Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 99

Chapter 98 – 098

In fact, apart from worrying about childbirth, Yuan Cixian still regrets that she still can’t spend this year with Lu Shiqing. He may be in time for her to give birth, but it is absolutely impossible for him to watch the new year with her.

When a war broke out in the Uighurs, Dazhou dispatched troops to support it. In order not to take advantage of the coveted countries, the border gates were all under martial law, and the generals guarding the border towns were not allowed to leave their posts without authorization. Therefore, before the end of the war, her father and mother were also unable to enter Beijing.

This year is destined to be deserted.

Before dawn the next morning, Lu Shiqing went out the door lightly.

But Yuan Cixian didn’t sleep well, she woke up when he lifted the quilt, she just pretended to be ignorant according to his wishes, on the one hand, she didn’t want to say goodbye to him in a serious way, making this matter as if it was a farewell , and secondly, I wanted to make him feel at ease when he left.

She had already asked Lu Shiqing about the origin of the Uighur war last night.

Because the second prince had been deeply involved with Uighurs and Turks in the early years, Emperor Huining chose Yazhou, which is far away from the northwest, as his place of exile in order to prevent him from being forced to die and cause trouble again.

The old emperor’s idea was good at first, but it was a secret. He didn’t worry about going from Chang’an to Yazhou in the southeast, and would pass through Huainan where King Ping was.

In fact, the second prince had never been to Yazhou at all. As early as when the **** team passed through Huainan, the people in the prison car had been transferred by Ping Wang’s staff without anyone noticing.

After that, King Ping has been actively arranging for the second prince to join forces with the Turks to prepare for the war until today, half a year later.

To put it bluntly, the war between the Uighurs and the Turks still started from the endless battle for the throne in the Great Zhou Dynasty. After all, Lu Shiqing has been involved in mediating for many years. Yuan Cixian believes that with his ability, he will be able to successfully reach an alliance with the Uighurs. Dudu is still worried that he will be besieged on all sides on the march, and the Turkic people may kill him in order to prevent him from meeting Khan. In addition, the mountains are far away and the water is far away. He has suffered all the wind, frost, rain and snow along with the rapid march, fearing that the old injury will relapse.

After being so worried for more than a month, the Yuan and Lu families and even the entire Great Zhou did not have a good year, until the first good news finally came from the northwest, saying that the reinforcements of the Great Zhou had successfully joined forces with the soldiers and horses of the Uighur Khan Court, and successively Recaptured the five cities that were originally captured by the Turkic vanguard.

The things that are told to the common people always report good news but not bad news, but Yuan Cixian knows how difficult this month has been.

Although she couldn’t get the first-hand military report, she could roughly estimate from the few information that Lu Shiqing’s big Zhou army had experienced at least three big battles before entering the Uighur territory. And after going deep into the Uighurs, confronting the Turkic soldiers who have always been tyrannical is tantamount to blocking the enemy with a human board.

This seemingly golden news is actually very heavy.

Lu Shiqing never sent a message back. Perhaps it was because of the serious desperation and inability to get away, or because of the raging war in the Uighur territory, if the letter was intercepted, the traces of the Da Zhou army might be revealed, so they could only choose to hide for the sake of the overall situation.

Yuan Cixian also understood this, but she couldn’t help counting the days with her fingers every day, and asked Caizhi how many days she had left to give birth.

Picking up answers to her every day, and finally couldn’t bear it anymore, and asked: “Madam, really don’t you remember how the servant girl answered you yesterday?”

She said confidently: “Remember, you said yesterday that there are about fifteen days left.”

“Then you…” Wouldn’t it be nice to lose one day.

Yuan Cixian glanced at her: “I just want to hear you tell me.”

Picking branches had no choice but to say: “You will give birth in about half a month.”

She said “hmm”, looked at Bing Lengzi outside the window and said to herself: “There are fourteen more days, it will be soon.”

Cai Zhi knew what she meant by the phrase “soon”. Madam thinks that Mr. Lang is a man who keeps his word, and he will do what he promises. She asked her time and time again when she gave birth, but she was just hoping for his triumphant return.

She was about to say something to comfort Yuan Cixian, but Shi Cui hurried in and asked her where she put the cloak that Mrs. Madam wore on New Year’s Eve last time.

She was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then quickly said: “Can’t you find it? I’ll go and have a look with you.” After finishing speaking, she looked at Yuan Cixian, and asked for instructions, “Madam, maidservant will find you a cloak first.”

Yuan Cixian nodded, and looked at the two of them with a smile: “Go.”

The two bowed their heads and stepped back, talking about the cloak all the way, staying away from Yuan Cixian’s room, but they both turned their faces away. Picking branches first asked: “What happened?”

The cloak that Yuan Cixian wore on New Year’s Eve was not packed by her, but by Shicui, so when she heard that strange question just now, she knew that there was something hidden in it.

Shi Cui really looked scorched, looked back at the direction Yuan Cixian was in, and said vigilantly, “Follow me.”

She led her to the main room next door, and said, “Brother Cao just received a secret report saying that the two cavalry troops of the Uighurs and the Turks encountered snow disasters when they clashed on the border of Dazhou the day before yesterday, and both armies were completely wiped out, Mr. Lang. …” She said nervously at this point, “Lang Jun seems to be in that team too.”

Caizhi’s face changed, and he saw Cao An was also in the room, pinching a letter anxiously, so he asked him directly: “Why is Mr. Lang in the Uighur team?”

Cao An explained: “Your Majesty is in a hurry to come back, but our soldiers couldn’t escape because of the anxiety of the battle. Uighur Khan cared about his safety, and after reaching an alliance with Da Zhou, he proposed to send troops to **** him back to Chang’an first. According to the whereabouts, it is likely to be this cavalry team.”

Picking up a breath when he heard the words, he made a silent decision: “Since we can’t be sure, we must not let Madam know about this matter. Brother Cao, please find a way to find out first…”

When she said this, she suddenly heard the rustling of the hem of the clothes outside the fan, and when she turned her head, she saw Yuan Cixian standing there with a white face, and she didn’t know what she heard.

The three of them froze in unison. Shi Cui was the first to mutter, “Ma’am…”

Yuan Cixian just arrived at the door, but just listening to the last sentence is enough for her to understand. She didn’t look at them, but stared at the secret report in Cao An’s hand and said coldly, “Give it to me.”

Cao An subconsciously hid the secret report behind his back, and only after he finished covering it did he feel that it was unnecessary, so he bravely presented it, and said first: “Ma’am, this news is so ambiguous that I think it is absolutely credible. Don’t worry too much, my villain.” Let’s find a trusted person to discuss countermeasures.”

The credible person he hinted at is naturally Zheng Zhuo.

Yuan Cixian read the letter at a glance, but he was not as flustered as the three of them imagined. He was even calmer than them. He said quickly, “Give me a topographic map of the border between Uighur and Dazhou, and a pen and paper.”

Shi Cui hurriedly went to get it for her, and saw that she had spread out the cowhide map on the table. After reading it, she took a pen and quickly circled a few places, and said to Cao secretly: “The Turks and Uyghurs are fighting each other, and the border of Dazhou Right in front of him, it is impossible for him to waste his time in this muddy water, and he should have escaped before the snow disaster happened. But since he failed to report back the bad news before it reached Chang’an, he must have met someone else Trouble. What you should pay attention to is not the snow disaster, but the return journey in the future, the potential danger in Dazhou.”

Cao An’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, he nodded and said, “Ma’am is right.”

Yuan Cixian scanned the map again, pointed at the top, and drew a virtual line with her index finger: “There is no need to consult with anyone, you start now, and lead people to meet along this road, remember not to reveal your traces .”

Seeing that Cao An was ordered to rush away, Yuan Cixian grabbed the edge of the table as if she had lost her strength, and dense sweat broke out on her forehead.

Shi Cui and Pick Zhi were taken aback, and quickly stepped forward to support her from left to right: “Ma’am, you should go back to your room and rest first.”

Yuan Cixian grabbed their arms, frowned, and couldn’t help sliding down: “I can’t go back, I seem to be giving birth…”

The Lu residence was in chaos. Picking Cui and Picking Branches did not expect that Yuan Cixian was still as stable as Mount Tai one moment, and would be like this the next moment. Looking back carefully, she realized that her face was indeed very pale just now, and she was probably already pale when she heard that mouth outside the fan. The tire gas moved, but in order to figure out the countermeasures, I have been holding back.

A few days ago, the Lu family had already arranged for Mrs. Wen, and they were supposed to be asked to move to the house tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to stand by, but they never expected that Yuan Cixian had moved so many days earlier, so now she had to call for her temporarily.

Fortunately, there are a few old women in the house who have a little knowledge of childbirth, so they got ready early. The two steady women who came over were also quick and quick. When they saw that the hot water and soup were ready, they cleaned up After finishing his hands, he entered the bedroom.

Xuanshi was anxiously pacing back and forth outside the door, seeing that there was no sound of Yuan Cixian screaming in pain, instead she was worried and kept asking the maid why she was silent.

It wasn’t until half an hour passed, probably because the decoction for inducing pregnancy was finally enough, that Yuan Cixian stepped into the right way of giving birth, but the yelling in his mouth was not the same as that of ordinary women.

“Why…it hurts so much!”

“Lu Shiqing…you’re so mad, you’re mad at me!”

“Who said it must be in time for me to give birth? When you come back, I will… pull out your tongue!”

Xuan’s whole body trembled when she heard the words, and she said again: “I peeled off your skin! I got your tendons cramped! I hung you up and waved you with a whip! Ah, it hurts…”

Lu Shuangyu, who came to accompany Xuan Shi, was also shocked, and looked at her a little embarrassed: “Mother, in order to make sister-in-law more motivated, let’s ask brother to wrong you.”

Xuan nodded in agreement, clasped her hands for support, and shouted inwardly: “Ci Xian, you scold, just scold! A Niang tells you, the harder you scold, the smoother your birth will be!”

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