Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 48 hours limit

Su Shi was awakened.

The arm behind it is still strong and strong, the warm chest is close to him, and even the heart can feel the powerful beat.

I don’t know how long the protagonist has been running, and even the breathing has become heavy and heavy, hitting him in the neck.

The throat is full of blood and suffocating, and the body is also bursting with cold. Su Shi blinked dizzy, raised his hand and grabbed the other’s cuffs.

“Wake up? Hold on, we will be safe soon.”

The arm behind him was tight, as if he was afraid of disturbing the already weak young man, the voice was still low and soft.

Su Shi’s head was a little dizzy, he looked up and greeted the eyes, and pulled his mouth in a powerless way: “How… don’t set fire?”

“It’s hard to wash, I don’t want to call you dirty again.”

The hand was moved, gently stroked his hair, and he was protected in his arms.

Su Shi slowed for a while before he renewed his thoughts thoughtfully.

They seem to be still being chased, although they can’t see any movement behind them, but the other side is still not stopping, and they are afraid to rest for a moment.

It was really uncomfortable to be reversed. Su Shi was only a little slower, and he was hit by a chest and hurt.

When Su was awake, he couldn’t help but sigh, and Esmond’s footsteps, his arm hurriedly apologized and tightened: “I’m sorry, let’s take a break…”

As he said, he looked back and confirmed that he had not seen the followers, and his footsteps gradually slowed down.

Looking at the quiet paladin in the arms, Esmond’s chest was a little blocked, stopped at a riverside, kneeling down on one knee, holding him against his arm: “Thirsty is not thirsty, do you want to drink some water? ?”

The fatigue that was difficult to control himself fell to the eyelids. Su Shi tried to squint his eyes twice and nodded slightly, bending his eyes to his comfort.

Keeping the people in his arms steady, Esmond picked up some rivers with one hand and carefully fed him to drink. I also picked up some water and wiped both faces hard.

The cool water finally dilutes the **** suffocation in the throat. It is also called Su Shi’s thoughts of chaos, and the black mist that had been lingering in front of him is slightly swayed, and he looks at the people in front of him.

I was chased by the people and chased the forest, and the protagonist was afraid that it would not be much better.

The always calm and calm cardinal is rare when it is so embarrassing today, his face is a little pale, his breath is still somewhat unstable, his chest is rushing and undulating, and his body has also added some trivial wounds.

“You put me down.”

Su Shi whispered and tried to show himself the look on his face: “I will take a moment and I will be able to leave.”

The arm of his arm suddenly tightened, as if he had made some unwilling toughness, and silence for a moment, he whispered: “I let go of you, you will go back, right?”

“I only have one day of life, not all the same everywhere…”

Meet the blood in those eyes, Su Shi dumbfounded, shook his head helplessly.

His look was calm and his eyes were mild, but it was called Esmond’s chest tightened: “Not the same, Ivan, you listen to me.”

After the other party suddenly vomited blood and coma, he was anxious to find ways to save people, but he was really helpless. The disease was rushed to the doctor, and the ancient book was turned over.

The book not only records the truth that the Pope will be occupied by evil spirits in a hundred years, but also records many of the meditations that have been misunderstood by people.

This includes the so-called mortal Holy See imprint that there is still a way to escape the doomed curse. Although the conditions are too harsh and difficult to achieve, at least there is still hope.

Esmond looked at him deeply, and he took a deep breath to open his mouth, but suddenly spread around the powerful power fluctuations.

The Paladin’s body was already weak, but it was such a faint shock, and it made him look pale and pale, and he coughed a few mouthfuls of blood.

Yin Hong’s **** splashes on the blades of grass, and Esmond’s eyes sank, raising his hand to pick him up, but he was holding his arm when he was Su: “It’s too late.”

The voice just fell, and several figures in black robes have emerged silently from the dense fog.

Esmond’s eyes sank, slowly retracted his arms, and stood up again, keeping the Soviet Union behind him.

“Bishop Esmond, please don’t continue to resist, we are only executing the Pope’s orders, this is just a waste of time.”

The black robes who are headed forward step forward, and the arc jumps in the palm of the hand.

His face was almost blue, his pupils were dark, and there was a thin black mist faintly escaping, and even the arc in his hand showed some glaring blood red.

In the Holy See, I am afraid that many people have already been controlled by demons.

Esmond’s eyes were so heavy that he raised his right hand and the flame suddenly circling in a circle. The temperature around him rose sharply: “I will not give up unless unless”

When the words were too late, his breath suddenly stagnate and his eyes showed some mistakes.

His body suddenly couldn’t help but dump a half step forward, and the snoring sounded over the lips. Taking advantage of the re-establishment, he turned back.

Behind him, Su Shi did not know when he had stood up, and the ice cone in his hand was mercilessly immersed in his ribs.

The blood quickly rushed out, and was instantly absorbed by the ice cone, dyeing the original icy ice ridge into a blood red.

Esmond squinted his eyes and his eyes fell on the people behind him, welcoming the pair and regaining the indifference and coldness.


“I was held by him. Please allow me to follow you back and meet the Pope to pray for grace.”

Su Shi suddenly interrupted his words, turned back slightly, and looked calmly at the black robes.

The black robe killers looked at each other, whispered a few words, and looked at the black flame that still guarded the whole body in Esmond, before the leader took a step forward.

“Well, as long as you kill him, we will recognize your loyalty.”

Meeting the gaze of Esmond’s eyes, the young paladin took another step toward him, suddenly raising his hand to hold his back and pushing the ice cone into his body.

Esmond’s body trembled, and the corners of his lips finally ooze some blood marks.

The power quickly passed, his eyes still condensed on the paladin in front of him, his body weakened softly, and fell into the arms of the other side.

That embrace caught him steadily.


Suddenly, the ear side came with a very light air.

Suddenly breathing, Esmond was too late to open his mouth, and the young man holding him had already stuffed something into his hand and continued to speak quickly.

“Go back, completely improve the strength and come back. Their strength is inherited from the Pope. With your current strength, it is not enough to compete with him…”


Esmond had a dumb voice and his chest suddenly burst into silence.

The pain was too strong, and even overshadowed the injury, so that he could not stop blacking.

“It’s too late, go!”

The tyrannical force slammed into his chest, and the river under his feet suddenly turned into an ice.

Esmond couldn’t help but push him across the river. He couldn’t get back. He watched the whole river suddenly rise and form a majestic water curtain between heaven and earth.

The water curtain freezes and freezes in an instant, and the cold air spreads out, forcing the two sides of the river to be forcibly separated, and the two ends quickly fall into the thick fog.


The sound of the paladin fainted through the ice wall, and the first time brought a chill.

Esmond’s face turned pale and almost bleeding in his eyes.

His strength has just been exhausted by the other side, and now even if he rushes back, there will be no help, and he will only live up to the opportunity of the other side to fight for him.

The teeth were bitten and tight, and the mouth was almost filled with blood and suffocating. Esmond suddenly turned back and quickly fell into the jungle.

When he realized that the protagonist had quickly escaped from danger, Su Shi finally sighed and closed his eyes and gave up resistance.

The arc of the black robe ran through his chest.

To make a river an unbreakable enchantment is simply an arduous task that cannot be achieved.

He can only use the cover of the dense fog here to try to make the momentum bigger. If the black robes don’t kill themselves first, they will go a long way along the ice wall, I’m afraid to catch up with Egypt. Smond.

“There is a gift, I hope you like it…”

When the powerful force hit the ice wall, Su chose to pick up the lip that had almost no blood, and suddenly raised his left hand and snapped a finger.

The ice wall melted in an instant, and the huge waves of the sky took pictures of several people.

The head of the black robe was not able to close the arc of the whole body. The water wave instantly ignited a fierce electric spark, and the jumping arc slid all the chasers into it unreasonably.

The screams of the unpredictable sounds when they stood up.

Pure ice crystals quickly wrap around the body, separating the flow of water engulfing the arc. Su Shi came out in time, waved his hand behind him, turned and fell into the thick fog behind him.

He and Esmond are in two opposite directions.

These guys are not very lightly played by him. When they slow down, they will not be so happy.

Can lead one is one, as long as the protagonist can smoothly return to the treasure, his task is completed more than half.

As for the assassination of the pope, as long as there is no protagonist to follow the chaos, he may still find a chance…

The wounds on the body have not been counted, and the wounds that are running through are blocked by **** ice crystals. Su Shi walked to the edge of the jungle according to the map, and distracted to buy dozens of painkillers on his body. I used three of them in one breath, and my heart finally settled down.

This time, nothing can be said to be soft.

Experience points are absolutely useful, and if something goes wrong, the next world can’t afford even analgesics.

The guideline of the map fell and slammed into the outer part of the foggy jungle. The more you can see the sky that has gradually become brighter.

There are only less than twenty hours left.

Su Shi suddenly felt a little pressure, and took a deep breath to cheer up, and was about to continue to explore, but suddenly there was an extremely fierce and powerful attack.

Has been chased out of the experience, Su Shi did not hesitate to lift his legs and ran, took the time to look back, counted the number of people who caught up, and suddenly took a nap.

The hatred is a bit fierce.

He just wanted to share some of the followers for the protagonist, but did not expect those people to chase after him.

He resumed the treatment of being chased by the full forest. When he was biting his teeth, he tried his best to dodge. The body that was gradually eroded by the branding became more and more lost, and the pace had to slow down.

When the sun rose completely, he was finally blocked on the edge of the jungle.

The clothes on his body were thoroughly soaked in sweat. Su Shi almost couldn’t stand. He had to rely on the trunk to barely stabilize his body shape. He gasped and picked his lips. “It looks like a few happy gifts…”

The people in front of them were all not very light, and several of them were already blackened. They still slammed the water down, and they looked even more wolf than themselves.

It seems that he saw the ridiculous smile in his eyes. The black robes in the head of the head flashed some anger, and suddenly stepped forward: “Death to the end, actually still do not know how good!”

“Unfortunately, I have already died.”

The smile in Su Shi’s eyes finally faded, slowly sorting out the clothes and re-standing his body. The lips are still holding a gentle arc, and the eyes flashed through the faint cold.

His time is not enough.

Thanks to these people, even if the horse keeps going back, the rest of the time is not enough to rush back to the Holy See, and then drag the Pope to the end.

He will fall down in this forest, fall to the unknown place, and entrust all his hopes to the protagonist.

And his mission, there is no longer hope for completion.

Although the protagonist was not able to hold back, the misunderstanding of the people is still at its peak. It’s hard to have a chance to complete the task smoothly. It’s just because these guys are chasing the forests and they’re so wrong.

Su Shiyue wants to get more and more angry, the light of the bottom of the eyes is completely dull, and the body that has no power is slowly and straight, and the air suddenly rises like a frosty chill.

Too chilly, even the trees were thought to have entered the deep winter in advance, the leaves fell wildly, but they were rolled up by the biting cold wind, and quickly dried up to brownish brown, and turned into powder and gray.

The extracted water merges into a sharp, small ice blade, rolling up a cold cold stream, reflecting the dazzling crystals in the sunlight.

“No, stop him!”

Suddenly aware of the strong threat, the head of the person screamed openly, and the arc of the palm suddenly became bold, and mercilessly penetrated the paladin’s chest and nailed him firmly to the tree.

Su Shi’s body trembled and raised his head calmly.

The eyes were also filled with cold chills, and the rest of the black robes were not chilling, and the killings of the body guards poured out desperately.

Su did not evade, and he had no spare time to avoid it.

He just sighed very lightly, and finally silently prayed that the protagonist must upgrade and successfully complete the task for him, and he would completely heal the power nucleus of the body without hesitation.

The wind is violent.

The ice blade easily cut through the throat of the black robe, and the warm blood sprinkled and was condensed into a sharper blood.

Su closed his eyes.


Then opened his eyes again.

Still not completely shaken off the strong oppression of sudden death, Su Shi’s chest rushed and undulating, could not help but frown, trying to figure out what he was.

Time seems to have suddenly fallen into a stillness, in front of the black robes, the vain struggles of dying, but the ears are quietly quiet, and those attacks that are enough to destroy him in this world are stopped in front of him less than an inch away.

The spilled blood stopped in the air, and the dumped body was strangely stuck in the middle of the road, as if the pause button was suddenly pressed, and there was no longer a slight flow of wind.

“I heard your prayers, my child.”

A beam of sunlight through the thick fog easily dispelled the chill that was still biting, and his ear suddenly remembered the kind and gentle voice.

“For tens of thousands of years, you are the first person who has branded and added, but still has no fear at the last minute.”

Su Shi’s look was a little stiff, and he only tried to open his mouth: “Light God?”

This is the **** unique to the Warren continent. People get strength from the light and return loyalty and faith. He just glanced at the background of the script, but did not expect that there was such a god.

“You can call me like this.”

A gentle smirk came from the ear, and it took a moment to say: “For tens of thousands of years, people have branded sinners and sent me to judge the ruling. There has never been anyone who is truly worthy of pardon. of.”

Su Shi’s heart jumped and suddenly made some ominous premonitions.

The voice was unaware of it, still with a gratifying smile, and continued to speak slowly.

“Cowardly, greedy, betrayal, fear. When people face the threat of death, there will always be a moment of weakness controlled by the deep roots of the soul. You have the right to be proud of yourself, my child.”

The mark on the side of the neck faded away, as if there was any imprisonment that suddenly vanished, and the broken nucleus re-solidified.

The long-lost force is quickly filling into his body.

“I need your help. You should already know the secrets of the pope and know how to check and balance him…”

“But I have no time.”

Su Shi couldn’t help but frown, and for a moment, interrupted the sound of the ear.

The time he can stay in this world is not directly related to the branding, but is determined by the system.

The total length of the novice world is limited. He has been in the last world for too long, so there are only forty-eight hours left. As long as the time is up, whether it is branded or not, it will be forced to leave the world.

He has no way to explain these things. According to previous experience, these existences, which are already at the level of God, are more or less able to understand and understand the “rules” that constrain him.

“It doesn’t matter, just now, I have stopped the flow of time on you.”

The sound seems to be ready, and the smile says: “You will have an eternal life, and you will always have your present looks and physique. As long as the laws I left are not destroyed, nothing will change in your body… …”

Su Shi’s face sank.

Only the power of the dark demon in the pope can be destroyed by the laws of the Light God. If he does not want to be trapped in the world, he must drag the Pope as soon as possible.

I don’t know which step the protagonist has upgraded to now. If the strength is soaring and the sorrow is over, the pope will be killed.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt worried. Su Shi couldn’t wait to get out and go to the Pope to fight, and he did not hesitate to agree.

“Well, if you have nothing else, I will go to the Pope first.”

“Take it up again, at least until the end of the pardon ceremony.”

Apparently, he did not know his rich psychological struggle. The voice in his ear was still calm and relaxed, and he regained his kind and soft tone.

“My child, from now on, your sins have been forgiven, you are completely free. And all the sacrifices and sacrifices you make will be turned into illusions, bet on the eyes of the lovers you care about…”


Su Shi’s look changed slightly and rushed forward: “I am not a lover, I pray for him, I just hope he can improve his strength and defeat the Pope”


The voice suddenly slammed, and he was hesitant to speak for a long while, and the tone was faintly revealed.

Whether it is the same piece of data, it must not be any more. Su Shi firmly shook his head: “No.”


The tone of voice is screaming and it is no longer open.

The pure power of light is silent into the body of Su, but the beam of sunlight is also going to fade.


Su Shi’s headache helped: “You have told him to see it, right?”

The sun shone in the shadows of the trees, and the dense fog quickly gathered to repack everything.

“It’s also a good beautification…”

After that, seeing his reaction is not too intense, only a little relieved, hesitated for a moment, and finally sincerely continue to acknowledge.

“…I also cut off the fragments of your forest, and also equipped with background music.”

Su Shi gas knot, the body that has been restored has actually faintly faint, and there is a lot of pain in the stomach.

“You are still full of eyes when you are in such a life and death, I thought”

The voice apologetically explained that, like carefully looking at his look, he continued to speak.

“My child, you have been young forever, convenient to talk about a love?”

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