Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Final assessment

The already vague memory suddenly emerged from my mind again.

Su Shi took the other hand out of his hand and looked up. His eyes were bright: “Is it you?”

“It’s me, you can rest assured that it is safe.”

Dana smiled and said, slightly bent down and let the two people sit down in front of the sofa, and handed him a cup of hot cocoa: “I heard that you often drink this, I am not as good as Nuya, I don’t know if you will I don’t like it.”

“Thank you.”

Su Shi looked up and smiled. He took a sip of the cup and held it in his hand.

The slightly hot temperature passed through the wall of the cup, and the iron was placed on the palm of the hand. It seemed that there was some kind of sensible temperature that quietly infiltrated the chest and landed safely somewhere in the heart.

“That is my thank you.”

Dana Wensheng spoke and handed another cup of coffee to Lu Hao, politely decapitating him: “Is this Mr. Lu?”

Lu Hao nodded to him, took the coffee road, thanked him, and his eyes fell thoughtfully on the same face as the lover of the first world.

Although the appearance is the same, the marshal in front of it is obviously more calm, even if it is only a peaceful statement, it also reveals the majesty of a long high.

His age still seems to stay in middle age, but his eyes are already very vicissitudes, his eyebrows habitually squatting, and he has already fallen into deep lines.

He seems to have become accustomed to not being smirked. Only when looking at the Soviet Union, the sturdy lines of the swords and awkwardness will show some mild signs for a short time.

Seems to be aware of his gaze, Dana apologized for a smile, slightly bowed and snorted: “I am sorry, please forgive my rudeness, Mr. Lu. I am just”

The voice suddenly paused, and Dana held the table with one hand and turned back to look at Su Shi.

His figure instinctively re-sticked up, and the slightly squinting eyebrows gradually spread out, screaming through the faint smile.

“Just when I saw you, I couldn’t help but feel like a dream that was a long time…”

He didn’t say anything more, his throat moved, he slowly walked back to the table and looked down at his fingertips. Those fingers have fallen into the guns that cannot be ignored because of the guns held all the year round. The index fingers are slightly bent.

It is a posture that can only be used to hold a gun.

Dana sat at the table and silenced for a long while before finally laughing.

When he smiled like this, he actually called the body’s fierce chilling washed out by the blood to be diluted a lot, vaguely showing the spirit of the year.

“I never thought about it. It turns out that my life can end with the name of ‘hero.'”

The body was covered with the national flag, and the light returned to the camp that he guarded. It was buried in the name of the hero. It was his deep mystery for many years. He dared to quietly conceive in the dead of night, but he did not dare to look forward to it when he was awake. Sweet dreams.

Dana’s eyes are faintly red, and the corners of his mouth are more and more ridiculous: “I should thank you. I saw your ending, just like my own. I didn’t even dream like that… …”

He also had a boyish age, with all the dreams that young people should have. At that time, he never thought that he would embark on such a path.

Living in the dark forever, being beaten by the compatriots he sheltered, was scorned as a traitor. Infused with a cavity of blood, only the endless cold is ushered in, so they will have to smash those dreams, swallowed with cold tears and blood.

There is only the disguise and patience that seem to have no end, only the desperation that sometimes does not even know who you are, only the hardships and the thin ice.

There is nothing left in the end.

When Su was silent, the hand holding the mug slowly tightened.

The knee suddenly dropped a little warmth, and the subconscious raised his head. Lu’s dark and deep squats shone quietly.

“I have accepted your love.”

Put the hot cocoa in one hand, Su Shi gently put the hand on his lap, shook his head at him, and looked at the marshal in front of him: “That was my first mission world. In order to help the host to complete the task, I have seen your video. In fact, according to the regulations, I should follow your path completely…”

That was the first novice world, to make him adapt to the rhythm of the back pot, as a copy of the training generated world. Dana is also the only one that does not dissipate on its own, nor is it the host that he takes over midway.

The other party really went through this life alone, and finally carried the reputation of the traitor and fell down alone in the darkness before dawn.

He should have finished this life in the same way. As a result, when some talents came, everything suddenly went out of an unexpected change and went straight to the other uncontrolled direction.

At that time, he completed his task with one heart, and he was poor and poor. He only felt that he was even more troubled when he saw Veno every day, but he did not expect Dana to envy him.

“I should thank you, and I would like to thank Mr. Lu. Without any of the two of you, you can’t call everything to the final ending.”

Seeing the insignificant little movements of the two men, Dana’s face showed some soft smiles, and Wen Sheng made up a sentence. After a moment, he sighed with a sense: “Vino. I It’s a little impression on him…”

He remembered that they were originally classmates of the military academy, remembering that the other was the leader of the insurrectionary army, and that the true identity of that person was actually the royal family. But for him, it’s just cold information.

At the beginning, he had no spare energy to pray for a warmth of his own, let alone some of the close and solid connections.

“Before I saw your performance, I never thought about it. There are still so many ways to explain the difficulties even if you don’t have to speak.”

When he fell on Su Shi, Dana smiled softly at him and suddenly whispered: “You said that if I also learned to do it, he would guess my hardship, and maybe even Become a friend, can you sit down with me and talk?”


When he mentioned the past when he was unbearable, Su Shi immediately gave birth to a deep heartache, and he took a deep breath to speak. Lu Hao had already responded to him before: “Yes.”

Su Shiyi, a subconscious look up at him.

Lu Hao covered his hand on his lap and put the hand firmly in his palm, silently and steadily, and continued.

“Although I can import my own data into an existing role, I can’t completely reverse the three characters of those characters. I can only modify the surrounding code. So as long as it is the role I picked, it is only a little bit. In a credible place, it is possible to accept all the truth.”

“So I actually had the opportunity to be forgiven, right?”

Dana whispered a word, and suddenly the light shone brightly in her eyes, and the usual majestic and sad face revealed a clear smile.

“So no one doesn’t believe me, but I am too cautious. I have never tried it. If I am like you, I secretly play tricks and make a few innocuous mistakes. Maybe I could have many friends. of……”

His fascination suddenly flew like a young man, even if he only imagined such a possibility, he even showed him the comfort and care he had never had before.

“Most definitely.”

Looking at the sudden appearance of his face, Su Shi’s heart was slightly hot, his eyes were soaked in warm colors, and he got up and said: “I’m going to be your way, Marshal Dana, the ending you saw, Things should have been like this.”

Dana had a slight lag, and her chest was ups and downs. She finally stepped forward and gave him a strong hug.

With the marshal’s asylum, the two not only regained their strength in the office, but even enjoyed a simple but delicious dinner.

Until late at night, Dana only found two sets of uniforms called Su Shi and Lu Hao, and personally drove the patrol boat to send the two out of the military.

“The meals in the army are still too simple. If we have a chance to meet, I will ask you to have a meal.”

When the patrol boat was stopped, Dana took out a bag of spar and handed it to Su, and then let go from the driving position of the patrol boat, indicating Lu Hao to continue to control the driving, and turned his attention to Su Shi.

“The reserves of freely available spar in the military are also limited. You should use these emergency first. According to our observations, some people who come the same way as you will attack the same kind of equipment to **** the necessary energy items. Be careful when you go out. Except for you, don’t trust anyone around you.”

“Thank you, we will pay more attention to it.”

Su Shicheng responded with a sentence. When he saw his movements, he still couldn’t hold back. He asked: “Give us so many things, isn’t it okay?”

It was already an unexpected joy to get the spar. With the military uniform, it can be smoothly mixed into most parts of the military, and security has been guaranteed. The difficulty of smooth customs clearance has been reduced.

Seeing Dana actually even patrol boats are planning to stay, even if there is psychological preparation, Su Shi is still shocked by the lavish handwriting.

“Reassured, this is just a trivial matter.”

Dana slightly decapitated and patted his shoulder. His eyes suddenly showed a faint smile: “These wrists that cross the sea are as simple as eating and drinking, right?”

At the beginning, I was able to protect the core generals of the entire insurgent army under the eyes of the Terence government. It was just a sneak patrol of a patrol boat. It was really just a matter of wavering at will.

The same is also from that road. Su Shi certainly knows what the other party is referring to. He also feels helpless and laughs. He finally refuses to resign. Wen Sheng thanked him.

Dana’s look was clear and happy, and he said a few words to them, leaving the patrol boat, and his body was not in the night.

The night was already deep, and the wind was a little cold. Su Shi untied the wind and buckled, standing by the porthole and looking at the distant military camp.

Suddenly, the warmth of the body was covered with a strong, powerful arm around the body, and the airflow gently brushed over the ear and gently rubbed his cheek.

When Su Shi was itched by him, he couldn’t help but smile. The atmosphere of recalling the past was so clean that he took Lu Qi’s hand and took a shot.

“Really, you have to do more than my credit. I just accidentally made a few common mistakes for novices. You are chasing me. I have to say that I have a hard time, and then I licked all of my pots… …”

“I only had the most basic core data at that time, and I thought I was also a plot character. I was really deceived by you for five years before I saw you.”

He gave the driving work to the enthusiasm of the system bell. Lu Yan hugged him, kissed his cheek and gently licked his hair: “You don’t remember anything, and you took the task of backing the pot.” … I didn’t think that you would still hurt me when you saw me.”

No, it was really painful experience at that time.

The other party actually did not solve the misunderstanding at that time. Su Shi was inexplicably guilty. He had to speak with a light cough, but he was turned around by the arms and greeted the bright smile in the darkness.

“I know, I am still not jealous of your experience.”


But it will be jealous with the pot.

Probably in the world behind the pot, it became a habit. When Su was walking, God was hugged into his arms, and his heart was still running silently.

In Lu’s eyes, there was helpless softness and indulgence. He bowed his head to his forehead and gently rubbed it. The voice slowed down: “You have been very difficult at that time, but you are still willing to take me… I know, you I don’t want to call me worried.”

His voice revealed a faint hoarseness, his arms slightly tightened, and the shattered kiss fell on the eyelids of his arms.

Crisp-itch touched through the tip of the eyelashes, and spread into the depths of the body. Su Shi instinctively closed his eyes, and his heart suddenly jumped.

He realized when the other party was referring.

At that time, although he lost the memory of the two people met, he did not know the refusal of the warmth of the other party. At the end of the day, Su Shi actually moved and then gave up the idea of ​​continuing to struggle and stay in the new country and government to accompany the other party.

The dying struggle of the villain has broken the unrealistic assumptions.

The anti-matter missiles that were almost detonated, the strong radiation, and the destroyed body could not stop splashing. The first farewell that he left to his lover was really rushed and cruel, but he could be re-raised by Lu Hao, but he only had to endure the warmth of his pain when he went out.

“I think that if you mention this now, it will make me feel bad about you…”

Suddenly, his chest was sore, Su Shi reluctantly sighed, and he was honestly held by him. He raised his hand and pushed the head that was on his face with a slap in the face. It was rare to openly: “I promise, then No such thing will happen.”

Lu Yan’s eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips swayed out of his way. He still held his hands like a treasure, and he still felt inexplicable.

When Su Shi was soft in his heart, he took another person and took a kiss. I have to comfort him again. The man who had just been grievous has suddenly leaned over and squatted in his ear. He was so hot and hard to beat the iron: “The first world that hurts you, you can’t get any experience, you still Are you angry with me?”


Su Shi’s gas knot, the rise of the moment is immovable without a trace.

Around this big circle, it was originally waiting here.

I remembered the once-poor and shabby past, although I knew that the other party was a good intention, but also for my own painstaking efforts, Su Shi still could not understand the original bitterness and deep hatred, biting his teeth and taking a deep breath.

“You are more than the first world, I didn’t get the experience…”

In addition to the additional tasks of the plug-in and the friendship support of the dark friends, he is simply the experience point that every world can’t get any serious experience.

Even took the last.

Even the last single seedling pot was not able to keep it, so I thought it would hurt. It was about to drop the lover of the defeated family, but the system suddenly lit up the emergency light. The patrol boat running at the same speed suddenly turned around and quickly opened the hidden mode, quietly hiding in the woods.

“There is a situation, let me go and see.”

Lu Hao immediately opened his mouth and touched a code with the tacit system. He returned to the cockpit and turned on the outside.

It is more important to be at the moment. Su Shi did not mind to turn over the old account, and quickly followed him: “What is going on, is there any situation?”

“It’s the patrols chasing the intruders, let’s hide here, wait until they are settled.”

Lu Hao held the console with one hand, and spread his arms over the body of the lover, asking him to view the monitoring panel more conveniently, and whispered back.

I don’t know what the person who ran in front was stealing. This time, the pursuit was particularly great. Looking at the situation, almost the entire patrol team was frantically chasing. They are also driving military patrol boats. In the case of such pursuits, it is better to avoid the limelight whether it is not easy to follow up.

Many of the things that the appraisers need are in the hands of the military. It is not uncommon for them to be pursued. This time, they are similar, maybe they just accidentally made a big noise.

Su Shi nodded, but was also reminded by the situation in front of him, pour out the spar that Dana gave them from their pockets: “Light up the most important combat skills first, and the rest will exist first, maybe when will it be? There will be occasional needs.”

The combat power of the two is equally important, and no one can drag on each other. Lu Hao slightly decapitated, called the system to open the protective cover, took a few pieces of spar to absorb, and Su Shi also seized the rare spare time, and absorbed the remaining energy.

One night without sleep, when the sky turned bright, Lu Hao appeared next to the cluster of golden flames, and quietly extinguished.

Su Shi has also solved the special skills of fighting and mental strength, blinking a little stiff body, greet the lover’s concerned eyes, smiled and nodded.

Although the crisis is heavy, after all, it has already had the ability to get involved, and in any case, the atmosphere has become more adequate. The two agreed on the route, and together they patrolled the boat. The system was optimistic about the home and sneaked into the relatively safe residential area.

To live in this world for at least fifteen days, they can’t stay in the patrol boat, they must go out to find food and water. Su Shi still has the task of backing the pot in his hand. Although he has completed his heart, he still can’t figure out a sufficiently stable thread.

The easiest and easiest way to get the highest score is misunderstanding. It is undoubtedly that everyone thinks that they have [po-t] in their hands, so they are chasing them around the world and chasing them to the end of the final assessment.

Su Shi had the confidence to escape the pursuit with his lover, but he did not have the confidence to be misunderstood that the hot potato was in his own hands. Even like the last final assessment, the pot is called Lu Hao, and the misunderstanding value is not the common property of the husband. In the end, it is likely to repeat the mistakes of the last world.

The two discussed together and never made any progress. They had to put this matter aside and quickly collected food and water, ready to return to the patrol boat.

On the way back, the situation seemed to have unexpected changes.

Just a short time, they have already encountered four or five inexplicable interceptions.

The frequency became suddenly intensive, and the intensity was not like the routine of last night, but chasing them to endlessly, it was like returning to the situation of the last assessment.

Both of them have had a weak fighting power. Although the situation is inexplicably severe, they have not suffered too much. After killing a road from the chasing and intercepting, I finally returned to the patrol boat and opened the concealed function into the sky, away from the right and wrong places below.

“I haven’t had time to do anything… Have you planted it on you before the two meet?”

It’s a good thing to drop the pot in the sky, but it’s too much after all. Su Shi really couldn’t figure it out. He tried to pin his hopes on his lover. Lu Yan was equally confused. He shook his head gently: “I have the heart to avoid them, come to you all the way, and have no contact with anyone. Even if they To find a scapegoat, I am afraid I can’t think of me.”

It does make sense.

Su Shi nodded thoughtfully, and his eyes fell silent.

Looking at the posture of those people, it is clear that [po-t] is on them.

Lu Hao was right. The two returned to the world. They did not go straight to each other to meet each other. After meeting, they escaped the pursuit. It was not long before they met Dana. With Dana’s ability, it is impossible to tell them to reveal their identity.

In any case, this pot is really weird.

“Is it going to be related to the hunt last night? I remember that the momentum was very big. Will it be because [po-t] was stolen, so the entire patrol will be chased and arrested, and now it is also highly vigilant?”

Lu Yu thought about the opening, Su Shi heard his words brightened, but he blinked his head and shook his head: “The reason is plausible, but still can’t explain why those people have decided that we are thieves, chasing all the way. We don’t care…”

It is a good thing to have a pot back, but the pot is too easy, but it makes the two people faint.

I was confused as to what was going on, and the communication reminder of the patrol boat suddenly rang.

Su Shi got up and pressed the button, and Dana’s face appeared on the display: “Friends, are you okay?”

“Fortunately, is there any change?”

Dana will not contact them for no reason, Su Shi spirits, looked up and looked at the display: “We have suffered several kills today, it is not clear what is going on, is the real [po-t] stolen? ?”

“Yes, and I just received the news that the person who theft [po-t] is using your name, the next road may be a bit dangerous.”

Dana nodded and sent several copies of the information and pictures that had just been reported, and went on.

“I don’t know his identity, but I can be sure that he is not you. Although his looks are exactly the same as you, it is much better to do things than you. Last night, he was in full view, magically gorgeous. Means stolen [po-t], and left your name with a very arrogant swashbuckle, you must be more careful…”

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