Let the Villain Go

Chapter 221

In another battlefield not far from there, Zhong Lixiao drank the holy blood and restored his fighting ability, but in the face of Ye Peitian and General Jiang’s attacks, he still had no power to fight back.

The wild grass and trees were covered with countless solidified black crystals, and the black liquid of the teeth and claws was frozen into ice, and it glimmered in the night.

The black liquid flowing from Zhong Lixiao’s body was his power and the blood that supported his life.

But in this battle, he encountered the nemesis of his power. General Jiang’s extremely fast freezing ability, froze all the black liquid that climbed around.

Zhong Lixiao could neither manipulate them to attack nor recover them. Soon he was captured by the yellow sand in disbelief, and the yellow sand’s condensed big hands tied his body and brought him into the air.

He struggled desperately in the air, with silver hair scattered and crimson eyes, with a crazy smile, “Ye Peitian! You traitor, you forgot our hatred! Forgot our promise for revenge!”

“I haven’t forgotten, it’s you who has forgotten everything.” Ye Peitian looked at the man in the air, “I always remembered in the dark cell, you comforted me by the wall. You said we should wait to escape then go out in the sun all day. Go to the mountain forest, eat the best barbecue, go to the beach, have seafood, drink a beer, and then get drunk with me on the beach. You said you will hug your favorite woman and sing your hometown songs to her.” 

Ah Xiao’s struggling movement gradually stopped. He vaguely recalled that he had even said such a thing. His memory went back a long time ago, in that dark and damp cell, every night he sat on the bed with shackles, leaning against the cold wall, and the brothers across the wall were soothing and encouraging each other.

Although the situation was terrible at the time, they still had hope in their hearts and had not lost that human heart.

Ye Peitian’s voice was still in a trance, “Now that you have been freed, do you still remember what you used to do? Have you ever wanted to do even one thing? You have forgotten everything, and only the twisted hatred was left in your heart. The hateful thing they did to you is what you do to the innocent and weak people everyday. You are living as the person you hate the most.”

Ah Xiao calmed down. His anger disappeared. He lowered his eyebrows, moved his lips, as if remembering something, “Peitian, ​​do you know, I actually hate you.” 

His voice was unreal and empty, as if talking to himself, “I should have died long ago, but because there was also something called holy blood in the world that was injected into my body again and again by those people, it forced me to struggle in this painful world for a long time.”

His eyes fell on the solidified black crystals on the ground, “I hate you and envy you. I thought you lived more miserable than me, but who knew you were so happy? We obviously suffered the same things. Only you haven’t changed. You can still have friends and people who love you. Why can you still live in the sun and have everything I can’t ask for?”

“Alright, I can die in your hands in the end.” He closed his eyes, “Perhaps this is the last mercy God had for me.”

Ye Peitian gathered his five fingers and watched the yellow sand climb up, covering Ah Xiao’s beautiful face.

He was killing this person, just like killing himself, burying his bloody life with his own hands.

A flaming bird suddenly appeared in the air. The flames in the sky blocked the yellow sand and the line of sight, and the flames disappeared instantly, taking away the people behind the flames.

“Damn, where did they run away again?” General Jiang said angrily.

“They won’t run far. We will chase them. We can’t let them go this time,” Xin Ziming and Chu Qianxun hurriedly chased. Xin Ziming cast his ability and searched where Xiaoyan disappeared.

In a barren mountain with densely overgrown weeds, a burning bird appeared.

The bird threw the man she was carrying in the stream and threw herself down on the pebbles on the water’s shore. The flame was extinguished. The green smoke rose from her half-charcoal body. She lifted her wings slightly but made no movement.

After a while, Zhong Lixiao stood up from the icy water and dragged his feet to the shore. He lost a lot of black blood supporting his physical activity during the battle. The medicinal effects of the holy blood in the body were lost, and his body was rapidly aging at a different rate than before. Maybe in the end, he had to take the last holy blood left to continue to keep this body alive.

Suddenly he felt a little uninterested, and slowly walked to the edge of the black body, kicked with his feet. Some ashes were scattered on the ground, and the body was motionless.

“Are you dead?” Zhong Lixiao said to her, “Really, I’m the only one left.”

He had seen much more dead people, and this one was no different.

He walked forward with some boredom.

He didn’t know how far away he went; he couldn’t help but look back. In the empty, silent mountain forest beside him, there was no voice of the girl talking, only the lonely stream was flowing, and a small black figure curled up on the pebbles by the stream.

She remained motionless.

Zhong Lixiao didn’t know when he dragged his aging body back, and when he responded, he had been standing by the dark body for a long time.

He crouched down, wiped the little black face with his hand, took out the last bottle of holy blood from his arms, pried open Xiaoyan’s mouth, and poured that vial of holy blood into it without leaving a drop.

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