ultimate goal of ending the war, shedding enmity with other races and maintaining harmony.” For example, there is a limit to advancing and retreating. Today, Uighurs and Tubo, etc., who have good relations with Dazhou, are the icing on the cake. But it will not work in Nanzhao. , which is tantamount to a humiliating compromise.”

“Afterwards, Nanzhao is bound to make progress, and all tribes may follow suit. At that time, the country will not be a country, and the king will not be a king. If the Great Zhou has reached the point where a woman sacrifices herself and compromises to establish a country, why not divide the territory Give it over to others, and seek a better rule for the common people?”

Hearing this last sentence, Yuan Cixian trembled with fear but also boiled.

Lu Shiqing continued: “Besides, Nanzhao’s intentions are very obvious, that is, to drive a wedge between the King of Southern Dian and the saint. Once you marry, the saint will become more and more dissatisfied with your father, lest he take refuge in Nanzhao, or even one day, may Put the knife on his head.”

“The foundation of southern Yunnan is not stable. Although there are good fighters in the imperial court, no one is more familiar with Nanzhao than your father, and is more qualified for the important position of guarding the southwest. Once the sage cuts off his arm and the Nanzhao iron cavalry passes through the gate, it will be like entering nowhere. In the realm of human beings, that will be the beginning of the disaster for the generals and common people of the Great Zhou Dynasty. How could it be so bad for your Yuan family to stop the war with war? Why should I support your marriage?”

If it is said that repairing the embankment made Yuan Cixian feel Lu Shiqing’s kindness to the people of Dazhou for the first time, these words made her truly confident for the first time in seeking his protection.

She didn’t say much, she held the corner of the quilt and whispered: “Lu Shilang, thank you for speaking for me back then.” Although it wasn’t for her.

Her tone was rare and sincere, different from the hypocrisy and arrogance of the past, Lu Shiqing smiled, but did not make a sound, but sighed inwardly.

What he said just now was right in his mind, but it was for Mingjun, and it would be futile to say such things with Emperor Huining. At that time, in order to get him to give up the marriage that was about to be finalized, he pretended to persuade him with political advantages and disadvantages.

If Yuan Cixian heard those inconsequential remarks, she might not be able to thank her.

But for his embarrassing status, what is more important than the means is always the purpose.

After a long time, he heard Yuan Cixian’s shallow and even breathing, thinking that she was finally willing to sleep, so he closed his eyes too.

In the early morning of the next day, Yuan Cixian woke up on the bed. When she woke up, she saw Lu Shiqing sitting in a rumbling carriage drafting an official document. She didn’t think anything was wrong at first glance, but she was taken aback when she realized it.

How did she get from the couch to the bed, and how did Lu Shiqing free his hands?

She stared blankly and asked, “Have you called Shi Cui here?”

Lu Shiqing didn’t raise his head, and said flatly, “No.”

“Then you are?”

He put down his pen and took out a thin blade from his sleeve to show her. It probably means that he cut the cloth strip himself.


Wow, he is so shameless!

Yuan Cixian was so angry that he slapped the quilt up, and the good impression he had accumulated for him last night was wiped out in an instant, and asked: “Did you get me on the bed?”

“No way.” Lu Shiqing glanced at her and frowned, “You are a girl, please pay attention to your wording and speak more elegantly, so as not to cause misunderstanding.”

What happened to the wording? It’s also doing dancing, writing and playing ink, and singing the wind and playing the moon is also doing it, isn’t it elegant? He himself was full of weird things, and he blamed her.

Lu Shiqing probably also felt that something was accidentally exposed, coughed, and explained: “The bed is cold, you are shivering in the middle of the night, I can’t sleep because of the shaking.”

So he got rid of the shackles in the middle of the night and changed the quilt with her. He didn’t disturb her, so he must have quietly carried her to the bed.

But isn’t he a clean freak? How could she be willing to sleep on the quilt she got through.

It’s getting more and more casual for him to go south. What about cleanliness, huh?

Yuan Cixian’s heart was miserable, just like last time at the post station, after hearing his very just explanation, her accusation was a little less justified.

In such a situation, in fact, she seemed to be able to ask him to be responsible for her, but she wanted him to be willing to protect the Yuan family, and it would definitely not work if she insisted on forcing it. Now if she is in a hurry to be serious, she will lose. She had to hold her breath and write down these few accounts, and then talk about it when the time was right.

So she calmed down her fluctuating mood, and said calmly: “Then thank you for taking care of me.”

Lu Shiqing’s hand holding the pen paused, and the tip of the pen pressed down on the paper, forming an ugly cloud of ink.

What’s going on, this situation is different from what he imagined. Why didn’t she take the opportunity to force him to marry her? He had already planned in secret, and after finishing the draft, how could she let him go so lightly?

Then he tried his best to plan what to do in this roommate.

Yuan Cixian saw that his expression was stagnant, as if he had suffered some setbacks, and looked at the ink marks on his pen and asked, “Lu Shilang, what’s wrong with you?”

Lu Shiqing regained his composure and picked up his pen, crumpled the discarded official documents into a ball, relaid the paper, and said with a smile, “It’s nothing, just thinking about the hardships of people’s livelihood, it’s just melancholy for a while.”

Yuan Cixian didn’t know whether to believe it or not, and said with a smile: “Oh, Da Zhou is really lucky to have you.”

After passing Qizhou, it was Shuzhou, the destination of Lu Shiqing’s trip.

In fact, yesterday’s rain did not cause flash floods at all. The bad thing is that the continuous heavy rain a few days ago made the mountains in this area very loose. Such a encounter was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The controlled disaster spread again, and a group of displaced people were added to the city.

Lu Shiqing and Yuan Cixian arrived at Shuzhou City at dusk, and happened to encounter a group of disaster victims pouring in from nearby, blocking the city gate to death. Most of these people came to beg for porridge, and some of them came to seek medical advice. After all, it was a fatal matter. Therefore, even if the gatekeepers kept shouting loudly, most people turned a deaf ear to them.

Seeing this, a young gatekeeper pushed an old man to the ground, pointed at him with a long knife in his hand and shouted, “All of them have no ears? Our Lu Qin envoy’s car has arrived, why don’t you wait?” Quickly dodge!”

This high-pitched sentence finally quieted the noisy crowd. Someone stared angrily, looked back at the imperial envoy team behind, helped the old man who broke his wrist and screamed in pain, and cursed: “What the **** is this imperial envoy, who can bully people like this?” ?”

After he finished speaking, he spat out a mouthful of saliva. Several strong men joined him and began to curse, while women, children and children trembled and did not dare to speak out.

The doorman was about to chop off his head with a long knife, but suddenly he heard a soft reprimand: “Stop.”

The voice was not loud, but it sounded crisp and clear. He paused for a while, and turned his head to see a man getting out of the imperial envoy’s carriage. He was dressed in a sky-blue round-neck cotton robe, with white skin and red lips, and bright eyes, falling on him. His eyes were full of disgust.

Yuan Cixian walked a few quick steps in this direction, reached the old man, lifted his arm with one hand, and touched his wrist bone with the other.

She put her clean and white hands on the old man’s muddy wrists, and rubbed her thumbs a few times, as if checking his injuries, she suddenly raised her eyes and smiled and asked, “Old man, where do you live?”

The old man was in a cold sweat from the pain. Seeing that she was dressed richly, he didn’t dare to offend her, so he reluctantly replied, “Li…Li Family Village.”

“Where’s your family?”

“My son and daughter-in-law have already entered the city this morning, and my pace is slow…”

Yuan Cixian showed a relieved smile: “I will send someone to send you to find them in a while.”


The old man was about to thank him, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a “click” sound of bones colliding from his wrist. Startled, he opened his mouth and looked at Yuan Cixian, without even reacting to the pain.

Yuan Cixian smiled: “You are dislocated, I just talk to you to make you less painful. But don’t worry, your son and daughter-in-law will still find you.”

Everyone around was stunned by her technique, and rushed forward after a moment of surprise.

“Imperial envoy, imperial envoy! My hand was also hit by a rock, and it hurts badly. Show me!”

“Imperial Envoy Bodhisattva, my child fell down and vomited all the time…”

They mistook her.

Yuan Cixian was surrounded by the crowd and couldn’t breathe. In the confusion, someone suddenly pulled her hand over. She was startled, and the first thought in her mind was: Who dares to insult the imperial envoy!

She was about to break free in a hurry, but she was covered by this man first, and when she looked up, she realized that it was a real imperial envoy.

Lu Shiqing faced the crowd and said indifferently: “My servant is not skilled in medicine, it was just a fluke to heal this old man’s injury. In another quarter of an hour, dozens of stone rations and a group of doctors will arrive in Shuzhou City. Temporary rain shelters along the roads in the city are waiting patiently.”

Who is his boy. Yuan Cixian slandered secretly, but saw him turn his eyes to the doorman who beat someone up first, thought about it seriously, and asked, “I don’t know you, are you working under King Ping?”

As soon as these words came out, the refugees who were whispering happily when they heard that the food had arrived originally turned their heads in unison.

Yuan Cixian whispered a cool word in his heart.

Now this farce may seem small, but it is actually of great importance. She was in the car, and when she heard what the gatekeeper said, she felt something was wrong. Lu Shiqing was not in a hurry to enter the city, he had arranged for the common people to enter first, and this person was obviously instructed by someone to instigate the relationship between the court and the common people.

Although there were only a small group of disaster victims present, the so-called bad news spread thousands of miles, who knows how the situation will evolve in the future. When a natural disaster is imminent, people are already in panic, but when someone disturbs it and the people rise up, it becomes a big mess. So she immediately got out of the carriage to stop the doorman from killing people, not wanting to make Lu Shiqing and the court suffer from being dumb.

Emperor Huining was indeed not a wise emperor, but someone took advantage of the chaos of the world and resorted to such a trick, and it has to be said that his intentions were even more sinister.

It’s just that it’s not easy to explain this matter, and a hundred sentences may not be clear. Yuan Cixian didn’t expect that Lu Shiqing would treat him in the same way as he did with just one question, and suddenly felt a little bit about him in his heart. He adored him so much that he forgot for a moment that her hand was still lying on his palm.

The door official was obviously overwhelmed by the question, he hurriedly nodded and said: “The villain is a door official, and I have never met King Ping.”

“Then you’ve seen me?” Lu Shiqing asked with a smile that seemed to have a good temper.

He shook his head: “The villain has never seen Envoy Lu Qin.”

“Since that’s the case, how dare you abuse lynching in my name?”

This charge is heavily charged. The gatekeeper knelt down with a “plop”, his legs were shaking non-stop.

The strong man who originally scolded Lu Shiqing gave a “bah” and apologized to him: “Miss Lu Qin, I’m sorry, I scolded the wrong person!”

Lu Shiqing actually smiled at him very friendly, pointed at the doorman who almost peed his crotch and said: “But he is right in one point, the imperial court has a lot of rations for you, and you pushing around will only increase the chaos.” He finished speaking , looked at a woman who had just been seeking medical treatment from Chaoyuan Cixian, “This is how your child fell.”

The woman nodded like pounding garlic.

Lu Shiqing glanced at the gatekeepers on the ground again: “Get up, don’t be an example, and arrange for them to go into the city.” After speaking, he didn’t stay any longer, and walked back with Yuan Cixian.

The eyes of all the people behind them were on the two of them.

Is their village too backward, and the relationship between imperial envoys and servants outside is already like this?

small theater:

Scheming (roaring): Why didn’t she force me to marry her, why?

Director Gu (patting his shoulders): Pricked Lao Lu!

Supplementary note: The alien races such as Nanzhao, Tubo, Uyghur, and Turkic that appear in this article are fictional and have nothing to do with history.

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