Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Bailian space

“Lu Hao” stretched out his hand and his face changed. He turned back and lifted his leg to run. His arm was suddenly stopped, and he turned it back to the back.

Su Shi suppressed his struggle and lifted his knees on his back. His tone sank: “Who are you?”

The two of them entered the door one after another, only ten seconds apart, and they actually encountered counterfeit goods. If not everyone is sent to a different location, it must be that the lover is in trouble.

“It’s me, you calm down – it’s me! Old friend!”

The people who were suppressed by him struggled with the ground and struggled a few times. When Su was slightly frowning, it was too late to return to the gods. The system has already heard the sound of long-lost experience.


The familiar formula quickly evoked memories, and Su Shi picked up his eyebrows and released the suppression slightly.

The other side fluttered and stood up, the image suddenly shaken a few times, the disguised data patch blasted open, and it turned back to the dark shape of the mad tyrant.

I almost beat my prospective mother-in-law.

Thinking of the main system until now, I don’t know the long-term pursuit of my wife’s road. Su Shi decided to stay calm and friendly, and reached out to him with a friendly hand: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, are you coming to save me?”

“I am here to do the task. The first level of entry is [fraud], that is, you become a familiar person to lie to you, see when you can find out, if you can’t find it, take the opportunity to attack and return you to the advanced world. ”

The dark staff stood firm and arranged the wrinkled clothes while unhappy to read: “The staff is not enough, I will help you, see your old friends by the way, ask if you are planning to escape from the black. House, we have a team…”

“Thank you for your concern, I haven’t planned this yet.”

Unexpectedly, the dark friends who yearn for freedom have not given up this idea. Su Shi coughed and refused the invitation of the other team, and could not stop the strong sympathy for the main system.

Inside the door was a piece of white, and the bell reminded him that the situation was wrong and he never rang. Su Shi raised his hand and touched the bell between his wrists. He confirmed the direction with intuition and tried to take a step. The foot immediately extended a wide plane.

“How long have you been in the dark room? How is Lu Hao doing to you, will you always try to control your will?”

Seeing his attitude is still determined, the dark staff quickly catch up, and whispered in a worried voice: “Every time I want to escape, he will find me in the world, and will change the law to eat for me, or It’s just giving me a gift, or just a few hundred million experience points. I can’t resist this temptation every time, and when I react, I’m taken back…”

I finally understood that my experience of blackmailing was originally a slap in the face. When Su was picking up an eyebrow, he decided not to answer his question of pulling hatred and opened the topic: “Where do you want to escape, do you want to leave here?”

“That’s not, I am still quite good here. – You don’t know, as long as you don’t meet you, I specialize in the big villains! Whoever bullies who wants to bully, how to bully, how to bully, can be enjoyable It!”

As soon as he talked about his glorious deeds, the dark staff immediately eagerly put forward the predecessor’s posture, and turned his mind to the side, slaps his shoulders and patted his shoulders: “But you are different from me, that Don’t be a staff member of the back pot, and you can’t take more experience…”

I was deeply impressed by this incident. Su Shi dumbly smiled and nodded slightly, and sincerely thanked him.

The dark staff is satisfied with the dagger and continues to say: “As for escape, it doesn’t matter where you flee. What matters is freedom – freedom! Do you understand? If you want to go, you want to do whatever you want, freedom is the most important!”

When Su was silent for a moment, he decided not to remind the other party that he was crying to return to the safe and warm little black house experience. He nodded and said: “Yes, it is very important.”

“Don’t listen to the old man, take a loss in front of you. When you have a backache in the future, you should know that my words are correct.”

Seeing this younger generation’s clearly disapproving attitude, the dark old predecessors hated the iron and sighed, and suddenly gave birth to new interest: “Right, how do you recognize that I am not Lu Yan? Also teach me, I won’t recognize it in front of him until next time…”

“You like him first, then you can recognize it.”

The bell between the wrists suddenly came faintly involved. Su Shi’s eyes were slightly bright, and he replied with a word. He reconfirmed the direction: “Give me the address of the little black house, I will hurry, wait for me to come back later, I will remember Visiting you…”

“That should be liked a lot – when you first asked him to ask for help!”

The dark staff quickly followed the two steps, but also asked, Su Shi’s figure has quickly plunged into the thick fog of white.

Since everyone has met the people around them, the other party must have encountered a fake self.

Su Shi did not worry that Lu Hao could not recognize him, but just like his mental journey, once Lu Yi discovered that his lover was stolen and turned into a fake, he would certainly feel uneasy and worried that he had met. What dilemma.

The strength of both of them is enough to pass the customs, but after all, the concern is chaos, and if something goes wrong, it is not worth the candle.

There is still a thick white mist beside him, and every step of the way has an unreal feeling of falling. Su Shi simply did not look at his feet, walking along the traction of the bell, and the road under his feet continued to follow his footsteps.

This level is only effective for those who have passed the customs clearance. Some people have been blinded by the past, but there are also many strong singles who are fighting alone.

The gravity field here seems to be much heavier than normal. It is in constant light, and there is no marker that can be used as a reference. It is impossible to judge how long it has gone. It is easy for the person to be assessed to give birth to the original. Unnecessary tension.

Su Shi can occasionally see a few figures in the fog, carefully trembled forward, and walked a wrong step, and then fell to the eye. The figure is quickly invisible, but the screams can still be scored.

In fact, as long as you don’t stop, the road will always move forward. But this kind of malicious test for most of the hosts is really easy to cause psychological stress on people. It is difficult for someone to stand up and judge the direction and see if they are looking for the wrong one. Can they Find out what other people are heading in the same direction.

Su Shi did not confuse the direction, but as time went on, he still felt the faint fatigue, and his legs began to faint.

He and Lu Hao could not determine each other’s position, nor could they communicate directly, but they could still hear each other’s bells. Two people took the bell and when the Morse code was shaken all the way, it also added a lot of bright colors to the rather boring long distance.

It’s not too difficult to chat with the bell, but after a long time, the exhaustion of the body has become more and more difficult to ignore, and the speed has gradually slowed down.

It is impossible to add more pressure to the lover at this time. Su Shi still shakes the bell quietly, but his pace is getting slower and slower.

Just as he almost doubted whether he would fall because he couldn’t move, the bell on his wrist suddenly slammed.

The other side responded quickly, but it was no longer passed through the idea, but it was really passed from afar.

The road under the foot automatically extends out, and the roads completely different from the other direction meet each other, giving birth to a stable platform. The dense fog gradually dispersed, and the tall figure approached quickly, and he steadily embraced his arms.

The familiar arms are still firm and firm, and the movements are steady and reliable. If the chest is still a sharp and intense heartbeat, there is almost no trace of urgency.

Su Shi lightly raised his lips and raised his head before opening his mouth. Lu Hao had already held his arm and bowed his head and kissed his lips. His voice was low and gentle: “Is it tired?”

I remembered that I had committed an old problem when I was indifferent. Su Shi opened his mouth and greeted the deep hole of his lover, or nodded honestly.

In this space, the stronger the mental strength, the faster the speed, and the greater the consumption. In fact, he has already gone out of his way without knowing it. If it is not confirmed that one person has been waiting for himself, he may have to run out of strength in the process of walking.

Lu Hao licked his tail, grabbed his shoulder, and the other hand copied it in the leg, and he hugged the person and sat down.

Suddenly the body vacated, Su Shi instinctively raised his hand to his shoulder, stabilized his body and looked up, his eyes rarely brought a sudden surprise.

Lu Hao hooked his lips, and took a light kiss on his cheek. He lowered his head and licked his forehead: “We are resting here for a while, and the rest of the way I am coming.”

No matter when, I always feel most at ease in my arms. This way I can always see him, can know if there is any uncomfortable, is it already difficult to accept, but still afraid of worrying, always refused to speak.

Su Shi had no choice but to laugh, and he wanted to tell him that he was not tired of this point. When he was a little bit motivated, he suddenly felt sore and then sent a sore feeling.

“How long have we been?”

Immediately aware of the nature of the matter, Su Shi slightly raised his eyebrows, Lu Yan met his gaze, only a little sinking before opening: “Soul time is about 6 hours, naturally 48 hours, fatigue is also converted according to natural time – – This will slow down many people. We have to stay in it for at least 72 hours. You probably missed all the rest points…”

Su Shi did not feel a little stunned, greeted Lu Qing’s eyes with a light smile, and finally laughed out of his voice and couldn’t help but lean on his shoulder: “It seems that I can’t walk while chatting, I haven’t found any rest… You Haven’t you stopped yet?”

“I am not tired.”

Lu Yan smiled and shook his head, greeted the lover’s unsuspecting gaze, and licked his hair and explained it seriously: “It is really not tired – here is my place, although I have given up jurisdiction, but how much Still some privilege.”

Hearing the insufficiency in his words, Su Shi’s heart suddenly moved to realize where the two were in the same place: “Here is the space for smelting?”

“Yes, I did not expect this time to set the final assessment here.”

Lu Hao leaned against him and leaned on his shoulders. He looked around and sighed with some regrets: “I knew that I would not be so anxious to give up my jurisdiction, at least I could get a car here. Send us both out.”

The dominance of space can be arbitrarily created, but the land has been completely handed over, and the space has been completely changed. Now returning here as the person being assessed, in addition to the remaining benefits in the data, no more changes can be made.

Su Shi picked up his lips and asked him to make him into the inch. His eyes suddenly fell not far away, and he was slightly surprised to straighten his body.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence. Lu Yu’s voice fell, and a car actually drove towards them.

“It should be the lord of the lower space, I have not seen it yet – rest assured, it will not be an enemy.”

The lover converted and walked for two days and two nights on foot. Lu Yan did not ask him to move. He directly hugged the person and looked at the car.

There are three layers in the Bailian space. Each floor has different lords. Finally, it is under the control of the entire space to govern and is responsible for the fair assessment of the data and host of each world.

After Lu Hao left the post, several of his lord data were also put into the world for a higher level of upgrade. In addition to taking over his own data, he himself is not sure who is new.

The car drove to the side of the two people and stopped slowly. The door was opened and a young man with a smile came out from the inside: “Two, dare to take my car?”

When he heard this sentence, Su Shi’s mind suddenly appeared in the air: “Mu Weichu?”

It is also one of the few novice worlds he experienced when he first went down. The other party was originally a promising film actor, but he was drunk and drunk, suffered endless cyber violence, and suffered a plane crash when he went abroad. He has completely disappeared from the public. In the field of vision.

The assessment content of this world is “fraud”. It is really appropriate to disguise it as a person familiar with the appraisers and hand it over to the original acting emperor.

Seeing that he still remembered himself, the youth’s eyes flashed a little bright, and smiled and nodded at him, opening the door for two people: “I heard that you are coming, I want to send you, but your speed is too fast, I have not been able to catch up…”

Purely on the speed of the road, Su Shi is not too fast, plus 8 times the flow rate of the somatosensory time, the speed has also directly turned 8 times. Mu Yuchu was not very good at driving, and it was a very difficult task to catch up with him.

Hearing his words, Lu Yan had some smiles in his eyes and secretly grasped the hand of Su.

It’s all this person who has been pulling himself to chat, and he’s not paying attention to the existence of a rest point. Now he dares to take the opportunity to make fun of himself.

Su Shi only had no strength on his legs, and mercilessly squatted in his ribs. Lu Yan coughed and immediately became honest, carefully holding the lover and sitting in it.

I noticed that the two had no evasive relatives, and Mu Yi’s eyes could not help but smile. They closed the doors for both of them, and they got on the bus. They took two cans from the car refrigerator and handed them over: “I put Slow down your time, go to my rest, and then go on, okay?”

When the people in the year set up only the young people who were boring, they now open the back door more openly than their own lover. It is really unbearable to wonder what happened.

I don’t know if it is appropriate to ask for an exit. Su Shi will suppress the thoughts that have risen, and he warmly said thank you.

Mu Yinchu looked at him from the rearview mirror. He seemed to guess his mind. He smiled lightly: “I really like the space, so I am very grateful to Mr. Lu. I have learned a lot here, etc. At the end of this assessment, I will probably apply to go back to the world to try it out.”

In the face of the lover’s slight gaze, Lu Hao could not help but laugh, and shook his head slightly toward him, stalking people against himself.

Mu Zhenchu’s residence was only his own, but he raised a lot of animals and flowers. It was quiet and vibrant, and it didn’t seem too lonely.

After the reception of Lu Hao and Su Shi had eaten the meal, he arranged for the two to rest in the guest room, just about to go out, but suddenly Su Shi screamed.

The youth in front of me looks calm and calm, and the eyes are quiet. Although the whole person does not see the edge, it does not appear to be weak.

Any joke that is ready to accept fate at any time will not be killed anymore.

There was not much smile on Su’s face.

Mu Yi’s eyes showed a faint doubt, and he looked at him quietly. Gradually, even the doubts were dispersed, leaving only a gentle calm.

“I learned a lot in the space, right?”

Su Shixian broke the atmosphere of too quiet, and Mu Hao blinked his eyes and nodded slightly. His face reappeared with a gentle smile: “Many. I learned how to protect myself and learn how to face it.” Questioning and abandoning, I also learned how to hold my heart…”

“But no one should have taught you this yet.”

Wen Sheng interrupted his words and met Mu Yin’s astounding gaze. Su Shi finally showed some warm smiles and opened his arms to him.

“People need friends. We are going out from here. When you come back someday, can you come and see you?”

Mu Yichu suddenly slammed a sly look at him, always calming down and giving birth to some embarrassment.

He stood still in the same place, as if he was struggling with something, and suddenly he hurried past and held Su Shi tightly.

The arm that stretched the body was very tight, and even trembled. Su Shi quietly held him, and took a shot on the back of the youth.

At the first sight of Mu Yinchu, Su Shi seemed to see himself.

Mu Yuchu was adopted by the Lin family. If Lu Hao did not follow the past, even Lin Feng would not pay much attention to this unrelated brother.

No one else would care, there is nothing extra to do. Therefore, Mu Yichu would like to live in the smelting space, go over the desperate death again and again, learn how to become stronger, and learn how to be self-consistent with fate.

From the untrusted predicament, I gradually learned to protect myself, my mentality is already strong enough, I know how to live as much as possible in a world that is not so beautiful, and I will no longer expect to be placed in addition to myself. Anyone.

It is not enough.

Just getting stronger is not enough.

It took him a long time to understand that the goodwill that was released may not be rewarded, but there may always be one or two times. There will be surprises hidden in the corner of destiny, suddenly jumping out and hitting people by surprise. Full of care.

It took him a long time to understand this. Therefore, he does not want the young people in front of him to use it for so long, in order to reopen the heart and find a place where the heart can be placed.

There must be that day.

The author has something to say: Dark employees: You may not believe it! ! I suddenly like the main system more than before! ! Really! ! !ヾ(°▽°;)へ=3=3=3

#like to be able to recognize it at a glance#

#! #


There are a lot of friends who have recently lost their fun, hug together, and the last few paragraphs are given to everyone wow o (*////▽////*)q

There is a flower in my heart, maybe which corner, the sun will sprinkle! 2k novel reading network

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