Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 83

Chapter 82 – 082

Yuan Cixian was really annoyed by his scheming to deliberately delay the time to consummate the house. He wanted to see his easy-going appearance, maybe he would be fine after a while, but he was a flamboyant man, with a good posture in front, When she got to the front of the head, she disarmed and surrendered with a “bang”, and now she only remembers the pain, and there is no affection left.

She bitterly called Shi Cui and Pick Zhi who came over as a dowry to clean up the mess. Lu Shiqing wanted to speak but couldn’t get in the mouth, and was left out in the cold from the beginning to the end with her robe covered. When she was tidied up, she was able to go to the vacated clean room to take a bath. When she was done, she came out and saw that she was lying on her back In the middle of the bed, the arms stretched out to the sides, as if preparing to occupy the entire bed by one person.

She seemed to hear the movement of him coming out, and knew that he was looking at her, she didn’t even open her eyelids, she raised her arm and pointed towards the bed below.

Lu Shiqing gave a low cough, hugged the quilt and returned to the place that should belong to him.

Now he very much hopes that everything just now is just a fantasy he woke up in the middle of his sleep, but the dream of endless spring in Shangzhou last time is clearly not the case.

He frowned, and after lying down, he began to seriously recall and compare the dream and reality to see which step went wrong.

Early the next morning, Lu Shiqing woke up from the couch, thinking that Yuan Cixian’s anger should probably subside, and was about to get up to see if she was awake, when he first saw a pair of pretty feet swinging towards his face, He was about to step on his nose.

In the blink of an eye, he suddenly thought of the word “fierce” calculated by the divination.

His complexion changed, and he subconsciously raised his hands to pinch her ankles. Looking at the extremely white and tender soles of her feet an inch away from his face, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fear. This surprise on the second day of the wedding was really amazing.

Yuan Cixian also let out an “oops”, as if taken aback, quickly withdrew her feet, and then looked down at him in horror.

She fell asleep. This big wedding was meant to catch the ducks on the shelves, and she has been in a trance for a few days. She learned too much information last night, and she really couldn’t slow down. I remember that Lu Shiqing slept on the couch.

But when she thought of his relentless calculations last night, she felt that he deserved it, and she really hated that she didn’t hurry up just now. She turned her back, changed her footing in an open space without saying a word, and then went outside to call for Shicui and Pickzhi to dress up.

Lu Shiqing stabilized his mind, cleared his throat and got up calmly, and asked her in a pretentious manner: “Is the bedding warm enough?”

Yuan Cixian let out a snort in his heart, thinking that he would have nothing to say, please forgive me, when he begged for the consummation of the house, he had a correct attitude, and seeing that he got what he deserved, he began to put on that indifferent, dead person again.

She glanced at him, and said angrily: “It’s summer, you ask me if my quilt is warm? If you think it’s cold, take all my quilt tonight and cover it up tightly!”

Lu Shiqing choked, thinking that she was so close at hand, he was already unbearably hot, and he would have to cover him with two more quilts. Seeing her annoyed, he softened his tone a bit: “You didn’t eat last night, but you have to… “

“Who said I didn’t eat? I’m so full!” Yuan Cixian interrupted him directly, and turned around to move the door to clean the room.

Lu Shiqing didn’t dare to show off anymore, wrapped her wrists around her, pulled her into her arms from behind, and whispered against her ear: “Tell me the above two sentences as if I didn’t ask, tell me, does it still hurt?” pain?”

It’s okay if he didn’t mention it, but when he mentioned it, Yuan Cixian remembered it again, and turned around and complained like iron, “Before you didn’t ask, it didn’t hurt anymore!”

“…” Blame him.

Lu Shiqing frowned, thinking hard about how to remedy it so as to avoid the fate of sleeping on the footbed at night, but suddenly heard a knock on the door, thinking that it was Shi Cui and Pick Zhi who came to bring her clothes and jewelry, so she had to let go uncomfortably. her.

He was really not used to outsiders coming in and out of his bedroom. Especially in the situation last night, he would rather make the mattress by himself. But who knows that now is a time of crisis, his pickiness has to be put aside, so he doesn’t say anything, he walks away and puts on his clothes, saying that he will wait for her outside.

Yuan Cixian, as the new wife of the Lu family, offered tea to the Xuan family, and followed her to the ancestral hall of the mansion to pay homage to Lu Shiqing’s father who passed away four years ago and several other grandparents.

Lu Shiqing heard her mouthful of “Aniang” as if she had smeared honey on her mouth, and she felt a little satisfied, she only knew that she knew how to control her temper, she was a little ancestor in front of him, and she restrained herself in time when she went outside, which really suited him. Thinking about it this way, he didn’t realize that there was nothing wrong with her being a little aggressive in private.

When it was time to eat lunch, Xuan took advantage of Yuan Cixian to wash his hands and pulled his son to whisper, saying that the husband and wife are not in good spirits, not to mention that he is too messy at night, this is the first marriage, you have to restrain yourself Come on.

Lu Shiqing thought that he wanted to mess around, but the situation didn’t allow it, just like last night, if he dared to try again, Yuan Cixian might be so angry that he would draw out a machete.

He obviously didn’t succeed but was mistaken for being addicted to the bed. He couldn’t tell, so he had to silently agree, saying that he must pay attention to it in the next few days.

Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and said with emotion: “Auntie has been looking forward to a grandchild for so many years, and she is not in a hurry to have a grandchild in this month or two. You have to be careful, and don’t make Cixian tired, so that you can go fishing for big fish for a long time.” ” She said and gestured, “It’s best to catch a pair at a time.”

Lu Shiqing sighed inwardly. Before he enjoys anything, A Niang is already urging the big fish. If the big fish really comes, he will be lonely and widowed for half a year?

Although Lu Shiqing got the imperial court’s nine-day wedding leave and was exempted from going to court and working in the palace, he couldn’t really be so leisurely that he didn’t care about everything. he. Seeing that she didn’t have a good face, she finally swallowed the sentence “you can come if you have nothing to do”.

Yuan Cixian went back to her room, sat down and called Shicui, asking what happened to her secretly told her in the morning.

Shi Cui hurriedly replied: “Little lady, the servant girl has checked the medical books. Mr. Xu’s knife was dangerous at the beginning. Whether the root cause of the disease will be caused by Mr. Xu, you have to call a doctor. Let’s see how he is recuperating recently. It’s not good to just read the medical books.” after all.”

Yuan Cixian frowned and nodded.

After last night, she already knew that Lu Shiqing lied to her last time when he said that he was injured in the most important place, and then recalled all the strange things that happened in the first few days when he was assassinated, and concluded that the “injury” Shaohe mentioned must refer to the area on his chest. knife.

She saw the danger that day, even if Shaohe didn’t tell her, she would pay attention to it after she got the truth. But after this reminder, she couldn’t help adding a layer of worry, fearing that the so-called “falling to the root of the disease” happened in her previous life.

Before that, she didn’t know how serious the injury was. Seeing Shaohe’s situation, and the sage sarcastically asking them to get married on the same day, she felt that it was inappropriate for her to come to ask her about the details of her past life. But now that she knows the truth, she wants to ask about it without hesitation, but Shaohe has already married far away, and she can’t pursue him any longer, so she can only take care of Lu Shiqing for the time being to prevent problems before they happen.

Seeing her in a trance, Shi Cui continued, “Little lady, since you are married to Mr. Xu, don’t worry too much about Mr. Xu’s affairs. The maidservant thinks that His Royal Highness will take good care of him.”

Yuan Cixian hesitated when he heard the words.

She didn’t reveal Lu Shiqing’s double identity to others, even her elder brother didn’t intend to reveal it. This line-up has a lot to do with each other. After all, one more person who knows is more dangerous, and this danger belongs to both the insider and the Lu family, and even involves the lifeblood of Zheng Zhuo and a large group of officials in the court.

After a delay, she quickly nodded to cover up the past, and then got up to find Lu Shiqing. Shi Cui was right, it was useless for her to worry secretly by herself, she had to find a reliable doctor to show him. A temper tantrum is a temper tantrum, you can’t just leave him alive or dead.

Yuan Cixian went all the way to the door of Lu Shiqing’s study, seeing that the servants on all sides were repelled, she felt strange, and was about to knock on the door to tell him about inviting a doctor, but first she heard a faint burst of laughter.

She froze for a moment. This kind of heroic loud laughter should never come from Lu Shiqing.

Although she forgave him for concealing this past year, but because of his superb acting skills before, she doesn’t particularly trust him now, and she is always afraid that he still has a third identity, so when she heard this laughter that obviously didn’t fit his behavior, the first thing she did was The reaction was not that there were other people in his room, but whether he still played such a character.

She was about to steal a corner, but heard a vague “who” from inside. It’s just that the voice is not high, it’s not like asking her outside, but who is inside.

It’s good hearing.

She breathed a sigh of relief now, thinking that Lu Shiqing was talking to someone, not role-playing. Sure enough, he heard his voice the next moment, telling her to go in.

Because there was no one around, she opened the door and went in by herself. When she walked around a screen, she looked up and saw Zheng Zhuo sitting inside.

She was not surprised when she saw this, she heard the phrase “who” just now, and then looked at the servants who were repelled all around, she knew that the person who came was likely to be him, and she thought that perhaps this study was also connected to the secret that went to Xu’s house last night Therefore, no one in the house knew of his visit. And the reason why she was able to get close was because Lu Shiqing told the servants guarding the gate to let her go.

He is sensible, knowing that she lacks trust in him now, and knows how to act frankly.

Seeing this, Yuan Cixian gave Zheng Zhuo a simple gift.

Zheng Zhuo nodded slightly at her, and called her: “County Lord.”

Lu Shiqing coughed uncomfortably.

Zheng Zhuo glanced at him helplessly, then changed his words and said again: “Madam Lu.”

Yuan Cixian commented angrily: “I think ‘County Lord’ sounds better. Your Highness should just call me as before, and save a word of saliva.”

Lu Shiqing’s face darkened. He had just praised her in his heart earlier, can he show some face now.

She shrugged her nose at him with an expression of “come to fight if you don’t accept it”, then found a suitable corner and sat down, and asked, “What are you talking about?”

The last time the three met in this way, it was at the stone pavilion on the mountain during the Huachao Festival. After Yuan Cixian asked this sentence, he was filled with emotions. The various small winks between Zheng Zhuo and “Xu Shan” appeared in his mind that day, and he really regretted it. I was being tricked all over the place, and I only thought that Zheng Zhuo’s accomplice was not a good person.

Lu Shiqing also happened to be feeling this scene of “things are right and people are wrong” in his heart, so he didn’t pay attention to what Yuan Cixian asked, but saw Zheng Zhuo suddenly smiled. At first, he was holding back, only his shoulders couldn’t help shaking slightly, and then it seemed like I couldn’t hold back anymore, and laughed out loud.

Yuan Cixian blinked slowly twice, and looked at him strangely: “Your Highness, did I say something funny?”

Zheng Zhuo thought it was funny, it was so funny. Before she came, Lu Shiqing was asking him why he explained so quickly last night, what went wrong, and what can be done to avoid it.

He could laugh for three days and three nights when he recalled his unspeakable and puzzled expression just now.

Lu Shiqing already understood what he was laughing at, his face was so dark that ink could be worn off, he gritted his molars and said, “Zheng Zhuo, calm down.”

He called his name directly, which confirmed Yuan Cixian’s conjecture: the relationship between these two people is indeed very close, Zheng Zhuo did not regard him as a subordinate, and he did not regard himself as a subordinate.

Thinking of this, Yuan Cixian frowned slightly, and suddenly Zheng Zhuo coughed and asked: “Then you don’t want to know the answers to those questions just now?”

“I don’t want to.” Lu Shiqing gritted his teeth and replied, “Don’t bother your old man.”

After he finished speaking, he explained to the confused Yuan Cixian: “Just now His Highness the Sixth Prince told me a joke.”

Zheng Zhuo immediately continued: “Yes, it’s about Zou Ji’s satire on the King of Qi accepting remonstrance, in which Zou Ji feels inferior to Xu Gongmei in the north of the city.”

Lu Shiqing: “…”

Yuan Cixian made a “puchi”, remembering the Sanskrit essay that Lu Shiqing taught her to write, and now she can understand why he went crazy at that time.

Lu Shiqing thought it would be a disaster for Zheng Zhuo to stay here, so he frowned and asked him, “Are you still busy? If you’re fine, take some zongzi back and eat slowly.”

Dragon Boat Festival is coming.

Zheng Zhuo waved his hand to indicate that there are a lot of zongzi in the house, so there is no need to take his, and then said: “Of course there is a business, otherwise I wouldn’t be so blind and disturb you on the second day of your wedding.” After he finished speaking, he looked at Yuan Give Xian a look.

Lu Shiqing understood the meaning of this look, thinking that he was concerned about her presence, so he hinted whether he asked her to avoid her.

He quickly said: “You say so.” He indicated that he would not need to hide anything from her in the future.

Yuan Cixian was satisfied in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be indifferent: “I won’t listen to you talking about business matters.” After saying that, he pretended to leave.

Lu Shiqing didn’t know her trick of playing hard to get, if he let her go now, she might suspect that he really had a secret. He frowned, pouted his chin, and silently told her to sit back.

Yuan Cixian lowered her head and smiled softly, and after returning to her seat, she heard Zheng Zhuo say: “That’s right, I arranged to get the news from the hidden post of the Ministry of Punishment, and the third brother may be going to attack Cai Siqing again.”

She was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, but soon realized that she had suspected well at first that Cai He was the fake bait thrown by the real “Xu Shan”.

Zheng Zhuo continued: “Do you still remember the private salt case in April? At that time, the Minister of the Household Department was involved in it, but was finally acquitted by Cai Siqing. Now this case has been reviewed by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Some evidence to prove that he accepted bribes and shielded criminals. Once such charges are confirmed, dismissal and investigation are inevitable, and I guess the third brother will not stop here, I am afraid there are still some crooked ways in it. “

Lu Shiqing gave a faint “hmm”, as if he knew it.

“In your opinion, is this rescue going to happen or not? Last time in March, the third brother took action, and it was considered a disaster, but this time the case is really involved. I’m afraid that if you take another action, it will be easy to be exposed.”

Yuan Cixian was a little surprised to hear this.

She originally thought that even if they pushed out Cai He, they should have thought of a way out, but she didn’t expect to sacrifice an innocent person who was an official to the third rank.

She opened her mouth, and was about to interject to say how could she not be saved, when Lu Shiqing replied very simply: “Help.”

He continued: “There is no reason to sacrifice Cai He. I said that I will protect him. If you don’t save the second time, the first adventure will be meaningless. I know you are worried that if you continue like this, it will be impossible to guard against, and it will easily distract your energy. Self-destroy the city wall, so this time, I will come up with a solution once and for all.”

When Lu Shiqing said this, his attitude was tough and straightforward. Seeing his serious expression, Yuan Cixian couldn’t help but catch her breath.

When she first learned the truth last night, she was still thinking that if Lu Shiqing was Xu Shan, she would rather this lie never be exposed, lest she be sad when she recalled all the things he lied to her, but now, she seems to have a different idea.

She suddenly thought, Lu Shiqing is Xu Shan, the Xu Shan whom she admired and admired, the Xu Shan who has benevolence and righteousness in his heart and never despises others. This is really, really good.

She looked at him from a distance, seeing the sunlight projected from the window shining on his tall nose bridge, making his pair of phoenix eyes radiant and shining.

Those eyes were not only filled with her, but also filled with those who she cared about as much as he did.

Thinking of this, the corners of her lips slowly curved, finally forming a crescent shape.

After the two of them finished talking, Zheng Zhuo said goodbye and left. Seeing that she had been looking at him stupidly, Lu Shiqing couldn’t help but wondered: “I wanted to ask just now, why are you smirking?”

Yuan Cixian recovered and shook her head with a smile, and said a little slyly: “It’s nothing.” Then she seemed to think of something, and said calmly, “Lu Shiqing, I ask you a question, and you have to answer it seriously.”

Lu Shiqing said “oh” for no reason, and heard her say: “If one day, His Royal Highness and the Yuan family have a conflict of political interests, or even a life-and-death confrontation… He will abandon it just like abandoning Cai Siqing.” For the Yuan family, will you protect my family?”

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