Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Guardian guardian

“Jiang Dong!”

When I saw him coming over, the guard was relieved and hurriedly greeted him. It was difficult to get back: “I told the gentleman that the outsider is not allowed to enter the house, but he said that he is your guardian…”

Jiang Fuqin looked down in the past and greeted the light smiles in the eyes.

Obviously, I haven’t had time to do anything. I didn’t even say a word, but my heart was calmly settled down.

“he is.”

His eyes fixed on the man’s body, and he was reluctant to move away for a moment. Jiang Fu Qin went straight to him, half aside in a wheelchair, raising his hand and covering Lu Wangjin with some white hands, still looking up at him.

Lu Wangjin slightly bowed his head and suddenly laughed and patted his arm twice: “I heard that someone dares to bully you, I will come back and see.”

Suddenly whimpering in the throat, Jiang Fuqin rushed to clear the scorpion, pressed down the strong emotions that almost rushed up, forcibly opened: “It’s too cold, you wear less, let’s go back first.”

He said that he had gotten up and pushed Lu Wangjin’s wheelchair and went back to the company.

The two did not speak first, and all the way to the office. When the door was completely closed, Jiang Fu Qin finally got down and put his head on the man’s lap.

When I ran down, I forgot to wear a coat. The body had already been blown through by the cold wind. When I entered the house, I gradually warmed up, and finally I finally felt cold afterwards.

One hand fell on his shoulder, and he took two shots comfortably, and slowly stroked his back.

Jiang Fu Qin tightened his clothes and raised his head to open his mouth, but suddenly he could not say anything.

“Sorry, I should have hugged you at this time.”

A gentle voice came from the top of the head, with a slight apology, the faint temperature of the palm fell on the back through the shirt, called Jiang Fu Qin Xinkou suddenly tightened: “No, I”

He wants to say that he is not so fragile. He wants to tell the other person that he can hold it. He can meet the warm light in those eyes and swallow those words back.

He really wants to hug this person.

Lu Wangjin is inconvenient to move, so many things are always difficult to do with ordinary people. Even the comfort as a hug can only be tasted. Jiang Fuqin took the initiative to lean forward, his forehead in his arms, and whispered: “This is very good, thank you for being willing to come back with me…”

“I am coming back not only to accompany you.”

Su Shi dumbfounded, patted his shoulder and re-strengthed his body: “Now go to sleep for a while, I will help you start Huayue’s emergency plan. Wait until dawn, give me a computer, I will deal with them trustworthy. me?”

Jiang Fu Qin looked up and looked down on the other side’s faint smile.

He never dared to take advantage of Lu Wangjin’s business talent, but did not know that the other side was actually involved in the direction of it. Programming is his best field. Lu Wangjin also gave him enough space and confidence to develop freely, but never showed any even a little related interest and expertise in front of him.

Lu Wangjin did not explain, but only smiled at him. Jiang Fuqin was silent for a moment before he nodded lightly and clenched his hand silently.

How could he not believe this person?

Seeing his agreement, Su Shi’s heart was put down, turning the wheelchair around the desk.

Jiang Fuqin quickly got up and moved the chair for him. Hesitated for a moment and said: “I am not tired, I will accompany you.”

“Is it a day for me? I can see bloodshot eyes in my eyes, have I slept at night?”

Su Shi sat down at the desk, his eyes swept over the layout of the table, satisfactorily slightly decapitated, turned on the computer and pulled the mouse, and ruthlessly pierced.

Jiang Fu Qin was dumb, clenched his lips and bowed his head, but still stubbornly stood at the table.

“Your work is going to be tomorrow. I will only help you to clean up the guys who are making trouble. How to face the media, how to cooperate with Huayue’s emergency team, you have to think about it yourself.”

Seeing that he was still insisting, Su Shi finally changed his tone, and looked up slightly, looking to the young man still standing by his side: “Go to sleep now, or I will leave.”

Jiang Fuqin’s chest was stunned, and the fear of fading suddenly came up. He grabbed his arm: “You don’t be angry, I will go to rest.”

The young man in front of him was obviously anxious, and the tail was trembled gently, holding his hand and tightening it, and his eyes were clear and uneasy.

Su Shi’s heart softened again. He couldn’t bear to scare him again. He shook his head and smiled. He gestured to the restroom: “Go ahead, take a break. You can combine work and rest and adjust your own state. The basic quality of a successful businessman, if you ruin your body, it is worthless to make more money.”

He was uneasily disturbed by what he said casually. Jiang Fuqin did not dare to swear with him. He finally nodded and went to the lounge.

Seeing him enter the lounge, Su was relieved a little, and made a few phone calls to pick up the old man from his sleep and succinctly released the temporary arrangement.

The contingency plans of the big companies are all perfect. Huayue Tree has a big style. The hacking is not once or twice. All departments have heard the news and are busy with the morning light.

If the external situation is temporarily stabilized, it is time to worry about the core of the problem.

Tomorrow’s offensive and defensive warfare and the handling of the crisis are actually two different things. After all, not every computer is sitting in front of an omnipotent programmer. To really deal with this incident, we must develop a vulnerability that can not be repaired. A patch that affects running too much.

When I got the system’s alarm, Su Shi rushed over for a moment. Until now, I had time to look at the problem exactly. When I sat in front of the computer and took a moment, I pulled the keyboard out.

The light and subtle sound continued to sound, almost with some strange rhythm.

Jiang Fuqin has been exhausted, but he still has difficulty closing his eyes, lying on the single bed of temporary rest, quietly listening to the continuous knocking of the keyboard outside the door.

There is almost no gap in the sound of the tapping, indicating that the other person’s thoughts are always very coherent, and even if there is no need to stop thinking, the expected effect is turned into code and written.

No matter what Lu Wangjin is doing, such a level is undoubtedly a long-term training, with an extra talent to achieve.

There are vague thoughts that faintly come to mind, but they still can’t help but become more and more sleepy. The intermittent thoughts are too late to be completely formed, and the tired body has been completely shrouded.

There seems to be a temperature left in the palm of the other hand. Jiang Fu Qin is light and comfortable, and finally can’t earn any tiredness and sleeps deeply.

This sleep is inexplicable and stable. When I wake up, the sky is already bright, and the sound of knocking on the keyboard outside the door does not know when it has stopped.

Jiang Fuqin screamed and leaped from the bed and quickly opened the door.

Lu Wangjin is still there.

The computer screen is empty, and probably has finished all the work that needs to be solved. The man leaned back in the wheelchair and closed his eyes and raised his eyes. When he heard his movements, he looked forward and said, “How are you sleeping well?”

“I’m very good.”

Looking at the faint tiredness quickly dissipated between the other’s eyebrows, Jiang Fuqin’s chest was awkward, and quickly walked over, half aside in the wheelchair: “There is time, you will take a break, wait until I call you, okay? ?”

“I am older, not so much to sleep.”

Lu Wangjin raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and chuckled a serious sentence. Jiang Fuqin took it seriously and took the hand on his shoulder: “You are only 30 years old, how is it old?”

The young man was half-squatting in front of him, his arms on his knees, his persistent eyes slid his whole person into it, and the temperature of his palm fell literally between his fingers.

Su Shi dumbfounded, gently nodded, and pulled his arm and told him to get up: “Don’t worry, I really don’t get tired. Go wash your face, pack it up, wait for the spirit, then I will hand over the work with you, then I can It doesn’t matter.”

His strength was not enough. Jiang Fuqin was still obediently pulled up by him. He went to the pool and washed his face. He re-cleaned himself up and neatly before returning to Lu Wangjin.

It’s already nine o’clock in the morning, and there are only three hours left before the declaration of war.

Huayue’s crisis public relations has already entered the right track, and the media of all parties have been temporarily comforted, and they have also had perfect contacts with various enterprises. Everyone’s eyes were temporarily transferred to this rare offensive and defensive battle.

Can lead a fledgling company to defeat Huayue in one fell swoop, in addition to relying on the famous Qilin system, Jiang Fuqin himself has no doubt enough commercial talent, but the experience is not enough, the first time encountered such a large The threat is somewhat chaotic.

“For the public, the concept of security breaches is too vague, far less direct stimulation than the hacker war. In the next few days, I will help you to guarantee the victory of this offense and defense, and your responsibility is much heavier. “”

Su Shi had confidence in Jiang Fuqin. When he regained his spirit, he opened the computer and called people to his side.

“If you can handle it well enough, this incident will even become a classic crisis public relations case in the industry, you just need to…”

His words suddenly stopped.

The warmth of the breath is close to the back, and the powerful arm falls on the shoulders. Although it is still young, it has already had a firm and steady prototype.

The hand holding the mouse did not feel tight, and Su Shi’s subconscious mind had a sigh of relief. The thought that had been ignored by the subconscious for a long time suddenly appeared in his mind.

Jiang Fuqin did not go to the chair, one hand in the wheelchair, was concentrating on listening to him on the screen, and saw him suddenly stopped, and could not help but drop his eyes: “What is wrong, is there something wrong?”

Su was not in a hurry, just shook his head and took a paper cup and sipped.

It is easy to recognize people, and the trouble can be made big.

As soon as he arrived in the world, he received the task of taking care of Jiang Fuqin. Su Shi’s subconsciously put the guardian’s responsibility on his shoulders. Even with Jiang Fuqin, he always used the attitude of treating the half-child.

Have passed so many worlds, and finally can enjoy the prestige of the parents once. If you are right, you have to find the wrong person, and the majesty that you have set up is hard to be ruined.

When the matter is finished, there is still time to penetrate slowly.

Temporarily suppressing the thoughts of the bottom of my heart, Su Shi took a breath and renewed his spirits, motioned him to pull the stool over and continue to patiently explain.

Seeing that it is time to go, the Kirin’s computer room has already filled the atmosphere of extreme tension.

Since the other party dares to warn in advance, it means that there must be full grasp. This security hole is sent to the Kirin system itself. If you don’t block the loophole, you can only watch the guys open the back door in the company’s intranet. If you want to completely block the loophole, you can only speed it. As a sacrifice.

In the cutting-edge confrontation at the network level, losing the support of speed is almost the same as handing over the initiative to the other party.

A whole night, the computer room was brightly lit, and the ashtrays next to the screen were full of cigarette butts, and everyone was blinded with red eyes. Coffee and Red Bulls piled up at the table. Jiang Fuqin pushed the wheelchair of Lu Wangjin into the door and couldn’t help but tighten his eyebrows.

“It doesn’t matter, just give me a computer with a window.”

Su Shi warmly opened his mouth, slightly straightened his body, raised his hand and untied the button of the shirt: “I may need their cooperation at the time, some places need their help, and the intruder is properly confused. ?”

“I will let them do it.”

Jiang Fuqin nodded and took his hand. His eyes still fell on his unchanging gentle face: “Your body can’t sit for a long time. If there is anything uncomfortable, look for me immediately. I will come over immediately.”

“Do not worry, I am not so weak.”

I have never worked at the desk before, and my body has never had any problems. Su Shi smiled and shook his head. He was pushed to sit in front of a computer. He patted his arm and motioned him to go back to busy business.

Jiang Fuqin still did not trust, stood in the window and tried the temperature. He felt that the wind was too cold. He asked the man to take a blanket to protect his legs and take off his coat for him.

The warmth that is hard to ignore is on the shoulders through the clothes. Su Shi’s heart is slightly stagnation, instinctively holding down the hand that still falls on his shoulder and looking up at Jiang Fuqin.

He noticed that his words and thoughts stopped. Jiang Fuqin wanted to squat down and listen to him, but he was stopped by Lu Wangjin. His tone was unquestionably mild: “Go busy, wait until the end, I have something to say to you.” Say.”

not the right time yet.

Su Shi took a light breath and suppressed the slightest flaw in his heart.

The current business is to help the Kirin to survive this crisis. It is necessary to pack up the hackers who have cleaned up the troubles. As for other things, there is still plenty of time and opportunity to discuss slowly.

Jiang Fuqin looked at him for a while before finally nodding his head, but still insisted on half a squat, and leaned his head to support the sides of the wheelchair.

Su Shi dumbly laughed and leaned forward to lean forward, holding the young and strong body into his arms, and slightly tightened his strength.

Feeling the strength of the embrace, Jiang Fuqin suddenly looked up, the darkness of the darkness suddenly appeared bright, straight body support column weight of each other, the arm finally spared no effort to completely embrace him into his arms.

I just want to just hold it tight and let this person never disappear. I can’t go far, and I won’t leave without a word.

“Well, let’s go, now you have to be responsible for everything outside.”

In the end, it is still a child’s temper, so I feel happy.

Su Shi couldn’t help but chuckle, patted his back in a soothing manner, and took a smile and lowered his voice: “Go out and let the people who are afraid to find you trouble, I won’t call them too good.”

Whether his or her own lover is wearing a half-big child, Jiang Fuqin is undoubtedly he must look at his protection. If the competitors are no problem, like this hacker who is bullying for no reason, he doesn’t mind giving those people a quick lesson.

Jiang Fuqin raised his head and looked at Lu Wangjin, who had regained his body. The familiar eyebrows still had a light smile, and the eyes showed a very clear gentleness.

His chest was faint and hot, and the light was completely lit in the dark eyes. He gripped the man’s hand and hurried out to the door.

At twelve o’clock, the hacker group codenamed [dark] launched the general attack on time.

In order to make it clear to the public that most of the network is not on the line, these people also deliberately convert the cold digital code into a picture. The laser lines of different colors quickly cross the light black screen and look like fireworks in the night sky. Intensely filled.

Su Shi put the mobile phone in the side, specifically called the system to help broadcast the live broadcast of the real-time picture, the eyes fell on those colorful lines with great interest, and I saw this live broadcast method in a short time.

The lines representing the hackers are pure black and can be distinguished from the background color of the screen with a little recognizability.

Kirin’s entire intranet has been visualized into a three-dimensional city model. Each defensive computer has a different color. As long as you see the progress of the line, you can easily understand the advantages and disadvantages of attack and defense.

Actually, it is a good idea. I don’t know if I can find a way to acquire the master of modeling into Kirin in the future and make a similar hacker amusement park.

Su Shi did not rush to start, leaning on the wheelchair to observe a situation, finally pulled the keyboard out and quickly tapped a string of code.

The programmers in the machine room have already seen sweat.

The level of hackers is almost rolling, and they haven’t found a way to make up for that vulnerability. Although holding the idea of ​​killing one thousand and losing 800, and desperately temporarily blocking the gap, it also caused the algorithm to have to run a large circle to continue, and the defense is obviously slower than the other side.

This gap becomes more apparent under the figurative line model.

The pure black lines rushed to the right, swaying at the speed, rushing to the city on behalf of Kirin, the colorful defensive lines can only be vainly disassembled. The netizens who watched the war did not see how long, they have clearly seen the advantage of the party.

Whether the emerging IT company defeated the veteran Huayue, or suddenly a group of hackers smashed the momentum of the unicorn, the reversal is always the most popular content.

The following comments have already been screened in a blink of an eye. Although I didn’t just watch such a beginning, I sang a bad unicorn, but they also had a strong temper. Even some people have opened a gambling gamble, gambling on [dark] how long it takes to break through Kirin’s defense.

Looking at the cool words in the onlookers, many young programmers have been unable to hold their breath and slammed the keyboard. Some people’s eyes are already red.

Su Shi finally stopped the hands of the keyboard, looked up from the front of the screen, pulled the wheat and whispered a word.

The Minister of Technology looked up and looked at the man sitting in the corner, tightening his eyebrows and wanting to speak, but he remembered the embarrassment that the chairman repeatedly emphasized.

Although it is not clear about the identity of the other party, it is said that the foreign aid that the chairman has made great efforts to come to, specifically to deal with the group of hackers will come. Before the chairman left, he repeatedly said that regardless of the emotions of the personnel inside the department, he must listen to the arrangement of that person.

Tangled for a long while, he still bite his teeth, according to the other party’s request to call out the rough patch that was rushed out overnight, move your mouse and click delete.

“Minister, how do you withdraw the patch?!”

“No! There are patches in which we can still delay people for a while, the patch is withdrawn, we will lose immediately!”

“Even if you lose, you lose too much! I have never been so arrogant!”

At the moment of the removal of the patch, there was a sigh of questioning in the engine room.

The minister looked at the computer in the corner with great care. Su Shi seemed to turn a deaf ear, but finally sat up straight and tapped the keyboard with a focus on the screen.

The netizens who watched the bustle suddenly found that there was a clear gap in the black pool on behalf of Kirin.

The pure black lines seem to be waiting for this moment, and the dazzling black mans suddenly accelerates and rushes straight toward the gap.

Everyone has a desperate color in their eyes. Some people have even pushed the keyboard open and closed their eyes and leaned back into the seat. They don’t want to see the humiliation scene that was broken in just a few minutes.

After waiting for a while, the expected sighs did not appear. Instead, some people gradually began to react, and they squinted at the code that kept scrolling on the screen: “Is this…prevented?”

In the live room, the celebration of the victory of the victory just sounded, and the black glare rushed into the gap, and was chased by a silvery white light.

“Is this the administrator code? No, he is digesting the source code of [dark]. This is the devour code! How can it really devour the code!”

A programmer in his thirties spoke openly, holding his hands on the computer desk and straightened up to stare at the screen.

The devour code is the ultimate work that all hackers are eager to develop. It is based on the blueprint of Snake, and this piece of code can dissolve all the code encountered, and break down the useful parts into the source code to continuously strengthen itself.

If such an idea is applied to a virus, it will be the ultimate virus that can swallow the virus guards, bite the firewall, and continue to evolve automatically. Similarly, if it can be successfully used as the core program of the firewall, any code that invades the map will become its own ration.

This is the new code direction that every hacker has dreamed of. Once successfully developed, it can almost directly lay the seat of the **** in the virtual world.

The black line is obviously aware of this, and he does not hesitate to turn around and run, but the silver and white are still behind it.

The commentary exploded in an instant, and the reversal of the loved ones once again appeared, which completely ignited the passion of netizens. Many netizens even keenly found that every time the two lines intersect, the black lines will be silent and short, and the silver-white lines will be thick and delicate.

The original offensive and defensive moments were reversed, and the previously arrogant black mans were chased and chaotic, and suddenly became miserable. 2k novel reading network

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